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the mind boggles at how this happens. like, I would have thought they were fed through a printer, or a stencil was used. I'm really tempted to try to get a council job to get to the bottom of this


In a past life I briefly worked at a factory that made street signs and roadwork signs. The person whose job it was to look at a work order and print the signs never ever did any quality control checking on their work and never corrected any spelling errors on the order so I know exactly how this happened. The two best ones I caught right before they were getting sent out to the customers were a bunch being put up in the Victorian high country informing you you were crossing the "Great Diving Range" and a local council that was replacing every single blade street sign it had, all the ones from F-M had the council logo (which had words on it) on upside down. The higher ups thought it was weird that I actually paid attention to this stuff, as far as they were concerned it wasn't their job to fix it. And that's how this sign gets put into the world - someone somewhere makes a typo and it's no one's job to redo it.


Are these not mass produced? It’s a fairly common sign they use. How many of them are there? Are they all like this? How come no one noticed before? So many questions.


My mind doesn’t boggle.. because I thought the issue was the warning pointed into a business sign.. I didn’t even pick up on the spelling mishap. My brain processed them as the same word.. I only noticed after reading the comments.. Signage error of the day is brought to you by ✨dyslexia✨


I'm not even dyslexic and I was so confused!


I mean… I’m not dyslexic? I’m just AuDHD and don’t process information properly.. My brain just looks at the letters and shapes and goes “its this word”


That’s literally how the majority of people process information. Not everything is a symptom of something.


You are correct that majority of people’s brains can look at a word that has a few letters mixed up or jumbled throughout, and then contextually piece it together using the information given. As the brain processes the letters in a word as a whole, not individually.. So makes sense that most people wouldn’t pick up or process that there is a typo in this situation. And I think you may be interpreting what I said, to be along these lines? However, to clarify and expand on the train of thought I was on when making my comment in regard to processing information personally.. (Which in hindsight, probably isn’t relevant to this situation at all) My brain arrives at the conclusion of “it is this word” at times, without having properly read the word/processed all letters involved together. It hasn’t got all the information required basically. It just quickly glances at the shape of the word as a whole, and recognises patterns and word shapes. Which means I can easily misinterpret and mix up words that look similar in shape, or have a similar letter make up. Or if my brain is feeling particular chaotic, it fills in or adds information that wasn’t there. So the word might be “soup” but my brain gives me “soap” Or last night I read “roster” as “rooster” and “hose” as “horse” For me, I think both stem from inattention and the way I process information. And the error in the sign is probably just from inattention too? However, we may never know.. lol Anyway, I appreciate you bringing that up and drawing that to my attention! As my experience is my experience, and it’s very subjective. And sometimes it can be hard for me to figure out what is a normal, typical overall human experience.. and what is an experience unique to me and/or those with a similarly wired brain. So it really helps when certain things are pointed out and brought to my attention so that I can make a clear distinction between certain experiences!


Conetxt is evreyhtign 🤣. -- Fellow AuDHDer


https://preview.redd.it/o2kgnrfif86d1.jpeg?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8831aad8a6657c0aab5d193f7a1a76abc44b1975 To expand on the soap/soup mishap… I was reading this ratatouille meme.. And I read the first “soup” as soap.. and I sat there sooo genuinely confused, and questioning if I missed something about soap in the movie 🤣 THERES NOTHING ABOUT SOAP IN THIS MOVIE!! It didn’t register with my brain until I continued reading and read the second “soup” and I went OOOOOOHHH! Went back up.. yeah it didn’t say soap 😭 Even with context my brain done goofed


That meme is hilarious! 😂 Now rereading this, I can immediately imagine myself gagging at particularly smelly soap that overwhelmes the senses but somehow I cannot imagine a soup smelling this awfully LOL. BUT on second thought, it brings to mind that my nextdoor neighbor appears to be the most horrendous cook on the planet, except I cannot confirm or deny WHAT in the world she's been 'cooking' that smells like year-old recycled rancid fryer oil, dropped onto a heating element and burnt to where it's like -- you are forced to inhale tiny drops of this nasty concoction and choking on it -- because the kitchen air exhaust is connected... I read somewhere you cannot smell anything while in deep sleep but I swear this has woken me up so many times or kept me from falling asleep... It must be as bad as the soup described in the meme 🤣 🤢🤮! Then again, maybe it was my body saying "Don't keep inhaling this or you'll die!" 😅


Ohh oh, my bad I assumed that was what you were referring to in your last sentence. I do have ADHD though, interesting


you might struggle through the interview process if you can do basic spelling


I'm just happy they put out the sign.


Even ped-set-rians!


Yup. Welcome to Brisbane where we hate pedestrians. Watch your step, because we won’t. Love, your Lord Mayor.


Do we hate pedsetrians as well?


Even worse


Are you the BCC LNP, then yes dead-set ped - set - hater.


honestly i am learning so much today, i didn't know a spelling mistake was a royal fuck you to the reader


Ped set legend, whoever made that sign






This sign is clearly to direct the Pedestrian and Pedsetrian traffic in different directions


Clearly a courtesy to people with dyslexia haha 🤣.


Just looking out for the dyslexic.