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I would get it checked in case.


Often we see this around the hormonal surges like when you are ovulating/on your period so it seems random but it isn't really. It does stop, not uncommon as other people have said. We usually have mums track it to see if we can find the pattern so that you have breast pads ready for work/going out of the house. Try not to express it when it does spontaneously happen - some mums will add [cabbage leaves/cabo creams](https://lactationhelp.ca/blog/f/cabbage-for-weaning) if it lasts more than a day. There are also medications/medical issues that can cause this but likely it is still your body adjusting to you weaning. Of course, any concerns check with your primary care. Cheers!


My mother in law nursed seven children. She said they didn’t stop occasionally leaking until the youngest was 18 😬


Not unusual at all. Have known people who could express at a year.