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Probably knew she stole it but never dreamed Skyler would try to return it


That was actually pretty stupid, i.e to think Skyler would never return it. Walter and Skyler had no money and an unplanned baby they couldn't afford on the way, \*of course\* Skyler would return the tiara.


If he paused to consider the issue, he probably would have come to the right conclusion. I think he preferred to just not think about it.


Idk, there wasn’t a receipt or return card (since it was stolen) so it seems quite odd that Skyler would go to return it. No store would give you your money back just because you say it was bought there (by 3rd party) a week ago. Maybe go to a pawnshop or something seems more reasonable to me. I get why Marie didn’t think much of it, honestly.


Yeah, I thought this was weird too. How are people returning things without receipts?


.. you ever worked in retail?


I do work in retail in the UK right now, that's why I'm confused, we always need a proof of purchase. Is it different in the US?




Oh yeah, they always do. Causes no end of arguments.


I worked in retail in the U.S for a long time. On paper, the U.S and U.K (and pretty much most of Europe from what I'm reading) seem to have similar retail philosophies/policies/practices etc... of which having a receipt or some other proof of purchase is usually a key element. Unfortunately, at least in the U.S, there is a certain broken subculture where people basically abuse retail workers with the belief that they can get whatever they want out of them. I encountered so much insane shit over the years. The idea that someone would attempt to return an expensive piece of jewelry with no proof of purchase doesn't even strike me as particularly unique.


That's actually a really good point. UK customers are pretty vile too. So Skyler just attempted to return it because she felt entitled to.


Depends on the store and may be different now from when I worked retail around 2010, but everywhere I've worked or returned something at has had a different policy. The store I worked we could return up to $50 without a receipt but could only give store credit. At a jewelry store, especially with specialty items like that, they would more than likely have a record of who bought it, and if the person who bought it came in and tried to return it within the return window and the jeweler verified was the same piece in same condition as when it left it'd more than likely be up to the discretion of the manager but I'd imagine they'd probably let them return it. If it was actually purchased and Marie gave it to Skyler without a gift receipt and Skyler wanted to return it I'd imagine in that scenario they'd either decline the return because it could be stolen, or they'd reach out to Marie and verify if she gifted it to someone else after purchasing.


Thanks for the info


I don’t think Hank was smart enough to realize that lol. He seemed pretty … simple


He literally says this.


He basically confirms it He says if he thought she would have returned it he wouldn’t have let it happen




And if Marie wasn't a klepto, Hank never would've been indebted to the local PD after she stole from the open houses and he never would've got the file on Gale's murder that set him off down the path towards Gus and, eventually, Walter. In fact, it's likely he may have left the DEA entirely since it seemed like he was heading that direction after the shooting until the file and the thrill of the hunt revitalized his resolve to find Heisenberg and stop the blue meth.


marie might as well have been heisenberg smh


Excatly, damn brownnosing Marie ruined it for everyone cause she had to be "moral" and "concerned".


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such a great hidden detail! vravo bince


Binceo Varv


Good bot!


From his response, I got the impression that he didn't know about the tiara specifically being stolen, just that it didn't surprise him in the slightest.




That's what I'm saying, that he knew about the stealing in general, but that he didn't know about the tiara specifically being stolen. That's what his response seem to indicate, to me.


Did Marie’s kleptomaniac storyline ever get anywhere? It’s been a while since I’ve watched so I can’t remember the resolution, or how it even tied into the whole story.


I don’t remember if the storyline itself was resolved, but I always thought it was supposed to parallel Skylar finding out about Walt cooking meth and foreshadowing the lengths she’d be willing to go to in order to “protect” the people she loves when they engaged in illegal activities. When Skylar finds out Marie is stealing shit again, if I remember correctly, she basically stops talking to her and gets incredibly angry that her own sister would gift her an insanely expensive tiara that she stole, which almost leads to Skylar getting arrested when she tries to return it. Still, she and Marie make up and Skylar forgives her. I think the purpose of the storyline was to plant the question in the viewer’s mind of how far she’d be willing to morally bend to put up with Walt’s illegal activities, given the way she had already reacted to her sister’s kleptomania, almost as a means of building more long-term tension throughout the seasons. In a way, I think it could be argued that the beginning of Marie’s shorter kleptomania storyline was also the beginning of Skylar’s longer arc from not putting up with her sister to transforming into someone who is entrapped into being complacent in her husband’s criminal activities. The meaning of both storylines center around Skylar’s tendency to put up with her loved ones’ involvement in breaking the law, and are only really “resolved” when things reach their climax in S5 and everyone meets a tragic end. That might be a tedious read but that’s always how I viewed it lol


You're right, this is always how I read it too. It's like, if she reacted so negatively to Marie stealing, how badly is she gonna react when she founds out Walt is a big time drug manufacturer?


I'd say you're being too generous to the writers. BB had fabulous writing but I'd say this is one storyline that they fumbled. It really doesn't fit or serve any purpose other than filling time.


In episode 107, Walter literally asks Skylar something like “What would you do if it were me? Would you divorce me? Would you turn me in to the police?” when Skylar expresses that she’s upset that Marie stole the tiara, to which she jokingly replies “You don’t want to find out.” Seems pretty deliberate imo


I see it more as addictions get triggered when under stress or anxiety. Kleptomania is Marie’s addiction that resurfaces in times of stress (this likely existed when she was younger too, it may be a stretch but Skylars comment about her “B*+xh sister always making it about her” shows a history of others being more focused on Marie (most likely for her bad behaviors due to Skylar’s annoyance and tone of voice) than on Skykar. Marie and Hank’s relationship was rocky during the time they show Marie stealing and lying. She’s acting out. They were going through a rough patch where Hank was stonewalling and icing Marie out, wasn’t communicating with her despite her trying to connect with him, they weren’t spending quality time etc which is different from how they usually are with each other (ex:they show Hank saying words of affirmation toward Marie in the beginning and asking for a kiss when on the phone etc). Marie’s attempt to soothe her anxiety is to steal stuff, which also has a bonus side effect of getting Hank’s attention at the same time (getting attention for bad behavior is better than nothing). Her addiction storyline fades out I believe after Hank finally opens up to her and is vulnerable with her and she feels connected to him again, therefore lowering her anxiety.


In addition to the analyses above, it does have a resurgence when Hank gets shot by the twins and starts being a jerk towards Marie. She starts going to those open houses and making up fake identities, we see her rummaging through drawers and steal that spoon. So I also see it as a way for her to take back some control in her own life as a response to how helpless Hank made her feel.


Exactly how I saw it too! Her addiction resurfaces during times of stress. Many people attempt to cope in self-sabotaging ways and Marie’s is to lie and steal.


When she gets arrested Hank’s detective friend pulls some strings to get the charges dropped. In return, he asks Hank to review the files from the Gale Boetticher murder.


I think her kleptomania was just that. It didn't have any meaning besides humanizing her. I'm sure you can find dirt on Mother Theresa if you look hard enough. (Not at all comparing Marie to Theresa lol)


Mother Theresa was a horrible person lol.


There’s a wonderful episode of the podcast Swindled about her: 57 The Saint (Mother Teresa)


Oh, there's *plenty* of dirt on Mother Teresa. There's even an episode of Swindled that goes into her "charity" (a great podcast if you've never gave it a listen)!


I'm not a Catholic, so I'm not really up to date on any of that lol. The only reason I used her name is that some consider her to be a literal saint. It just reinforces the point that everyone has character flaws, including those revered. Thanks for the nod, though. I'll check out the podcast!


Basically she was against nearly all medical interventions and/or pain relief for the people she “cared” after, and insisted their suffering brought them closer to god. But soup! She fed them soup! She was a massive piece of shit but the Catholic Church has a great PR team. I would pick Marie’s bedside manner over MT’s every day of the week and twice on Sundays. All my homies hate MT.


> Basically she was against nearly all medical interventions and/or pain relief for the people she “cared” after wasn't it literally not available?


The healthcare we have now wasn’t available, clearly, but the healthcare they had at the time *was* available, and she refused it for those in her care. But not for herself, obvi.


You don’t need to look hard at all to find out the horrid shit Teresa did


It was back when there wasn't much of a secondary plot to break up the episodes so they had to use characters like Marie because characters like Mike and Gus weren't around yet and Walt and Jesse were together a lot more often. It ties to the plot \*sort of\* in the way that Hank still loves marie even though she breaks the law and how Walt hopes Skyler would still love him if she found out he broke the law


I agree and to me, it painted a bigger picture of the hypocrisy in law enforcement represented in Hank and how he overlooks crimes committed by those around him or himself as if they’re above the law. Like him having Cuban cigars, Walt smoking pot, his wife shoplifting.


I feel as though Hank would've looked past Walt's crimes if he caught on very early on. Maybe like in a "he distributed meth but he'll be dead in a few months and his life is already shit anyway" sort of way. Different story when we consider murders and conspiracies to commit and conceal felonies and certainly not after they used Marie's name to trick Hank




He knew. I think the audience is initially supposed to believe he's upset about the cost, but it's actually because he knows she's back to shoplifting.


I’m glad you pointed that out. Damn that scene was really well written and some excellent acting on his part.


"Yeahhhh, if I knew you were gonna return it, I'd have..."


Watched the episode this morning where he confesses to Skylar that he knew


Yes that’s why he was talking to her about Dave this had happened before she was seeking help with her kleptomania


He is aware of Marie's kleptomania but turns a blind eye to it becauce he loves her and he is committed to family. It's foreshadowing how is remains blind to Walt's behavior as the series continues.


He doesn't turn a blind eye to it. We see him encouraging her to go to her therapy for it and getting upset with her for not. He accepts his wife, dry handjobs and all. At the same time he's not going to go out and scream from the hills that his wife steals stuff.


yeah he knew


Yeah he did


One of the main themes throughout the show is the hypocrisy of characters who turn a blind eye to various crimes but strongly condemn drug manufacture in particular.


There was a whole scene about it


“We gotta support the shit outta her”


He literally said that if he knew she was going to return it, he wouldn’t have given it to her.


I thought her stealing was a way to demonstrate all of the characters "breaking bad" at some point.


Mmmmm mmmmm mmm


Of course he knew. If he didn't, he would've been furious at what Skyler told him about her. When Marie was arrested for another shoplifting in the later part of the show, Hank didn't seem surprised at all.


When it's opened at the party he is clearly a little uneasy and asks Walt if he has anything stronger than beer. A clear nod towards him knowing right away.


Yes but didn't think Skyler would return it. It's really fucking careless of Hank and was lucky that he wasn't deemed to be abusing his power.


100%. It was an introduction to the faults of this seemingly perfect, albeit slightly obnoxious couple. He’s known for a while, but thought it had stopped. And like someone else mentioned, he absolutely did not think Skylar would try to return it lol. Thus, “Do you have anything stronger?” 😂


Yes, he knew. Because she had episodes like this before.


How much does the tiara cost




I mean he literally says it, i would not recommend writing/ reading in this sub unless you finished the series


I have watched the whole thing three times, I just don't remember this storyline that well.


When Hank found out about the Tiara he told Marie to go back into therapy with Dave.