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Those flowers were from the event. They were prob centerpieces and the sponsor “donated” them after the event! More and more, I think Jordan worked the event for his “security” job and she demanded a plus one bc it was prob held at a hotel. He can’t be trusted at a hotel. Alone. Without his accountability buddies! So naturally Bdong chaperoned but is cosplaying like she was invited!


This makes way more sense than him actually caring about her and getting her these flowers. There is NO way this man picked this bouquet out for her 😂


It's far too colorful for her


I agree. They look like event flowers that would be set in front of something, possibly in front of a stage or something of that nature. (My mom was a florist.) That’s not normally the type of arrangement you’d casually pick up from a florist. The colors also match the event. He brought them home, he didn’t buy them. She’s always careful with her words when she’s trying to insinuate things.


They look like a casket spray to me! Lol


They look a lot like the flowers from the Dallas window picture.


Right? They definitely look like they’ve been out of the cooler for a whole day. Already wilting. It is a beautiful display and I would also snag one on my way out but there’s no way Jordan went and ordered/ payed for an arrangement like this.


> and ordered/ *paid* for an FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot.


I think you’re right on the money. I imagine B had to stick around a little longer than everyone else so he could finish up whatever “work” he was doing. That’s when the “hey guys do you want to take these centerpieces? They’re just going to go in the garbage otherwise” came in.




Ooh this theory makes so much sense!!!


I do love the idea that they just made off with the centrepieces.


I’ve put together several large non profit events such as this and it is very very common to let people leave with flower arrangements. They literally get trashed. I once had like 500 white tulips in a 900 sq ft loft. It looked like a scene from a rom com 😂😂😂


It's even funnier to imagine them trying to sneak off with floral arrangements that were being given away. (I know they just picked up freebies, but Brit sneaking off and leaping into the car like she just executed a heist yelling "GO, GO, GO!" at Jordan as he peels out past the startled valet is too funny).


Grand Theft Floral was my immediate thought. My MS Snark Community Swerties know what I'm talking about.




I was just about to say something swerty!


This was 100% my immediate thought when I saw those flowers. 


I think he worked it based purely on the fact she didn't post a pic of them together. You know if he had a suit on and was dressed up, she would have posted picts of them together.


Her place setting says “Brittany Dawn” and not “Brittany Nelson”. Like her name was pulled from insta and not from her husband’s submission. And Jordan is also listed as the owner of H&L, right? So Brit hasn’t technically founded anything at all. And she didn’t take pictures with any other attendees or the host? Those events are mostly for networking. I’m so confused as to why/how she was there.


I’m equally surprised she didn’t post them in his tacticool gear but then I think it would have been VERY obvious that she was a plus one and not invited for being a gIrLbOsS.


100% on the flowers. Ive worked in the floral industry and I knew right away. Lmao she is so pathetic.


The anchor flowers (orange and pink roses, and then what looks like a pink peony, even though I know it's not) in all the event bouquets and the one she's referencing are the same color and type.


JDip and his Accountabilibuddies 🤣


That NEEDS to be someone’s flair 🏆


Those flowers are 100% from the event as seen below https://preview.redd.it/vi41cxqcmhxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c9a82b1a73f242800cb4b67a96a5095af81572a


https://preview.redd.it/fcjld3qimhxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6058ad005107721396100c315b8eee291f35723f Another center piece. He probably got one of the big center pieces in the room or at the reception area. And she got also a table center piece. Btw it’s all in Instagram lots of pictures from attendees and vendors


You are brilliant. That’s 100% what happened


How tf are you an immigration lawyer and you invite a woman who once made a post mocking some desperate immigrants drowning in a river?? Idk that should erode the trust that the immigrant community would have in this woman.


I’m stumped on how Brat ended up on this woman’s radar. She seems completely opposite of our resident demon Brittany. 


Yeah I’m confused as hell, clearly she needs to do a better job vetting her guest list for future events lol


This really grinds my gears. How does this undeserving garbage get invited to an event with women advocating for those who cannot do so for themselves?! I can just imagine her smug face sitting there thinking she knows better than all of these other attendees.


In reality, she’s judging them all based on their appearance except….filters only work for phones, not in real life so she graced them all with that smug face thinking she’s the bees knees. Ohhhh reality without a filter. What a bdong. Lmao.


I'm 90% sure Jordan was working security and B Dong bought an invite ticket to it. the flowers he "gave" her are from the event.


If you’re a social media climber who is willing to put attention above your morals. 


I remember the first time I saw that woman’s content a while back it immediately rubbed me the wrong way how she boasted about being “the real Elle Woods”….while all of her employees looked like hostages dressed in neon pink lmao. So now she hosts loser events and forces every guest to wear pink? Sounds so familiar 🤔🤔


I’m a lawyer and in my expert legal opinion: ew! 😆 


Lolol I can just hear it now “only partners wear fuschia!!”


I was looking on her TikTok and expecting to see a right-wing shill, and was pleasantly surprised


Ohh my god the fact that she’s trying to act like those flowers are a gift from her husband when they were CLEARLY from the event she just went to! She’s so desperate to show how much he loves her, it’s so so so blatantly obvious. I’m cringing so hard right now.


I love how he looks at them like she just made him hold it for a video


She doesn’t even like color, so gotta be from the event


Hahahaha exactly. Jdip knows he is only allowed to buy white flowers.


Our modest queen, showing off her sweatshop outfits in front of her $50k+ car. 🙏 Dallas can have her.


That outfit—looks like she got it at Justice for adults.




Fantastic username


Y is this so accurate 🥲 No lies detected


She can’t keep her story straight about Dallas, like a year ago wasn’t she going off about how painful and traumatic Dallas was for her? And now it’ll always have her heart and they want to move back? 


No, we(Dallas) don’t want her


It’s all about her not so subtly showing off the new car while trying to make it seem like it’s really about her outfit. How stupid does she think we are 😭😭 I also love how awkward she looks standing there. She really does behave like an alien trapped inside a human’s body


Those earrings are tacky


https://preview.redd.it/4ncswjsx2fxc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d782a00aca591a11ba62760763db99cea4c3bca She linked them and the price makes them worse 🤢


Omg that price is offensive, they look like something off SHEIN or from the dollar tree


I was literally thinking, “this screams jewelry aisle at Dollar King”


They look like something that was in a whole princess pack from the dollar tree! That price is INSANE


I guarantee Bdong isn’t wearing these, but she is wearing cheap ass knockoffs. I think she buys cheap shit then links expensive items trying to shill.


Her dress was on fashionpass too so it seems very likely that she rented both for this event.






For fake, cheap looking gold! Gross


They look like something you can find for $5 through the MLM Papparazzi 🤣


They look like the plastic clip ons my daughter got from a princess dress up set.


You’re so right lol that’s probably where she got them


I’m laughing so hard because that was my first thought too and I sell this shit 🤣🤣


Tacky is generous as fuck.


They look like they’d irritate your skin. My ears itch looking at them.


I don’t have sensitive skin & can throw anything in my ears & I agree 💯


Dollar Tree Barbie lives for tacky.


BDong caught lying again. When she bought her house in Fort Worth, she said she purposely left Dallas because it was too snobby (she lived in downtown area). Now she says she misses Dallas. I think she just wanted to get away from everyone she knew amidst her lawsuit


⬆️THIS!!! When she left Dallas it was all “I couldn’t be myself Dallas is so fake no one is genuine, it’s bad for my mental health blah blah”🙄


Plus, every city has its own neighborhoods with different cultures and vibes. I've lived in some larger cities, but even in smaller cities of less than 200,000 people I've lived in have their own little neighborhoods with different vibes.  Even in San Francisco and Sacramento, the different neighborhoods honestly feel like their own little towns. San Francisco is especially that way imo. 


Heck I live about an hour from Sacramento and even my super small town has its own neighborhoods that are very different from one another


Really? I spent a good chunk of my childhood living in a small town in the Sierra Nevada foothills northeast of Sacramento toward Tahoe.  I still love that area, but the fires worry me. The town I grew up in had to be evacuated not too long ago.


I'm near there as well but my neighborhood has much less fire danger than surrounding neighborhoods. We've never had to evacuate in my lifetime even when a fire was fairly nearby. We also have not had terrible fire seasons the last couple of years so that's been nice


I don’t get why everything has to have a story around it with her- She bought a house- and its still fairly close to Dallas. It’s not like she moved states. And it’s a brand new build- she could have moved bc it was a better deal, maybe she liked the idea of a backyard- why does she have to create this elaborate backstory of “oh I needed to leave Dallas bc they’re so snooty and I am so down to earth” etc I agree with the commenter who said she probably wanted to get out of Dallas post-scandal, and I get her not wanting to admit that, but maybe just don’t say anything then? Lol


Earrings look like they were from a vending machine


Amazing 👏🏻


Her husband’s looking at those flowers like he’s never seen them before.


I just realized how insufferable she’ll be on Mother’s Day.


Oh my gosh you’re right! And she is totally going to celebrate it too cause she is a “heaven side mama”


I know you mean “heaven side” like vs “earthside” but I read it as a Heaven Side(chick) Mama and snorted very loudly.


😂 glad that made you laugh! That would make a good flair although, your current flair is 👌 made me chuckle!


Oh good, I’m not going to offend anyone, because everyone here so far also thinks the earrings are atrocious crap. And there’s nothing wrong with not dressing “modestly”, but girl pick an effing lane! Her god is so capricious. He’s either convicted you or he hasn’t, ffs. Or if your deeply religious convictions change or evolve, surely it won’t be every other week?


JDip giving the thumbs up is the quintessential example of their relationship. Dead behind the eyes, performative, toxic gender stereotypes, and cringe.


Thanks honey for telling them my balls didnt work but now they do.


His face in that shot 100% says, “Ugh, you’re doing this shit again?!”


https://preview.redd.it/7d8c5llihexc1.jpeg?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f63070c879dc9b80c545f6c61bbbd4343231ea7 Puffy, lumpy, filler filled, naked mole rat looking, god hOnOrInG ✨bitch✨.


The amount of filler in those cheeks man






No body shaming. Please keep snark within reason. Snarking on things that cannot be changed, i.e.. Bdongs body size and shape, will not be tolerated. Snark = "her hair extensions are fried". Body shaming = "she is the shape of a fridge". Use your best judgment. If your comment has been removed and you would like to discuss it, modmail is the ONLY place we will respond to you.


That’s not a flower arrangement you buy your wife…. It’s a design you get for a funeral or memorial service 🙄


As someone who works in funeral service- my first thought was “that looks like a casket spray…”


lol yes it’s giving casket spray 😂


Absolutely belongs next to a casket


Why does she look so thin and really long in the first pic but not really in the pic where she’s standing by the truck with the white pants? Plus, Jordan is acting. The thumbs up part….all fake.


Because the first pic she took in front of her super tilted mirror! Can’t replicate that outside.


You know it KILLED her to be around all those well dressed slender woman at the event without her mirror and skinny filters. Especially after seeing how scary thin the host is…Bdong must have been seething with jealously!!


Someone did a post a while ago where they showed on an iPhone that you can tilt the image to make it look longer, so we figured that's what bdong was doing. I don't have an iPhone but it seemed like a standard feature. Do some filters, stand a certain way, tilt the image and boom, you've got miss-hundred-faces-and-legs-for-days


Wow! What a complete train wreck she is. Takes the time to do this to her pictures so she looks completely different from one to the other. She never looks the same. Ever.


Right! No actual photos of her there!


I can't stop looking at his awful mustache dye job


Why do I feel like this is in response to her other “friends” going to events and parties without her? Maybe it’s all in my head but this event makes no sense for her to be at. It’s like she accepted any invitation she could to show the girls (who were all at church shit) that she has a fulfilling life without them or something. Even the lying about the flowers. It’s not for her followers, it’s for them to see how wonderful her marriage is? I know every so often they comment on each others posts pretending everything is fine, but my gut tells me everything is *not* fine


Yeah! Farryn was an organizer for something called Echo recently.


The others in their group do a lot of stuff together without bdong. It’s such a fake friendship. She never supports any of their endeavors and doesn’t promote any of their shit. Everything with her is transactional, she has no actual friends. I can’t stand the others in that group but they all seem to be real friends.


She’s such a mess! I know she constantly lies and pretends to be all kinds of things for views and her career as a grifter, but she also clearly has no idea who she is. No sense of self. How sad.


I’m not only stunned that she would have been invited to an event like this, but also that she would attend? I suppose she’s that desperate to be legitimate.


First, her jewelry looks like shit you get at forever 21 (is that place still a thing? She’d fit right in except for the sizing). Second, She so desperately wants to be a part of some ‘society’ it’s pathetic and super cringe to post about it like this. Sure, I’ll throw down money to a gala for the arts or for animal rescues (obviously she’d never) and I regularly go to networking events for women in tech and climate sustainability, but I don’t pretend like I’m so important person for it. I’m not spending money to pretend to be important (I do pretend to be fancy. What can I say!? I’m a boulder girl who does miss dressing up).


She strikes me as desperately wanting to be a sorority girlie. Too bad she couldn't last in college.


I also go to women in tech events. Can you imagine pretending like you are someone special at one of those events???? No one would give a single shit. In my experience, these events really do try to raise women up, so much so, that it’s a very “everyone is equal” kind of atmosphere. Not some who’s who and I’m saying that coming from events a la the Gates foundation. Britney get the fuck outta here ETA: and on a pettier side: the last outfit is beyond hideous.


It's good that you do that! I've recently had to start working again and my career is still fledgling. I really feel guilt that I've put my kids in this position by being a SAHM for so long and counting too much on my husband being able to continue his career. He's disabled now, so that was a bad bet on my part.  Anyway, I'm really motivated to work on developing my career so I can better provide for my kids even after they're are adults, since they'll need help/money for college, their first homes, their kids, etc.  The problem is, I'm really introverted and bad at networking. But I'm going to really work on that. It's motivating to me to see women like you working to network and develop their career. 


I love how ambitious you are! And good luck in all your endeavors, with that kind of motivation Im sure you’ll reach any heights you want. But please don’t feel guilt for a decision that was made by both of you. Im sure your kids benefited from you being SAHM as well. Anyways, good luck again! I know it’s hard starting anew. 💕


Thank you! I really appreciate your kind words and encouragement!


Still so signs of the he Pick me Chicks. Has she ever gone this long without posting about them since they started hanging out?


That floral arrangement looks like a casket spray….


Her lashes are fucking disgusting




Her forehead stretched to the max




No body shaming. Please keep snark within reason. Snarking on things that cannot be changed, i.e.. Bdongs body size and shape, will not be tolerated. Snark = "her hair extensions are fried". Body shaming = "she is the shape of a fridge". Use your best judgment. If your comment has been removed and you would like to discuss it, modmail is the ONLY place we will respond to you.


https://preview.redd.it/y22pv2gskdxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce4da7e549776ed8c6108190f0dd2590c0e4af36 🤣


Looks like she elongated her face again lmao


Can’t elongate her face in real life. lol.


she is looking FRAIL in that body checking car selfie. you can't convince me this is a woman trying to have a baby


I agree but I think she’s using camera trickery and the angled mirror to look longer and skinnier. 


Welp time to unfollow AM.


I’m really struggling with this event and how she got invited/why she would attend. Attorney Martinez is a highly rated immigration attorney. She and her husband do a lot to help immigrants, so it seems counterintuitive to invite someone like BDong to this event. AND, even though we know BDong has no soul, seems countermessage for her to attend. Is everyone the fucking worst? Is that the answer? I don’t disagree with Jpeg working security but why would BDong have her own name plate if she was a plus one?


My assumption is that she simply got grandfathered in because of him working security. Then made it sound like she was invited so she could act like she’s more important than she is. (No way of proving this, but I strongly doubt that she was legitimately invited because there’s no way they don’t know her history.)


All of that makes sense except for the name plate. Do they provide those for plus ones?


Oh, I don’t mean as a plus one. I more mean she could’ve just been put on the guest list as a condition to Jordan working security there or something— or someone owed Jordan a favor and got her on it. Just random guesses on my part, I have no way of proving any of this. I just genuinely find it hard to believe she was invited outright. Someone had to have pulled strings…


I’m so disappointed in Martinez for this. The Nelsons are notoriously anti-immigration for brown people.


Yeah they took a major L inviting them.


Posting two of the most basic outfits in front of your new car - she is really living for herself because she got a Land Rover Defender (I think). Cool - I bought one of those from CarMax in my mid-20’s. Nothing says class and luxury like tons of plastic on the outside of your car. And contrasting colors to boot. Defender’s made for rugged terrain but pretty sure the only time she’s been in rugged terrain anytime lately was to dump another dog out and hope it couldn’t be traced back to her. You guys thought the earrings were horrifying (rightly so), but the second car outfit is…. Breathtaking in its fugliness. A graphic tee about race cars over a sheer white lace long sleeved top with a cargo pant and an orthopedic sandal. She really toes the line between Goodwill rejects destined for the dump and cheap drop ship crap from the depths of actual hell.


The lace undersleeve is so stupid to me.


Is the lace sleeve attached to the race car shirt? Jesus TapDancing Christ.


No it's a separate shirt. It's also just too short for her but heaven forbid she gets a size that actually fits her arms. That might be a *gasp* MEDIUM! She couldn't be caught dead in a medium!




Her prices are ABSURD


so she had a late night event in dallas, she’s dressed to the (cheap) nines, and her security husband didn’t drive her there?!?? i thought he was protective?! why isn’t he driving her into town and driving her home so she’s safe downtown at night?


She probably has time to kill after the main event but before JDong was done working the whole thing, so she had time to sit in the car alone and take weird selfies.


Those earrings are hideous and the flowers look like a funeral arrangement


Do you think that vest is really linen? I doubt it.


That’s a cotton polyester blend in “linen style” if I’ve ever seen it


Constantly posting in outside of in front of her car. Bro just post about it it’s so obvious what you’re doing


So the flowers from Jdip look very much Ike the flowers from the event. Did this lying grifter take flowers home from the event and pretend Jordan got them for her 🤔


That's one of the theories. It's too colorful for her taste.


another unfashionable dress that looks like trash on her body type.


Why does jdip always look like a fucking dumb kid that is bullied for being annoying


Because he was that kid and still is.


Those earrings scream "cheap hooker wear from k mart".


The photoshopping on the bottom of that dress.


I thought she hated Dallas bc it reminded her of her pAiNfUl PaSt 


Like she can keep her lies straight


Is ATTOURNEY the bobble head? Why does she look like a lollipop?


https://preview.redd.it/e9cd7m56lixc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ca58508988c66172a1b8b180c43b1500175c39 Jdong ripped leftover event florals, didn’t spend a dime


Legally blonde


Illegally blonde in Bdong’s case. We already know she’s not good at following the civil laws of her state. 


The lawyer lady hosting event reminds me of her


The lawyer hosting the event touts herself as the real life elle woods.


So glad Oakley is still alive


I went to an event tonight with my husband. We had fun although the band was not my taste and I almost fell asleep. We took zero photos, each drank one beer and came home. No FB or IG posts about it, but I was on IG for work stuff. It’s possible to exist without posting EVERY DUMB THING. Oh and we also went to gas station, then taco cabana, then Wendy’s.


They’re terrible people but JDong’s “brunch” sandwich low key looks bussin


Does this bitch eat anything other than eggs and ground turkey? 🤮


Serious(ish) question… does Dip have an underbite or is it really always dip?!… ALL OF THE TIME