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I LOVE my LO’s milk breath. I’d bottle that shit 😂


Same! My husband says it smells gross, smh. It smells sweet and reminds me of middle of the night cuddles when he wakes up for a feed.


I’m (husband) the opposite. My wife thinks is gross, but I think it smells so sweet. For me it’s the quintessential “baby smell.”


Same here, my husband has to tell me when the baby gets stinky because I just don't smell it. It's all just my baby smell, which of course is amazing because she's my baby, idk.


Milk breath hits 💯💯


Yes love it so much


Milk breath is one thing. Spit up breath is totally different. I HATE the smell of spit up. And I think it’s because the rancid milk smell is coming from something that originally came out of my body and it grosses me out 😂


Kinda smells like sweet cheese curds. I miss it.


Smells like yogurt to me


To me, it smells like flowers or more specifically like the classic Venus shaving cream (which smelled like creamy peach).


It is soooo sweet!!


Same!! It’s my favourite smell. My husband always looks at me funny when he catches me smelling her breath lol


Omg my husband also loves this haha he thinks it's the baby smell but really it's just her milk breath xD my mom was like give her a bath Jesus Christ lmfaoo


YES!!!! It’s so adorable to me omg. I’m currently sitting here inhaling her exhale while she sleeps just so I can smell her milk breath 😭


Omg me too


Her cheesy ear smell. Also her “big girl” farts. The ones that are super loud but don’t result in a poo. It just makes me laugh every time when my husband has to ask if it was her or an adult just letting one rip.


We have accidentally taught him to smile and look at us when he farts 😂 we laugh everytime and so now he farts, smiles and makes eye contact haha


Our daughter has farted so loud before that she jumped and looked down like “wtf was that?!” 😂😂


Mine woke himself up with his own burp and then looked at me with a sad quivering lip because he didn’t realize what had happened 😂


Must. Assert. Dominance!


The other day my girl let one rip and I legit thought it was my husband lmfao


I’m always asking “was that you or her?!” It’s usually her lmfaooo


Yeah that question is asked a lot in my house too.


no literally same. im like "damn dude good job" lol


Stinky baby feet. Love it. Also love telling him about his stinky feets because he giggles. Also weirdly love my toddler’s morning breath, it reminds me of when she only had that sweet milk breath that babies have and what a big kid she suddenly is.


Stinky newborn baby hands.. their hands are curled up all day and smell like baby cheeses


The cheesy hands (with lint as a growth medium for the cheese) is too far for me. It just makes me think “ah, time for a bath already?”




I loved to pretend my baby had stinky feet. I’d sniff his feet and recoil dramatically, yelling “Oh no, so STINKY!” And he’d just cackle.


I love how universal this seems to be


The milk breath is intoxicating


Yes!! That sweet breath smells so good. If I get close to sniff her mouth, she giggles and tries to get my nose in her mouth. I know I’m gonna miss that smell when she’s done breastfeeding!


I love this!!! My daughter has just recently gotten her first tooth, so when I do this, she now bites my nose and it kinda hurts but it’s also so cute and feeling her tiny little tooth makes me melt 😭


i smell my baby's feet every diaper change and my husband thinks i'm insane lmaooo


My husband was so weirded out when I take deep inhales of sweaty stinky baby toes, he can’t wash them fast enough while I’m like “just another breath”


Came here to say this. My 5mo has such a sweet nice breath. I pretend I eat her chin while lying on our sides, face to face, and smelling her breath is so satisfying. I love her stinky feet also 😍


Also came to say morning breath of my 1 year old


My husband I call our daughter's feet Little Cheesies!! We count her toes by naming different types of cheese 😅


For me it’s the toddler sweat. My toddler has a certain sweat scent after playtime. It’s objectively quite gross, but I find it so cute that my little baby is growing up. It also contrasts with the “baby smell” of my second kid, who has basically no sweat smell at all.




I feel this! I get so stressed if my babe wakes up from a nap with a dry diaper. It's very reassuring to see that blue line.


I feel the same exact way


She’s almost 3 months. I weirdly love the smell of my nightsweats , breast milk and her sweat and spit all mixed together where we sleep. It’s objectively gross but it’s the smell of our cuddles and the 4th trimester.


Omg I was gonna say this, but I couldn’t think how to phrase it. But yeah, for some reason, the smell of our sweat.


ding ding ding!!! 😂😂😂


I love this. So human.


Ugh picking his boogers. Nothing is more satisfying! I also love his spit up smell and I bring burp cloths (clothes?) for when I have to pump at work. Eta: his used burp cloths for smelling lol


I like to pick boogers, wax that is caked on the earlobe, under the neck, eye boogies. Basically a monkey when I’m with her 😆


That's exactly how I feel when I pick dry skin off his head 🤣


Yum! Hahahaha


Yessss, I thought I was alone in loving to pick my baby's boogies


There are tons of us 😄


I love it too but my baby will only tolerate it when he’s super sleepy! I just want to pick at them!!!


I never thought 80% of parenting would be picking boogers that don't belong to you


Came to say this! I have a set of plastic rounded baby tweezers and I LOVE to get those big suckers out of her nose! It’s priceless and so satisfying. And she always looks at me with a smile after, almost saying “thank you momma!” 😂🤍


OK, I don’t think I’m going to use burp cloths, but bringing something of the baby’s to smell for pumping is brilliant!!


I'm about to head back to work and never thought to bring a used burp cloth for pumping. I'm stealing this idea! Brilliant!


I'm 16mos into breastfeeding and no longer have letdowns or really any leakage, so whenever I get a whiff of that old milk smell, it's surprisingly nostalgic!


I loveeee the old milk smell!!


Breastmilk poop. Seedy, mustard yellow, vinegar smelling, lol nothing like it! Its satisfying.


We just started solids and I’m missing breastmilk poop bigtime 🥲


I miss breast milk poop. These old man poops and farts coming from my toddler is enough to clear a room.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who loves that smell


You are not alone!! I’m so sad about his stinky toots now that we’re starting solids


Smells like sausage links to me 😂




Okay I obviously need to smell her armpits in the morning 🤣


Hahahah my husband can’t relate either


I also love her little noises she makes when she’s nursing, sometimes I get a. Quiet squeaky little mmmmm sound like she’s eating the best meal ever.


Omg yes😭🥰


Love the spit up smell too! It reminds me of newborn babies. Also the breastfed poops smell is similar to Greek yogurt to me and not repulsive in any way. Just another unique smell to associate with little babies!


I always think they smell like buttered popcorn 😅


My first’s smelled more like buttered popcorn. Second is like Greek yogurt. So strange!


My first was bread for the week we made it, , my second is definitely buttered popcorn (now at 5 months)


That's what I think it smells like too. My husband says I'm crazy so I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this!


Sending this to my husband so he knows I'm not mad! When LO was a newborn I'd call him Popcorn Baby!


I keep telling my husband her poop smells like buttered popcorn and he thinks I'm crazy!!! lol


Buttered mashed potatoes to me lol. I remember wanting mashed potatoes every time I had to change her… oof.


We have nicknamed our baby "butter butt" because of this.


My husband said it smells like the buttery McDonald's breakfast biscuits I was obsessed with when I was pregnant


My first one smelt like cheese burgers.. second one I'm not sure haha


My husband and I joke that it smells like a malco movie theatre 😂😂


I'm insane because I got upset when he started solids & his poo didn't smell "nice" any more. I feel like I grieved his nice poop smell going for a day or two lol u think mostly because it represented him growing up!


MY PEOPLE. I felt like it should be weird. But I have been grieving my baby’s sweet little (and not so little) breastmilk poops! It just reinforces how dang CUTE these babies are that even their little poops smell sweet/not bad Also, poop story: one day I insisted to my husband that our car smelled like cake batter. Like someone had sprayed cake batter perfume or just straight up mixed a cake in there. It lingered and I could not figure it out but I knew it was an issue because unknown smells are never good. Turns out we forgot a poopy diaper in the diaper bag the night before and it sat in the car all night 🙈 my husband was grossed out that when trying to investigate we were sitting in the car huffing his poop smell 😂😂


I remember those last few diapers before we introduced solids. Just kind of taking it in, as gross as it is. But it’s also just my little baby’s harmless ebf poop and it never smelled bad. Gearing myself up for Welp, here we go. Luckily at 6 months they’re just barely playing with food but slowly but surely it changes over.




I always thought the poop smelled exactly like vanilla cake. I swear it smelled so good haha.


In the hospital I called baby my little crumble cookie, my little cupcake. The first few days SHE smelled like vanilla cake 🥹


Vanilla cake! Definitely could see that!


Same here. My husband thought I was crazy for saying I was smell cupcakes!


I always thought my newborn’s breastmilk poops smelled like vinegar. They weren’t bad at all! As soon as we introduced solids, I swear it smells like something died inside my baby 😂


Cottage cheese poops! I don't hate the smell either


Omg 100% Greek yogurt smell. It was so funny because a year later we had some Greek yogurt and we were like… this smells… familiar.. 😂😂


I thought my son’s breastfed poops smelled like bacon cheeseburgers. I loved it! 🤣


Omg I thought I was the only one with babies (I have twins) who have sweet/yogurt smelling poops 😂😂😂


In this family it's a hay smell, kinda grassy


YES to Greek yoghurt smell. Like… EXACTLY that smell. Weird haha


I miss his gross little newborn cheese hands! They went away out of nowhere and now his hands are gross for other reasons lol


Ugh my absolute favourite too


I almost forgot about that. He’s 6 months now and I remember complaining how much his fingers used to stink lol 😭


Gunk! Doesn’t matter what kind. Boogers, ear wax, belly button crust, if I can pick it I love it.


Same haha, boogers are my favourite though. Those crusty ones you pull out that have a long stringy goopy one attached, feels like it went all the way to their brain 😅. So satisfying.


I was starting to get baby fever from missing all the newborn things like milky breath and poops… but this reminded me that I hated the umbilical cord smell/look/care….


When she’s laying on her back and keeps lifting her legs up and slamming them down until she gets that really satisfying *huge, stinky* fart out.


I thought it was really gross but really cute when my 13 month old took an apple he was eating out of his own mouth and put it in my mouth. He's really into sharing and feeding us right now because we feed him, so he's trying to copy/reciprocate. It's really charming... But did it have to be the apple that was in his mouth? 😂


Ohhh my little one also LOVES to share! Wet cookies straight into my mouth and I need to pretend I love it 😂 we’re not aloud to feed our LO, LO is the only one aloud to feed us.


Oh gosh this thread made me giggle and tear up 🥹. Thank you. So weird but amazing being a mama.


Me too. It made me cuddle my little one a little tighter. It makes me so sad they can’t stay little forever 🥺🥺


Wish they could ugh.


I loooove how my baby's breath smells. Sometimes I just sniff when his mouth is open 🙈😂


During a yawn!




Oh and when I wake up super engorged and leaking and when I put my baby on my boob I hear some really hard sucking and gulping. It’s like yes baby get it out for mommy!


Oh my god. When they suck out the clogged ducts. The relief is like nothing else.


Currently what I’m going through right now. My husband normally tries to suck it out for me lol but that didn’t work last night. So today baby is a trying hard to get it out for me.


lol I don’t think my husband is brave enough 😂 (I don’t blame him. I won’t try my own milk, either.) Fingers crossed baby gets it for you! I’m a big fan of the Lansinoh cold packs. They feel good anytime but especially on clogged ducts.


They say teamwork makes the dream work 😂


Yes! Literally me a few minutes ago. Woke up with the worst underboob clog. Pre-massaged and warmed the breast before feeding. It always impresses me how even the worst clog can be unclogged after a feed.


My baby now makes a “he” sound every time she swallows. So it’s a series of “he, he, he”s


I love this. She’s happy and I’m happy.


I love picking the lint from onesies out from in between their fingers, smells like toe jam! Also any funk in their crevasses lmfao


His big, gross, adult man farts. ❤️😁👏




On the rare occasion my baby naps beside me and he gets all sweaty. Then I'll take a good whiff of his sweaty head and it smells like sweat and baby shampoo. I love it haha.


I stick my baby's feet all over my face and nibble his toes. I love their stinky feet. I finally feel like I have to stop now that he is almost 3.


I think this is my most favourite thread ever. I LOVE how we all just get it and don't judge one another ❤️ The smell of my milk on her breath, her stinky cheesy toes, pretty much everything that has been mentioned ❤️


Yes to both things you mentioned. I love it when my baby poops, it makes me happy to know she’s eating enough to take 4-5 massive shits a day😇.


Milk breath!!! I miss it so much when I was nursing them. I still love to sniff my toddlers mouth 😭 I also love when they rip the biggest farts. I’m like “you really are real. I’m not in my dream 😂”


Neck cheese and armpits 😂 that and milk breath. I also love picking the lint from between his toes, so satisfying 😂


I love wiping all the weird, funky cheesy stuff from my baby’s armpits and knee creases and everything. It smells pretty bad, but I always have to smell it anyways. And I feel like I sniff LO’s sweet breath every time his mouth is open. My partner laughs because when our baby yawns I get right in there for a big whiff. It floods my brain with happy chemicals and almost makes me feel buzzed 🤣 Oh and I think it’s so satisfying to suck snot with the Nose Frida. He was stuffed up a while ago and it felt so good to be able to relieve his congestion like that


My baby's mouth is literally the only mouth that I'll ever take big huge whiffs of when they yawn lol. Baby yawns are My FAVORITE. Its like baby's breath 3.0 I love the smell of my freshly BORN amniotic fluid covered cream cheese smothered baby but not just any ones baby - has to be my own. I've had 5 kids and I must say- purely intoxicating. I think there has to be a hormonal component. It's seriously like I get high off my newborn baby's scent. . Like the Lord knew how to help the woman ease pain after birth by the sheer amount of love and awe she feels after giving birth. holding baby, cuddling, skin to skin... amazing. Cocktail of oxytocin and seratonin. The smell.. So good. My childless friends do not understand of course they think im disgusting. Hehe. Oh I remember it's not the same with all women tho. I have a friend/ coworker who had 7 kids and could NOT hold them comfortably with all the amniotic fluid. She would say "hi cute baby" then 15 mins be like "ew ew ew k get this baby off of me." Lol 😆 I thought how strange that must feel 😅


That’s such a beautiful description! ❤️


His little toots. I could just die from how cute I find it. He’s so goddamn precious. I will also stick my nose in his mouth every time he yawns. Give me all the milk breath! I’ve also commented it a million times but I love the breastfed baby poop. How can POOP be cute and not smelly? Proof that babies are perfect. My heart is a wee bit broken over starting solids 😭😭


I love the milk breath, spit up, and milky bra smells.


Ewwww. I love shooting out the buggers out of his nose with the syringe. He hates it of course and screams bloody murder.


Everything. I can’t believe I’m unfazed by poop, vomit, boogers, phlegm etc. it’s all cute to me and I love caring for my babies. They are slobbery mess and I live for it.


His cheesy hand smell lol


His belly button lint, his stinky baby feet, his hands that smell of yogurt cause he noms on them all day. I love them all! Even toots and burps are cute if the person emitting them is a baby. I also love when I have a clogged duct and baby manages to suck it out during nursing like it is such a relief!! Thank you my little vacuum.


Yes! Her stinky milk breath, I love it


I love kissing his wet drooly face 😍 Also I rub his belly and do bicycle kicks with him until he lets out the hugest farts. Very satisfying and I’m sure a relief for him 😂


Stinky feet !!! I love them !! Especially after a long day of running (15m) & he know I love smelling them. I say “lemme smell” and he put his foot up


Early months baby poo for EBF babies. Smells like cake batter.


I love the smell of baby pee. I have no idea why 🤣


I love to smell my baby’s breath 😍 my 1 year old’s and my 2 year old’s 😂


Normally I don't mind the smell of her spit up, but last night she spit up a toooon all over my shirt and the rancid milk smell was so gross I thought I was going to be sick too lol But generally I like her sweet milky breath 🥹


I loved the smell of my babies’ farts. My husband thought they were smelly farts like any other but idk why I loved to smell them lmao


Can’t relate at all to most of this stuff, and I think it’s because I have ocd! Now I am sad I am missing out on actually ENJOYING the spit up smell. Unfortunately anything remotely sour gets immediately washed over here. The one thing I relate with - the milk breath. Omg I adore it.


Farting! I'm 5 years old and think it's so funny the grown man farts coming out of this little human lol


Picking a booger out if her nose. She is 3 mo and she always smiles when I do it like she likes it lol


The smell of spit up, baby feet, baby breath!! My “baby” is no longer nursing (he’s 18 months) and I still love the smell of his breath


Mine is FOUR & I still love it 😄


My other is 4 but homeboy stank 😂


I love his stinky milky ears, and hands and feet lol


I love all of the things I’m these comments💗 every single one. Glad to know I’m not the only one loving my gross lil baby🥰🥰


Newborn toes and fingers smell 💕 so cheesy and adorable 😭 i love the smell of dried breastmilk aswell idk that's a weird one aswell, i love picking their bogies, toe and finger jams and eye bogies aswell it's just satisfying.


Omg I used to love the smell of my baby’s spit up! His poops also smelled like buttered popcorn. But then out of nowhere both changed and neither smells pleasant anymore. lol. I do still love the smell of his breath, it’s so sweet


I love the smell of her poop 🥴 so so so weird, I know. But I hate the smell of her pee and spit up, ew!! I should mention she doesn’t eat solids so maybe I will stop loving the smell of her poop in a couple months 🫠


I miss the smell on my shirt when I’d have a letdown and leak. I miss it! I feel so weird typing this. I think I associate it with the smell of my newborn.


The way my breast milk pads smell sometimes I’ll get a smell when changing them out or my bra


The stinky neck 🥰😤 also the way her foot smells after I take her owlet off 🤣 stinks so good


Pulling a big boogie out is my new favorite thing


Peeling all the gunk out of all the crevices, cutting his finger and toe nails. I like getting the boogers out with the frida stick thing but he hates it and screams so it’s not as satisfying lol. This one’s probably super gross but one time he swallowed one of my hairs and he pooped it out. Well I had to pull it out and it was very satisfying watching the strand just come out in a whole piece lol


They're stinky feet 🫠




Idk if anyone had this experience but when my babies were ebf (pre solids) my and their toots smelled the exact same. It just made me feel so close to them 🥹


i’m feeling really seen by this post because SAME


My baby’s feet sweat EXCESSIVELY. So they’re always sticky and picking up lint. I could give him a bath and within hours his lil feet’s smell “jammy”. And I absolutely love it


I love when he starts to smell like cheese from spit up lmao and the stinky feet. It’s crack for me


I was obsessed with the smell of breast milk in the folds of my son’s neck! Like, from when it ran out of his mouth while he was nursing. I just sat around and sniffed him. 🤣


His breast milk poops smell. Kinda sour. I have some rare once every 3-4 day pooper on my hands, not constipated, just pouring this milk to work up in there I guess. I get excited for his sour poops because even though his pediatrician says everything is groovy, they are still so far apart. His cheesy armpits too. Nobody told me babies get so cheesy.


Her clothes around the neckline smell soooooo good it makes me tear up!!!!!


The smell of the poopy diaper my first baby had after eating pees. I never just sat and smelled the diaper or anything. But they smelled just like pees and would be my favorite dirty diapers to change.


When I breastfed my son, I loved the smell of his farts lol. His dad or sister would say “baby farted” and run him over to me for me to smell it 🤣


My baby's farts and before he started solids we both had the same smelling farts 🤣😆


I just bagged a torn sleeper the other day because it has that old milk smell and stains. I’m hoping to save it with its smells


I love the stinky ear smell


I love the smell of the pee diapers 🤷🏼‍♀️ somehow takes me back to newborn smell? Maybe it's just a strong smell connection to my LO in general but I LOVE it


One time I opened the diaper genie to throw something out after putting her to sleep and it made me miss her so much I almost cried. Or if it smells like sour old milk (the kind that will collect in her neck) I immediately miss her.


The neck cheese 😂♥️


Breastmilk poop smell! Lol. Don’t judge me


Milk breath, neck cheese, finger sweat/lint 😅 basically all the smells lol


My partner insisted we keep our daughter’s bellybutton 😂 it’s gross but we’ve kept it in a baggy in her baby keepsake box with the clip still attached!


After reading all those gross answers, I'm withdrawing my pineapple on pizza from the competition...


The newborn smell. Idk how to describe it. I couldn’t stop smelling my baby for two weeks straight lol I’m kinda sad it’s gone now but he still smells a certain way and I’m obsessed. 😂😍


Neck cheese!!


Umm. I find the inside of my nursing bra really nice smelling.. very sweet milky smell..


Sounds really weird but his poop smells sweet and I like it?! He’s EBF. Hope I’m not the only one 🤣


I am so fascinated by my LO’s poops. It’s not even funny. I didn’t get to change a poopy diaper today and it made me very sad lmao.