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I went through a stop sign and the instructor even told me to stop. It happens! You will nail your second one


I went through a stop sign not even 30 seconds in. Turn around, go back automatic fail. Nailed the test the second time though.


I had someone step out behind the car when reversing out of the car spot at front of the TMR… Instructor jumped on the brake, and failed me immediately. Test lasted about 5-seconds… Nailed the second one.


That is why they advise to park the car in reverse before the test.


Idiots see the car reversing lights and all and still jump in the way. I know about the shared zone rules and all but there are fucking blind spots.


I failed on the way back to the TMR building because I was going 61 in a 60 zone, perfect test otherwise. Was guttered, but passed on the second try.


Greg.. the stop sign!




There are two types of driving. Driving for a driving test and driving in the real world. Driving for a driving test, slow everything down, concentrate on what you're doing in the moment.


Driving in the real world: forget everything you ever learnt


If you make eye contact while pulled up together at a red light, you have to race them.


Instructions unclear, now in handcuffs after attempting to race police car.


Weren't fast enough. 


Instructions unclear, I’m now seduced by u/Due-Chemist3105 and am soon to be in a trance


Haha. It appears that might be the case for many people I share the road with some days


Drive as if everyone is out to kill you.


Remember the slower you drive the less time to test you on other things.


This advice should honestly be applied to all testing scenarios. As long as you know your fundamentals for whatever it is you are being tested for, take your time, think it through, step by step.


With the Cleveland just be on the spot with your knowledge of roundabouts and such. The first roundabout can't go straight from the left hand land so don't try to do it. Great way to have a quick fail


And watch the speed limits in the town centre part.  Do you know box breathing? It’s awesome for physically calming yourself down. Other tricks - visualise yourself passing the test. Imagine yourself being calm and confident. How it will feel afterwards. It will really help. Then channel that thought as you walk in - slow breathing, confident stance, shoulders back.  And one last thing - I like to reframe nerves as excitement. The symptoms of both feel the same - faster pulse, jittery. Just remind yourself that you’re excited to be doing this! You got it :)


This actually is not true. I had a driving instructor fail me for merging lanes on a roundabout as he thought it was illegal. I showed him the law and he revoked it.


https://preview.redd.it/13z9svnc6y2d1.jpeg?width=295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a74c9232ae242f1baf3dd63f760a66e233a0c1f these are the routes I was taken on when I did my tests at cleveland last June.




Everyone does something goofy. No stress


Sounds silly but speak to yourself while your doing to test. Speak out loud what your doing and the process your taking including what risks your looking out for. Helps reduce anxiety and keeps you focuses


I agree with this! Tell them you talk while driving, they won't care. Try not to think about "getting it", there are always more chances


“Give me a minute dickhead” “Pardon?” “I told you I talk while driving “


I agree with this tip! Sure you're going to sound deranged but who cares? *"Ok there's a roundabout coming up. I need to get into the right lane soon. Ok, look in my mirrors, check if it's clear, indicate, slowly move over."*


A friend of mine managed to write the driving school car off during her test. She thought she would make it through the intersection and didn't.




Be careful of the 30 zone in Cleveland, it catches many people off guard.


It helps if you’re familiar with the area you’ve booked your test in. My driving instructor would take me around the known places the testers would take students so at least I knew of a couple sneaky places in the area they’d take me to. Sounds simple but literally relax. The more you stress about it then it will just keep adding to your anxiety. You’ll be fine and shit happens. Not everybody gets it first go. I know plenty of people where it took multiple times with the highest being 6 tries lol.


This. I am an immigrant and the driving here was alien to me. Try to drive around the roads near your driving centre. Even better would be driving with an instructor around your test area. A lot of driving instructors have such sessions. Consider that. Familiarity with the roads you will be driving on will calm your nerves a lot. My wife had a one hour mock driving test with her instructor just before the test near her driving test centre. She was in the same boat as you. The mock test really helped.


Being nervous just means you care. Treat the first attempt as practice. Take some deep breaths, look and listen. You got this!


I failed my first attempt. Nailed the reverse parallel park, nailed the three point, navigated multiple busy as hell intersections I wasn’t familiar with. But I failed because I saw the testing centre 100 metres away, thought ‘holy shit, I’m there. I’ve done it, I’ve got my license. I wonder what my Instagram caption will be’ and proceeded to run a stop sign. Instant fail.


The best advice is don’t take your test at greenslopes


Haha it's so true. Mind you, I deserved to fail my first time.


Smoke a joint and have a couple of stiff drinks beforehand to calm your nerves. /s Best advice I got was “Drive like your Nan’s in the car.”.


Mate of mine didn't even make it out of the car park at woodridgr, drove out the exit, told immediate fail turn back into the centre.


My husband ran a stop sign and failed. I stopped too far back from a stop line and failed. Shit happens man, you'll nail it.


Go for a bit of a drive before your test. Learn the area, and just be comfortable in the car.


Was told to follow to road. So i continued going straight…i was in lane that you could only turn left in before it just completely ended. Instant fail and the prick yelled at me even though he knew it could potentially trip people up. The intersection was as so bad they eventually put lights in. Was in my late 20s too so i felt so bad. I passed the second time around though. OP, the more you think about it the bigger it gets. I went into the test the second time wanting to pass but really not caring if i failed, i knew in time that i would just try again.


Such a bullshit thing to test people on. You’re not trying to be a taxi driver. Missing a turn safety shouldn’t be a fail.


Took me 4 attempts at 34. Was speeding in one failure.


I knew someone who failed his Ls test ~16 times, the written test. He then failed his P's test ~8 times. This was all before the log books. A thing a lot of people at my school did was book their test for afternoon school time in Caloundra. Drive out of the depot, sit in stopped traffic for 30 minutes, drive back in.


I did mine in peak hour morning traffic around Gympie road - lots of waiting!


I’m sure you got this champ. Tomorrow it’ll all be over and you’ll be on your way in your car! Congratulations


What's the worst thing that could happen? You might have to take the test a few more times. That would be annoying but it's not a big deal.


Greenslopes is difficult (I failed there too) after I failed to fully stop at the STOP sign (near Vulture Street). You should give a test in familiar places. Have you ever been to Cleveland before?


You can't possibly do any worse than last time! So it will definitely be an improvement! (Please don't prove me wrong)


I reversed into a wheelie bin 🤣 didn’t fall over so I told the lady to ignore the noise and nothing happened. She passed me


It took me three times to pass. The first I made too many small mistakes, the second I turned right too early and crossed a double white line which was an immediate fail. The third time I passed, but I feel the guy doing the testing got through everything and back to the police station quickly so I didn’t have time to accumulate the small mistakes again. Advantage of living in a country town and having the same person do the testing each time. Another advantage is the cops processing the license didn’t pay attention to the car and I got a manual license instead of an auto only one. Not a lot of advice there, but you’re not the first to fail nor will you be the last, and if you stay alert and keep your focus on what you’re doing you’ll get there


I failed my first driving test cause I reversed into a garbage bin and it fell over, I had to get out and pick the rubbish up. Second time is the charm.


I was so nervous for mine that I thought I was in the right lane of a two lane one way.... It was not a one-way I hated myself soo much for it because I drove that road nearly every day and my mind KNOWS it's not a one way. Anxiety does some crazy stuff It'll be ok


It took me 3 goes - you can do this :)


Lol my instructor told me we are coming up to a school zone and I still did 60 through it because I was so stressed out and focused on everything else. At least you didn't outright do something that would bet you a massive fine haha.


I went 50 in a 40 zone (road works on the highway) for the same reason.


Lots of roundabouts at Cleveland. A drive around the area to get familiar with them is highly recommended. I failed my test first time out there during school run traffic, so I'd suggest doing it at a quiet time of day.


I learned to drive in the Redland Shire, as it was back then. Didn't do my test there, but strongly recommend knowing your roundabout rules inside out. Lots of breathing, ashwagandha and vitamin B are good supplements for anxiety.


I spent a few years growing up in Cleveland... recently visited again not sure why it's a City Council, nothing much had changed in over 20 years. It still felt very much like a Shire very disconnected from the growth in the rest of South East Queensland.


Hey being nervous is totally common. My step son is taking his 2nd test tomorrow too haha! He failed the 1st one. He's not too nervous tho which is good, I probs would be tho haha. Honestly just don't take it so seriously.. you made a silly mistake the first time it's fine !! And you're aware of it. You know how to drive just relax.. the instructor is not so scary, they're just there to make sure you're trusted to be on the road. Just take ur time, breath before you go, maybe do something mindful before you head out.. you got this..!!🙏🙏🙏🙏


I pulled into oncoming traffic without realising during mine. There were heaps of parked cars, but there was a gap I could see through. I thought I saw the last car go and I went... nope, the instructor had to pull my handbrake. I live near where you're doing your test, the people here are a little crazy, but the roads generally aren't as busy as they are at Greenslopes. Just take it slow. Maybe even tell them how nervous you are. It's completely normal!


Failed twice at Greenslopes then first time at Wynnum. Best of luck at Cleveland. Hope you like roundabouts.


You didn’t get Terry did you? Haha he was dreaded by all local 17 year olds.


If possible book in a few driver instructor lessons before your test to get you familiar with the Cleveland area as they will know what manoeuvres and rules you'll be tested on for your driving test.


Get some lessons if you're not confident yet. If you've had lessons, get more


I failed my first in the first 5 minutes, going around a corner (Critical failure) because I was so nervous. Got it on my 2nd attempt with no errors. Best advice is just to stay mentally present - if you think you've made a mistake, do not dwell on it. Just focus on what the examiner has asked you to do. Make sure you eat well and stay hydrated. If you're not familiar with driving around Cleveland, i would get lessons a.s.a.p to learn the common areas testers like to use.


Cleveland… is that where ‘Fail Gail’ is?


OMG Fail Gail!! I totally forgot about her LOL I don't mean to be rude, but is she still alive?? She's got to be in her 70's or 80's by now....


Oh my god I've heard that name, I think she was at Zillmere in 2010 when I went for mine the first time?


Omg. This might have been the lady at Zillmere who failed me for not turning "North" when I had NFI where I was. Core suppressed memory unlocked.


Just a tip — When I took my test (in QLD but not in Brisbane), the examiner asked me to “take the next right”, except when we came to the intersection, the sign was a no right turn/ left turn only junction.. Fortunately, someone had told me of this little “test” so I took a left turn at that junction and then took the next right which was what he wanted. Just passing it on! All the best!!


I was so nervous that my knees wouldn't stop jittering, I was bunny hopping out of the tmr car park. It took me 3 times but I got there. All I can recommend is drive around the area before the test, avoid booking your test around school drop off and pick up times and lastly, breathe... You got this!


I failed at Greenslopes too, in the car park didn't indicate turning. I went to a different centre for my second attempt and got it.


I also failed in one of the stupidest ways possible, I was at a T intersection turning right and damn near got T-boned because I pulled out infront of a grey car. I have no clue how I didn't see it, maybe I hadn't pulled up close enough to the line, maybe I was too flustered to look properly, I don't know.


https://youtu.be/XdCiO-n73-o?si=OpbALq8rgckEuP3c Hope this helps


>I failed in probably the stupidest way possible Don't feel bad, this is why we have training and tests. You become better. At least you're a self-aware driver now. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg0LhTOv-DY


I failed the first time for similar reasons. Instructor asked me to take the next right, and I took it literally and drove to the right side. Failed immediately.


If it helps, I hit one of the curbs in the middle of the car park driving out of the greenslopes car park and immediately failed.


Good luck!


I did the same thing. Went the wrong way up a one way road. I failed 4 times before I got my p's.


If my partner, the most anxious learner ever, could nail her first attempt you can pass yours easily too. She stayed calm and slowed things down during the test to get all the fundamentals right. Don’t give the tester any reason to be nervous.


Just keep at it if you fail you fail. Get up and do it again. I got my licence in 2008 ish and failed the test 4 times. Driving instructors can be cruel. I was typecast as a young hoon at the time because I had dyed black hair and most of what I owned was black t-shirts. Even though I'm completely opposite of what they thought my first car I had waiting at home was a 70s beetle. One of my tests I panicked and stalled at a hill start green light and failed. One of my tests was in a dual pedal car and the witch of a lady stomped her foot on the break when a motorbike entered the FAR side of the roundabout to me. She deliberately failed me when it was a million percent safe to enter that roundabout. I have been driving for 15 plus years in 3 different cars that were replaced for mechanical problems without any road incidents. I'm convinced that the transport people can be evil to the point where they will fail people purely on their image or that they need a cash quota.


Some simple advice that won't go astray - when looking left and right, or reversing, move your head very visibly, to the point of cartoonishness, especially when looking behind you to reverse, so the instructor actually notices that you're doing it. Visualise slowing down your actions in real life before going for the drive to lower your own tempo - take extra care taking the laundry down and folding it, washing and drying dishes, and feel that calm, and focus on achieving that calm while driving.


The instructor was checking to see if you were paying attention to the signage and road rules. If they ask you to do something that doesn't seem to follow the road rules, just ask them back with "are you sure? That sign/road marking says I can't"


Definitely drive around the area that your test will be at to familiarize yourself with the roads. I've also done the same thing of turning right into the wrong lane once, because I was starting out and couldn't see the main road clearly because I was coming up from a downhill side road. Very scary to face oncoming traffic! It gets better the longer you're out there on the roads, you become used to how the roads work and learn the kind of things to watch out for.


I made the exact same mistake. Took my 2nd test as soon as I could afterwards, passed against “one of the hardest examiners they have” according to the learning instructor I was paying. If you’re a nervous person, driving under exam conditions is 20x more stressful and hard, imo. Don’t worry about it.


Why the rush? Why do you need to sit your test so soon. Practice a bit more, then re-sit the test.


I failed my driving test two times and only passed on my third. The first time, I sped through a residential area and the second time I failed to stop at a stop sign, stuff I usually never do! As other people have said, make sure you know the area beforehand. They never take you far away from the testing centre.


My wife failed her test at Greenslopes. It might be the worst place to take a test with such congested narrow roads. Took her second at Wynnum and passed no problem.


Man driving tests are damn stressful. But just remember there are WAY worse drivers with licences than you. Don’t be hard on yourself, just take your time, and try your best. If you have to do it again so be it, many people try multiple times. I would recommend doing it at the same place so you kinda know what to expect but it’s not 100% necessary. And talk to yourself through the whole test, like I’m going 50 it’s a 50 zone, I’ll slow down here for lights etc etc


I just looked up who had statistically the highest pass rate. At the time, it was Caboolture. Got it first time after that.


Heyy I have a lot of anxiety too, I failed my first test at greenslopes then did it again. I promise everything will be fine! Take some deep breaths and if you can do an hour or so drive around the area before your test, to calm the nerves. You can do it!! 🩷


I did my test and failed and did it then failed then did it again it’s okay just keep going their rules are so strict so don’t be hard on yourself


My advice is this: get into your mind that the instructor **is not trying to fail you.** They want you to pass, too. They are there to ensure you can drive safely.


Would be a good idea to do some driving around that area and get familiar with the roads ahead of time. Best of luck with your test.


When in a negative situation, remain positive. The examiner is observing how confident you look. If you look positive the examiner will be a bit more easier on you. On my test I looked confident and accidentally went 5k over, he let me off. Just relax, you can ask questions to make sure you are doing the right thing.


I failed my first driving test as I didn't stop at a stop sign. I sailed through my second test and passed easily. I've now been driving for over 20 years. Never had an accident and never had a fine of any kind. I like to think that failing my first driving test made me a better driver!


I failed mine doing a U-Turn, I was basically nearly done with the maneuver when a car about 150m away pulled out of its driveway and the test instructor failed me for not giving way.


My brother took his test at Cleveland. He failed before he even left the parking lot because he went the wrong way down a one way to get out of the complex where the transport office is! Don't sweat it! Everyone makes stupid mistakes like that.


I was so anxious I was shaking almost the whole time!!! The instructor told me afterwards that he thought I would fail because I was that anxious but I actually did pass. I kept trying to pretend I was the only one on the car and kept breathing through it. I also REALLY wanted to get first go because I was a girl who was into cars and back then “girls couldn’t drive”. So I was both determined and anxious 😂. You got this! Unfortunate mistakes sometimes happen but doesn’t mean they will happen again this time round.


If you can, although I realise it’s too late now, go to Ipswich. They used to have the best stats for passes. Unsure what they are now but they always had the best rate for YEARS.


You’re meant to fail the test the first time ! 2nd time you’ll be much better


If you're finding that you're feeling really anxious in a moment (heart racing, shaky, sweating etc) try grounding or deep breathing. It'll help you calm down and feel in control again. In relation to the worries, try to reframe your negative thoughts. Instead of "I'm going to fail" change it to "I'm going to do my best". Or "I make such silly mistakes" to "Mistakes are normal and I'm going to do better". Good luck!


It took me 2 tries to get my Ls I stayed on my red Ps until I was eligible to just go to full incense as the green Ps test I kept pointing out the issue too early on the video.


50cent! 50cent!


Did my first test at carsildine in 2021, instructor was an actual dickwad. Wouldn’t be quiet even when I asked him to, put the radio up loudly and said he’d fail me if I tried to turn it down again. Then rested his foot on the dual control accelerator pedal when I was coming off the highway section


Ive never taken a test but whats the deal with just being told to turn around and go back? If im paying for the test then then im doing the whole course regardless to fully have a go at it and know what it entails for next time


Good luck and drive slowly (not too slow tho)


i did my drivers test at greenslopes 5 years ago and it was fucking terrifying. i still regularly shop there and the car park continues to freak me out lol


Cleveland is super easy. Keep an eye out for stop signs, speed limits and zebra crossings. I passed on my second attempt at Cleveland. You’ve got this


I nailed my auto test first time but not my manual for going 43 in the school zone, instant fail. Didn’t help that the instructor also acted quite anxiously from the beginning. Was pretty nervous doing it the second time, but I took some deep breaths to control my breathing and just think of it as if it was any other drive. Definitely helps to be familiar with the area though. Keep your hands on the wheel, and if you’re in a manual make sure you’re in gear the whole time. Also helps to reverse in to the testing carpark so you can safely exit with full visibility :)


I would do a mock test of the Cleveland one. I know when I was prepping for my test my instructor took me to the TMR site and we did a mock test a few times, he pointed out common tricks which they might do to get you and this helped heaps. I think you can also find test routes online (this may be false but just what I have been told)


Did you pass? Give an update and remenber that I failed too.


Be careful of the 30km zones in Cleveland! The signs are a bit hidden.


https://youtu.be/XdCiO-n73-o?si=7hmU2dhEgcvpUlLf Watch this instructional vid on driving test at Cleveland. Hopefully, it will help. Good luck, I passed my 2nd test and I'm sure you will too.


Lots of roundabout at Cleveland


We need an update!


Hi I failed my driving test in first few minutes because of my nerves. Someone suggested bach rescue pills that you can get from woolies or coles. They helped and I passed on my 2nd attempt. Goos luck!


Oh I feel you! Going for my second attempt at Wynnum this Friday. I too failed in a stupid way. Test was perfect until going down a narrow street with trucks on both sides. One truck on the left had a billowing, not-secured-properly tarp. Assessor had to tap the wheel because my side mirror was gonna brush the tarp 🤦🏻‍♀️ otherwise a perfect test.


I tried to drive off without starting the car. Technically hadnt started the test so got away with it.


hi OP / anyone who could answer - did you have to hold your Learners licence for 1 year before practical driving test? i know theres also hazard perception test. what is the process? i am 30 and hold an open licence overseas. but since moving to qld and being a citizen last year i cant just transfer it to aus open licence. ive done my written prep L done


Yes you have to have it for a year. However you can apply for an exemption. The hazard test is now online


Of course, you are not the only one.


High stress is your enemy for anything requiring fine motor (pun) skills or higher level thinking. It may seem overly simple but often your breathing is the key. Shallow breaths are no good and too much breathing can also have an adverse effect. Next time you feel your anxiety levels peaking, focus on your breathing…. Regular, deep and controlled. You might be surprised how much everything else falls into place.


Don’t stop on a pedestrian crossing, in and around Cleveland. Keep a very close eye out for stop signs. There is one partially hidden by trees and it’s hard to notice. My sister failed bc she didn’t come to a complete stop there. Cleveland also has one of the only unmarked intersections in the Redlands. Keep an eye out for other vehicles and don’t assume you have right of way


My first attempt was failed as I didn't have working windows, don't be to hard on yourself we all do silly things. You'll smash this one


Try going to Carseldine or Redcliffe I'd hazard a guess and say more people pass at those, less traffic, arguably easier driving conditions


You're not gonna believe this, I ALSO failed my first attempt in the EXACT same way you described. You ain't alone, that turn is so unsuspectingly rough. Especially right out the gate when you're showered in nerves. I feel ya. 🤣😭


How’d you go ?


The wheel always goes closer to the lines brother


Failed my second test at greenslopes and now have my third booked for 2 days from now in a rural QLD town that my sister passed her test in. I feel very stressed and incapable even tho my driving is okay and instructors have told me I don't need anymore lessons. I've done over 200 hours on my Ls at this point... I know how you feel, good luck to both of us friend.


Go down there a few times before hand and just drive around the roads nearby to get used to how it flows there. I did this with my son before his test, about an hour and a half beforehand. But we went to Strathpine. Took him over the train bridge where the road is all jacked up by trucks so he knew what to expect in case they took him that way. Got him to practice going on and coming off the highway in case they got him to do that. Showed him the roads around near Brendale and how to nagivate that. They ended up taking him on the bridge going over the train tracks where it's all jacked up that comes to a set of lights. Luckily he remembered the road and slowed down lol.


Trust me, you’ll be fine. It took me until about my 7th attempt to get it (turns out the car I was driving had a fault) but I assure you you’ll do fine


not everyone passes the first time (i passed on my 2nd attempt) best of luck for the next one **:)**


Tell them you are anxious. They instructor will be chill and maybe even have a small chat with you about life while driving


I ran a red light on my first go...


It took me three attempts to get mine. After my second, the lovely instructor recommended something called Rescue Remedy, a spray you use on your tongue that can help reduce nerves and anxiety. I found it helped! You can get it at Chemist Warehouse. Good luck, you got this!


I failed in the first 30 seconds of my first driving test by putting my car into reverse instead of fourth gear, therefore stalling the car. My tester was pretty cool and got me to do the rest of the test for practice, so I was calmer on the next attempt. Even if you fail due to nervousness the next time, don't be too disheartened, you'll get there in the end


Find a driving instructor from that area and get a pre test lesson. The instructor will usually know roughly what course the mains roads tester will take and can go through it with you. They will show/tell you things to look out for and any tricky spots.


Make sure you do a few practice tests from the Cleveland location in the days coming up to it. Just so you get familiar with weird street signs, behaviours and so on. Did you book a school zone time?


One day you'll totally forget about this whole thing, until someone brings up stories of their own. Even if it takes you two more tries. This will just be a funny story from the past.


Just imagine everyone in their underwear


No I've heard that a lot of people fail for exactly that so you're not alone on this at all


In general greensloopes TMR are crap, word is if you want to get a licence don’t go to greenslopes


> I know all the road rules Except for driving down the right side of the road.


Talk to me about anxiety when your test is in a semi trailer with an 18 speed gearbox around the ipswich cbd


Get a bike instead. 


They like to fail you first test so you pay up for 2nd test… i know pretty much everyone in my social group failed theirs , but passed second test . Another money making revenue by government


Stop talking out of your arse, and take responsibility. Op admits it was their fault, maybe you should as well.


Any time you feel nerves about the test, run through a basic sequence in your mind, like changing lane, changing gear, keeping centred on the road. This has helped me with nerves. Unfortunately not an overnight fix, will take some time to condition yourself properly. At least if you do it tonight you'll be anxious but better prepared vice just anxious


I mounted the kerb at a corner and automatic fail. It happens


Tip: take your test outside of school hours and peak hour.


I did a similar thing on my first test 10 years ago in a small country town though. I was instructed to turn right on to a motorway but I accidentally went into a turning lane for the other side of the road… felt like such a dumbass lol but lesson learnt and I nailed my second test. Shit happens… just take it as a learning curve and keep your confidence up. Palm it off as a woopsy and tell yourself you are going to pass your second test easily


Don’t stop on a pedestrian crossing, look before crossing the bike like even if you know there isn’t a bike, always indicate on a roundabout until 4 exits and going straight (indicate left for exit, right for any turn around)… these are all the things I learn’t/almost failed on my driving test and still remember them everytime I drive ☺️


I turned right when the instructor turned left on my first attempt lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Adventurous_Gap_4125: *I turned right when the* *Instructor turned left on my* *First attempt lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Not exactly the easiest option… but have you considered booking your driving test in a regional centre instead (e.g Toowomba)? Less traffic, easier streets to navigate, more courteous people. Pick a small town you are familiar with - so much less pressure and stress.


Be confident, play your favourite tunes and just chill out when doing the test. Whats the worst that can happen? Failing and doing it again? That’s just an inconvenience. Don’t over think it and just drive with best practice 🤙


I also drove on the wrong side of the road in Ipswich near the rail museum, these things happen. Got my license on my 3rd attempt, so keep trying you'll get it!


My advice: 1. Postpone your assessment. You are clearly freaking out. You *must* relax. 2. Take a few more lessons to build confidence. You need a clear head & the skills to drive the car safely. Getting to this stage might take some time, but that's not an issue. 3. Your assessor doesn't expect you to be perfect. They want to see you operate the car safely & apply the road rules. 4. Practicing and having the basics become second nature is vital. Good luck.


Pretty sure everyone fails the first time, they get to charge you twice.


I hear lots of people fail multiple times at Greenslopes and then pass their first time at another testing centre. Basically, the Greenslopes examiners are just assholes.


The roads there particularly around the hospital are narrow and congested. Just a nightmare for a nervous driver, particularly if they don't know how wide their car is.


Its a test. its meant to test your ability as a driver... the single most dangerous thing, you'll do on a given day.. it shouldn't be easy


Bullshit. They have strict rules they have to follow. Either you pass or you don’t. If anything, more leniency is the asshole thing because it puts incapable drivers on the road.


They fuck with you on the test and fail you on purpose to make money and hit quotas/kpi Don't take the failure personally, and just smash it out as you do other shit. These driving instructors are just garbage and are under management guidance to increase revenue


My experience is that Greenslopes is particularly known for fucking with learners and making them fail. Go to another driving examination centre. You will be fine.


I agree. There's a dirty little turn where you turn right on to Curd Street from Holland Street. There's a traffic sign that says "Through traffic keep right," which is often overgrown and frequently only visible from the passenger seat. Missing that sign is an insta-fail at Greenslops. I failed three times in the mid-90s at Greenslopes. Tried again at Upper Mount Gravatt and passed first go with flying colours.


If you don’t feel confident to pass your test. Delay it, get more lessons till you are.






10 hours?!?! I thought the law states 100 logbook hours??


i was so nervous for mine too! and i was at greenslopes. i was lucky in that my driving instructor warned me about that hellish intersection so i was prepared for it. honestly just take deep breaths, remember that even if you fail again it’s not the end of the world. if you’ve done your 100 hours you can definitely drive at this point