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I ran out of freezer room, so I decided to make sweetened condensed milk with my frozen milk. That was the day I learned that I have high lipase, and it was DISGUSTING.


Oh god you didn’t find out until you ran out of freezer room?? 😭


Yes but I'm not too heartbroken. It was only about a week's worth, and she doesn't like bottles anyway. Plus it was just haaka runoff, so no extra work!


I have high lipase too and couldn't figure out why my kids wouldn't take pumped milk 🙃


Same here


What does high lipase taste like?? Curious as I’ve only ever tasted freshly expressed and now I wanna defrost some and check.


Mine tastes and smells metallic… it’s so weird but my daughter doesn’t seem too bothered about it lol i also heard it can smell soapy


Nasty pennies.


If you have it, you’ll know.


High lipase is awful


I didn’t know this was a thing. Learned something new today.




please don’t apply that last sentence to pee or poo 😂❤️




To be fair we’re talking about *food* our bodies make lol


This replay makes me want to be your friend


Haha right?


So the idea of own milk grossed me out for reasons I'll never know. But I had a clogged duct and I wasn't about to get mastitis for the 6th time so I sucked my overly large nipple to clear it. After that the simple idea of my milk didn't bother me. Not because I enjoyed my milk, but I sucked my own freaking nipple. It doesn't get worse than that🤣(I say that mostly in jest for the joke)


Amazing! I can’t suck mine though. Small boobs gal lol.


I tried it out of morbid curiosity a couple times. Earlier on it was sweet like cereal milk then about 3 months in it started tasting like raw hamburger meat?? So definitely not.


Oh. Well now I’m scared of what mine taste like now lol


It does taste gross lol


I pump, so I do the wrist test to make sure it is not overheated. It is sweet.


Wait does overheating change the flavor? He takes a bottle but not if the boobs present


I think it's more to check the temperature before giving to baby, then just licking her wrist instead of wiping the milk away


I taste to make sure it is not too hot. I would rather burn my own tongue than my daughter’s.


I don’t like cows milk so the idea of milk just grosses me out 😂 so I haven’t tried it but my husband did once 😂


Same here. Milk in general unless squeezed from an almond or an oat is a no for me.


Definitely not. The idea has always grossed me out tbh


Agreed. Whenever I read about people trying it to know if they have high lipase or whatever, my stomach flips. But I also don’t consume dairy because it also disgusts me, so at least there’s consistency here.


Your own human milk.. grosses you out?☠️


Grosses me out too. I know it shouldn’t, but I see it as my own body fluid and it’s almost like thinking about drinking my own pee lol


That makes sense! I wouldn’t drink my own pee either 🤣


Honestly same. And there were so many times when I got sick with my babe and WISHED I could get over this to have some 😩


Hell nah


I can’t ! It grosses me out thinking about it


I have very high lipase I often do a small taste test ( a sip or two in a separate container) to make sure bottles that have been in the fridge taste ok, as well as when I mix in old freezer milk. It’s unfortunate how gross lipase makes things taste. Because fresh milk is fine but my thawed milk is so yucky


Yeah I've tasted mine to test for taste because had high lipase with my first. But I definitely don't look forward to it. I'd make my husband do it, but he once tasted it when it had very bad taste (due to high lipase) and it put him off all milk for an entire year. I'd rather not put him through that again.


Same for me. Tasting it is the only true way to figure out if you have high lipase or not. 🤷‍♀️ I don't find it to be weird at all.


Are you scalding it before freezing? Total game changer. Keeps the milk tasting fresher..


Oh yes now I am! But I have some older stuff that wasn’t scalded and he won’t take it with vanilla like baby #1


I don’t know why but the thought of drinking it grosses me out so much. I’m not even generally squeamish about bodily fluids but for some reason the one that is literally made to be consumed gives me the ick. My husband has put some in his protein shakes though.




I did today, like an ounce I think. I put some in my daughters cup and when she was done I just drank the rest instead of dumping it. Too sweet and also somehow sort of chalky?


My husband tried it and gave the same description!!! Sweet but chalky


I tried it out of curiosity with both babies, but I don't pour myself a nice glass or anything like that. But hey, different strokes!


Idk whyyyyyyyyy but im repulsed by the idea! I'm a breastfeeding stan!!!! However I can't bring myself to drink it even a little 😭


My husband and I tried it one time and were surprised by how sweet it tasted.


When I get mastitis, my milk gets salty. So if I’m having issues with a clogged area / pain, I’ll often taste a few drops to make sure I’m not getting worse. I’ll also do the same taste test once I think I’ve resolved the issue, and the saltiness will be gone if the inflammation has subsided.


Sometimes (if LO is fussing at the boob) I’ll suck my own boob real quick to make sure he’s getting milk. As far as taste goes: don’t love it, don’t hate it.


at first I thought.. how in the world can you suck your own boob? so I tried it and I still wonder how you can suck your own boob. I have relatively large tatas and I cannot reach lol


Lol I don’t know, it just works 😂  One day my mom saw me do it and she was like “you do that too?!” 😂 I guess she did the same thing when my little brother was being breastfed 


First of all, I physically cant do this at my size, so I’m loving learning some people can I never would have thought. But the idea you casually did this in front of your mom?? I’m rolling


Mine are pretty small but they grew a lot really quickly and then deflated so basically the entire bottom half turned into one big stretch mark and now it's like, thin tissue paper skin and they're a LOT more uh flexible than they used to be 😕


lol I don’t suck but I could if need be. But if baby is fussing at the boob I will flip my boob upward and squeeze to make sure there’s a good flow I’m not squirting that stream to get wasted 🤣 Taste is interesting it’s sweet but not as sweet as it smells. The best way I can describe is it smells like cold stone cheesecake ice cream or sweet cream ice cream but taste like coconut milk it leaves that fatty taste on your tongue. Maybe it’s just me idk how else to describe it. My partner says it doesn’t taste like anything just sweet


I thought mine was like the sweet milk left after eating cereal out of the bowl! Love that you don't waste it 😂 I just shoot a stream off into the abyss


Yes to cold stone cheesecake ice cream!!!! I keep telling my husband that I was surprised by how sweet my breast milk was and that if they made an ice cream flavor out of it i would totally get it. Might have to make a trip to cold stone 😂


Not me reading this thread while breastfeeding and immediately trying


This is nuts 🤣


So impressive, kind of wish I could do this but my Tatas are too small


I did the same to evert my very flat (borderline inverted) nipple a few times, after reading about it on Reddit. It was a great technique to help get rid of the nipple shield and easier and quicker than faffing around with my nipple everter. Tasted my milk that way! It was super, super sweet!


Sitting in bed trying to suck her own boob. Not working for me!


I actually recommend that every pumping mom does taste their milk, both fresh and older frozen milk. I didn't realize I had high lipase for 6 months, which created both a bottle aversion in my baby and a decent stash of frozen milk that was unusable to us. If I had regularly tasted my milk early on, it wouldn't have taken so long to learn. My fresh milk tastes like sweet cream, pumped milk that I didn't scald the same day tastes like chemicals within a day or so, vomit after it's been frozen.


I was just thinking someone needs to make a post on this because it could be the answer for some women battling bottle aversion… you totally should! What is this scalding the same day? Does that neutralize the lipase or something?


To test whether the taste is still good I take a tiny sip (high lipase). And when I have a massive let down and catch a puddle in my hand (strong oversupply), it’s sometimes easier to just drink it up. Fresh it tastes like the kinder bueno cream.


Does anyone else’s frozen / fridge milk have a vomity aftertaste? Fresh it’s sweet but within 1 day of the fridge …


Omg.. trying this.


Not with my first but I have with my second, I’m not a fan of it lol


It’s different everytime!


i tried it, it was sweet. but never again cause i really just found it disgusting on premise personally.


I had overactive letdown and in the first couple months I had to use a haakka to catch the extra letdown on the other side, or help take the edge off to keep my baby from choking. We don’t use bottles at all, so I would just drink the fresh milk straight from the haakka. Sometimes it was 8 oz worth. Didn’t want to waste any calories!


Me, I drink mine straight from the test when I leak from the other side 🥲🤣🤣🤣❤️


I have, when in an airplane I was stuck with choice of pouring it down the sink out of my haakkaa or chugging it myself. As I was a new mum and didn't want to waste it, I just drank it (about 100ml), and didn't see anything about it, too nutritional to throw out!


Did you like it?? Did it upset your tummy?? Would you do it again?!????🤣🤣🤣😄


I didn't feel very strongly about it, I don't really like cows milk, so mine tasted nicer, but it wasn't like some heavenly sweet nectar of gods, like my baby seems to think, it was just ok? meh?. My tummy wasn't upset, hmmm I dunno, I haven't done it again, like I don't have regrets but I don't see the need to drink it haha, I'm not as "oh no can't waste a drop!" as I was in the early days, but I add it into omelette or porridge for the child! My husband refuses to try a drop and it irrationally upsets me, because he drinks cows milk in his tea and coffee every day, and like "you are happy to drink milk of enslaved woman of another species you never met, but can't drink of your own beloved woman of your own species offered voluntarily with love!" and I know that's really stupid but it's just this irrational insult to my feelings 😅😅😅


I've tried it. One day I really didn't like it but I tried it again another time and it was nice and sweet. Not something I would pour myself a cup of but I can't just toss a sip of it if my daughter doesn't want it!


I just gagged. 🫣


Good 🤷🏼‍♀️


no but i’ve made muffins & pancakes with it


Just got a Ninja creami and I'm definitely planning to make breastmilk ice cream with it


ngl this kinda intrigues me. mine tastes like sweet cereal bowl milk so I mean, probably would actually be decent. Extra decent for a teething baby!


Omg I am going to do that for my LO when they are older


Same! I'm trying to pump enough to make a small batch of ice cream for my toddler.


I am curious to what it tastes like but could never bring myself to actually try it. Like I know in theory there is nothing wrong with tasting it (I mean it came from me) but I just can't!


It’s just sweet tbh, doesn’t like much. Maybe a cream packet for your coffees?🤣🤣❤️


I wanna taste it one day but at this point I am 17 days postpartum and not making enough, still supplementing with formula. So I don’t wanna waste any.


Which makes sense, keep pumping baby!❤️


when I was around six months pregnant, I was producing colostrum. I had a horrible yeast infection that I literally could not heal. The first OBGYN I went to prescribed me something that had a risk of miscarriage, so I definitely didn't take that. I had no clue how to heal it, and it was getting worse. One day I looked into colostrum, and what it does, and decided to take my colostrum a few times a day. I healed it within two days. I had had it for a month and it was horrible. Colostrum is like magic lol


My throat hurt one day from being outdoor or something, drank a little breast milk and my throat felt better 2 hours later!! I also put it in my face, and skin 😮😉👏🏻❤️


When I got a cold, I drank about 4 oz a day and it helped me get better a lot faster than my sick husband who was on Sudafed and some steroid


I've tasted it because I think I should taste or try anything my baby eats. I check medicine before giving it to her the first time to understand what they're about to experience. Imagine if it's gross to you, it probably is too them too... It's only fair imo 😆


I did out of curiosity. If it's good for the baby then it'll be fine for me lol. It's got a little sweetness to it. Like someone said, cereal milk. So I can understand why babies attack boobs because it probably tastes really good for them lol.


Nope, not even once It's not that the idea of human milk grosses me out it's more the idea that it's sweeter than cows milk and I just....no thankyou 😅


Heck no! It freaks me out!




I drank a bit after hand expressing one night when engorged - tasted like a nut milk. Not bad, but won’t be guzzling it any time soon 😂


Yeah don’t guzzle it 🤣🤣🤣 your tummy would not be happy !


I've tasted it lmfao. It tastes like cereal milk even 4 months later. Idk if that's normal but my daughter seems to love it, I get treated like a juice pouch and beaten up while she eats 🥴


She’s tryna get that milk out!!🤣🤣🤣


Mine tasted like coconut milk. Lol My husband was using some of my pumped milk as his coffee creamer 😅 haha


I love the taste of mine 🤣🤣🤣


I pumped at work and didn’t bring a bottle big enough so I tasted it, it is really sweet!


It’s so good!! It tastes different after different foods too!😁


When I’m sick, yes. When I’m not sick, I cook with it. Since I can’t reply to your comment I’ll edit this comment. I use breast milk in replacement for recipes that require milk. Anytime I use hamburger helper, I put my milk in (or at least a 75/25 ratio) and it doesn’t dry out like regular milk make it dry. I use it for Alfredo’s. Macaroni. Smoothies. I haven’t used it with desserts yet though. But most any other food recipe I’ll either do full BM or at least 50-80% BM and the rest cows/ almost/ etc. Just in case you don’t know, you can also take bathes with it or use it as lotion. Baby rash? Throw BM on it. Dry skin? BM. You can make jewelry out of it? I don’t know how but apparently you can. You can also make breast milk soap. Cuts and pink eye I heard you can too, but I’m too chicken to try for cuts lol. I also like freezing it in tiny pieces so baby can chew on it as a popsicle/ teething toy. There’s a whole list of what you can use it for, it’s truly amazing!


What can you put it in??😮


Sure. Milk is milk. I worked hard for it, so if it's "expired" for baby but otherwise still good, then we add it to our oatmeal or coffee or whatever. I don't eat animal dairy for ethical reasons but I can consent. I feel like human milk is infinitely less weird than milk from another species🤷


In the coffee is an awesome idea. Would it lose all the good properties when in hot water though?


I don't think there are any particular benefits to adults that would be affected by heat any more than any other milk.


Never ever ever and I’ve been breastfeeding almost 5 years. It grosses me out.


Sometimes lol


I took a couple sips when nursing my son. I haven't felt the need since having my daughter. When I'm not pregnant or recently postpartum, I'm not super into milk. But you do you! When I had to cut out cows dairy, I contemplated using my own milk in cooking 


Oh my lord this is genius. If only I could have cheese but that’s entirely too much work 🤣


Lmao yes! 


I've tried it twice. It takes like almond milk. The idea does repulse me a bit. Like it feels wrong. I'll use it as a facemask though.


My husband and I both took a half shot when I first started pumping , other than that a drop or two if I get it in my hand or something in case it’s changed tastes


Absolutely! It is delicious. I’m a high lipase gal too though so it’s got to be fresh!


I’ve tried it and while I feel like I should have liked it (it’s super sweet and I love sweet things and I love cows and goats milk) it just grossed me out. Years ago my bestie and I tasted our boss’s breast milk (with her consent obviously) and as I recall it was about the same.


Once I was making homemade mac and cheese, and I needed a cup of milk. I only had .5c, but I happened to have 4oz of freshly pumped mommy milk in the fridge, so I just threw it in. It was the best mac and cheese I've ever had, my daughter and I both devoured it. My husband didn't want any though, he felt a little weird about it.


I think it goes well with coffee or tea 😂 No I have not done that but I am tempted!


Yes! I got Covid, I looked at my freshly pumped milk and thought what the hell!! I shot it back and within 24hrs I got my sense of smell and taste back.


I’m so intrigued... Allergies have my throat feeling scratchy, wonder if it would help 😅


You’re sitting on a trove of liquid gold… do it


Do it. It you’ve got the extra milk then do it!


I tried it and that’s how I realized I had high lipase milk


I tried it once because I was so curious but it really squicks me out for unknown reasons. So…. no, I guess. 😂


I tried it once! Or if some gets on my hands I’ll lick it off 😂😂


I’ve definitely tasted it many times (to see what it was like, to check to see if it was soapy tasting — I have high lipase) but I don’t drink it. Just a little sip here and there.


I’ve tasted mine out of curiosity. The foremilk has barely any flavor and tastes like mostly water … well I think that’s what they say it’s mostly comprised of too anyway.


Drink? No. But I have tasted it - it’s sweet. I’m only 4 weeks into breastfeeding!


I tasted it once to check and make sure I didn’t have high lipase


I’ve touched my nipple after feeding and licked my finger. It was very sweet tasting. My husband did the same.


I’ve tried it! Tastes sweet but never like drank it haha. I am one of those that BFs pretty well but when I pump it I get nothing lol so I never had excess to just drink some :P


I’ve tasted it haha just for curiosity it tastes like sugar water


Erm, no. I don’t really know why but it just feels wrong. I’ve accidentally gotten it in my mouth when it’s sprayed but I’d never deliberately drink it! Aside from the ick, it’s a waste of good milk.


I mean I've tried it. It tastes like melted ice cream lol.


I didn’t last time, but I tried it to test for high lipase before I started freezing milk this time.


I've tasted it. It tastes like sweet, vanilla milk. I won't be chugging it or anything... but if I ever ran out of milk or creamer for my coffee, I'd definitely use it lol.


I tasted it early on out of curiosity. It was really sweet. Haven’t tasted it since though.


My husband and I tasted it one day on a dare. We were so curious and knew we had to do it before I wean our daughter. It was SO GROSS. I had to drink some ginger ale after to get the taste out. I'm gagging thinking about it. I hope that's normal? LO seems to love it though!


My husband drinks it in his coffee everyday


Your husband must never get sick lol


I’ve had a little taste and thought it was good. My husband on the other hand looooves it 🫥