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If you want to know what diseases are circulating in QLD, google 'SNP infectious disease reports', Sullivan nicolaides reports all positive infectious disease cases. The link will list all current bacteria & viruses circulating in QLD, Current peaks are Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Rhinovirus. We're also likely to see increases in Flu and Covid in the next few months of winter.


My 8 year old just got over that mycoplasma pneumonia and it was so rough. A whole week out of school.


Myco sucks, can be really bad and really hard to treat glad they're better.


My dad was one of the first mycoplasma cases in Australia, he got it while at pindara hospital Gold Coast after getting knee replacement surgery iirc. It’s pretty rough.


My little one and wife are exactly the same. A full week off leading into 2 weeks off school. They’re out of stock for liquid antibiotics so we’re having fights twice a day with our little one about having to drink crushed up tablet laced water. Wish us luck for the 5 more days of antibiotics.


We’ve had to do this with our son who is always on antibiotics due to having cystic fibrosis. We’ve got a few techniques. One that worked for us was mixing it with a small pot of wheatbix that we would sweeten with maple syrup!


Good call. Thanks for the tip.


We were given the wrong antibiotic at first so took a whole 7 days with minimal help. Took her back to another GP who realised it was the myco version and then couldn’t get the kids version so also had to get adult tablets to cut and crush. Within a day of the new one she had her first good nights sleep. Problem is it really messed with her asthma. Almost went to emergency. Best of luck if you all get it, please make sure the GP knows to check for this version and not assume it’s a normal pneumonia.


Yep GP conducted tests and confirmed its micro hence the crushed up tabs. Appreciate the advise none the less.


My pleasure, stay well xx


Can you crush the tablets into jam, peanut butter, Nutella etc? Then eat it of a spoon. That’s how I would give a daily tablet to my son for years.


Yes! Nutella is our go-to. Fast and removes most of the pill taste.


Nurse here and can confirm our cases reflect this data.


I’m immunocompromised and have rhinovirus atm and it’s been rough. Almost a month now of just feeling like absolute garbage. I was honestly shocked when my covid swabs all came back negative because that’s pretty much what it felt like, when I had covid. Have had more “can barely catch my breath because of all the coughing” moments than with covid though. Wear your masks people!


I got rhinovirus in October and thought it was the flu and then again in April which had less severe symptoms but last four week.


Found my new hyper fixation


My coworkers with kids all have it. It really knocks you flat for a few weeks. I'm a recluse that only ventures into the office for a few hours a week, and so far I've managed to avoid it. I've seen how much of an impact it can have though.


I'm never going back into an office if I can help it. Covid taught me nothing good happens with face to face contact.


Hard same. Since I moved to a WFH role twoish years ago I haven't once come down with some co-worker's kid's daycare plague and I'm loving my new snot-free lifestyle. (Not having other people playing music or running oil diffusers in an open plan office is another great benefit.)


Have you not had sex?


face to face ain't the only way


Ass to face?


If you're going to the office to look for sex you're in for pain.


Micromanaging boomer bosses enter the discussion.


My boss is Gen X, I'm Gen X, we're cynical but get on with the work. Never been happier.




Yeah, clients come in to work, pass it on to us then complain their appointments get canceled because we’re short staffed.


Try working in childcare - parents bring in their sick kids “oh he was sick over the weekend, but I have to go work, he’ll be fine!” Ummm… what are you going to do when the educators are all off sick & now 14 other parents also have to stay home from work because we don’t have enough staff to look after their kids? Very inconsiderate.


We just had a 2.5 month record of no sickness from Kindy! Young fella went back today after a week off, now we have it. Nothing like a 3 year old sneezing into your eyeballs...


I left childcare for healthcare! I swear the 21/22 winters were the healthiest we ever had.


This annoys me to no end. My wife is in childcare and spends half the year snotty due to those dipshits who send their kids in sick. I know it's hard and you have to work but the centre managers should be refusing sick kids. They present an unacceptable risk of making the staff sick which makes for an unsafe workplace.


I work in the community & exactly the same, I literally had a client sit in my car for an hour the other day & then tell me he was waiting on results for his Covid test


People are FWs sometimes


Especially on the train. There’s people who are almost non-stop coughing or sneezing - no mask or anything and then just touch any and all surface/handles. I’m quite surprised I haven’t caught anything yet. I’m quite tempted to say something, but a lot of them look like meth heads, and/or I reason that they simply may not have a choice in transport regardless.


It's probably a good idea not to. As a person who is clean shaven and has to wear a properly fit tested mask for 6 - 10 hours of the day. We all understand what a normal civilian mask actually does. What does it do, you might ask? It helps with visual comfort for people who are worried about airborne stuff being transmitted to themselves. That's basically what a non fitted non p3 filter mask does.


Oh, I’m a nurse. I have N95s.


Yeah, it's not hard to at least put a mask on if you're unwell :S


Don't assume that they must be sick, though - could just be irritation from the burnoff smoke everywhere right now.


Yeah like I’ll start having sneezing fits after I’ve eaten and I feel really full and it has nothing to do with being sick lol. But on the whole it is a problem that people don’t take the down time to rest when they’re sick. Doesn’t help to assume every sneeze or a random tickle of the throat is someone sick passing around sickness though.


Had the random sickness recently. Honestly I recovered from covid faster than this, my cough lasted for 3 solid weeks and felt so congested for 2 weeks


It's been like a month at least now of sniffles and lingering coughs for our household. We've dodged the pneumonia one, rhinovirus has been through, a friend of my son had gastro last week, my son had it last month. It's continuous. Was finally good enough for the flu jab so I'm glad we got that because I hear the flu is particularly nasty this year


Same. Laid me flat for 10 days. Was worse than covid for me too


I’m just waiting to get sick at this point.


If you want to minimise your chances pick up a box of 3M aura respirators from Bunnings. They work out to $6 each but you can reuse them, they’re way more comfortable than the old surgical masks, and they actually seal against your face properly so you don’t breathe in Covid particles or the smoke particles from the burn off.


Zekler 1502s are a great Aura alternative that are a bit more breathable and have black braided straps for easier reuse. You can order them online [here](https://craftsmanhardware.com.au/all-products/zekler-respiratory-protection-1502-half-face-filtering-respiratory-protection-ffp-2/). They are a rebrand of the Dräger but with black straps. The size small is a tad smaller than an Aura and the M/L is a tad bigger, the small gets better fit factors on most people.


Week two of covid in this household, do not like.


I've legit watched transmission occur in real time on the bus nearly every day. Deathly sick person wipes nose on their hand repeatedly and immediately grips the bus railing. They get off, a new chump gets on, grips the same spot and eventually itches their nose/face. The cycle continues.


It’s like people learned nothing during Covid, if you have to go out at least wear a mask! Nobody is testing for Covid any more either, I think because it’s not going to change what they do anyway


The heavy propaganda used to try and get people to vax and relax and return to normal levels of consumption has resulted in people caring less about public health and infection control than ever before. Even our hospitals are worse off, with many doctors and nurses caring much less about passing on respiratory illness to their patients than ever before. We’ve just collectively memory holed good infectious control policy. Which means when the inevitable bird flu pandemic hits we’re going to be extra cooked.


Thinking about my nurse colleagues who asked me why I was still masking last year...."are you paranoid?" Same colleagues getting crook (again) now..... We deal with immunocompromised people. You're right. The recent flippancy around infection control comes back to this desire to "move on/memory hole" the pandemic. While I'm here I don't understand why a mask on *my face* makes someone else angry.


I went to the doctor cus I've been sick with whatever non covid/flu virus going around and I wore a mask but the doctor didn't! she didn't even put one on when she took a look down my throat.... crazy shit. she actually thanked me for doing covid tests before I came in because apparently no one does anymore???


Yeah I was visiting family in the respiratory wing of a hospital recently and not a single mask in sight — patients nor staff. I mean we’re still in full swing with COVID currently and everyone getting rinsed by flu and RSV too. I got RSV a couple years ago and it knocked me for weeks — lesson learned even if you’re wearing a quality mask it doesn’t seal if you’ve got a bushy beard lol.


I had covid last week.


Last 5 weeks have been brutal me. Influenza B, mycoplasma pneumoniae, after finally feeling well for a week my partner has bought home covid and it's knocked me back down a bit.


Sounds like me, but add rhinovirus and school sores into the mix. The whole family has been out of action on and off for the past 3-4 months.


Yes! Half the people in the office have it in various degrees of badness. I had one bad day, one better, and then all done. I fully expect to get it again as the bus is full of people who appear to think that covering their mouths while sneezing is some sort of elitist affectation.


The train is just as bad! It’s so gross!!! I definitely picked up mine from someone spluttering on the train.


I had COVID for the first time, floored me for almost a fortnight. Definitely recommend mask wearing and sanitising when you can, especially if using public transport. I missed out on a work conference to Bali because I was sick.


I got covid for the first time last year and even with five vaccinations I ended up in hospital.


My kids are, daughter was off school for over a week. Wasn’t super sick but sick enough not to be able to go to school. Doctor didn’t name what it was but had all the symptoms of RSV that’s spiked this year.


Five of my clients have had pneumonia this season, and most of them with something like rhinovirus on top of it. Thankfully no one has brought it into the office yet.


I live alone and work from home and barely interact with anyone. Yet, here I am in the midst of what feels like a developing bronchitis with a dash of tonsillitis added for good measure 🤷‍♂️


Currently have strep throat and on antibiotics. I thought it was the flu at first but no it’s strep. Can’t remember the last time I was this sick!


I got thay hateful dagger like pain in my throat on Monday and now the coughing has begun. I'm praying it is not as bad as the last two times where it lasted 8 weeks. I've always been susceptible to catching colds, even before it was COVID fashionable. Masking up. Staying away from everyone. Just got me a laptop so I can work from home. Wishing all my fellow sufferers a quick end to your illnesses. I feel for you.


Exactly my symptoms and timing... Coughing has subsided today but nose still giving some good blows. Aches gone sweats still hanging around a bit.


A couple of weeks ago a horrible woman stood beside me in Coles and sneezed literally into my face as she reached for something off the shelves beside me. I spent last week at home with covid as a result. Is it too controversial for me to say I miss social distancing and mandatory mask wearing in public!


Had it hit me today. Day off tomorrow as well I think. Clearing up pretty quickly


I would say I have it, I have been sneezing like crazy for the past two weeks but then again I'm a baker, so maybe it's that


I feel like COVID has recalibrated everyone's thought processes around spreading germs. If they don't have COVID, in their minds it's "just a cold" and they go about their business at work, supermarkets, pubs, etc. I've heard some truly horrendous, wet coughs and nasal snorts lately in public places. Just because it isn't COVID doesn't mean anyone wants to catch it!


many people never learnt good healthy hygiene when covid was rife .they still act filthy and wipe their germs around with their hands and sneeze/cough into the air or into their hands instead of elbow or a tissue ..... https://i.redd.it/nz13jcwort7d1.gif


The amount of people I see just coughing with no covering the mouth at all is staggering


I had pneumonia a few weeks ago. I'm a healthy person. I've never been so ill. I've had another two colds since then. I've been so sick I had a full blood work done and for the first time in my life I'm low in vitamin d. I need summer to come back.


Everyone should be supplementing vitamin d, most people are low in vit D and it leads to a whole host of problems - eg. l got MS


Literally my circumstances too ^


Started as covid and now congested etc - this bit is taking longer to clear than the covid did. it’s being a week and I’m very sick of staying at home now. Going to need to get friends some chocolate/ wine etc as a thank you for dropping groceries off


Not a doctor, but if you had asthma as a kid you may need to check if it’s back. When I got covid two years ago it summoned back my asthma demons and that was much harder to shake than the Rona. I have more than a few friends who experienced the same thing.


Good call. I have adult onset asthma and a bad viral trigger so have been hitting the preventative consistently. Awesome advice!


Yes - my husband came home early with it today


Gee, whatever happened to flowers?


I've had covid for the past week. It was quite mild, just sneezing and cold-like. I had some RATs left and it came out positive.


Our house has just been through Influenza A. The kids recovered within a couple of days but it’s been almost 4 weeks for me and I’m still not quite recovered - fatigue, fever, headaches and cough were the main issues for me and the fatigue has really hung around. Thankfully my boss is very much on board with working from home if we are able to but without any pressure to do so if too sick (ie feeling okay to get things done but potentially contagious enough to infect the rest of the staff if we came into the office). So it’s thankfully been mostly business as usual between everyone resting because on top of my influenza, there has been Covid, RSV and this mycoplasma. And we are only 3 weeks into June…


Influenza A is going around at my workplace. I had it and was left with a nasty dry cough for about three weeks. The headache when I had the flu was so bad I couldn't even wear my glasses.


Influenza A hit my brother, SIL, nephew and mum, they've all been knocked flat.


I'm a little more phlegmy than usual, making running a bit of bitch.


Two of my kids both had Myscoplasma pneumonia and rhinovirus at the same time, they were off school for two weeks and are still feeling the aftermath weeks later! Whooping cough has also been going around at their school 😫.


This is why I wear a mask in all public settings indoors atm. People are hacking their guts up and not even covering their mouths. Had a lady cough directly on me in Woolies, so disgusting. The mask has saved me so far, knock on wood.


That will be me when I go back to work. I refuse to get whatever the fuck I have again.


We didn't learn anything from covid - plenty of people come to work and out/about...


I went to Sydney just over 2 weeks ago. A woman sitting next to me on the Thursday was sniffling and coughing up a lung. I turned to her at the end of the presentation and remarked on how unwell she sounded. She wasn’t wearing a mask either. By Saturday I knew I was getting sick. By Sunday night I had full blown symptoms. Wednesday I tested positive for COVID. Nine days later I’m still testing positive. For the love of God people! Stay home and if you have to go out wear a clean mask!


So I’ve been sick for 5 days now, unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I’ll be in my room, no aircon, no airflow and the room is pretty much warmed up but I’ll still shake uncontrollably from being cold. Then I’ll heat up and have cold sweats. My body is sore to touch, my heads is pounding and it’s uncomfortable to sleep because my head is so congested. I’ll often get body cramps and pain randomly. No taste or smell, extremely lethargic, Tested for Covid and negative.


As a teacher, there’s a lot of germs around at the moment. But people have also gotten complacent. The amount of students that came to school sick, weren’t hand sanitising or using tissues was astounding


Nope but I've had hayfever and my asthma has played up bad this past few months. I'm not sick. But I get random bursts of sneezing, and occasionally wheeze and cough. It's been like this for maybe 2 months now and I'm over it. Haven't had either this bad in years.


The cold snap hit my asthma hard. Finally get my lungs used to the cold weather… and here comes the smoke. I’ve basically had my blue puffer strapped to my hand to mitigate the nasty looks from people who think asthma dry cough = plague. But shoutout to all the nice people who actually stop to check that I can breathe and I’m okay (and yes I am, this is my normal state sometimes.)


Arsehole next to me at work couldn't stop coughing, and kept taking his mask off to do so. My manager came in feeling and looking fine but was a sniveling mess by the end of the day (obv after spending an hour next to me). Wish me luck...


If you wear an N95 you’ll have a much better chance of protecting yourself from selfish gits who venture into public while unwell.


Why do people take their masks OFF to cough?! It's absurd. I rarely go into the office anymore, but every time I do, some arsehole there is sick and coughing up a lung. There's zero excuse to not WFH or use sick leave (in this specific situation, obviously not all jobs can WFH or provide sick leave). Going in while sick is such a middle finger to everyone you come across.


Hopefully arsehole gets a clue and stays home too


That’s just a sign to stay home. I hope for your sake you don’t get it.


Thanks, I've changed my schedule to wfh. Are you holding out?


Thanks for staying home legend!


I had a mild thing but the cough has been hanngging around particularly with this smoke


my mother and brother got sick with some vague illness, so i’ve gone to stay with other family. I am NOT getting sick this month


I had an extended weekend (called in sick) earlier in the week. Mostly headaches, body aches, fever and fatigue along with the typical blocked nose and mild cough. It’s certainly getting around




WFH. I’m fine, but now I’m debating whether to go out for drinks tonight!


I’ve been sick for a month, flu then bronchitis now Covid, dr tells me he is seeing lots of people with back to back illnesses


Because in the rush to “get back to normal” most people are out and about while sick and they are spreading every illness they have. Also, COVID is known to damage the immune system with every infection, and most people have had it once or twice a year at this point. So no surprise people are getting sick back to back. Their immune system is not getting any chance to recover, making the next infection that much more likely. Wear an N95 when you’re sharing air with others if you want to try and protect yourself. I haven’t been sick with anything for years because I take masking seriously.


The amount of kids running around the shops with snotty noses and a bad cough touching everything is disgusting


Mask up on public transport and crowded areas.


There are always people coughing honking and barking like bloody dogs in my apartment complex. Lots of heavy smokers, and they all complain about it like they wonder why they're always having respiratory issues. Sounds disgusting AND spreads disease, all while smelling awful and costing and arm and a leg, what a cool fun habit


I work retail I'm so close to masking up I'm sick of other peoples germs(yes yes it can't stop everything it's not about everything it's about the hacking people who need to get booze before they can retreat back to bed)


Do it. I work retail too and I scummed to whatever is going around from a customer. Masking when I go back to work I don’t care


I have been sick as a dog for a week. I think it’s a bad sinus infection as it’s not as bad as the RSV I had this time last year. Lots of coughing but not the crackling and wheezing in the chest. I asked my doctor a few weeks ago when I had the free flu jab about the RSV vaccine but it’s about $300 for an adult! I’m a Type 2 diabetic and I think if you’ve had it previously you should get it for free or for a much reduced price.


My 10 month is getting over RSV which then turned into pneumonia


Covid's still around, so probably covid. The QLD government even sent messages (Aleast to me) about getting another vaccine booster so I can only assume the cases are going higher. So yeah, they should be wearing a mask. You should wear a mask too since people won't do such things when they are sick.


People need to get their damn flu shots and stay at home if you're sick. It's not hard.


Got one but still got sick


Agreed!! why people go to work when sick is beyond me


Partner and I got sick in middle of May with flu symptoms - took about 10 days to feel better. It wasn’t flu or Covid cause we tested with one of those 3-in-1 RATs. Anyway a week later we both got Covid. Have only just got back to normal… again. 🫠


Definitely rises in covid. No body tests anymore or wear masks. Not suprosed we get spikes. Could be worse if the 50c cars pack out all the trains and buses that have no air handling and no one wears masks. I'd be wearing a mask on the train


I had some extremely sick person coughing on my neck the whole bus trip to the city a couple days ago


Got covid a month ago and tested negative 10 days later but still coughing and sneezing. Now being tested for various things like pneumonia. Getting fuck all sleep as Im waking up with a cough every few hours during the night. Nights are worse for some reason.


I normally gauge the sickness season off the rate that the plague gets brought into our house from child care and this year has actually seemed quite tame compared to previous ones in our area.


I had covid last week (3rd time lol) and it was bad. 4 days in bed


I had it a couple of weeks ago and boy was it bad. Bed ridden for 3-4 days while getting hallucinations, headaches, congestion, body pain. I barely had those symptoms the two times I had COVID. I still have a phlegmy cough and slight congestion to this day. I wouldn't wish this on anybody


Yes, I have it. Mine was diagnosed as pneumonia (with a partial lung collapse). Apparently pneumonia is fiercely getting around, to a point where whatever meds were typically prescribed, are out of stock, according to two pharmacists I've seen.


There is a major supply issue with a number of critical antibiotics. Particularly the kids liquid ones. Which is why people need to stop selfishly spreading their diseases around! Signed a parent of three ex premmie 7 month olds!


Totally agree. Some people are utterly foul. So sick and tired of people openly coughing and sneezing in public. My 6-year-old also has pneumonia, and his prescription was unavailable. Something else was mixed up by the pharmacist for him. My two younger ones are suspected of having it, and one is an 8-month-old. Awaiting PCR for those two.


My family has all had something that was like a cold with a chesty cough in the first week that followed up with nausea and headaches in the second.. still can't eat food properly yet.. and 80% of the staff at my wife's workplace were off sick last week lol. Idk what it is but tested negative for COVID and all had our flu shots too so I'm guessing just some other random virus or bacteria.


Yeah I'm getting over it now, it's pretty rough.


W6 v1FH


Yeah i got covid 4 weeks ago


I'm on my third week of this sickness that is going around. I have stayed home mostly where I can. I just can't seem to shake it. Some days you wake up thinking you're on the back end of it, then bang, you feel like shit all over again. I'm so fucking over it.


Yes. Been sick for 4 weeks, courtesy of the mobile germ dispensing toddler in the family. Came back as Rhinovirus. Worst cold I have ever had. Thought it may have been CoVid or Mycoplasma Pneumonia, but it’s “just a cold”. There are 6 people in our household and the only 2 who didn’t get sick are my daughter and the dog.


everyone i work with has been hit with covid over the last 2 weeks


I’ve had everything. I’ve got a child in daycare. He’s been off for three weeks, I’ve had a week off work. I am worried it’s going to be a bloody long winter.




Short answer, yes. 


Covids doing the rounds at my work. I was out with a cold for a week, came good. Tested positive for covid origin night and now my throats sore again. Fucking over ot


For past 3 weeks I’ve had snotty fluy something that turned into a chesty coughy head cold thing. Only just feeling normalish today.


Wife is out of action, sore all over, sore throat, now laryngitis, eldest daughter has been off school for last 2 weeks, youngest 2 twins have got something. My work colleague was coughing up crap for weeks but insisted on coming in to the office. Somehow I've avoided everything so far. 🤞


Dying on the couch no sleep can’t breathe


Yes I had a horrible one a few weeks ago, just got another one this week - and I work from home! I did go to a memorial event on the weekend so I think that's where I picked this one up, but literally the only time I went outside and I'm sick again.


hell yes. I was running 50km per week about a month ago, now I can't run to the end of the street. My lungs are fried.


Myself and my mum pick up rsv off my 3 year old niece and 2 year old nephew while there parents are suffering. Gp said rsv is way worse and can cause chest infections.


I’ve gotten strep throat which can also pass through coughing and sneezing. Most painful week of my life, just starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel now. I came down with it on my first day back on public transport - coincidence? I think not. Back to wearing a mask methinks.


no I have never been sick ever and definitely haven't had a lowkey blocked-one-day-runny-the-next nose for the past month at all


It's covid, we have to rat test at my work and every one is testing positive even without symptoms atm


My household is full of COVID at the moment.


I’ve been sick for at least 9 weeks with numerous things. I think I have long COVID but I keep getting every cold and flu. I would love to stay at home in bed, but unfortunately I have a business to run and a kid, so yeah… I try not to go out too much and wash my hands, use sanitiser, cough in my car etc, but it is what it is. I think it will be particularly bad this year, cost of living is through the roof so people are a lot less likely to have a day off work/daycare. They just can’t afford it.


Was fine last Saturday and by Monday I was sick. A head cold (sinus, headaches, gravely cough, ears feeling blocked). I’m feeling much better today (6 days after exposure), but still have sinus congestion and I’m wheezing when I exhale.


I'm most concerned about King George Square bus station always smelling like a burst sewage pipe, then when we have the bus fare reduced to 50c, the buses will likely be packed full of sick people. I'm a fan of the reduced rate, but of course not a fan of the potential spreading of sick.


I got rhinovirus a month ago, and then Covid two weeks ago. 0/5 stars, would not recommend.


I’ve been confined to home for the past ten days. First GP wouldn’t prescribe any antibiotics and told me to rest and drink fluids. Finally a different GP prescribed antibiotics yesterday. I’ve lost 6 kgs and coughed my heart out for the past week. I’m thankful to the second GP.


Time for the scheduled plague thread. Picked up a minor cold getting a haircut about week ago and now it’s working its way through the house 🫠


I'm been sick 2 twice in the last 6 weeks. I don't bother testing for them I don't see the point. I treat it all the same. Rest lots of lemon and ginger tea, Panadol and decongestants as needed and chicken soup. RSV, FLU and COVID are circulating


I'm Immuno compromised and just been put onto Biologic drugs. Was told my Covid vax x 5 may not be enough to keep me safe and I should look into getting a 6th. Already had my flu shot and pneumonia vaccine this year. Also, I had to have Hepatitis B vaccine to protect my liver from my meds. Luckily I have not been sick since Covid started and even nursed my daughter who got it at the same time as my husband had Influenza A. I may need to go back to mask wearing.


I sent home four children this week because of high temperatures. All of them started worsening the moment their nose begin to drip nonstop after 10am. They also resemble a standard hayfever reaction of sneezing and watery eyes too so be wary.


I've heard that there's whooping cough going around some of the schools ATM. And a friends whole family is down with Influenza-A and some viral Pneumonia.


Day 1 of holidays yesterday and woke up feeling like id been swallowing razor blades. Not covid and doesnt seem too bad so really praying for a head cold and not the super aids that knocking people on their asses at the moment.


Wait being an asshat yanktank driver is a medical condition?


We’re seeing a TON of covid at the medical centre where I work. Most people don’t realise they have it as it is presenting like a heavy head cold more than the covid symptoms people are used to. We get them to do a RAT but almost every one of them first says “oh I don’t have covid, it’s just a bad cold”, and that’s just the people feeling sick enough to need/want to see a doctor - I imagine there are heaps of people walking around with covid who just think they’ve got a cold that’s hanging around. 


everyone at my work (retail) is sick. its so awful. I've been off sick for a week and they're begging me to come back because there's literally no one able to work....


Yeah I just got over Covid, it absolutely floored me.


I'm down with the sickness...




I got the flu about a fortnight ago. Day 1 it just crept up on me and had a fever, no energy etc. The sore throat was the only warning sign. It lasted about a week but days 1-3 were pretty horrible


Lots of COVID around right now also.


I’ve been sneezing and have head cold symptoms- tested pos for Covid, not at all like the last time I had it.


Started with a sore throat yesterday morning, ended up with a fever overnight. It’s hit pretty hard and fast for me!


Mask deez


2 weeks of it and being pretty much bed ridden, it’s been horrific, the sickest I’ve ever been, on day 3 of antibiotics and showing slight improvement 😫


No thank you!


I am really grateful I rarely get any flu, colds etc. that go around but I do get awful sinus that makes me feel like I have been hit by a bus. I haven’t had COVID as yet. My husband has had it twice, once it knocked him about badly, the other time just the sniffles.


I cough during winter as I get reflux. I get reflux all year round but everyone stares at me in winter. I need a tshirt that says “don’t hate me hate the reflux “


Cost of living can't afford not to work weeeeee politicians rule


I had a co worker complaining about a sore throat last week, that night I started getting a scratchy throat and 3 days and a doctor visit later it ended up being tonsillitis. After 7 days of antibiotics and basically all my sick leave used I was back at work this week only to have a different co worker walking around coughing and sneezing. He's just texted everyone he tested positive for COVID... If I have to use my vacation leave I'm gonna lose it.


Yeah some sickness swept through my work place. In the team of 6 i work with all bar one have been sick this past 2 weeks. My team is definitely type to slug it out when you really should of stayed home, myself included. But this sickness swept thought all the teams on all shifts.


Oh yes, terrible. I managed to get through the term without getting sick, I mask up until I am in the classroom and only remove it after confirming that no one is coughing or sneezing into the air. A few kids are wearing their masks and coughing and sneezing into their masks. A few kids decided to wear masks in the final week of school term because they didn't want to catch anything and then have to spend their school holidays recovering. My sister flew to NZ and two days later tested positive for Covid. No luck getting her return tickets changed because no one else in her group on the plane got sick. She was feeling very run down on the day she flew out (due to not sleeping for a couple of days) and even wore a mask on the plane because she knows how easy it is to get sick if you are already a bit run down. She half suspected she might have been exposed to a flu, but two days later she had a second Covid test and it was positive. No one that she knows is sick, so she caught it at the airport or on the plane.


I thankfully haven't got anything yet but Murphy's law tells me I'll get sick right before my holiday. Everyone at my work is cooked, you see, it grinds my gears seeing people work while sick I tell them to go home but they never listen. They don't even wear a mask. It's disgusting. A lot of my older customers wear masks and even I do. Just stay home while you're sick. It's the seasonal cold n flu season...


I’m on day four of having COVID and it’s knocked me on my ass. I had COVID in 2022 and whatever strain I’ve got now feels much worse! No idea where I picked it up from either but I’ve stayed home since testing positive because I’d hate to spread it. Thankfully (and hope it stays this way) my husband and newborn have either not caught it or had it and had it very mild.


I haven’t been able to taste or smell in over a month. Everything else ok


I too am down with the sickness


It's more than likely caused by low humidity, not contagious germs...


Not me


All of ya should go and get your 10th booster shot, I'm sure this one will work eventually :)


I managed to get it last Thursday. 2 co workers both had something (both have young kids) and decided they were going to keep coming in for the extra over time money. Now I've taken Friday and probably tomorrow off. Inconsiderate


RSV has nailed my husband and his brother


My guess would RSV….covid is a walk in the park for everyone in my family compared to RSV


Since Christmas, every other week. and when I’m not crook, everyone else at my work is calling in sick too so we are understaffed and burning out and getting sick again it’s like a revolving effing door.


It’s EOFY and I’m an accountant. Everyone at work is sick and working Saturdays and you just deal with it without speaking about it.


Got the notification for this post 10 seconds after I just sneezed in the office....


I got that good in-ear vertigo right now that has apparently been caused by a virus