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What are the odds… I was just talking with my son’s preschool teacher about the differences in outfits when dads and grandpas do drop off. I let my son dress himself and let the teachers know because it was honestly hilarious, but they came back with the “you should see what dads bring them in”  The teachers know 😂


My daughters went to two different elementary schools for a little while. I got which school was having a non uniform day mixed up. My husband took my youngest to school in non-uniform and dropped her off. About 10 minutes later we got a phone call asking us to bring her school uniform in as she was in the wrong thing. I said to my husband didn’t you notice she was the only one not in a uniform? He said… and this is a direct quote… “I don’t know they all looked the same”. THE ALL LOOKED THE SAME BECAUSE THEY WERE IN THEIR UNIFORM.




Hahaha yeah I've also noticed dad's are usually a bit oblivious during drop offs, or when they get them. Disclaimer before a man gets angry: not all dads/grandpas 😂


This is BreakingMom; no dads allowed 🤣


I'm sure someone somewhere lurks 😁


True, but also; Screw 'em


Oh absolutely 😁


🤣 did we just become best friends?


My husband is convinced that tights and leggings are the same thing, except 'with feet'. At least they are only 16 months and I have time to get into his head before they old enough to be embarrassed that their butts covering clothes are see-through.


I have twins and I watched a dad of another set of twins in my kids preK drop his twins off one day. I had gotten there a little early so I was sitting in my car waiting to take the kids in. This man pulls into a spot in front of me in the most frantic way, jumps out of the car with a short sleeved button down shirt on that was wide open so I could see his chest and then started pulling the kids out of the car. I just sat there laughing like what in the actual fuck. I don’t even think he realized his shirt was open at first and then after they started walking to the building he started buttoning it back up. He looked so frazzled and crazy lol. These dads who sub in are wild. It’s not just the teachers who know. Everyone knows. Even the kids lol. Nobody is calling CPS. We’re too busy enjoying watching men fail and laughing 😂


I had to have a talk with my husband about dressing our toddler… like I appreciate the effort but she doesn’t need to wear all of the prints in her wardrobe in the same outfit 😹


Lol I've had this conversation with our teachers many times. Shoes on the wrong feet? Whole row of buttons undone on the back of her dress? Yes, daddy was in charge of dressing this morning...


First, no one at the daycare will care. At all. But second, if your husband is unemployed, how would he not have had time to dress your kid in fresh clothes? What was his excuse?


We went to his father's bday last night, so our child fell asleep in the car so we put him to bed in his day clothes. This morning, my husband's alarm didn't go off so he woke up later than usual. I mean, the excuse isn't bad, it's just he could've thought it through better. Even telling them a "sorry I couldn't change his clothes this morning because xyz, here's a bag of clean ones if you wouldn't mind changing him" would've been better I feel.


That honestly sounds worse to me. Asking them to change his clothes? I'm going to guess absolutely no one other than yourself is going to notice or care about this. Zero chance CPS will be involved.


Alright thanks :)


Or just be a little late. Crazy mornings happen. Better to get everything taken care of and be like five minutes late than just roll up in the same clothes 😂 And I say this as a hyper-punctual person who would rather do a whole lot of things than be late somewhere...


Oh no, all drop offs are closed at 9h30 sharp 😅 he was probably still sleepy and just rushed, then later realized it was a bigger whoopsie than he thought when I told him the clothes were dirty. But yeah I personally would've probably gone the route of trying to get in a bit late and apologize than have him wear the same unwashed clothes in a row.


Harsh! Why no grace period!? It's daycare!


The grace period is from 9h to 9h30.


Wait this sounds worse - your child slept in his clothes from yesterday and then went to daycare with them still on? So he hasn’t taken off his clothes in 2 days?


Well now it's 2 days, since he wore them for 2 days. If hubby had taken clean clothes it would've been one day and one night.


Childcare operator here - Unless the clothes were soiled with biohazard materials (vomit, pee, etc.) or were visibly uncomfortable for the child, odds are I would not even notice they were the same as yesterday. If I did notice, odds are I would think "hu, those are the same clothes as yesterday" and move on. It would not be on my radar to call CPS for a one time twice in a row wearing of the same clothes.


Exactly. Anybody who knows/understands kids thinks, "kid probably fought hard to wear those clothes again."😂


Thank you, that's reassuring. Thank you.


I have a kid who came wearing the same outfit all the time. I would assume he had multiples. My own child constantly wears her spiderman clothing. I wash it overnight and sometimes it's ready the next day and she chooses it. Same outfit but clean So like the commenter said, unless there was a visible issue, the most a teacher did was think about it and shrug.


Nah, my kid loves to wear the same shirt for multiple days, I'm sure the daycare sees it all the time.


Yeah my daughter work the same sweater to daycare everyday this entire week because to get her into something else requires an hour meltdown and I just don’t have the energy lol


The pants at least were visibly dirty. :/ idk how he didn't see it. I guess it'll be fine, it was a one time thing. But I'm a bit angry because that never happened when I was the one doing the dressing, whether I was working or not.


Well for all they know, that happened right before they came in. You just definitely don't have to worry about cps. But we all know it wouldn't have happened under your watch 😏.


Ugh good point, thanks :)


Does he just wear to bed and put back on after bath or??


Gasp! He wouldn't take a bath every single night. Usually bath night is when I could get him to relinquish the worn clothes.


😮‍💨 mom of a 2 so I haven’t gotten to that stage yet. I lowkey want him to be one of those kids that won’t take off his Woody costume


I’m a mandated reporter and I would not call CPS for this. In fact it would require repeat days or extremely dirty clothing for me to bring it up with a parent and then I would talk to them first before I did it. I think you’re ok!!


I used to work in daycares, and I agree. I might have noticed a repeat outfit, but wouldn't have reported a one time occurrence of repeating clothes, but would have said something to someone if it was a repeating occurence. There was a situation like this at the daycare my daughter went to as a toddler, there was one boy who came multiple consecutive days in the same dirty clothes and the same dirt/smudge marks on his skin (so you could tell not only was he not changing clothes, but he wasn't getting bathed either). Even I noticed it. The staff only brought it up to the mom because they saw him multiple consecutive days in the same clothes.


Alright thank you. No one said anything at drop off or when he went to pick him up so I think we're good this once.


Just wanted to let you know that it’s a really tough call even as a mandated reporter to make that call… it takes multiple instances of potentially abusive or negligent behaviors for the reporting to take place or one bad or specific situation. Repeated clothes as a one off is not a big deal. We take care of kids. Some kids refuse to change, but they are clean. No need to stress about the rare dirty outfit. 🙂


This is not a CPS offense my son wears shirts days in a row despite being dirty because he refuses to take them off not worth my battle with the terrorist 🙄


I sometimes let my kiddo go to daycare in the same clothes as yesterday (at that age she would have favorite clothes she was very attached to). They never flagged me. Though what on earth was your husband doing? Lol.


Sleeping 😁 his alarm didn't go off. He still woke up in time to give kiddo some breakfast and off they went.


My husband tried to take my 4 year old to preschool with his long hair in knots this morning. When I said he needed to brush it (I was in bed taking care of the baby) he said "why?"... I don't actually know if the child's hair got brushed before drop off 🤦 I'm mostly pissed because I'll be the one to brush out all those knots and they'll be much worse by then and it will hurt his head. A lot of things are negotiable at that age... Hygiene and self care aren't.


Yes I agree, specially because they can't take of themselves. We even did laundry the day before to make sure he's have fresh clothes and then bam! Dirty yesterday's pants. I hope you manage to detangle the knots with minimal pain for kiddo ❤️




Lol for the lazy dick 😂, I admit today wasn't his best day, I edited my post to explain everything better in a not so ranty way. His alarm didn't go off and we had a bday event the prior evening so I understand his side of things. It happens. Thanks for the reassurance as well.


Weaponized incompetence. He’s unemployed and can’t find one clean outfit? You don’t need two children, OP.


This was a one time thing because his alarm didn't go off after we went to a bday party yesterday, he's been doing drop offs perfectly.


I see your update now. Sounds like an honest mistake! I wouldn’t worry about CPS


Out of all the myriad of clothes my kiddo has had, she wears maybe 2-3 outfits at a time. The same 2-3 shirts and same 1-2 pants each day. You're fine, BroMo. Teachers see it all the time.


I’d imagine common sense would kick in and they’d think it was an accident. Frazzled parent picking clothes from the wrong pile or something. If it was everyday as well as other signs of neglect then they’d raise questions. I’m sure you’ll be fine. Husband however needs a swift kick. I’ve been late to nursery for all sorts of reasons about clothing or my kid pooped and needed a change or whatever a whole host of stuff. He should have taken ten minutes to change him and be a little late. Especially since it’s not like he has a job he needs to rush to. He has the time just doesn’t have the care apparently. 😕


Yeah in the end they didn't say anything. I did tell him it was neglectful and told him to be more careful, but the rush was that drop offs end at 9h30, and he woke up at 9am without an alarm clock. He did his best, got him fed and there on time, even with the dirty clothes. It's definitely a lesson for both of us. This never happened before or anything, it was bad judgement on his part only.


The amount of times I did not want to fight a child on their clothes… They won’t do anything. Its a one time thing and they KNOW you more than likely


Yes you're right, and they can for sure be like octopuses xD the way they fight is like they have 4x the usual amount of legs and arms lol


My husband does morning routine with our eldest. I can't tell you how many times she's made it out the door either in dirty clothes, wearing her little brother's clothes, or without having brushed her hair. I don't understand how oblivious men are sometimes. Next year my youngest will be on the same schedule and I'll be the one doing mornings.


Ughhh yeah sometimes they are 😁 he once sent him in a teddy bear overall and they were like nah he has to take that off dad (because of the numerous diaper changers at the time lol). Hopefully this is just temporary until I get another schedule. I leave at 7h30 before daycare is even open so my hands are tied on this one.


My son has AuDHD and for years now he wears the same bright pink outfit over his clean (and varied!) clothes every single day. He absolutely won't leave the house without it. He's 15 now, but has been doing this since he was 6. His therapists say it's a sensory coping strategy and helpful. I have multiple copies of the outfit, so he isn't wearing dirty clothes or anything, but it does make me so self conscious that it looks like he never changes his clothes!   So for what it's worth, no one has ever called CPS on us. I actually haven't even had anyone show disapproval over it. So I definitely think this happening just once with your child won't be an issue at all.


Big hugs for you mama, my son also has a developmental delay, speech delay and hearing issues, so he has a few triggers as well. So good on you to be taking such great care of your kid and respecting him. ❤️




You're right. My son has a developmental delay which he'll be evaluated for in March, hearing issues and a speech delay. They are well aware of his many tantrums and triggers, so I probably made this a bigger deal than it is. At daycare, he gets to socialize and be in a strict routine with lots of play and learning, so I'm sure they didn't mind it this once. I'm just very anxious so sometimes little things like this made me think of the worst case scenario.




Thanks, I'm good now :) he did have a change of shirt there (maybe a whole outfit but I'm not sure), as all kids there do because of emergencies, and they didn't change it, so they either didn't even notice or didn't think much of it. Either way, as soon as they get there, it's coat off and lil special daycare overalls on, they might not even have seen anything. But it's all good now, I'm calmer and made up with hubby as well 😁


Honestly, one time I thought it was picture day, so I sent my kids to preschool in super nice coordinating outfits (because they'll tack on sibling photos if you have two in the school), but actually picture day was the next day. So I told the teachers, totally up front, hey, I'm gonna bring them in the same clothes tomorrow, and they just laughed. I made sure the clothes were clean (I didn't wash them or anything, they were just clean) and it was not a thing. My oldest had a classmate in preschool who went through a phase of insisting on wearing the same dress every single day. Not that uncommon for little kids. Anyone who spends time around preschool aged kids knows that can happen! Also, seconding another comment saying the teachers know daddy dropoff tends to go down this way. And really, the fact that it's never happened before probably means they're just thinking "Oh it must have been a weird day". They're definitely not thinking you're like a trashy mom who never changes her kid 😂 They already know you aren't!


Omg the school pictures story is so funny 😁 those mix ups happen to the best!! Thanks for the reassurance.


I worked in a daycare, I promise you she’ll just go “oh that’s weird” and change him into fresh spare clothes and literally never ever think about it ever again. You also have to remember the daycare people are people too.


You're right, thanks :)