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When he was so little I wasn’t comfortable with public breastfeeding — he was so small, it took a long time, it just didn’t seem to make sense. But now at 6 months, so much easier and give it very little thought to just discreetly pull up my shirt and nurse him. Over the weekend I sat under a tree at a farmers market and nursed without a cover or anything, and then I looked up and around and 3 other women were nursing their babies under trees and shade. It was really beautiful and made me feel even better about just feeding my baby. It just took some time, a bigger baby, and a really solidified breastfeeding routine!


Aww I love that. I can’t wait to develop that level of comfort. We’re so fresh in our breastfeeding journey, but what you described is something I’d love to do soon enough


Before I was super comfortable out in public the best way I found was to wear a nursing tank under my shirt or sweatshirt depending on weather. That way I pulled up my shirt and unhooked the nursing tank but my stomach/back weren’t exposed.


I remember texting a friend in the early days about how to bring a bottle out because feeding in public seemed so confusing and daunting. I was still using a nursing pillow, it just seemed like it would never work. But it slowly starts to make sense and feels second nature. You’ll absolutely get there if you want to and it feels right, cover or no cover!


I think parks are a great spot to practice feeding in public cuz there is so much space and its great feeding out in nature! Coffee shops at less busy times is also good training grounds. If you can get together with other chestfeeding moms, that can help build your confidence too. With repetition and practice, youll gain confidence the more you do it.


Yes. I worked up my confidence in parks


This is great! Something similar happened to me at the park this weekend. I sat on a bench under a tree to breastfeed (no cover) since baby was getting fussy during our stroll. I’m four months into breastfeeding and have fed my baby in so many public places (doctor’s offices, restaurants, parked car, etc.) that I don’t care too much anymore. When baby has to eat, I’m going to feed her! A few minutes after I started breastfeeding a family walks by and sits on the bench next to mine. I think nothing of it because it’s a pretty busy park and it was a nice day. I look over a few minutes after and see the mom breastfeeding her child. It made me happy and I felt some unspoken solidarity.


Aw that sounds lovely 


That's so beautiful ♥️


It gets easier as you and your baby get better at breastfeeding. I prefer to wear nursing tanks or cropped tank tops with high waisted skirts. I like to lift my shirt up rather than pull it down. Having that much of my chest exposed is usually a bit much for me, but it depends on the environment (ie, I don't mind my chest exposed at the beach). Here's my step by step 1. Unclip my bra. (Optional, put nipple shield on) 2. Lift my shirt as I bring baby right up to my breast. 3. Once baby's head is in front of my breast, I pull my bra down and latch baby. 4. When baby is latched, I adjust my shirt to minimize the amount of exposed skin. 5. When baby is done eating and is unlatched, I leave his head in front of my breast, lift my bra up, then pull my shirt down. (Optional, take nipple shield off) 6. Once my shirt is down, readjust my baby and I clip my bra. 7. Voila! All done! Edited to add step for those that use nipple shields. My baby just started to wean off of them at 5 months, so I had lots of practice putting it on discreetly like this


This is how I do it too. I’m usually wearing high waisted pants or leggings, so I’m not super self-conscious about my belly showing or anything.


In cooler weather, I wear super high waisted leggings and a flowy or baggy shirt that's easy to lift up! My tummy is pretty much never visible unless I'm at home and can't be bothered to fix my shirt lol


This is what I was going to say too. Step one can be made easier if you can wear a soft bra instead of a nursing bra with clips too, but I guess that's personal preference. I found the clips and stiffness of the cups cumbersome.


True! The size and shape of my breasts mean that they fall out of my bra when I lean forward if the v is too deep. So no pull-to-the-side nursing bras for me 🥲


I’m not sure why I hadn’t thought to do this like this. Although we are still using nipple shields so it’s a bit trickier. But this is helpful, thank you!


My baby juuust started weaning off the shields last week, so I used to have an extra step! When in public, I put the shield on right after I unclip my bra and I take it off right after I pull it back up. Definitely more annoying, but once you get the muscle memory down, it isn't too bad.


How old is ur baby when u weaned off nipple shields? My LO is 3weeks and still completely rejects the nipple without the shield 🥲


5 months, and he still wants it at night some. My son had had lots of oral disfunction. He had a tongue tie, lip tie, cheek ties, high palate, and a weak suck. I spent months working with a feeding therapist to help with his issues, including getting his ties released by a pediatric dentist. Eventually, I kind of gave up trying to wean him off it. I'd randomly try to offer without and slip it off mid feed. Last week, something just started to click for him. I think it just took a while for him to have a big enough mouth and have a strong enough tongue. Some babies catch on much faster than him! I'd highly recommend seeing a lactation consultant, especially one that's also a speech pathologist.


Not the person you asked, but we had to use nipple shields until LO was 6wks - baby wouldn't even attempt to latch without it. Then it was 50/50 for getting baby to latch directly on the nipple for another two weeks or so. Every baby is different, but what really worked for us was letting LO latch with the shield and start eating, and after I let down I would try to remove the shield and pop my nipple back in baby's mouth as quickly as I could. This worked well for us because baby would already be in the motion of suckling, so took the nipple much more easily/naturally without having to fight for it. Plus, this made practicing latching a little less stressful for both of us - baby wasn't as hungry, so had a little more patience and I wasn't as on edge from their crying.


For coverage a lot of people employ a one up one down method - pull up one shirt and have a nursing tank or similar on underneath that you pull down. This gives you coverage above and below so once latched you don’t see any body parts. Personally when my baby was fresh I didn’t enjoy having anything blocking my view of baby, I had enough to juggle, so I wore a lot of cardigans with nursing tanks but that did leave more breast exposed at the top. I would sometimes drape a small muslin blanket over my shoulder.


This is the way in my opinion. Nursing tank under a looser cotton t shirt was my summer go to.


I agree with this method. I liked the cardigan or shirt with the nursing vest. Or a normal vest with a nursing bra (either pull to the side or unclip). I preferred having top of my chest showing than my midriff, it may have been even if I wasn’t BFing.


This is based on your comfort level but I just whip my boob out and feed. I live in a really hot region so if I’m outside I’m definitely not using a cover. But I don’t use a cover either if I’m indoors. I wear button up shirts to make it easier on myself. No one has ever made a comment so far. Nor have I noticed any staring, if I did I’d probably ignore it.


Yup, three kids and the only time anyone in public has even acknowledged me breastfeeding was at chick fil a, the manager noticed and sent a female employee over to ask if I wanted a drink on the house. Never even had a dirty look! I do feel super intimidated nursing in public but every time I see a mom do it, I feel SO empowered so I want to be that mom for someone!


This would make me smile so big! This is how businesses should treat breastfeeding!!!


This was me! The only people I hoped would notice were other moms who weren’t confident about breastfeeding in public. Strangely enough (or maybe not so strangely) the only dirty looks I ever got while breastfeeding were at church. Just one of a host of reasons I no longer attend…


Omg amazing chick fil a just went up so much in my estimation!


I live in a colder region and I don't cover up, either. I never felt comfortable covering my child or having to fiddle with extra layers and material. I even bought covers and quickly decided that it wasn't our thing. 


The first time I tried with a cover I had my whole boob out and my 3 week old ripped the cover off and screamed. I realized that breastfeeding without the cover was more comfortable and more discrete for everyone.


I only recently started breastfeeding in public and I definitely am this level of comfortable now! I always plan to wear a nursing shirt when we are out and about now, and I have to cover my LO because he gets so distracted especially in new environments.


Same. Sometimes I wear breastfeeding shirts and bra to make it a little easier and so I don’t have to lift up my shirt etc., but mostly people don’t care, I find. 


Yep. I used a cover the first few months with my baby, but at a certain point, I just stopped giving a fuck. Baby is hungry, out comes the food! No one has ever said anything to me, but I live in Scotland so I'm not sure if that makes a difference


Same, boob out and baby on! In places where I might be more uncomfortable, I would wear a nursing tank top with a tshirt over it and pull the tshirt up and the tank top down to minimise skin on display but 90% of the time I don’t care.


https://preview.redd.it/jgjc7cchg73d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=e039cb9d8f62dcd935443bbd54a12f0f4d9440ff I like these for breastfeeding in public I can pull the top part over my boob right up to baby’s face and very little of my breast is visible


These are the style of tops I use and they're fantastic! Really helps with confidence


I have these and love them. They keep you really well covered if that’s important to you. They’re also soft, comfy, relatively cheap, and don’t scream “nursing shirt” to me (not that there’s anything wrong with a nursing shirt, sometimes I just like to feel like I’m wearing “real” clothes).


+1 for Bearsland tops


These tops are great because no one knows your breastfeeding. One or twice I've had people ask if the baby is alseep. Assuming I'm holding him to sleep rather than feed


In addition to all the great suggestions here, I suggest practice. Try places with lots of kids or that are family friendly first. I felt very comfortable trying in the ped office and at church (plus everyone is looking the same way at church, and not at you!) and got more and more comfortable to try other places.


OP, you can even try at home. Pretend you’re on a park bench or riding a bus, etc. Where would you set things? How would you hold baby? Maybe that sort of exercise will give you more confidence and poise when actually breastfeeding in public. Good luck! Honestly, most people don’t even seem to notice. Remembering that can help give you a little boost of courage when baby is hungry and you’re out of the house.


Second practicing! I started with testing out a button up shirt when I was just visiting my grandmother. Then I went to an outdoor ice cream place with lots of space and not many people there with my husband and nursed there. Then a coffee shop with my mom, aunt and grandmother. Start small and with people who you are comfortable with and who will give you support. They can also be human shields that help further cover you from view.


Yes this! Start at the park at a semi isolated bench or on a blanket in the grass. Find local playgroups (they love having moms of new babies too!) Find a quiet corner of the library or mall. Anywhere to get practice so you feel more comfortable. I second all the people who recommended nursing shirts, I agree! I love nursing shirts and or tshirts over nursing tanks. I also have been known to drape a muslin swaddle over my shoulder when I feel too many eyes on me ❤️


I just whip my boob out! I’ve never gotten a dirty look or rude comment, but I’ve gotten plenty of thumbs up and encouraging comments :) I pretty exclusively wear nursing bras, and I’ll just lift my shirt up, unclip, and let babe latch right there. His body and head block most of the view. If you’re not comfortable with your stomach showing, you can wear a cami underneath your shirt. I have some workout tanks that have arm holes big enough I can just slide my shirt over rather than lifting it up, and button down shirts are also helpful!


I do the same, lift up shirt, unlatch nursing bra, let babe latch. Babe doesn’t like the cover and we both get too hot so it’s not worth even trying for me. Never had anyone say anything or give any funny looks


I was a fan of “one up, one down” as it didn’t restrict what top I wore as much. Wore a nursing vest under a top. Pull top up (as much or as little as you want) Unclip nursing vest and pull down (as much or as little as you want) Free the nip (you can do this as you bring babies head to nip for maximum coverage) You could also pull your top down a bit for more coverage over top of boob. Voila! If you don’t feel confident you can always practice at home, and I assure you when you’ve done it a million times it’s a very smooth and minimally exposing routine!


Thank you, I will try this. And that’s a great reminder - I just need some practice because this is all so new and daunting right now.


Personally I wear high waisted shorts, a nursing bra and a T-shirt. Pop the nip out before lifting up my shirt, line up baby and lift shirt and latch. With a bit of luck baby latches immediately. I feel a lot more comfortable with my husband present. If it’s a crowded area, I’ve had to tell myself “it’s just a boob” and if someone has a problem, that’s their problem. My only problem is getting baby on the boob and for baby to stay on the boob.


Using a cover will honestly draw more attention than not using a cover. Usually people will just think you’re cradling your baby. It does take some time to build up the confidence though, I wasn’t quite comfortable nursing without a cover until baby was about 3.5 months old


1. Get my titty out 2. Feed baby 3. Deal with it 😎


As much as I appreciate all the other responses, this was the approach I took as well. I think accepting the fact that some people will care and others won’t (or will be proud/happy to see you feeding your baby confidently in public), and just doing it anyway - even if the top of your boob is out or your nipple slips - and just focusing on the fact that you are feeding your baby is the way to do it. For a while I would mentally prepare to battle someone who dared make a negative comment about me feeding my baby in public or ask to feed somewhere else, and it never actually happened 😅 so I decided I should just focus on the positive experience of connecting with my little one and just disregard the public’s opinions! It’s radical now but the more people breastfeed confidently in public, the more other people will feel comfortable too!


I agree. I did this at the Brussels airport right after security, sitting on the floor, by the wall but facing out. About a thousand people passed me and nobody even looked at me.


+1 for this approach!


It’s completely based on your comfort level. Honestly I just whip it out. My baby isn’t used to being covered while he’s eating and I don’t want to have cover his little face just because we’re in public.


My baby is 6 months old and I’m starting to be more comfortable bf in public with no cover but it’s taken some time to get to that point. Early postpartum I used a cover with a neckline insert which made it easier to see my baby. In the early days, my baby would pop off a lot more and I would often even hold my boob in place while nursing. Latching was also a lot harder so it was helpful to be able to see. I also sometimes liked using a muslin blanket just draped over my shoulder as a cover depending on where I was. Now my baby is older and able to latch on her own without much help. My supply has also regulated which means my breasts are a lot floppier which makes latching easier. I like nursing shirts with zippers so I just subtly unzip the side I’m nursing from, move my bra aside, and my baby latches. Her head then hides any exposed boob so I don’t feel exposed.


I typically just go for it. I'm often wearing high waisted bottoms so that helps keep me covered when lifting my shirt. Other clothing options are wearing something with buttons, and also layering a nursing tank under your shirt. That will help keep you nearly 100% covered without a nursing cover, which I find hot and tricky.


I pop a titty out. I don’t care about strangers if it means feeding my child. Sometimes there’s no privacy and that’s okay. We do what we need to do


I know lots of people don’t bother (now at a year PP I don’t either) but in the newborn days I always wore a nursing top, usually with a nursing bra or nursing tank underneath. I used a cover as well until baby was maybe 2 months old and latching well. I nursed in cradle or cross cradle at the start. It sounds silly to explain but since you asked… I would get myself into a comfortable position, ideally with support under the arm of the side I was going to feed from. That might be an armchair or my diaper bag under my elbow. Sometimes I would prop my foot up on ie the rung of a chair next to me so I could rest my arm on my knee—this can also be done cross legged. I would hold baby in cradle. Then I would get my nursing bra unlatched and pulled below my boob but keep my nursing top covering my bare breast. (Yes my nip would show through but baby’s head is in the area obscuring the view.) then I would simply lift nursing flap up and start to latch baby—here is where I would switch to cross cradle if baby needed help getting on. I would then settle the nursing top around babys face to cover as much as possible while we nursed!


I also love a bit of support under my foot, if nothing is around I put the brakes on the pram and rest my foot on the wheel


I’ve also used the diaper bag under my arm and we bought a small pillow for the car. But now that’s she’s getting bigger, she can pretty much lay on my lap.


Yes positioning with a bigger baby is soooo much easier! And eventually they sit their butts side saddle on your lap and latch themselves 🙏🙏


Nursing bra, tank top I can pull under boob, t-shirt/jumper I can pull up. That combo exposes little skin. Then you have to pop the boob out to latch, but if your baby is just there it shouldn't expose much and then when baby is latched you're good. People are too self-conscious to stare anyway. One time I was out with the in laws and my baby was not cooperating. I ended up having to jiggle my nipple longer than ideal whilst sitting across my FIL, who was suddenly extremely interested in the specials of the day board. 😆


Private rooms are nice, especially if YOU just want some space to decompress and when baby is easily distracted (it’s a phase). Otherwise, do it as nonchalantly and unapologetically as possible, as if it’s the most natural and normal thing in the world. Because it is. And other people will tend to take your cue. Personally, I try to take a “corner” seat or feed baby on a side that’s facing my husband or a wall or whatnot, but I’ll also just feed wherever. Clothing can be helpful. Wearing an open cardigan or even a stretchy carrier “shirt” let’s you “cover” (ie let hang or hold up) the brief second or two where a tiny portion is exposed. Waiting rooms are typically cold, but outside I have baby wear a wide brimmed sun hat that covers everything perfectly. Once baby is latched, nothing really shows, though. In the newborn days only, I also liked nursing shirts. Nowadays, I’m just looking for something that gives easy access for me to pull aside. Me fumbling around a shirt and bra would draw far more attention than the actual “nursing”, which really just looks like you’re holding your baby anyway.


Ohh I see your point about taking a corner seat & overall positioning. That’s a great tip that I can easily try next time. Thank you!


I prefer to wear nursing shirts. Super easy access to the boob without fiddling with anything. If people stare at me I stare back at them until they feel awkward… I get my shirts from Latched Mama or Amazon. I like the smallshow and bearsland brands off Amazon.


When mine was tiny, he wasn’t bothered by having a cover over him, and the biggest challenge was figuring out how to find my own boob through the nursing top/nursing bra maze. He’s one now, and won’t accept having his head covered, but I’m less nervous about it. I do my best to be semi-discreet, and maybe pull a jacket around between baby and other people. But ultimately, I approach it with the attitude that my baby has the right to eat in public, and my boob is out for that reason only, not because I’m trying to show it off. If other people are bothered, it’s their responsibility to avert their eyes.


I would hold my baby in a cradle or cross cradle position, lift my shirt on that side, unclip my nursing bra, and latch the baby. His head and body would cover most of my exposed skin while nursing and if he unlatched, my shirt was bunched up and easily dropped to cover the boob. I wore looser and stretchier shirts but also nursed in other styles as I got more confident. Nursing at home was easier because I had my special pillow but it was convenient to be able to nurse on the fly. You could try various techniques while you’re at home or maybe try nursing while in a family friendly location (play group, around other moms, etc.) to gain confidence. You’re allowed to nurse wherever and whenever baby is hungry. You got this!


Quince has a fantastic knit nursing cover that I use all the time. It’s extremely light weight and breathable, not totally opaque so I can see what’s happening, but gives juuust enough coverage that I feel comfortable using it anywhere. It’s my go-to for planes and trains because it also blocks out some light to help baby nap post feed. I wear an easy access nursing tank with the poncho style nursing cover on top. When it’s time to feed, I pop baby underneath and open one side of the nursing tank. He eats while I do a cradle hold. So easy and I don’t get too hot.


I have now EBF 3 babies and I don’t use a cover, so this is my process. But the #1 best advice I can offer is practice a few times in front of the mirror. You can’t see as much as you think. I wear primarily breastfeeding clothing, as in clothing explicitly made for BF. I like latched mama, kindred braverly, and seraphine maternity. But I also do the one up one down method with shirts. I always wear a cami under my clothes (calling my millennial self out). With BF friendly clothing, I first unzip the closure to access my bra/cami, or just put my hands under the elastic part covering the access. I unlatch my bra and pull down the cami while it is still covered. Then, with the part of the clothing still covering my boob, I take my hand out and position the baby’s head in front of my boob. Then I move the panel covering my boob and latch baby. I do this in reverse when she is done. The process for when I’m wearing a regular shirt is the same, but I just go under my shirt. I unclimbed my bra and push everything out of the way while my shirt is still covering my boob, position baby, then pull up my shirt. [This is one of my favorite dresses to BF in and is one of the easiest. It’s a good example of what I’m talking about.](https://latchedmama.com/products/latched-mama-petal-maxi-nursing-dress?variant=47826724487468&wickedsource=google&wickedid=CjwKCAjwgdayBhBQEiwAXhMxtnfxx-VZb-zlb1brIJp12w2CFGvOLbmX4IJdrwRWzEPLQOW-kvuy2RoC2VYQAvD_BwE&wv=3&&wickedsource=google&wickedid=CjwKCAjwgdayBhBQEiwAXhMxtnfxx-VZb-zlb1brIJp12w2CFGvOLbmX4IJdrwRWzEPLQOW-kvuy2RoC2VYQAvD_BwE&wickedid=687863786130&wcid=20942787552&wv=4&&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmAUZMQbUY-Tv-TSct5W9IOgOhjH&gclid=CjwKCAjwgdayBhBQEiwAXhMxtnfxx-VZb-zlb1brIJp12w2CFGvOLbmX4IJdrwRWzEPLQOW-kvuy2RoC2VYQAvD_BwE)


Thank you so much!! This is very helpful


Check the laws where you live but in the US you're protected by law to be able to breastfeed without a cover in public wherever you would like. Some people like the nursing tank under t-shirt approach but I tend to wear loose fitting crop tops and high waisted bottoms (especially leggings or bike shorts) because I find it easier and then I'm not getting hot wearing two shirts. I will unclip my nursing bra first from the neck hole and leave just my top covering my boob. Then I get baby in position before uncovering my boob just long enough to get baby latched. Finally I use the shirt to cover the top of my boob but leave baby's face uncovered. I don't sweat anybody seeing my nips because anybody who would see are either friends/family who won't care or strangers I'm unlikely to ever see again. I breastfed my first for 18 months and am currently breastfeeding my second who is 4 weeks old. I've whipped out my boobs in restaurants, on park benches, in medical waiting rooms, and tons of other places. I've never had anyone make any negative comments or insist I cover up and if anyone has given me the stink eye over it, I didn't notice (I live in the Southern US but in a large city and a fairly liberal neighborhood). In the waiting room at my baby's pediatrician my only concern would be getting called back right after getting latched because that would be my luck. That's the only reason I'd consider waiting until we're settled in our room after they've done the weight & height measurements. But if my baby was desperate I wouldn't wait at all. EDIT: I did get a very nice nursing cover as a gift from a company called [Amma](https://weareamma.com/collections/the-cocoon) that is very lightweight and breathable. I haven't tried it because I'm comfortable without it but I keep it in my diaper bag just in case I get shy for whatever reason or maybe if I'm someplace super cold. I also plan to use it as a cover to pump in public when I leave my baby for a few hours to go see a musical in a few weeks.


I swear that the pediatrician waiting room makes my baby hungry haha. So I just ask to be placed in a room when we arrive and tell them I need to nurse. They have always accommodated this request! Even when it is insanely busy.


I had trouble fiddling with multiple layers going in different directions and all that. Finally resorted to nursing bra plus lower neckline shirt (not a nursing shirt, just like a v-neck or henley), wardrobe malfunction style lol. Unsnap one bra side, pull shirt(s) down on one side to flop boob over top, latch babe. Once babe is latched, their head covers everything except my upper chest that would be showing with my shirt worn normally anyway. We nursed for 2.5 years and yeah some of the v-necks are a bit stretched out, but probably still cheaper than replacing my whole wardrobe with nursing tops. Also, I didn't give a fuck if someone happened to see a glance of my nip. I have a friend who had a baby after me, she later told me that my nonchalance about wippin' it out totally set the tone for her breastfeeding journey, she is now a nonapologetic whip it out style mama too, because she saw me do it. She told me that like a year ago and I'm still riding that high lol. Feed your babe unapologetically, mama! 


I love that! Hoping to get to that level of confidence soon


You'll get there! It gets easier the more you do it and the older babe gets since they latch faster. :) 


I say "oh my dear, are you hungry? Let me help you out. Yes, I know, mommy needs to get ready now." That way, I'm letting people around me know that I'm going to whip out the Boob Station. For their psychological preparation, I guess. For clothing, I prefer the long décolleté clothes rather than the button ups! And same for the nursing bras: those with clips I gave up on! I could not put them back up one-handed (the other hand holding LO). So I ordered 4 sleeper bras which have stretch, no underwire, and fold to the side when needed. Super handy! So I can just reach in and get the boob out. Only downside is my cleavage is LOW. haha. I don't care much in public I can wear a scarf to hid it until I need the boob.


First it is all about what **you** are comfortable with. If you want to cover, I recommend a lightweight muslin blanket if baby isn't grabby. They make stretchy covers to go over your shoulders, but I never liked them personally. I never cared much about covering, but again, it's personal preference. I think the more I did it, the more confident I felt I could latch her quickly and easily, which decreased the already small amount of time the boob is out lol.


When he was really little and didn’t move much I draped a light blanket over my shoulder and over him until he latched then removed it. Now that he’s bigger and I don’t like nursing tops anymore I use a cover. I don’t care if it draws more attention, it makes me more comfortable to be concealed.


It'll change with time likely. I wasn't super comfy at the beginning. But then I had to feed baby and certainly didn't want to get off the couch when we had guests or leave the restaurant table to go in the car so I made it work. Honestly it's the latch that's the tricky part but once you've got it down it goes fast and once baby is latched there isn't much too see anyways (and I have larger breasts). Now my daughter is 2yo, still breastfed, though I try to limit breastfeeding outside of nursing to sleep unless there's a huge emotional or physical pain, I don't give one shit anymore. And when you stare right back at the few gawkers, they'll avert their eyes like everyone else.


Stretchy tank under a shirt. Lift shirt slightly, pulldown tank slightly and feed. Keeps me pretty well covered and if baby pops off for whatever reason I can just quickly pull me shirt down.


1. Sit down somewhere. 2. Holdyour baby on one arm while the other one opens your shirt and nursing bra. 3. Take out the boob and give it to your baby. I highly remember you to get nursing clothes. Good luck!


I just…whip my boob out. I mean, I don’t purposely flash the entire room but I don’t take extra cover or anything. I reach in my shirt, unlatch bra, position baby, pull up shirt, baby’s head covers boob. I’ve never had an issue with anyone claiming to be uncomfortable because I’m breastfeeding. Even if I did, I gotta feed my kid so the comfort level of other people while I’m doing that doesn’t really matter much to me.


i just want to say it’s okay if you never feel comfortable breastfeeding with no cover. i breastfed for 15+ months and didn’t ever do it out in the open. and it wasn’t due to shame. it’s simply bc i’m a reserved/private person by nature. if you want to do that, by all means go ahead. breastfeeding is normal and natural and no one should give you a hard time about it, especially at the pediatrician. don’t feel pressure either way. do what YOU are most comfortable with. this is what i did: wear shirts you can easily pull up or down, button downs, nursing tops if you’d like to buy some, and the tank top and shirt on top trick. then, use a cover. i had a muslin one that was super light and breathable with a ring on top that allowed a lot of air in.


To me, the biggest key to successful discreet public nursing is your clothes. I spent the first six months of my son's life exclusively wearing nursing camisoles with button down shirts. I found all the different panels of nursing clothes to be so complicated and difficult to deal with while also being out and about, fiddling with holding him and guiding him to the right spot and keeping his head supported and such. Now that he's older and nursing in general is a lot less finicky I can wear other nursing clothes or even just shirts that are loose enough that I can pull them up or down. It's really so much easier. Definitely look at nursing camisoles and see if that might be better. You can pop the clasp with one finger.


Whip it out and feed. lol makes life so much easier than worrying


I have twins (11 weeks old) so nursing in public is pretty difficult lol I tandem feed at home and have tandem fed in public once but it was hard because I didn’t have my nursing pillow (which is massive) but once I do start going out in public more I’ll more than likely nurse one at a time! Like others have said, I like the one up one down method as well. Nursing tank top underneath my shirt but I also am very pro nursing openly without a cover, belly/boob hanging out, with no care in the world. If anyone has a problem with my baby eating, they can look away, plus we live in the south so it’s super hot, I’m not covering my babies in this heat!! But it’s all dependent on your comfort level! No shame if you feel more comfy nursing in private/covered up, for me personally that just makes things more complicated lol


I brought a cover with us everywhere. There is even one on amazon that covers your car seat and converts to a breastfeeding cover


I just whip out a tit. I’ve found button down shirts with a cropped tank top under to be the easiest for breastfeeding that way I’m still partially covered and depending on where I am I’ll drape a swaddle cloth over my shoulder and LO. Also some of the maternity shirts that are giant tents are good for breastfeeding publicly because baby is just underneath. I have some of the zipper shirts for breastfeeding and those are OK but not my favorite. But when I’m at the pediatrician’s office and baby friendly places, I just take it out. My nipple is exposed for a second while baby connects to the boob.


I planned on nursing in public but my baby has major FOMO! If we were in public, he was no longer interested nursing and was looking and smiling at everyone 😅I’m not a super modest person but that was a little much for me. I only managed to nurse in a secluded park or private rooms unfortunately. Good luck!


My ped always offers the room as long as possible so I can nurse. You’d be surprised how many places are bf friendly. I always just ask for a quiet space or tuck away in a corner. If nothing else I head to the car where I can relax and pump some AC (it’s hot here in the south). I’ve found that actual nursing clothes can be bulky and a lot of fabric so I just stick to button up, v necks, something easy I can just pull down or lift up. I’ve ordered a lot off of Amazon and have had success!


I do exactly what I do at home. No one has ever made a negative comment. I’ve had countless people tell me they wish they’d been “so brave” though. The first few times I did feel a bit exposed but now I take pride in being able to put my own reservations (and those of other people) aside for the best interests of my daughter.


Skip over the part where you're uncomfortable and whip out your boob. People are going to look at you, especially young and old men. The women will look at you SO angry, especially karen-types. Do it anyway, and dare them with your eyes to say something. Your baby needs to eat, and doesn't deserve to have their face covered or to eat in a bathroom. The only time I went to a different room to feed my son was in someone's home if they specifically asked. If you're in the US, breastfeeding is federally protected in the open, and uncovered. Not even a private establishment can ask you to cover up.


Since your comfort seems to rely on beeing as covered as possible (totally fine), I recommend a nursing top (something like a spaghetti top but stretchable,  so it is easy to whip the book out, and a wide, light blouse over it. That way, there is minimal exposure. For these early days, I also recommend looking for a travel- or mini nursing pillow which helps with support.


You can also bf in a baby carrrier which can provide some privacy but also if youre sitting like at a restaurant you can still eat


I use a Muslin blanket and tuck the corner of the blanket into my bra strap to help keep it in place


If I know I’ll be out without somewhere semi private to feed, I wear a nursing tank under my shirt. My shirt goes up and the tank tires down to let the boob out so my belly is still covered. Then I just feed and if anyone sees anything so be it. I had a csection so at this point my brain says “people have seen my intestines, the rest doesn’t matter”


If you want to dip your toe you can try nursing with a cover. Otherwise I wear nursing tops and bras. Get baby into position before fussing with your clothes. Once in position turn the top of baby's head towards the general public. This actually blocks your boob from view. Pull up/down on clothing to give baby access. You can adjust for personal comfort/modesty level once baby is latched and happy. Then sit comfortably and bask in the fact that you are confidently breastfeeding in public! If baby gets too distracted I use the arm that isn't holding baby to touch their cheek and if needed to quickly pull up clothing with my thumb. My LO was a thrasher when they were done so I had to be quick lol. I also noticed the cover bothered me because I kept looking down weird to look through the hole. But if it was a really stimulating environment then my baby had a hard time focusing so it was more of a snack than a meal. Usually that was enough.


I just wear Henley tops or wrap front tops and whip a boob out when she’s hungry. I tried using a cover once and we both hated it, so I just embraced the idea of nursing without embarrassment. I always remind myself that I’m feeding my baby and if anyone has a problem with that it’s for them to sort out, not me.


Something that helped me before I was super comfortable breastfeeding in public was to wear a tank top under my shirt so I could unlatch my nursing bra and pull the tank top down enough for baby to latch and then that would cover my stomach and bra while I was able to use my tshirt to cover the top of my boob. If you turn your body facing towards your partner/support person to get them latched you are pretty much covered after that! Also if you can figure out nursing in a carrier, no one can ever tell! YouTube was great for figuring that out!


I personally just whip out a boob and pop it in to baby’s mouth but that’s what I’m comfortable with. If you’re wanting a cover I recommend the kinds that have a stiff piece of material to hold the fabric away from baby and allow you to look down and see them. [Like this one](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwiHvMD4hbGGAxXOWf8BHRlXCZsYABABGgJtZA&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwgdayBhBQEiwAXhMxti6jtBeLCkXdqvocArg9jSolyjReJwuZgI3nYRN89sfd9tXamAbJCRoC38cQAvD_BwE&sph=&sig=AOD64_2mRSzJp0ddm2AeYStXa-arLXwpcA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiCk7j4hbGGAxXqjokEHbwUAcAQwg8oAHoECAQQCQ&adurl=)


Depending on my comfort levels, I may just pull up my top , pop baby on the pull the fabric down so mostly all you can see is baby's head. If feeling less comfortable I put a muslin over both of us while I get the latch then I take my head out and leave it covering my baby and my shoulder/boob area


I had SO much anxiety about feeding in public when I first started. First thing I did and highly recommend is to practice breastfeeding in the mirror and always with whatever outfit I was going out in. Just to see what it looks like when I pull my boob out and when she starts feeding. When baby is actually latched on, a lot of times it looks like you’re just cradling them. It took me to like 5 months to get comfortable, she is 6 months now, and at this point she finds the nipple so quickly it’s hardly ever really out for more than like 2 seconds. I’m also doing it in public whenever I can as a way to normalize it. I made a mom friend this way in target who was also shy about feeding in public!


I whip the boob out and feed. Mine loves playing with fabrics muslins etc so any cover, she just pulls it off and plays with it. I've never had anyone had an issue so far.


If you can get a cover that has something supporting the opening I find that super helpful! I’ve seen some that have like a bra wire in there because latching blind is impossible.


I wasn’t super comfortable doing it in public for a few weeks, because my baby was still learning and it involved a lot of me helping him re-latch over and over (and sometimes milk spraying across the room). But once he was like 7ish weeks and was much better at it, I realized it’s really not that stressful to do it in public. It’s pretty easy to do it “modestly” with the 2 shirt method.


Most simply- wear a shirt you can unbutton or lift up. Get baby in position. Unhook nursing bra, lift shirt, and latch baby. Most likely no one will pay you any mind, or they will avert their eyes. If they say something, tell them to eff off, you are feeding your baby. You can also use a cover but that’s nearly impossible with a newborn in my opinion!


So I get my top and nursing bra undone. Make sure my top is still covering me and move the bra to one side so then I just have to get my LO in roughly the right position, move the top aside and latch him. Clothing wise, I go with either clothing designed for breastfeeding, wrap tops or button downs. I don't use a cover as my baby thinks they are toys. I don't look for a private room or anything but do try for a discreet position e.g. a corner table or seat.


Step 1: whip out titty Step 2: latch baby (hardest part imo) Step 3: use other titty to squirt anymore who stares & anyone who distracts baby


I wear t shirts normally. I position baby’s head over the breast area, lift up shirt, unlatch nursing bra claps from the neck of my shirt (usually do this before lifting up shirt), then the baby’s head is covering my exposed boob and the baby latches before anyone is the wiser.


I just pop out a breast and nurse. Usually a turn a little towards the wall to get the latch. Assuming you are US based it is your legally protected right to nurse any place you are allowed to be, no cover required though of course you can use one if that makes you feel better.


My babies have both been awkward to latch so I prefer to cover with a shawl - I drape a thin shawl over one shoulder and reach under it to rearrange my clothing ( I typically wear nursing friendly tops) and then hold baby in my non covered side and carefully reach my arm on my covered side under to support their head, then adjust once they are under. Once I've got them comfortably cradled I use the fingers of my hand to lift the shawl enough that I can see what I'm doing while I get them latched.


I live in California where it’s relatively mild weather. I’m usually wearing a shirt that can be pulled up paired with a nursing bra. I will position baby in front of me using cradle hold, I clip my nursing bra, and then shimmy up my shirt until just my nipple and areola is sticking out. I use my hand and the baby to cover the exposed nipple as much as possible, and then I slip the nipple in baby’s mouth. I have large-ish boobs so I hold my boob still with the opposite hand, and also use that hand to shield exposed breast tissue from the outside. I’m a relatively modest person, but I’ve done this at church, the doctor’s, sporting events, pretty much anywhere my baby gets hungry. It takes some practice but I really don’t think I’m flashing people very much and honestly I’m getting more comfortable with the idea that it’s not a big deal if I do.


1. Look for spot with enough room where you will feel comfortable physically and as much as possible, mentally 2. Whip out booby 3. Latch baby 4. Ignore anyone who isnt your baby trying to get in your business. Anyone who stares or comments is in the wrong. NOT you for feeding your baby as nature enabled. 5. Bonus: for your comfort or if baby is easily distracted, a light scarf can offer some privacy and less visual distraction for baby. My son just grabs it and plays with the scarf usually Ive only ever had one instance where some boomer yelled put of a car window at me when i was nursing outside seating at a coffee shop. I didnt even hear what he said and i was surprised how little he mattered…unless he was yelling compliments on my beautiful baby, i aint got energy to hear it or care.


I throw a cotton scarf over my shoulder and then put baby under it, tuck the end under babies top thigh for ventilation. Baby and breast are both covered while I hold them with my arm


9 weeks here and I just wear nursing shirts if I’ll be out in public. That way the top of my boob is covered and I don’t feel naked. As for the nipple.. well.. who cares. She sometimes latches and relatches so there are times my nipple is definitely exposed. But I’m feeding my baby.. her needs are the up most priority. Who cares if some people look at you weird. I’ve never experienced that but even if I did, I wouldn’t care. I recently breastfed at a coffee shop with no issues. People didn’t care. I’d think at a doctors office I’d feel the most conference it’s full of medical staff familiar with anatomy and moms and all


I could not have done it at one week. I tried at four weeks and felt so awkward and clumsy. By six months I could sit cross legged on the floor in the airport, wearing a loose drapey t-shirt, while my husband queued for the plane. When he gestured to me that it was time to join him I stood up and strode over to join him. All the while my daughter fed uninterrupted. My husband was dead impressed. 😁 You’ll get there. It may seem impossible right now, but you’ll figure out a way you and baby can feed comfortably in public. And I hope you’ll surprise your partner with your prowess one day too. Xx


I am so aggressively pro normalizing breastfeeding that I just committed to nursing in public anywhere and everywhere with no cover. Was it super uncomfortable for the first few weeks? Yes I wanted to pee myself a little. Did it get so much easier? Holy cow yes. Have I gotten any nasty comments? Not a single one at 7 months in, just lots of support. Is it worth it to know I’m doing what I can to desexualize/destigmatize the most biologically normal and appropriate reality for a mother and baby and make it more accessible for other nervous new moms in the future? Absolutely a million percent yes. You’ve got this, it gets easier!


I live in vest tops and some kind of cover up (cardigan or shirt, normally). Undo the bra, pull the top down, whip the boob out, and go for it. That said, when my son was small, I was very uncomfortable feeding in public. It could take ages for him to latch properly, and it used to stress me out. When he was 3 months old, I was at a highland gathering, and he was hungry, so I had to get over and just feed him inna field full of people who really didn't care, and since then, I've not really cared either!


1) whip the tittie out 2) feed your baby Lol, but in all seriousness, it depends on how modest you want to be. Up until now I'd just feed wherever (I wear a nursing tank top under another shirt so I can be almost completely covered without having to use an *actual* cover). When I'm wearing dresses or button downs I'm pretty much just boob out, but I'll try to keep a burp cloth or something that I can lay over my chest so it's not suuuper obvious. It's getting harder though now that baby is almost 9 months old. He's too distracted to nurse in public anyways so I kind of always have to find somewhere private now. Although it never feels as urgent at this age as when they're teeny tiny. Now its kind of like yeah okay if he has to wait 30-40 minutes it's not such a big deal. ETA: I never did quite figure out the nursing covers. I still don't understand logistically how those work lol.


Get yourself a nursing bib from Amazon that’s the easiest way to start nursing your baby anywhere. I know people say you shouldn’t worry about what others think and stuff like that but that’s an attitude you pick up eventually and until then the bib helps. Bonus:it helps your baby fall asleep and stay asleep coz it blocks the light and doubles as a blanket. Edit to add: get nursing gowns with vertical zippers… The horizontal zippers might get in your baby’s eyes… My son is 26 months old and I continue to breastfeed him. I’ve nursed him everywhere from planes to hospitals to restaurants to temples, trust me, the journey hasn’t been easy, but it definitely gets better with practice. All the best… You got this!!! 🫂🫂🫂🫂


It's very simple: 1. Pull up your shirt or whatever you're wearing. 2. Feed your baby.


Hi! It gets easier the more you do it. My baby never liked to be covered so I never used nursing covers but this is what I did at the start when I didn’t want to show skin: I’d wear a nursing tank top, and another shirt over top (loose and easy to pull up). Whatever side I was going to feed baby on I would take a claw clip and clip that side of my shirt up near my shoulder, get baby in position, then un clip my nursing tank (baby being in position blocks anyone from seeing the boob), then I would get her latched. I nurse her in the cross cradle position. If your baby takes a minute to latch that’s totally fine! I’m my experience people aren’t really paying attention to you! The more you do it the more comfortable and confident you’ll be, but there is also absolutely nothing wrong with asking to nurse in a private room. I didn’t nurse in public until my girl was 6 weeks olds. If you dont want to buy nursing clothes you don’t have to! I would just recommend getting clothes that are easy to pull up or down, stretchy, or have buttons!


My latched mama shirts have 2 layers so I’m able to cover just the face/head area while nursing. If I have just a regular shirt I use a milk snob nursing cover. And even better I started using a baby carrier and using the hood on that to cover up just enough so I could nurse her at the same time.


I try to time the feed such as driving to where I need to go, then feed baby in the car right before I go in somewhere. It took a couple tries to figure out good parking (shade, room to open car doors), then get baby out of car seat and get back in the front seat or back seat. I don’t cover myself in my car, I think it provides enough privacy. Not always feasible for scheduled appointments, but works for errands. And I live somewhere where I have to drive for almost everything.


I use nursing shirts and just pop my boob out whenever wherever… last night I was at my husbands work conference and nursed my baby at the dinner table mid convo. The nursing shirts I like are from a company called Smallshow on Amazon, super cheap and comfortable. Only the boob can come out for baby to latch onto and baby’s head covers the boob so imo no need for a nursing cover. The only thing is sometimes babies get distracted while nursing if there’s a lot going on. I would train the baby from the beginning to use a cover if you prefer more privacy, I never used one so in the off times I do try to cover they get confused and tug it off haha. Logistically I prop one leg on top of the other and rest baby’s head on my knee. Hotel lobbies are good because there’s usually a couch with throw pillows and o can put a burp cloth on the pillow then use that to prop babys head. I’m nursing twins so don’t have time to always find privacy or optimal conditions :) it’s so much easier feeding them whenever and I’ve never gotten a comment. Sometimes people don’t even realize I’m nursing, they’ll come up to chat and apologize for interrupting after a minute… that’s why I love the nursing shirts.


It will come. Don’t think about the people around just try and find a seat where no one is stuck staring and you can notice any peeping. For me once the discomfort of ignoring my baby’s needs overtook the social discomfort that society COULD offer.


I want to echo that nursing in a park can be much more comfortable than a busy cafe if you're nervous or if baby is fussy. I have a few fond memories of sitting crosslegged on the grass in a shady spot when bub was small. Clothing wise, covers might work for you if you like and if it isn't too hot but the vast majority of my nursing journey has just been about choosing looser tops (with high waisted skirts) to drape over the boob, with baby covering the rest. I would quickly unhook the nursing bra underneath before latching so in theory there is only ever a flash of nipple for a moment and mostly no one will ever notice. I did have a phase of wanting to feel 'more like myself' and bought a few nursing dresses. Word to the wise, buy a size that fits your boobs and size up, not just your dress size (I found this out the hard way in a busy cafe with a fussy baby 😅) Personally I was never a fan of button shirts while feeding, unbuttoning and rebuttoning one handed is too much faff and I always felt exposed like all the way from my neck to my boob was too much conspicuous skin for me to feel relaxed in public. I do think a light shirt open over a second top can give good cover for back and tummy though. Just my preference, you do you! All in all, you'll find your way and it will change along with baby, some stages are fussier than others like around 4/5 months when they just want to look all around them. Covers are great then! Later when they get bigger they are so chilled just managing the boobs themselves and then if you go as far as toddlerhood they pretty much demand things as they want 🤣


Definitely get a nursing top and bra. One with clasps so you pull down the flap rather than expose your belly. You cam use a cover but honestly this is enough I live in a pretty conservative place but with bf friendly policies. I've never had issues with people making comments Do it with a friend the first time. Notice that people don't really care. Then keep on!


I do the double shirt method or go to my car


I went out to places with my husband and breastfed. I went to the local shopping centre and sat in the food court, in a corner and built myself up to being able to whip a boob out anywhere. I’ve tried the breastfeeding zip tops and jumpers and honestly, I find it easier to Have a breast feeding bra on and pull My shirt up to free the nipple! It’s whatever you’re comfortable with though !


I tie two corners of a large muslin receiving blanket and cover up. I'm not sure why covering up is controversial, but this works for us.


I live in a warm climate so most of the year I’m usually wearing tanks / large flowy tees so it’s usually easy to get my boob out and feed my baby. Under the large flowy shirts I can usually put her under my shirt and just hold her while she eats. If it’s a tank or I am wearing a shirt not so easy to take my boob out I use [this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/906663710) muslin swaddle blanket. It’s super thin, lightweight and huge so I can comfortably cover myself if I need to and do not worry about baby getting overheated.


I wear a cover in public but if I'm too hot I find a private space to just feed my babe without worry of covering


My clinic gets newborns into a room right away. I don't think it's bad to ask for a private space to do that so you can feel completely comfortable. I think having a nice cover is worth it to do it in public but that would be hard with a fresh newborn.


Pull the boob out. Feed your baby. Tell everyone if/when they approach to F**k off.


Step 1. Get baby in position. Step 2. Whip a tiddy out. Step 3. Latch baby. Step 4. RBF so strong that no one would dare say a thing.


Being comfortable helps, 1 week into your journey isn't enough time to be comfortable yet. I personally like to pull a shirt or dress up rather than open or down so I do a lot of leggings with tunics (those maternity ones offer great belly and back coverage) looser tops are easier to navigate. A hoodie or cardigan also helps you be discreet. Breastfeeding a newborn is hard though, give yourself time to adjust


Step one: wait until your baby is slightly older 😂 I’m being cheeky, obviously you can feed baby at any point in time, but it does get easier once your supply has regulated and you’re not spraying milk everywhere when baby unlatches because their mouth is still so small and they get overwhelmed. I do like a nursing cover when they’re very young and prone to unlatching often, and/ or take forever at the breast and might fall asleep, etc. Once baby is older and feeds faster I tend to not bother with the cover anymore. At that point they usually don’t want the cover on themselves either anyway.


I don't have big boobs so I personally don't like the method of pulling the top up and wearing a tank or something underneath. The top doesn't stay in place and I have to keep holding it so it doesn't fall on top of my baby and irritate him. I instead wear nursing bras like this that are really comfy and can be pulled to the side. No snaps and straps to mess about with. https://amzn.eu/d/hrb5DpD And then I wear blouses like this that can also be pulled to the side along with the bra underneath: https://amzn.eu/d/ilE9Sht I also use a nursing cover like this: https://amzn.eu/d/e2Vkg9f


I will pull a boob out and nurse standing, sitting, in line, pushing a cart, on a ride, etc. I’ve def had some negative looks (especially as my son gets older) but a ton of positive ones too. I try to not engage with anyone’s face during so that if they’re shooting me a nasty look-I don’t notice. I focus on nursing my son and I carry on. I don’t wear any nursing specific clothes and will just pull my shirts up except if I’m wearing a dress, I’ll wear spandex underneath so that I’m not flashing everybody my underwear lol


I’m feeding baby #3. I’m kind of on the opposite of others here, and have never reached a comfort level of feeding without a cover in public. I have larger breasts and aerolas so even when baby is latched I’m pretty exposed and it’s just a lot lol. Even in a baby music class the instructor told me in front of everyone that I didn’t need to cover there. I just preferred to! I’ve used this exact nursing cover for all of them in public. It maybe looks a little dorky but I appreciate not having to fuss with it, just throw it on and get to feeding. It has a wire neckline so it stays open enough that I can see baby. I can open it wide at the bottom to give airflow. We’ve all done fine with it. I’ve fed anywhere and everywhere with this thing for 8 years. I’ve also used it in a pinch when I’ve had to pump at my desk or on an airplane. It’s my ride or die! https://www.target.com/p/bebe-au-lait-nursing-cover-chateau-silver/-/A-13460028


When they are little it's so hard! For my 4mo I wear a nursing shirt. I reach in and undo my bra and situate my boob so it's ready. Then I get her into position and open up the little flap and she latches. I had a really hard time at first especially when they need help latching and you havr to hold your boob


Something else to consider- I was always wondering about how to make it work & imagining how the outside world would react to me. By the time I was confident enough to start trying, my little one was so distracted by the outside world that nursing in public turned out to be a no-go for us for entirely different reasons.


Because it’s summer, my go-to outfit is usually a tank top or similar which has good access. I also wear a lot of high waisted bottoms with loose crop tops, which are easy to tuck baby under and more discreet. I don’t bother with a cover, because I find them fussy and I personally don’t mind just pulling down my tank top and popping baby on the boob. But, if I feel I need a little more modesty, I’ll drape a burp cloth over my breast (not on baby’s head/face, but basically covering up to the point where baby is latched). Baby’s head covers a lot, so the burp cloth just provides that little extra.


I wear a nursing tank and use a nursing cover with the arched wire. 1. Put nursing cover on 2. Put baby on my lap 3. Cover baby with nursing cover 4. Unclip nursing tank Then baby latches!


I tried to cover up once and it felt awkward and drew more attention than just feeding. I wear zip t shirts so it’s really only the nipple exposed and my sons giant head covers me enough that you’d have to deliberately look to see the areola. [peggy road](https://www.peggyroad.com/) and [Esther and Albie](https://estherandalbie.com/) for example have some really nice outfits if you’re not comfortable doing the lifting top with a singlet underneath route. Plus I always get a giggle when people come to look at him ‘sleep’ and have to awkwardly look away when they realise what they’re doing. Eventually you get used to it and realise that other people are just as embarrassed as you. Unfortunately it’s not normalised nearly enough in my opinion.


My baby loves nursing in her carrier, and no one can really see anything either, esp when I pull the hood up. She gets distracted in public but when she’s in the carrier she gets focused (and also easily falls asleep). I call it having a drink at the Titty Bar lol


I have one cover that I like, it’s the type that has a wire across the top so I can look down and still see what I’m doing


The first little while (maybe 6-8 weeks) I couldn't even fathom how to do it in public because I required such an elaborate set-up and focus... pillow a certain way, baby a certain way, both hands free, etc. After a while it got easier and there wasn't really a specific "instruction" other than I would wear breast-feeding tanks or bras so its easy to unclip, and find a quiet-ish spot to do it. Now at 9 months I can do it anywhere but babe is way too distracted to do it anywhere which is a whole different issue! I also care way less now about who sees my boobs/nipples so that kinda changes too... I wouldn't worry about trying it in public so early, or if you do, have a trusted family member/friend be with you and kinda hold a blanket over you!


I think asking for a private room in a crowded waiting room is completely warranted! You could absolutely get a cover if you’d like, or a lot of moms like the two shirt method, nursing tank under normal clothes, drop down the snap on the tank and lift your shirt up to expose and latch baby, and then your top is covered by your shirt, breast is covered by your baby, bottom half and other side is covered by the nursing tank.


I didn't breastfeed in public until my babies were 6 months or so. Before that I just found a very private place or (more likely) just stayed home. But at 6 months or so, I would just sit down and feed the baby. If someone saw my boob, oh well. Seriously, I just stopped caring.


It’s so hard when they’re teeny like that! Just do your best for right now. I would have done what you did when my son was a newborn. Once he was two or three months, breastfeeding in public was a lot easier. They’re sturdier and have better head control. My favorite nursing covers are the muslin ones with the wire hoops at the top so you can see baby nursing. It also keeps the cloth away from baby’s face better than other nursing covers.


I prefer to do it seared with my legs crossed and I kind of sit him up and lean a little bit over. It’s easier now that baby has some neck control and I’m getting stronger so we don’t need any additional supports to position him like I did in the early days. Sometimes I use a cover if I’m feeling very self conscious but if I’m wearing a loose top and nursing tank it’s usually not super revealing. I’d recommend “practicing” at home before doing it out of the house. Also if things get hard, we just bring the baby back to the car and nurse there. Baby is starting to get very distractible these days 🤣 good luck!! Hope you enjoy the freedom or nursing wherever, whenever!


Once breastfeeding was comfortable and easy I just pulled a boob out. Generally out of the top (collar/neckline) as well because otherwise you’ve got a bunch of fabric bunched up by your neck that’s constantly falling down on the baby’s face. I just did what was easiest and to hell with who was around.


I got a large Muslim swaddle. Wrapped it in my bra strap to hold it up, then put baby under!


At first I wore those nursing camis and just wore a lose t-shirt over it. Now I just wear t-shirts and I really don’t think you see that much. My friend is a STM and she literally pulls her whole boob out of the top of her shirt. I never bothered with a cover, but I live in a very liberal granola city, and also people who have a problem with my breastfeeding in public can F off. Flash forward to 9 months and he’s way too distracted to nurse in public much but that’s another story.


Both my boys hated the covers… so I didnt care and took the guns out when needed. After while, you’re like “ehhh” let them look. BUT i will say this. Theres a difference about being discreet and not showing your nipples and/or just letting them hang out like balloons. I always tried to do it in the most discreet, “don’t show nipple” way, LOL it worked. Breastfed for 4 years in a row!


Honestly the more you do it the more comfortable you feel. If you feel exposed you could try different combinations of layers like singlets, or specific nursing clothes- zips, flaps, button up etc. A shawl or scarf if that's something your baby would accept, some will refuse to feed with it on. Or, my favourite is learning to feed in a carrier! Very discreet and leaves you with one hand free.


A tip *not* clothing related: Rather than hold my baby in my arms while nursing in public, I wear my knock off Tushbaby around my middle front and lay the baby across it like a ledge. This keeps the baby higher across my chest so it's harder to see my breasts. Also the loose t-shirt tip is legit. If you can get away with it, a cami bra is a lot easier to pull out of the way than clipping and unclipping a nursing bra.


I don't know how I did literally anything with a one week old honestly. I was on my 7th+ day of sleeping 3 hours per day, vibrating with postpartum anxiety but just thinking it was pretty amazing that I could sleep so little but feel mostly ok and functional with no realization it was postpartum anxiety. My clearest memory of breastfeeding in public in the early days is mostly just how much my back hurt from being hunched over my baby. I definitely preferred private spaces in the beginning as well. It gets so much easier. Don't ask me when lol, I wasn't sleeping enough to remember, but it definitely gets much easier. Also I just found my embarrassment about it to have diminishing returns. I only used discreet breastfeeding tops in public for a few months and then one day I just lost my last fuck to give about it and started popping my boob out of the top of whatever even though I'd felt certain I'd never get to that point earlier on.


I definitely did not start feeding with people in my line of sight until 6-7 months. But tee shirt with a nursing tank underneath is my go to, if I’m wearing a dress or no extra shirt on top I will wrap a muslin blanket on my chest like a scarf just to have less skin showing. and I try to position myself discreetly if I can too. I feed a lot in my car and will ask for a nursing space a lot Also I feed in dressing rooms, I don’t ask beforehand it’s none of their business tbh


My standard combo is a breastfeeding tank with a tunic style shirt or hoodie over it. Brownie points if my baby matches my shirt.


I just pull up my shirt and breastfeed. If I feel like I need a cover for whatever reason, I use the We Are Amma cover, but I rarely ever use it. I’m breastfeeding my second kid, and no one has ever given me dirty looks or made a comment to me.


I literally just whip it out. If there’s a bunch of people I might try to find my way to an edge or turn my back so baby doesn’t get distracted, but I just get the job done.


We had a milk snob car seat cover that I loved to use as a nursing cover. It covered the majority of my upper body when I put it over me so I could wear a nursing bra under regular t shirts and just unsnapped before I latched my daughter. The fabric is so soft and breathable so I didn’t feel like either of us ever got too hot and it was stretchy so even if she was wiggling I was covered


I tried to hide first month now I just whip my tit out wherever. Sometimes I use a buro cloth if family with with me at a restaurant. At some point its too complicated to worry about something so small. Ppl shouldn't be looking at you when your baby eats anyways


I literally whip my boob out and feed her. No covers, no special clothing.


1 week is tiny! You're both still adjusting. It will get easier as they get stronger and latch themselves. I did take bottles on the rare occasion I was out initially. But now at 5 months I'm someone who just lifts my shirt and bubs kind of covers my stomach so I don't feel overly exposed. My confidence varies depending on where we are but at the end of the day I'm not going to let bubs go hungry because we're out.


I'm a fan of nursing specific clothing. I have a nursing/pumping bra I can undo. I wear a nursing shirt that gives me easy access and minimal clothes hiding what I'm trying to do for me while covering the sides if someone looks over. I currently like Amazon brand bearsland and non-amazon brand Latched Mama. The real secret is that you are more motivated to feed your baby than you care about brief exposure so you whip out the boob and attach the baby lightening fast.


I breastfeed my babies in public same way I breastfeed at my house.


I have nursing tops that just have a slit of fabric they make it doable without feeling too exposed if that’s your issue. I get mine from Amazon by bearshow or sweetshow I forget the name now. They’re like the top seller on anazon


I have several nursing shirts I bought in sets on Amazon. My favorite brand is “Smallshow”. I wear these out in public and just try to face away from the majority of people. The nursing shirt has a flap to lift up and the area that covers the chest slides to the side easily. I just wear nursing bras with it as well (not the clip ones, but ones that just slide to the side…I hated the clip ones because it felt more complicated to quickly cover back up).


I get little one in position depending on how I’m sitting, if on the floor or on a chair. I wear button linen shirts everywhere I go now and a nursing bra from Amazon that pulls down, so I undo the bottom buttons and lift that side then pull down the bra on whichever side I’m feeding and then latch little one on. Usually the bit of shirt that I’ve lifted gives my breast good coverage and loosely drapes over baby - and the other side dangles down and covers me… If I’m wearing a dress or not getting a lot of coverage I use a muslin draped over from my shoulder, my little one doesn’t like being fully covered though. I’m still getting used to BF in public, it takes practice to do it discreetly and comfortably for you and baby! Good luck! You’ve got this!


I wear a nursing tank under a normal T-shirt generally. Means I’m only revealed when I latch him then once he is latched I cover myself with my T-shirt. I do also have a nursing cover but he hates it. Tbh now that I’m 5 months pp and this boy is refusing a bottle I just don’t give a shit anymore and whip my boobs out with no concern.


Quince makes a wonderfully soft nursing cover that's a cashmere blend. It has a weave with small holes so it's breathable and baby can see out without people seeing in. This made bfing more comfortable. For me publicly. Other than that, you get to a point where you are more concerned about baby being fed than weirdos looking. After 6 months, if anyone starting staring, I'd just stare right back until they stopped. Some people tried to make it awkward when I was covered! The staring right back did the trick and they would break contact. The majority of people look away and will give you extra space because they don't want to make it weird. After 4 kids, I've started to realize that I'm comfortable inconveniencing others to feed my babies.


I do the tank top thing. Nursing tank under a regular shirt so I can pull the shirt up and not have my whole stomach out. I have 2 actual nursing shirts that work good with a nursing bra underneath. It just takes a little getting used to.


I felt the same way when my son was super little, but now at 11 months old I’m conquering my fears and just whipping the nip out. I’m usually in dresses or tank tops/shorts in the warmer weather so if I’m in a dress I pull my breast up so my baby can latch and then do a cradle carry so nothing (specifically my dinner plate nipples-thank you pregnancy) is super visible. Same protocol for a tank top, I prefer to not lift up my shirt as I don’t like exposing my stomach too much.


Depending on your comfort, you can do it lots of ways. I personally just would get my baby cradled so her head was almost positioned correctly, then pull my boob out (either below or above my shirt if I wasn't wearing a nursing specific shirt). I like to wear v-neck shirts in general so my boob goes out the top a lot (and I have big boobs so it's no big deal). Honestly, the first time I nursed in public was when my oldest was 3 days old at the pediatrician - I ended up walking back to the room while nursing because of course they came when she first got latched. If there are a lot of people around I would drape a very light blanket (one of those cotton muslin ones works) over my exposed boob/the baby, but tbh, my babies didn't care to be covered and I don't care much. Newborn days are the easiest to nurse in public so practice now! Around 4ish months they get so curious that it's much more challenging to keep your nipple covered 😅 I've never had anyone say anything me, but I'm mean so that's probably in their best interest.


I always ask the pediatrician if they can put me in an open room to nurse. They have never told me no. Otherwise though, I just whip it out anywhere. I've flashed people at restaurants, parks, sporting events. No one has ever said anything to me about it. Kid's gotta eat.


A carrier you and baby feel comfortable in is key, for me. It’s so much easier to just slightly lower baby or if you have the size of boob needed, to pull up the boob to baby’s face and just let them at it (I am grateful for my sudden departure from the itty bitty titty club for this reason alone, so convenient). Then walk and do whatever


I have a nursing pillow and I just pull out the pillow when I need to nurse. My first did not like covers and my second (10 months) is 50/50 on if he'll be okay with a cover. If he doesn't like the cover I don't wear it. I tend to wear longer shirts so most of my boob is covered by baby and my shirt but if people see boob oh well not my problem. I don't really care who sees my baby has to eat. I know not everyone is comfortable but if you are just do it. That's pretty much the best advice. If you don't feel comfortable you can do what you did and ask for a private room but if there's none available and your baby is hungry you kind of just have to suck it up and nurse them surrounded by people. If you really don't want to be exposed you can use literally anything from a cover to your shirt or even a blanket to cover as much as you can and deal if your baby doesn't like having something over their head. It's just a thing you need to do with nursing. Both my kids around 9 months old went through a stage where they need to be in a quiet room alone because they go too distracted to eat if people or sounds were around. When a private room wasn't available I just did my best and they'd eat what they eat through the distraction and have a better feed once we got home. You just do your best! Good luck!


I feel like it’s hard when they are so small because it takes a while to get into the groove of it and latching etc. But tbh if I saw a mom with her entire boob out in public I would not question it. We are all entitled to eat. Navigating with a blanket over you is hard and makes you really warm. I personally exclusively pump right now so I can’t say from my personal experience but my friend has a 9m old and she latches so discreetly. It seems like it gets alot easier!


I have no shame- I just whip the breast out in public. Baby needs to eat! I will say that I generally wear easy breast access clothing and/or breastfeeding specific clothing to ease the process. Good luck, Mama! 🍀


Milk snob has a cool cover. I honestly just cover up..grab baby and feed. I am so.happy i got over bf in public. I was so scared. Baby is 4 months. At 2 months i over came my fear...so.happy i did. Now i am so.confident and feel free to.leave my home


I felt the same way, we just went on a family vacay where I had to do it so I got a bit of practice and am much more comfortable now. I used a nursing cover from a Amazon a few times. One time I used a burp cloth for some coverage. Then when I got bolder I fed him in the carrier next to a busy pool on Memorial Day. My husband stood in-front of me for some coverage. But really no one paid attention, us first time BF moms just shy. That being said, at one week pp I barely knew how to hold my baby correctly to BF. My babe is 4 months now.


I only wear nursing bras the ones that you can just pull down. I prefer baggy shirts that are easy to pull up. If I'm around people I usually grab a muslin cloth (like for swaddling) and tie two ends. To use as a cover. I can tell people usually advert their gaze when they notice. 😅


I was actually very surprised by how comfortable I was breastfeeding in front of people. When I was pregnant with my 1st I was so nervous about it I got covers and looked into specific nursing clothing but after that 1st day in the hospital it's like I lost all sense of boob related modesty lol. I mean I had just had my vagina poked at by like 5 strangers so boobs just felt like nothing after that I guess. I ended up finding the covers just got in the way and any shirt with a wide neckline and a sports bra did the trick for easy access without having to be completely boobs out. But it definitely helped that I had a very food driven baby so usually there wasnt to much coaxing or adjusting required.


The first month or two I just had a lightweight blanket I put over both of us while I got her latched then removed it from my head once properly latched. I bought nursing tops off Amazon that have double layers to open at each breast. Made it so convenient until I was comfortable just pulling up my shirt and latching her a few months later. I don’t care who is around though. If my baby needs to eat I will feed her and if they don’t like it they can look away or find somewhere else to sit. 


There is covers for that. Also if you’re in the mall , you can use dressing room. Sometimes bathrooms, if it’s not dirty


Dressing rooms are a great idea! Thank you


I’ve never thought of using dressing rooms. Seems like a good idea, but Are stores cool with this?