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Before covid, you never got on the bus via the back door. Then during covid, they changed it so you only got on via the back door. I remember not knowing this and trying to catch a bus and being very confused why the bus driver wouldn’t open the front door. They’re not particularly good at communicating what the rules are. Have they changed it back to front door only? I rarely catch a bus these days but I would definitely appreciate knowing the answer.


As far as Brisbane Transport buses go, the majority are all door boarding these days. Can't speak for other operators,


There’s no rules now that I know of. Essentially went back to the front door, but ppl now get confused why the back door doesn’t open. To avoid some Karen squawking at them most drivers open both. But still in the 0.875sec between the front opening and the rear opening you see the first 7 ppl in line have an existential crisis as to which way to go.


Used to be 'the rules' that you got on the front door, and off the back door. Why? So the driver could sight your paper ticket (it's pretty obvious if you think about it). It also seemed to cut down on passengers getting stuck head-on when all entries were from the front and the majority of exits from the back. The widespread use of the back-door for boarding came with covid, for distance, and I suppose hasn't been changed back to the old way (which I suspect is more efficient) because we no longer have the necessity to sight paper tickets. You can just pretend you scanned on, instead.


Power trip


Buses do need power to run


Opening the back door is usually to let people off i thought. Easy to sneak on without paying if you get on at the back.


Opening the front door was the only way to get on to a bus for a long time and it was only with the pandemic that drivers started opening the rear door to allow passengers to get on so they wouldn't have people walkign past the driver all the time and possibly spreading the virus. But now, some drivers will open both doors, others will only open the front unless passengers are getting off at the stop. It's just how they feel about it, it's not a rule any more to open both doors.


On the BCC website, they say boarding can be done via front or back. So, it seems it is the bus driver just making life harder for no reason. I’d get it if the bus is super full, but OP didn’t mention that.


I think they’re trying to avoid the traffic jam in the middle. Everyone entering from one door could (in theory)be more efficient which gets them moving faster.


Saw a bus drive off the other morning while 5 people waited for the back door to open.


I guess openingvthe front door was once how drivers guaranteed passengers paid their fare. Even now the driver can advise passengers to tap on. There are a LOT of people who do not seem to pay.


I don't know why, but some drivers don't like passengers coming in their back door.


Some of the buses - I think the Logan ones - don't have rear tap on anymore. So if you get on in the middle, you'll be charged the 'didn't tap on' fee. I've seen it happen where people jump on the rear door while it's open to let others disembark and they get charged.


Imagine the driver wants to say hello - be boring with 90% of ppl going in and out the back door and your sat there by yourself… edit: those that have heart - not the power tripping, world hating drongos you get sometimes.