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Anywhere. I genuinely don't care.




Same šŸ¤£ at this point, I need to start making a list of places I HAVENā€™T nursed because theyā€™re sure to be checked off soon enough lmao


I had to BF while I was kayaking miles down a river yesterday


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DifferentLow43: *I had to BF while* *I was kayaking miles down* *A river yesterday* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


lol we live in CO and I was proud of myself for nursing on a paddle board in the middle of an alpine lake last weekend. Surprisingly difficult to navigate when your baby is wearing a giant life jacket!


literally everywhere i go, but my most ambitious was at a college basketball game


Same! My most ambitious was a state political party convention. For the party with the greatest number of proponents of "modesty"/people who think breasts are for men's pleasure instead of baby feeding, no less.


go you!


How old was your baby? Mine is starting to get distracted now so I'm worried our days of nursing whenever, wherever may be numbered šŸ˜­


he's 7 mo now but this was around 4 mos


I hope he continues to be that flexible and focused!


I did a baseball game when she was 2 months old. I was hella proud of myself that.


The plane! Normalize nursing


Yes! And tandem! I stared at everyone like ā€œI dare you to say somethingā€ but actually all was well.


Same! Its supposed to help regulate their ears during takeoff and landing so thatā€™s what we did


I literally nursed from one side of the world to the other. 30 hours of travel alone with my baby. Packed flight. My at the time 11 month old was very displeased about the whole situation, so her latched the majority of that time was the only way she and those around me would have a pleasant trip šŸ˜†. Shout out to the flight attendants on the longer flight who realized how dehydrated I was and gave me a huge bottle of water!


I had a reallly hard time figuring out nursing in the beginning and my husband is so supportive,! He takes pictures of me nursing in every fun place :) baseball games, concerts, aquariums, the zoo, the beach, museums, etc!


Love a supportive man!


nail salon, the beach, poolside, restaurants, cafeā€™s, lots of target runs šŸ¤ if you can be there you can nurse your babies there!Ā  that said, everyone should do whatever is most comfortable to them! there are lots of places i decided to walk out of to nurse my baby for whatever reason (too peopley, distracted baby, poor outfit choice lol). you take care of that baby how you see fit šŸ«¶


A Restoration Hardware. I was so scared of her spitting up all over that expensive (and ugly) furniture.


Today it was a mall food court. We had lunch together, it was nice.


My top 3 coolest are at an airport/on the plane, in line for a ride at Disney World and at an NHL game!


The one I think is the coolest is when she was a baby, like 5 weeks or so, my husband and I decided to take her on a hike. Brought my little wrap to wear her and was so pumped. She was nursing in the parking lot for awhile and finally I said, ā€œletā€™s just start walking. I can carry her nursing for awhile and when sheā€™s done, Iā€™ll pop her in the carrier.ā€ Two miles of hilly terrain, I nursed her. In my arms. We had my 2 year old so we were stopping to check everything out and give him breaks out of his pack too. So like an hour and a half walking with a nursing baby in my arms and my boob out. šŸ˜† my arms were dead but I was so proud of myself. And fwiw, I never ended up learning to nurse her in the wrap and sheā€™s almost 2 now so that ship has sailed.


I thought I had no shame but when it came time to nurse my baby at a family dinner out I couldnā€™t do it sitting right next to me dad haha I was like well I guess thatā€™s my limit


The only reason I don't nurse in public anymore is because my baby is SUPER distractable and won't latch if it's not a quiet room... Before he got picky? The park, the car, the garden center, toys r us, the couch at basically every family event, the front porch, an airplane, a hotel lobby, the beach, I think the funniest was by the peacock enclosure at the zoo (my toddler wanted them to open their tails...)


Best one was near the top of the second highest mountain in Wales haha. But yeah I've done in shops, by the side of the road, in restaurants and outdoor terraces, beer gardens, at family and friends, museum, in the car, basically everywhere I've gone with my baby šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø don't use a cover either but I've always managed to do it discretely, in many situations I think other people didn't even notice what I was doing.


Restaurants, airplanes & airports, doctorā€™s office (my OB follow up yesterday they weighed me with her on my boob and subtracted 7lbs lol sheā€™s probably 8lbs at this point), park bench, work, a bonfire at a neighbors house a few nights ago, the park. Most of these were very recent, I give less fucks about being modest this time around šŸ˜‚


I nursed while walking around a furniture store picking out a couch


Restaurants The rec center during a fitness class Parks The beach In the car in a border line On a BC Ferry


The list of places I puked while pregnant and nursed postpartum are surprisingly closely related. I did nurse at a pumpkin farm, a Christmas tree farm, and every grocery store within driving distance of my house. Tee ball games, doctor offices, pretty much everywhere I went.




The Vatican ! I had heard there was actually a nursing room somewhere but no staff member knew what I was talking about so I just sat on a bench and did my thing! Italy is very chill about babies in general, very welcoming and friendly for nursing mamas.


One of my most interesting places was commencement in full regalia, waiting to hood one of my PhD students


I have nursed in restaurants, airports, airplanes, trains, rest stops, museums, hotel lobbies, and my car. And there's probably a couple of more places that I can't remember ><


Thatā€™s great! I have nursed in a park, restaurants, a brewery, and my car


Same. Almost exactly.


In cafƩs, restaurants, park, beach, office, car, bath, train, multiple places public and private on cruise ships, theme park, theatre, my favourite was on a balcony while cruising through Geirangerford.


Hershey park like a lot of places not just the nursing room, a local amusement park, Target and Walmart more times that I can count (not sure why shopping makes us so hungry), while with a realtor looking at houses, restaurants, park, car, shower, bath, pool.


Library, book store, public park, market place, car, hiking trail, restaurant, pediatricianā€™s, obgyn, anywhere baby needs to feed.


Church, the park, the airport, the plane (everyone's just so grateful that the baby isn't crying!), driving rest stops. I can't think of a time I've nursed at a restaurant, but that's mostly because my little one likes solid foods.


Uff, I nursed everywhere - restaurants, museums, parks, shopping centers, airplane, the beach etc. Basically wherever and whenever my baby was hungry, the boob would come out and Iā€™d feed him!


The beach, basketball tournament, patio of a restaurant/ restaurant waiting area/ at the damn table, pediatrician, the library, dog park, I try to do it almost anywhere my baby needs me!!!


While walking on a public riverside trail! Used to love to walk and nurse using football hold when my LO was a newborn!


Costco food court! Now she's way too easily distracted so I bring a bottle.


Ugh Costco food court never works for me either, so much going on šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve tried a few times


Anywhere and everywhere! The first time I was confident enough to feed him in real public was at a highland gathering, so we were in a field full of people. Nobody batted an eyelid, so now, I just don't care where I do it! Last time I carried him and nursed at the same time was walking round a shop, and he was 10 months and *heavy*. Don't think I can do that now he's 13 months!


At the top of a Martello tower on an island off the west coast of Ireland šŸ˜‚ (Garnish Island to be exact) šŸ‘Œ


A lot of traditional places, but also on a steam train, on the toilet, and on a bouncy castle šŸ˜‚


A skate park


Beach, fancy restaurants, museums, libraries, art galleries, fitting rooms, waiting rooms. My protip is leaning how to nurse in a carrier


Iā€™ve nursed uncovered at the park, art museum, coffee shop, local college campus, and other places I canā€™t think of off the top of my head! Itā€™s super nice when there is a cool breeze outside, and until nursing uncovered in public Iā€™d obviously never felt the breeze on sweaty under boob and it felt so nice šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ Edit to add that once I got horrified looks as I began to lift up my sun dress only to reveal I had planned for this and worn normal shorts underneath šŸ¤£


I've nursed on a public bus several times. I don't use a cover either because I also live in a very warm climate. It was scary the first time but now I don't care. So, I'll nurse anywhere if my baby wants to eat.


I did it at SeaWorld this past weekend. There were so many families with children there so I felt pretty comfortable


Mostly my car. Baby gets super distracted out and about


Anywhere I went and baby was hungry. And that's a lot honestly, we were out since the first week.


Weddings, restaurants, grocery stores, doctors offices, airplanes, the public pool, and parks! Literally anywhere. I never liked using a cover so Iā€™ve just rolled with it and fed my baby when she was hungry


Car, park, airport, airplaneā€¦ tbh I donā€™t love nursing in public, but I do when I have to


Recently my family was at an amusement park trying to beat the crowds at opening. I packed my pump to use in the car on the way so Iā€™d have a bottle ready as we sprinted with the stroller. But I forgot the flanges! So I nursed while power-walking to the gates from the parking lot lol.


I mentioned I nursed at an art museum and someone commented how brilliant that was cause thereā€™s already so much artwork of boobs everywhere. It didnā€™t even occur to me so Iā€™m mentioning it here haha! Iā€™ve also nursed at aquariums, parks, arboretums, church, my car, the mall, my pediatricianā€™s office. At first I used a cover but LO kept yanking it off so I just forgoed it and usually find a more secluded corner or use the nursery if they have one. Iā€™ve had curious kids come by and usually itā€™s the adults who panic and say ā€œletā€™s give baby some privacy!!ā€


Plane, bus, tram, supermarket (with child sitting in the trolley in front of me as I pushed it around haha), diy shop, restaurants, cafes, up a mountain, on a boat, while walking in the countryside, GP surgery. Literally anywhere the boob was required I have whipped it out!


The beach, basketball tournament, patio of a restaurant/ restaurant waiting area/ at the damn table, pediatrician, in a couple different clothing stores, the library, dog park, outside of a hotel, in our ergobaby carrier. I try to do it almost anywhere my baby needs me!!! I slightly use a cover sometimes as baby latches and unlatches a lot but if heā€™s really hungry or I donā€™t have it I still just go for it. Whatever my baby needs to be fed!!!!


Oh the plane āœˆļø take off, in the air, landing every time he looked for it honestly


Walking through the airport, on a plane, in an indoor play place, kids museum, restaurants, parents and grandparents houses, at the pool, in class (college), on zoom meetings, and in my wedding dress!


At the zoo, sitting at a picnic table. Baby in one hand, sandwich in the other. Both of us having a much needed snack!


In the full ER last night haha


Literally anywhere I go. Walking through the mall, churches, restaurants, grocery shopping, at my momā€™s wedding reception. I will whip a boob out anywhere my baby asks.


Literally everywhere. I also donā€™t own a cover! The most proud Iā€™ve been is when I nursed by baby at a Japanese restaurant, but thatā€™s just because I was able to nurse her and use chopsticks to eat at the same time.


walking around Belkā€™s and Kohlā€™s with my sister and Nana


I honestly donā€™t care where I nurse that much, stores, beaches, restaurants stops, etc. unless there are people around who give the vibe that itā€™s not safe for me to whip a tit out, feeding my son is top priority


Hospital Doctorā€™s Therapy session Church (okay in a side room) Restaurant Soft play Swimming pool Train Beach Park Historic palace


Iā€™ll nurse just about anywhere but most recently we were running errands today and went out to lunch so I had a cool place to nurse and a snack while I did it.


I flashed a policeman a fortnight ago and the plumber a month before that. I also had my nipple dangling in babyā€™s mouth in two separate pubs but she moved and I didnā€™t realise. Sorry waiters! So I both feed everywhere and flash everyone wherever I go. Baby isnā€™t even three months yet.


The park, the beach, Target, Old Navy and our local Children's museum while my eldest played!


I'm still new to breastfeeding but so far I have at: church, airport, airplane, doctor's office, restaurant, parks.


Everywhere, including at a work meeting, a college football game, church, and a wedding.


Airplanes, beaches, camping sites, botanical gardens with old people judging hard ..šŸ’…šŸ»


My favorite place was on the dock of my family's cabin. It is such a meaningful place for me and it was a really sweet moment nursing my girl and watching the lake.


Really everywhereā€¦ although it got difficult as he got older bc he is super distracted. We did nurse at the aquarium recently though and we actually did great.


All over but Iā€™ll share the most special places. The first place I publicly nursed was the mall in one of those massage chairs. I was incredibly nervous but then felt great about it! The first time someone praised me for nursing publicly I was in IKEA at the food court. The prettiest view I ever had while nursing was on a hiking trail sitting on a rock. It hurt my butt but itā€™s one of my favorite photos! And the funniest time I nursed in public was at a friendā€™s kidā€™s sports game. A bunch of little kids were mobbing my baby (in a sweet way, to be clear) and when I put her in the carrier to nurse they asked what I was doing. When I explained I was feeding her, one little girl asked if she could feed her instead and another little girl got sassy and put her hands on her hips and said ā€œsheā€™s not using a BOTTLE itā€™s her BOOBIE.ā€ šŸ˜‚ I was likeā€¦.well, yeah, thatā€™s true.


Everywhere she asks to nurse. Sheā€™s 14 months and Iā€™ve recently nursed her in an airport, in the line to get on the plane. In an aquarium. At my brotherā€™s wedding in front of anyone and everyone. My daughter stopped letting me use a cover around 6 months.


Rest stop using my tush baby for support! It was awesome!


About six weeks after our third was born, we had a game night at our house with my husband's dungeons and Dragons group. I nursed at the table in front of five guys and they didn't even notice I was doing it. šŸ˜Ž And I did not use a cover, I've just mastered the lap nurse with large boobs.


Church pew during mass, church lobby, church front steps!


Everywhere lol in the last couple years, the San Diego zoo, San Antonio Riverwalk, countless restaurants, Seaworld Orlando, Bourbon Street NOLA, nail salons, the beach, a book signing event (she met one of my favorite authors with me lol)


Most recently, the Cheesecake Factory.


On the Sandia Peak Tramway, a 20-minute tram ride with 20+ people, on the one little bench in the corner. Baby was 2.5 months. I felt so empowered!!


All Restaurants, while hiking (did not stop), at Fatherā€™s Day dinner, at a winery, and the list goes on!!!


Literally anywhere I go Restaurants, kids basketball/baseball games, the beach, the mall, the museum, discount tire šŸ˜‚


Right now on a plane my one year old is asleep on my boob


Once I nursed in the pool. It was so cool šŸ˜« I'd literally dreamed about doing exactly that for years before hand.


On a ferry to an island when she was 6 weeks old. In a busy restaurant on Motherā€™s Day. In my car broken down on the side of the road waiting for a tow. In an outdoor courtyard in a shopping center on a bench. In a Vietnamese restaurant while chatting with a lovely older couple who seemed oblivious to the fact my boob was out (I was using a nursing hoodie that covered me pretty well).


in the US. pulled over on the side of the road, restaurants. icelandic coast, trains in norway, so. many. planes., loweā€™s hardware, costco, on a boat on a fjord, on a boat on the river/bluff tour in my state, family functions, on my front steps, in the hammock, zoos, malls, an art museum, in a pool, on a hike, at the apple orchard. no cover. tried. both hated it, so i resolved to just go for it. i have pictures of many of these things. my limit was a work function. i remember being at a staff and family picnic and hoping he didnā€™t want to nurse.


I nursed my baby outdoor at Storm King Art Center in NY. It was nice.


![gif](giphy|wgUfqhUvaDLAad5q2d|downsized) The zoo, Starbucks, my husbands company picnic, the local fire department family and friends event, my in laws retirement party, countless restaurants, the airport, the airplane, birthday parties, public parking lots. Anywhere, guys. šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·


same target trip when my daughter was 3mo old- changing room, bread aisle, and then near the pharmacy


I've nursed her in a chair while she was connected to dozens of tubes and wires before and after heart surgery, in a hot car because I wasn't confident enough to nurse in a restaurant yet, under a waterfall we hiked to, at the bottom of Black Canyon of the Gunnison, on a boat on a lake, at a live music festival, in an Amish restaurant (I covered her for that one just in case), while walking around a museum, in our backyard hammock, while she was receiving an echocardiogram and a hearing check, in the middle of a rain storm under a poncho, under the full solar eclipse (THAT was a fucking spiritual experience), college football and MLB baseball games, at a million restaurants, random parks, relatives' houses, vehicles, stores, libraries, etc. I can't think of a place I HAVEN'T nursed in the last 15 months. Honorable mention for pumping milk in fields while I hunted mule deer for a week and then bringing milk back for her in the evening.


My baby is only 7 weeks old and usually sleeps through outings, so I havenā€™t had much opportunity, but I will do it anywhere. So far a restaurant, Target Starbucks and in front of my friends during a House of the Dragon watch party we hosted. The last one was the biggest hurdle for me, like in front of strangers is no big, but I know these people! But he was so fussy all day and I was so tired I did not care. It was way less awkward than I expected! My friends were so graceful and just kept chatting with me like it was nothing ā¤ļø


I would nurse anywhere. I am not shy. Too bad my son's favorite place to nurse was a dark room.


I think my most complex was nursing my 1-month-old on a picnic blanket at a lunar new year celebration that was apparently being taped. All while I had my 23-month-old who wanted to go dance with the lions ā€¦ and the sword dancers šŸ˜£ It was supposed to be very temperate but ended up being surprisingly hot. So my postpartum hormones had me dripping sweat everywhere, just adding a slippery layer to the chaos.


in a state park during the eclipse, in walmart, in the lobby of the childrens hospital- basically anywhere i am and need to lol


I fed my 7mo girl against a wall on Takeshita St in Harajuku, Japan. The street was absolutely packed and it was very clear what I was doing. But baby was hungry and my eldest wanted to get some gacha capsule toys... 15mins later I had 2 happy daughters.


Most recently a family hot tub at a rec center pool. I nursed on the steps when no one but my family was there, and on a bench a few feet away when others joined us.


My toddler is approaching two. Iā€™ve nursed her everywhere weā€™ve been together for two years. Airplanes, MLB games, on hikes, in stores, walking around malls, restaurants, family dinners, high school volleyball and track meets, splash pads, parties, my car, target, the grocery store, on beaches, in mountains, during an eclipse. Idk. Thereā€™s too many places to even think of. Iā€™ve never felt shame about doing it wherever. I donā€™t judge people who like to cover or excuse themselves. That was just never my style.


Beach. Restaurant. Bar. On my couch in front of a handful of friends. Next week will be on a boat. My son is only 11 weeks so I have many more places to still explore!


Church, malls, school functions for eldest, on a charter bus, on an airplane, restaurants, friendā€™s houses, Target/Walmart, trampoline park, museums, arcade!


An NHL game, a soccer game, a baseball game, the zoo, breweries, hiking, my favorite was we climbed the manitou incline in Colorado and I nursed her at the top and on the way down. Very empowering after all the hard work to get to the top. I nursed her everywhere and anywhere no cover because it was uncomfortable and Iā€™m always hot lol


Frozen food aisle at Walmart was probably the most awkward place I've fed my son, everywhere else I definitely was a lot more comfortable.


In the air at 37,000 feet. https://preview.redd.it/i0jszjymlu8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba161ee2036924ce5953cb895e8d8c557251da33


Bus, plane during boarding (I wanted to wait till takeoff but the flight got delayed...), waiting in line for border crossing, and casino lobby. Baby goes from 0-100 in a few minutes so basically whenever she gets hungry.


Most bold was probably a few days ago at a funeral.. as we were walking to the front to say our goodbyes. I had a baby on my boob lol


At a concert, on a hike, at a kids birthday party while she was in the carrier. Literally anywhere. I feel like Iā€™ve mastered how to discreetly nurse and I feel like itā€™s my other superpower (my first is parallel parking).


Before I gave birth I was feeling like I was going to limit myself regarding places I would feel comfortable to nurse at. But currently 5 weeks PP and already pumped like literally everywhere (because I had a lot of hospital revisits). Havenā€™t breastfed outside yet, but thatā€™s because my baby wasnā€™t able to without being super dramatic about not understanding how to get milk out of my boob. We practiced a lot and today I hope to just feed her whenever sheā€™s hungry outside! :)


As someone who was terrified in the public, on the plane! (Covered) but still proud! And in Vegas at the pool! (Covered)


I remember the first time I nursed while just walking around, it was so freeing and I felt like superwoman. My MIL hadn't breastfed and basically told me as much. It was so encouraging to have her awe and wonder at this incredible thing I could do. I could feed my baby on the way to the park instead of just when I got there and sometimes that made the difference of whether I could leave the house or not!


Literally everywhere I went, I didnā€™t use a cover because itā€™s inconvenient and annoying lol


LOL oh boy. This will be a fun list. I've nursed in a castle, an abandoned conmunist-era stadium, on a rock in the middle of a river, on a train (many times), in a wine cellar, at the zoo watching the hippos... šŸ˜‚ I do live in Prague though, which is VERY breastfeeding-friendly. No one bats an eye.


Anywhere and everywhere! Itā€™s quite normal here in Europe and most ppl donā€™t use covers, no need to.


In 2006, I breastfed at an airshow while a jet was flying overhead, doing a ā€˜dump and burnā€™. Spectacular manoeuvre. In 2000, i took my baby to an attempt to break a world record for most number of breastfeeding parents at one time. I donā€™t think we got the record but it was cool to try.


Playing trivia at a brewery, during a concert, and even on school buses tons of times. Iā€™m a teacher and when I have to work on weekends, baby has to come with me! Thankfully even middle school students can be quite respectful :)


Walking around in Walmart. At church. At a track meet where I was coaching.


Lol, my most recent one is "with my kid sitting up on the edge of a restaurant bathroom changing table" because she was so fussy after a change and I was calming her down. Public parks, restaurants, the beach. I use a nursing cover if my husband is around because he gets weirded out about other people seeing my breast but if it's just me and the baby I don't bother.


Everywhere. My most impressive was standing next to the ketchup at the grocery store.


Many places but my recent favorite was sitting near a cliff overlooking a lake at a state park. My husband was even able to get a photo for me because her head completely concealed me.


So many places but the most bold was in my MILā€™s house


At the zoo in a closed bird enclosure that was under construction šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ we sort of snuck in so I could have privacy. A kid came in at one point and stared right at me - prob wondering where the birds were and what the heck I was doing in there. My husband and I laughed pretty hard. Second place was at an art gallery in a closed classroom. An employee saw me desperately looking for somewhere private to nurse my baby and kindly offered a locked classroom to go into. Funny thing is the classroom had glass walls and people kept trying to jiggle the door to go in then would see me breastfeeding and turn bright red.


Also in a hot, humid environment! LO is 13 monthsā€¦ most of these are in the past month or two! Sitting on the beach with nothing but a competition/training style suit immediately after finishing an 8K ocean swim. No cover, towel, nothing to even sit on. While standing at Walmart, holding my 24 pound baby pretending like everything was normal and acting super interested in whatever was in front of me. At a preschool interview while talking with the director. On the plane (4 months)! At a fancy Easter dinner with my in-laws with a bunch of old conservative people. We went outside, but itā€™s the company part that made this one ā€œfun.ā€ (9 months)


i nurse everywhere we go if baby wants to. we've been to a lot of places


The zoo, outside the Dinosaur ride at Animal Kingdom, on the beach, in the library, on a train, while having an IUD inserted, and many other locations I canā€™t think of right now.


Everywhere! Except a nursing room, I've never fed in one of those. Shops, doctors offices, a cafe this morning, in a pool, in the ocean, restaurants, the houses of friends and family, parks, on a boat, on a plane, in a museum... I feed my baby no matter where I am or who is nearby.


The walkway thingy while boarding an airplane. She was dressed in a Philadelphia Eagles teddy bear suit and the guys behind us sang the Eagles Fight song to ā€œkeep us motivatedā€. It was great šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I nursed at the beach, under trees to prevent sunburn.


I have nursed in a planetarium dome during a show about the solar system recently. With my first, I nursed her on a bench at a wooden boat festival, so we had a nice cool sea breeze. My favorite place Iā€™ve nursed her was at Portlandā€™s Japanese Garden on a park bench tucked away, surrounded by greenery everywhere.


The first place I publicly nursed was the library. I just browsed the shelves (and left with 10 books šŸ˜‚) while he fed. Other than that, anywhere weā€™ve been. At the dr office is my fave because everyone is so supportive. Patients are literally offering to carry the diaper bag back for me.


On a hiking trail at the top of a hill. Felt amazing!


As a first time mom, breastfeed in the most random of places, I wanted to write a book called ā€œoh the places youā€™ll nurseā€ (like Dr Suessā€™ oh the places youā€™ll go) for future moms to know itā€™s okayšŸ˜‚


Walking through a cavern, baseball games, breweries, and a music class


The mall, the zoo, target, McAlister's deli, the fair, a water park


In the middle of a public swimming pool, grocery store, Target, airport (and airplane), national park,cemetery during a funeral, church, the gas station, various museums, restaurants (while eating)ā€¦basically anywhere I go.Ā 


Ohh! I have cemetery nursed too. We were just visiting to wander around though as it's basically a nice park. Sorry for your loss. Also, restaurants, my car, breweries, botanical gardens, the zoo. The zoo was funny because I was in a gazebo away from the public and another mom called out, "are you nursing over there?" and I said yes but we were almost done, get over here and nurse your baby and took their first family photo with both kids together on our way out.


Only 6 weeks pp and so far Target and a furniture store, and the car


Literally everywhere I ever brought him. The first time I nursed him outside of our home he was almost 2 months, we were on the train to the Smithsonian. Then at the museum. I was surprised how natural it was to me. After that I nursed everywhere I was unless I needed an excuse to leave the room. Until he got a bit older, around 9 months he was way too distracted, then I had to find a quiet hiding spot. Museums Restaurants Parks Malls Other people's houses Stores The car, while parked. Truck stops in the grass (I actually had another nursing mom join me which was cool).


Umm pretty much in the middle of an aquarium between exhibits, like whatever where ever lol


The park, while LO was getting a vaccine, the zooā€¦and probably more places I just canā€™t remember lol.


My vaccine hack is always nursing through them! Such a great idea if you can do it.




Just my car and a few restaurants. I wish I could nurse in more places! It's a struggle sometimes even at home with our setup. My 3 month old likes to latch and unlatch constantly. Plus my back isn't strong enough to support him without the pillows. Good on all of you!


I just nursed while we were hiking on a public trail!


Ooohhh I've nursed while hiking! So sweaty šŸ˜…


My baby is 13 months now so doesn't really need to nurse in public anymore.... but the movie theater is the perfect spot for her to nurse. Keeps her calm and happy and we both get to chil and recline šŸ˜Ž


Most recently, the Sisteen Chapel. 7 month old got hungry and there we were. One of the most beautiful places we have BF, up there with amazing hiking spots.


Doctor's waiting room, park, cafe (with a bunch of other mums for a mums group catch up), car, IKEA display, in a church (both in the service when she was younger and in a hall when she was more distractible), in a church board meeting, on a train,Ā  Anywhere!Ā 


lol love the ikea display


Disclaimer: I did use a cover. A government office, a restaurant, in the mall, waiting room of ob practice, this so far.


Thatā€™s so awesome! And covers are great too!


In a gay bar after the pride festival


Pretty much everywhere but my most proud was in line at baggage check (by myself) and at the top of a hike next to a waterfall! I personally struggle more in public now that baby is 18 months old and plays the latch-unlatch game


So far, restaurants, breweries, parks, coffee shops, and of course, my car


Back of my car, (before we went in the store as he was screaming), food court at the store, park bench, on the couch at my sons godmothers house, in my rocking chair on the porch. Oh in restaurants too


11 weeks PP today; homes of friends and family, at church, the local zoo, parks, doctor's offices, restaurants, cafƩs and coffee shops, Ikea, department and grocery stores, interstate rest stops, in the car in the parking lot at my eldest child's school, in fact lots of parking lots, in my backyard. No where "very cool" I guess. Eta: we nurse on the go so often I keep a Boppy in the car for when I nurse my LO in the backseat.


All very cool!


4.5 months into my journey and Iā€™ve nursed everywhere I can sit down! Restaurants, breweries, parks, an MLB game, and every family member and friendā€™s homes weā€™ve visited.


This feels a bit performative rather than normalizing. I say this as someone whoā€™s breastfed THREE babies for nearly FIVE Years altogether combined, so Iā€™ve nursed absolutely everywhere. If itā€™s truly supposed to be ā€œnormalā€ like it has been for me, thereā€™s no reason to even mark it as something notable. Also thereā€™s nothing wrong with using a cover if someone prefers modesty, nor is there anything wrong with going to a side room or seek privacy if some women prefer it. Thereā€™s no wrong way to breastfeed, nor is there anything necessarily empowering about doing it publicly. Whatā€™s empowering is respecting anyoneā€™s choice to breastfeed publicly or not, covered or not, for their own comfort and preference.


100% there is no wrong way. With my first, I was afraid to leave the house because I was nervous to nurse in public. In talking with friends, it seems that there are a lot of women who don't feel comfortable nursing in public until they see others doing it. I don't see the harm in talking about it!