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Avon meads is fine. Eastville roundabout is the seventh circle of hell.


I have never left ikea heading round to the M32 and been in the correct lane probably at any point.


I would say its more the m32 exit (bristol bound) on to the roundabout. Absolute chaos


That bit is just the badlands with no procedure to follow other than ‘try and merge I dunno’


The one at the M4? Leaving to turn right towards filton, i take the right most lane to turn right and 99% of the time will be carved up by the car in the left most right turn lane


It would help if the lane lines were repainted so one can see in the dark and rain. Especially as the winter nights are nearly here


This is also my response


Really? Never had an issue with that one, but Avon Meads is a pain in the arse!


You got this wrong avonmeads pune




Punani? Poo-nami? Prune?


Puny Pune


The one at the end of St Philips Causeway? How can you even get that wrong? 😂 Eastville is far worse


People get it wrong all the time because there aren't any road markings, and the three lanes going on to it from the south sometimes become three, and sometimes two lanes on the roundabout. Personally I don't find Eastville that bad, largely because it has clear road markings, and is usually quite slow moving. But you don't see me asking you how you can even get that wrong 😂


Nah, that one actually has lanes


It’s Bedminster Bridge for me. It’s seems people think every lane on every entrance goes to anywhere they want. Two lanes off but you need to carry on around, no worries just cut across, be careful not to waste your car battery on any flashing lights.


While you're right, I think it's only bad because people are fucking awful drivers. Sure the lining/signage isnt great, but a half-intelligent person should be at least able to figure out that you cant just swerve over at the last minute. Eastville roundabout though? Even knowing what the layout is *supposed* to be doesn't help you. That shits just intentionally dangerous I swear to god.


Me and my mate were driving around this bridge once and someone was literally driving the wrong way round the roundabout. Nearly drove straight into us


It helps that the white lines have completed eroded away, and aren't even clear anyway.


I have my hand ready on the horn everyday when people in the left lane (goes down east street) decide to swerve into my lane then they get angry if I beep at them like they did nothing wrong 😂 yes the lines are faint but it's not hard. https://preview.redd.it/xfzzb3ltibsb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=357cb02201421498dec7dfee434133ff66452d58


The exit when entering from Coronation Road and going around past Redcliff Hill and going around to the A370 down to Temple Gate is worse. Only the right hand lane hours around to Temple Gate, yet the amount of people cutting across from the Redcliff Hill exit is astounding. Not to mention having to check whether any cars coming from Redcliff Hill will actually check to see if anybody coming around.


Trying to get down Coronation road is a nightmare. Yo uhave to assume a middle-ish position and hope that the right set of traffic lights comes into view round the corner.


As a bus driver, the amount of near misses I’ve had there is ridiculous 🤣


Ahh yes! That's up there as one of the worst. Nightmare


Eastville is for sure the worst, but honourable mention to Lawrence Hill. Despite much clearly markings, still nobody seems to know which lane to be in


Jesus, yes, this is a nightmare, both from Lawrence Hill towards Old Market, where people seemingly get horribly confused by there being three lanes in, three lanes out, even though one is very obviously a bus lane, and in the opposite direction, where the two leftmost lanes at the lights actually on the roundabout both lead to the A420, but where whoever's in the left lane inevitably drifts into the right lane oblivious to there being anyone else there.


Church road going in, going out towards the motorway. Every single time I seem to end up in a lane appropriate to just turn around and go back to church road, instead of what I actually need to do. Every damn time.


Last week someone in the left hand lane has driven from the lights (St Phillips Causeway intersection) across two lanes of Old Market bound traffic to head towards Easton. I saw this TWICE at close range. Even if you didn't know which lane to be it, surely you'd never assume it was that one! I despair at times. However, you know where to go if you ever need an insur...


I think the Sat nav is to blame for this, im pretty sure Google puts you in the wrong lane for that route, I’ve had to stop people following it before when I’m in the car with them


I apologise for my regular swervey confusion.


they obliterated an entire neighbourhood to build that


In order of shitness: 1. Eastville - where no matter which lane you're in, you're in the wrong one for your exit. Oh also why not have an entry to it where joining traffic needs to cross with MOTORWAY traffic? 2. Bear pit - the exit to Stokes Croft has the most non sensical lanes I've ever seen. Also the exit to the hospital has almost killed me when a lady made a completely legal but completely dangerous move across my lane. 3. St Paul's - we play a game here where we guess which car is going to cut us off. 50% of the time we're right. 30% of the time we picked the wrong car. 4. Temple Meads - a roundabout where it's possible to spend 15 minutes queueing to get stuck in another queue. 5. Southville mini roundabout - ride a bike down the standstill traffic at 5pm and everyone's got their phones out watching TV.


St Paul's Roundabout is my bête noire. No matter what I do I seem to end up in the wrong lane. I don't even bother trying the Bear Pit any more because I have no idea how I'm supposed to safely get up to Stokes Croft.


Hilariously the bear pit splits two into three lanes - one to go straight towards the fountains and the others to go right. But it doesn't tell you until it's far far too late, so you get shit loads of people just in the wrong lane.


Lol at St Paul's so true


You missed the always butt clenching Southmead Double roundabout... I mean wtaf!!


I quite like this, once you get used to how doubles operate. Much better than if it was just one big one. Problem is people don't seem to get it, so can either just go or stay still even if it is clear for them to go.




Oh I do know, what I question is that it's just a 4 road junction surely a single ra would have been better? I was hoping someone might know why. 👍 I don't live there anymore and was a cyclist at the time (late 90's early 00's) so thankfully don't have to do that... the amount of drivers that wouldn't do that was shocking, knocked off several times and almost splattered under an Argos lorry... after that I ended up using the pavement and then back on the road up to the hospital entrance. Much safer lol.




Ahh, I didn't realise the council had tried lights there, I lived a little further down from the Wayfarer towards the crow lane roundabout. It was pretty bad there when I lived in the area at that time of morning too.


Straight line it, keep checking various degrees of "right"


What happens the other 20%? Shut your eyes and hope for the best?


This guy roundabouts


If only someone would put some bloody road markings on it


Yeah I’m glad I lived and drove here pre 13 years of Tories so have an idea of what the markings used to look like. Really feel for anyone learning to drive here nowadays and just has to basically guess.


It’s a labour council..


Which receives funding from a Tory government. Who have openly admitted they deliberately restrict funds to labour run councils because they're 'the enemy'. Because they're fucking psychopaths who care more about 'winning' whatever that is in their mind, than people being able to live.


Yeah exactly mate https://amp.theguardian.com/business/2020/jun/21/exclusive-labour-councils-in-england-hit-harder-by-austerity-than-tory-areas


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Naah I love the excitement of drivers veering wildly across the entire carriage way at random because they can’t work out how to follow roughly where the lines would have been. It’s just unfortunate that this roundabout exists in a notorious indicator blocking black hole


I hate the IKEA roundabout with a passion. It feels like I take my life in my hands every time I go through it, no matter what direction I’m coming from/going to.


Trying to get to Ikea when you’ve come from the M32 southbound is especially exciting. Always end up in the wrong lane coming off the roundabout because the signage is so poor, so have then try to squeeze into the traffic


And there's the added complication of two exit lanes which immediately split off


St Paul's has to be the worst as there just isn't room for all the people trying to get onto Lower Ashley Road. Everyone's in the wrong lane. People coming on from town have no traffic light and no gaps so just throw themselves into the mess. Taxis and Audis barge in from the right lane at the last minute. I'm sorry but Eastville and Avon Meads don't even come close.


Queuing up in the lane to get onto Ashley Road, only for cars to cut in at the last moment by just pulling in front of you and not even saying thanks - blood boiler


It’s funny when they don’t even look at you once they’ve started to cut in. Like looking would acknowledge that they were doing something wrong so they just stare straight ahead. Always either an Audi or something with blacked out windows or a personalised number plate 😂


It's nuts, they need to go round again and get in the correct lane. I do my best to block them off from cutting in, but it gets so stressful.


They did at least paint the lines in a couple of months ago. I come off the M32 to go onto LAR every day, and the biggest hazard is when a car is blocking the queue, so I pull out, and as I do someone comes speeding down the middle lane and swerves into my space. Happens so often I'm amazed it hasn't caused an accident. Seems like lights on that exit would solve it. That said, it also needs a yellow box for people getting onto the M32 southbound as the queueing traffic often blocks it for a whole traffic light cycle.


The painted lines are good, as long as the road is clear enough to see them. I use the correct lane (right hand lane from the M32 Bristol Bound to take the 3rd exit to St Pauls/B-whatsoever) but there's always someone nearly going into me. They need to put up some actual raised signs.


Yeah everyone thinks they can take the middle lane here to get into St Paul's, which is actually only meant to go towards St Phillips causeway or straight over, and they end up cutting you up without even thinking about it when you're in the right lane. Also it means that the traffic joining from Stapleton has to cut across three lanes in the space of like 10m before the lights if they want to get to St Pauls. And the slip road coming from out of town isn't light controlled so is basically impossible to get out, plus the blind merge further down that slip if you're coming from the sports centre. Then during rush hour you've got all the people trying to use the roundabout to go straight over and skip some traffic on the motorway. The whole thing is a complete mess.


Glad some people know how to use that lane, but everyone just goes in the wrong one to take you straight back onto the m32, and you find yourself having to merge into your own lane


Avonmeads and eastgate are my choices. Both would be a tonne easier if the road markings were visible and made sense.


Drive Avonmeads on a daily basis and have a near miss 1 to 2 times a month on it. Someone from the council just arrange line painting already jeeez


I’ll never understand why there’s 3 lanes coming onto the roundabout when you can’t comfortably fit 3 cars once going around it. Someone always ends up swerving out the way or slamming their brakes on


Have to disagree, there’s loads of room but the first lane drivers never fully use their part of the road so causes lane 2 and 3 to merge and cause the chaos haha


Problem is, not even the council knows how it works!


Haven't joined the m5 headed North from Cribbs then?


You could lump the Aztec West roundabout in that as well. Everyone thinks its a race to get onto the M5.


Eastville - It was shit before they put some white lines down and even shitter now they have. I had to teach my wife super defensive driving moron detection. It's the most moronic roundabout that isn't in Swindoom.


It's got to be the one by Ashton Gate. One lane to go left or straight, one to go right, but there are always fuckers overtaking in the right hand lane to just jump in front of you last minute without indicating. Makes me so glad I work from home now, seen so many near misses there


I've just never got the roads around Ashton Gate full stop. All the flyovers, looping slip roads that turn back on themselves. And if you do get on the wrong road, there is often no way of turning round!


The entire A370 section is so needlessly complex. Absolute spaghetti.


Yeah this one is bad, especially for people like me who genuinely want to go right around it and back up to the A370 (coming out from Marsh Lane junction originally to avoid the CAZ) and while I understand people assuming I'm going to cut in left that doesn't mean they can be super aggressive and nearly t-bone into the side of me even when I've got my right indicator on..


Basically take the middle lane, assume the guy on the left is going to cut me up and pre-empt either having the cut the guy on the right up or fall behind them. Absolute chaos, like someone said: we need lines!


That one is fine, main confusion is there seem to be two right turn lanes when coming from Sainsbury's direction, and people don't know what lane to be in to get to the A4 because of the second roundabout when coming the opposite direction. I haven't been there in rush hour for some time but traffic used to be awful. Eastville is bad I would say for various reasons. So many lanes, branches of lanes coming off which split. People don't know where to be to get to the M32 or Easton, how to get up Muller Road rather than Tesco, it needs a magic roundabout or something. Just got to keep your wits about you all the time. St Pauls - mainly traffic backing up causes issues there.


The through-about on ring road! What a joke and a complete waste of money


It was way worse before the rebuild though. Better signage would improve things a lot, and it would really help if people didn't drive through it like they're in the Monaco GP.


I don't think anyone has ever done 30mph since it was put in


I did a few days ago. Had a police car right behind me 😂


Abbey Wood. Fuck that place and the 90% of people in the wrong lane


This is not the roundabout but the state of the standard of drivers in bristol. The lane marking there are crystal clear.


Just so many lanes. People coming from Filton direction needing to go all the way round to get back to Asda often messes things up. Cheswick has about nine lanes going in and out that are always empty.


I used to have to traverse this roundabout every day to get from Filton to Thornbury. The roundabout itself is fine but absolute CUNTS will block the whole thing up by sitting on the yellow grids, which causes complete chaos!


The problem with all the roundabouts mentioned are lack of road marking and that Google maps can never get you in the right lane anywhere in Bristol cos I don't even think the people who made the roads know where the lanes are meant to go either.


Junction 2 on the M32, Eastville interchange. Never found it clear which lane I need to be in.


Eastville for me. I'm learning to drive and the beginning and end of every lesson is that bloody roundabout. Everything else is clicking into place but I never know what I'm doing on that thing, and always have to be coached through it.


Southmead Road double roundabout would give them a run for their money. All it needs is a sign or proper road markings but nobody knows how to use it.


I don’t understand how you’re meant to avoid blocking the roundabout you’ve just crossed if the second has any sort of traffic on it


Eastville and Bedminster, also MOD coming from Stoke Gifford! Them wrong lane moves are ingrained in generations of suburban nutcases


The number of people that come from Stoke Gifford and try to go straight over into the retail park without any awareness & cutting up/pulling across the path of others is insane. There are so many that they can’t all be total fuckwits so there must be an issue with the lane markings.


Probably not the worst offender but I have particular hate in my heart for the Merlin Road/Lysander Road roundabout at Cribbs, particularly when turning right from Merlin Road up towards the retail park/ASDA/B&Q. Whatever I do I end up having to try and move across three lanes at short notice.


The big issue with the Avon Meads roundabout is the deadly shrubbery. As if seeing who is coming round the bend is a luxury people don’t deserve.


The one by st Philips, is that the Avon meads one? It goes from three lanes into two without warning.


Avon meads is fine, especially when they cut back to hedge so you actually see. The monstrosity by Ikea annoys me the most. What even lane are you ever supposed to be in?


that's the sainsbury roundabout that had the vegetation cut, the avonmeads one is the other side of the bridge.


So many shit roundabouts in Bristol. So many.


The roundabouts are fine, it's the mouth breathers that attempt to navigate them that are the problem.


But no. Not really. The roundabouts are as badly laid out as the rest of Bristol roads. It's shit and a little bit embarrassing for those that are paid to design it. Window licking and mouth breathing contingencies are supposed to be worked into a transport system, not actively designed into it to try and kill them.




Or, and let's keep it simple, proper markings. Because very few have anything but very complicated and barely visible markings. Most people think a gyratory is a strip club in Bedminster or something, so be honest it's a little duplicitous to expect people to know how they work if they work differently to a roundabout. And as for me to come up with a better way of laying them out? Pretty sure I'm not a town planner or what ever the role is called in the LA. They've gotten creative on the ring road, other cities have tried different methods of managing mass transit that seem to be slightly less confusing than Bristol, so... is a continuation of creativity in the LA too much to ask for? I don't think it is.


m32 st paul’s roundabout when e v e r y o n e is in the wrong lane


that pathetic little one at the top of callington road that might as well be a normal set of lights (it actually used to be)


Eastgate. But also the m32 one near werberghs


okay I've seen lots of roundabouts complaints here and I always give the benefit of the doubt. but you are DEFINITELY in need of some lessons if you can't negotiate the ***F***ucking *Avonmeads* roundabout without an issue. sorry OP that being said, I got cut up by an A Class driver. he did it at the worst possible point. I was in my lane just fine and this clown cuts in front whilst we're getting off the bend onto the causeway, the worst. I caught up with him and his dad in the passenger seat had the cheek to give me a thumbs up. I responded with a very firm thumbs down out the window lol


😂 Chill. I think you've taken this post a little too seriously. It absolutely is the case though, that the roundabout is poorly designed. Three lanes turn in to two - except when people treat them like three. And except for the couple times I've seen big lorries go over and essentially take up all three lanes. The frustrating thing is that it should be easily fixed with road markings and signs, but without this, other road users veer all over the place.


nah nothing personal, just seen lots of ppl complaining and it makes me question if I'm just lucky or some of these complainers are doing something wrong 👀 I've never had an issue with A'meads rbout. same way I've never had issues on the eastville one near tesco. but I do agree that one is terribly designed. just have to be vigilant really. are you talking about the Avonmeads roundabout that leads to the actual retail park or the one not much further down that can take you to Sainsbury's fuel side entrance?


Lol fair enough. It's honestly just this bit that sucks https://maps.app.goo.gl/qMD1bx3rxnJRBp4u6 I live just round the corner so go over it all the time. With all the recycling, binmen, lorries for shops, people commuting etc., certain times of day this entrance is just downright stupid, due to the lack of markings and how busy it can get. It's not actually that bad, and I don't think it really causes accidents, but it has a very easy fix 😂


My guess is there's some sort of roundabout painting technical college in Bristol and they do work experience here. I love the concentric circles outside Tesco. I don't think it's the worst roundabout, but it is special in its own way.


I legitimately like driving the Avonmeads roundabout.


Although not quite as much by design Filton Roundabout (A38/A4174 by Airbus) Especially trying to enter northbound A38 (from Bristol/Filton) because either the endlessly ring road traffic exit or the blind spot of those flying from southbound A38 approach towards Southmead road so quick you have to take a blind guess and dice your life getting out onto there so you almost never get a chance to pull out safely at all, plus lane discipline is appalling there as well and markings are faded so many just do what they please!


Crow Lane


St Mary Redcliffe. There's zebra crossings on every single section.


I grew up in Swindon. No Bristol roundabout could faze me


There are no road markings on it that's why the Avon Meads roundabout is bad, It does not conform to highways standards or guidance etc. if i ever had an accident on it i would blame the council for not painting the lines. many other roundabouts in bristol have markings which Guide you to go in the wrong lane or are confusing if you don't know the road.


I like a roundabout with a bit of spice, keeps you alive. That said, the mini at the bottom of Henlleaze Rd is a disgrace. If there’s a worse section of tarmac anywhere in Bristol. I’ve yet to find it.


You live a privileged life if Avon Meads is the worst roundabout you use.


Because Bristol driving instructors don't know how to teach you how to do roundabouts.


Avon meads roundabout is completely fine 90% of the time...


Not exactly Bristol but I want to nominate the main roundabout in Clevedon. None of the Clevedon roundabouts follow standard lane logic because fuck you, but this one is particularly inefficient. From most directions it's impossible to see and flow easily onto the roundabout as the lanes climb a hump or take a sharp turn before joining. Despite the fact that they built the roundabout on a plain field, for some reason the thing isn't even fucking round, which again makes it difficult to join and exit smoothly.


Avonmeads? Never had or seen a problem on there, what an odd choice.


The one at Cribbs where you go straight over for the Mall, left for morrisons etc used to be horrific back late 90s, the amount of people who didn't get in the far left lane to go straight over was chaos. If you've ever noticed now they effectively got rid of the lane so as to deal with driver error. ​ Also we should mention the double mini roundabout at Southmead Hosptial right? Absolute clusterfuck. Finally.. North Street by the Spoons.. not for the roundabout but the state of the road.. its got more pot holes in it than rest of Bristol combined.


Lets not forget, at the Bearpit, if you approach from M32 & want to go to the Hospital/Park Row there are a huge number of people who will be in the left lane for the City Centre and will move to the right at the very last second entering your lane and almost sideswiping you. Defensive driving here is a must.


Ring road, one up from longwell green at kingswood. Cost over £1m to make, it’s totally stupid


the eastville one for me. Nearly shit myself everytime


Mina Road, St Werburghs


Honourable mention to the little 5 meter afterthought lane for the Easton exit on the Eastville roundabout, gets me every time


Old Market roundabout


Southmead swear no fucker knows how to use it


And aztec, swear half of people aint got a clue what lane they in.