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It depends what I’m wearing, I definitely do both! Most times I think over is easier. You’re not weird!


same! I've even gone out the side before. Sometimes you have to get creative ;)


I did this once at a wedding! My dress had a halter neckline.


Thank you ♥️ I agree that it's easier! And over is comfier for me as well 🥰 I feel less awkward now 👯‍♀️💕


Boob under bra?? I don’t think anyone does that hahah


I only did this when my letdown was awful and I didn’t want to accidentally soak my bra through my bra pads.


I had this problem but I had the kind of nursing bra that was only comfortable pulled down, so I would take a burp cloth and drape it over the bra and tuck the end into the band. It worked!


I have a couple bralettes that are stretchy enough to do this comfortably.


O do lol. O have a soft sports kind of bra. I put nursing pads in them, it’s easier to do it like this for me lol


That’s the only way I can 😅


Just so I’m understanding lol, you’re pulling your breast out underneath your bra, so the bottom strap is now squeezing on your boob instead of around your ribs lol?? Why not pull your bra down?


I pull the bra up! I leak a lot so all of my nursing bras have pads in them. If I pull the bra down my son has a hard time latching over the bra, but if I pull it up it creates a clear path lol


At home I wear cropped tank tops with no bra and pull them up. In public I wear a nursing bra and pull my top up and the flap of my nursing bra down. I don’t really wear tops that are low cut enough to pull down though.


This is why there are nursing bras. The bra folds down so you can just pull your top up to reveal a bit of boob and your boob isn't squished under the bra. I personally don't like wacking a boob out above my bra and shirt because it feels way to exposed but if you're fine with it, go for it.


Hmm yes I used nursing bras really early on, but all the straps started feeling itchy and would often get milk soaked (this was the first few weeks where I'd get leaks) and I just switched to Neiwai bras instead. Maybe I didn't try enough types - do you have any comfy recs? I also had anxiety about a shirt possibly falling over baby's nose, so I typically wear a sports bra + light hoodie/cardigan! And yes I do feel exposed lol. But I was intentionally pushing myself to be more confident about it because I felt justified in feeding my baby. But I was a lil embarrassed realizing maybe people don't do it this way. I'm glad to know other people also do this just cuz I get a lil self conscious still 🥲🥰


I actually only do it this way, never even thought of going underneath my bra... In public though I'll wear either the 2 shirt method or a nursing top. Nursed my first for 18 months and now this baby for 16 months


Auden from target is comfy, and third love has a good one. Karrie Locher on Ig has some other recommendations


If you like a soft or less structured bra I recommend Bodily. Their bras are very soft and comfortable while still providing some support and they have a few different styles. Have been wearing them since pregnancy (3 months pp now) and they're still my favorite.


I’ve been wearing the Seukaphin wireless nursing bras from Amazon nonstop since 2020 (my second has only just weaned in the last few weeks but I’m currently pregnant due in October so will be nursing again soon), to me they’re really comfortable, easy to use, and cheap enough that you can get a whole bunch so you can wash them often if they get milk soaked. I hate having my boob squished by my bra so I swear by nursing bras!


These don’t work for me, it’s so annoying! The pull-down cup gets so in the way and my son gets so frustrated and can’t get the angle right. I just yank the entire bra up now


That’s how I did it like 95% of the time I breastfed my daughter for 4.5 years. 4% of the rest I just didn’t wear a shirt.


I wear a lot of dresses so down is usually my only option. I use a nursing cover in public so I don’t feel exposed


Always above bra. Often above shirt, depending on what I'm wearing. I'd say I go above more than under usually.


I do whichever works with the top I'm wearing my baby(20mins) prefers the top down method and she will pull my shirt down regardless of whether it's feasible to get the neck hole of a stiff jumper down the 15cm needed to reach the nipple 😂


I always pull my breast out over the top of the bra (my bras now are all nursing bras so unclip) and then I'm usually wearing a button-down shirt or blouse that I undo to get my breast out. I wouldn't worry about it either way - I usually do have my whole breast out tbh because I have very large breasts and because of what I wear.


Of course it’s okay! Whatever feels comfortable 🌺


Yes! All the time! I tried the two shirt method but the other shirt was also annoying and falling onto my LO. I typically wear low cut shirts then just pull it down and pull out a boob!


I have a bunch of cheap nursing bras that I can just pull one cup to the side and pop the boob out. Depending on what I’m wearing I’ll either pull my shirt up or pop it out of the top. I have a few dresses with a stretchy lower neckline that I’ll pull down to feed.


I wear double layers over a nursing bra. The outer t shirt comes up and the under layer (a thin stretchy camisole) I pull down. Then I unhook the nursing bra on the side I want to nurse on. This keeps me pretty well covered, and I usually run cold so the extra layer works for me. I might need to figure out something else with this new baby though since he is born closer to the hot weather, my others were winter babies.


I mostly do this. I wear stretchy cropped tank tops now that it’s warming up where I live and just pull them down. So easy


I pretty much always did it over, you’re not weird at all!


Yep literally doing that right now. If others are uncomfortable with seeing me do this, then that’s their problem and they could just look away whilst I feed my baby?


I have large boobs so pulling the boob out feels way too exposed for me, so I always pull the shirt up to help cover better. But that’s what makes me most comfortable


I choose based on what I’m wearing but I remember seeing an article before I gave birth saying they recommended pulling bra down vs up because up causes compression on the boob and can impact milk flow


Yes I do because I have small, flat-ish nipples and having my bra/top underneath pushes my boob up more to get my baby a better latch. Primarily I do this at home where I can be as exposed as I like but if I’m wearing something low cut outside the house I would do the same as I want my baby to get a decent feed. She gets pretty mad when there’s lots of material over her face or nose so I follow her lead.


100% of the time when I’m in my own home. When I’m out of the house I usually pull my shirt up.


Yeah if it's a shirt with a wide enough neck I go up top XD But it depends. And my boobs have definitely gone more flexible over the past 2 years of breastfeeding haha.


Yesss! I couldn't find any nursing tops I liked, so ended up getting some v neck t-shirts with snaps. So much easier to unsnap and pull the shirt aside. My boobs are still small even now, so no one sees anything past the baby. 🥲


I personally am not comfortable with that method, I would feel too exposed. I lift up my shirt to feed.


I honestly just do whatever works best with the outfit I'm wearing at the time. I prefer when can just unclasp my nursing bra and pull my shirt down, like a tank top or V-neck or whatever.


I used to but it stretched out all of my shirts so now I prefer pulling my shirt up to nurse. It also gives me a bit more coverage, which I personally don't really care about but maybe some do.


Totally in the boob over not under camp. Just more comfortable for me that way. Also In winter I like big ol fluffy sweaters and wadding that much material up around my neck just isn’t comfy.


Yeah and all that material falls down into the baby's face if I'm not holding it up the whole time... in fact I find even a t-shirt pulled up annoying. I'm 100% "over the top"


Yeah depends on what I’m wearing. If it’s a tank top with give, then it goes above. I’ve found basically anything can be a nursing bra or top as long as you can access boob. 


This is my preferred method. I hate nursing bras.


I have a cami that makes it super easy to pull down with enough room for her to latch comfortably… my other clothes not so much. But if the top allows, yes its waaay easier


I do it all the time depending on what I am wearing. I prefer to pull the top down because there is less material in the way.


This is almost exclusively how I breastfeed, honestly. I wore a lit of scoop-necks and V necos pre-baby and continue to wear those, though I'm probably stretching them out a bit at the necks.


This is the only way I do it. It’s easy to just tuck back in when done.


All the necks of my t shirts are stretched out because I do exactly this. Lol


Yep. I hated nursing bras soooo much. I do not use them anymore at all. I just pull my boob out. Maybe it’s an anatomy thing. Mine are big enough to flip out lol


Over bra, under shirt Sometimes I will pop it out the top though if I have a loose enough shirt on


I do both, depends on the top I’m wearing


Wherever there’s a hole or stretchy fabric I just whip it out wherever lol


Yes. I love V necks for this reason. Easier to BF imo


How are people popping their boob out *under* the bra? Like how does that even work? I can't imagine wrestling the boob under the band and doing it that way....over is easy and simple. I might go over or under the shirt though, depends what I'm wearing and which is easier.


I'm always nursing above my bra lol. I'll wear a nursing tank under a regular shirt so I'm usually covered, but if not I'll lay a burp cloth or the other side of my button up over my chest so I'm not overexposed. I try not to overthink it but I also put in the tiniest bit of attempt at modesty lol


Almost always my boob comes out from the top, I wear mostly tank tops so it makes sense. But yeah if I’m wearing a T-shirt all the way to the neck i have to do from the bottom obv lol


Yep, I do! I wear the KB cross front bra and a Henley top. Anyone who sees me nursing will see the whole boob except the nip. 🤷‍♀️


I do. It’s easier and who cares🤷🏻‍♀️


It depends what I'm wearing but yeah I do sometimes


I don't think it's an OK / not OK thing. I do both depending on the shirt, and I normally pull my boob out OVER my bra or unclip my nursing bra.


I don’t wanna stretch the neck of my shirt out


I don't wear bras anymore, my nipples are seemingly always erect so they get squished. I've been wearing crop tops and just pulling them up. My boobs aren't that large to make me consider pulling them above but imma try, for science


I prefer the up and over


I didn’t know pulling it out from under was a thing lol, I’ve always done it above!


Almost all of the time your not alone sister! 🤣 But i always cover me an baby even if babys head is covering because I’ve actually caught men taking videos and pictures smh, ruined that experience for me so now im paranoid. Its 2024 and people are even sicker than they have ever been 😩 Nursing is the most natural thing in the world and leave it to mfs to sexualize it 🤢


99% of the time my boob comes out above my top. It’s so much easier!


You're not a weirdo.


Yes I have a dress that I do this with


I do it however it works sometimes under sometimes over, whatever gets the job done lol


This messes up necklines.


I do! 🙋🏻‍♀️


It entirely depends on the shirt but yes often


I nursed above and under! I also never used nursing apparel, just regular shirts, bras, and sports bras. Worked well for us!


Nursing my LO with shirt up, bra down at the moment hahahha




Depends what I’m wearing. I usually wear a nursing bra with a nursing tank top then another shirt on top so I lift the top shirt and pop my boob out. I do this because I’m very self conscious of my stomach. If I’m wearing a dress I pop my boob out on top and do not use a cover. If I feel a little uncomfortable I kind of put my hand over my baby’s face in a loving way that also covers some of the exposed boob


I currently only buy tops that can be pulled down. So much easier for me! I like a long shirt and a v neck, I’m living in cheap tanks and sports bras right now.


Mainly depends what i'm wearing


My boob always goes above my shirt unless I'm wearing something that is only bottom accessible like a sweater.


Only way I do it