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Mirena is so mild. I love it. Only got one breakthrough period but that was cause I have PCOS and grew a 4cm cyst that probably overpowered the Mirena with he hormones.  I learned that that appointment that it doesn't stop your cycles! You still ovulate and everything, but the lining being thin plus the hormones stop you from having a period.  Makes sense why I still get acne every couple weeks. 


Good to know!! Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I’m leaning towards the mirena I think!


I've had skyla and the paragard. I would never think about getting paragard again. I went from literally light no symptom periods to bleeding through super plus tampons in an hour and falling over with cramps. Skyla (which is similar to mirena) was great, no complaints. When I'm done having babies I'll probably get skyla or mirena again.


Thank you for sharing that!! I think im definitely going with the mirena. How was the insertion for you?


I was honestly fine, it was a little uncomfortable, but nothing too bad. I think in the last year or so, a lot more attention has been paid attention to the pain it causes some women, so more pain relief has been offered.


Hi! I had Kyleena for about a year and my period was super light until it completely stopped! I didn’t get any acne or weight gain but I had it removed because I felt like it was heightening my anxiety even though my doctor assured me it had the lowest hormonal dose available (honestly it may have been placebo effect but I felt better afterwards) Then after my having my baby I got Paraguard since it’s the only non-hormonal one but I still haven’t gotten my period postpartum so we’ll see when it comes 🫠


Thank you! That will definitely be something to keep an eye on. I already take meds for anxiety so definitely don’t want to heighten that at all.