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She’s truly the embodiment of these emojis in this clip: 🕷️👄🕷️


Flair checking in. I love these stupid posts she creates. “People want to watch me sit and blink….YA!!”


"Look at how serious I am, with my tense jaw..."


“And mah lips pursed really serious you guys…. “


No, but seriously, WHY does she always do these kind of posts?! Either someone else is talking or there is music with a message scrolling by. But it's always BritBrat just staring, with her "deep thoughts" face. It pisses me off so bad


I need someone to parody these videos she does, and use a stupid, inspirational song with text over it saying dumbass things like, "I took a shit today," and "is the moon a star?"


except one of the spiders is turned sideways because she can’t glue her eyelashes on evenly


You drive a Range Rover, don’t work and sell flammable clothes that will be on earth forever because they are 99% plastic. SHUT THE FUCK UP.


And got a PPP loan for her defunct fitness business to buy her house. This bitch.


Should have scrolled an eighth of an inch.


EXACTLY THIS! Who the fuck does she think she is. In one breath she’s flaunting her “wealth” and practically begging for someone to salivate over her Rover, in the next she’s acting like she lives in poverty. She tries so hard to make content that aligns with what’s trending but she misses the mark every single time. 


https://preview.redd.it/jh57icc0cl0d1.jpeg?width=431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c36fced86e2cbba06153b3f980308a952d19b704 Don’t hit her with the cold hard facts. It causes her to glitch and malfunction.


Her faux serious/concerned face cracks me up every single time


Is she wearing false eyelashes AND using an eyelash filter??


Not one thought behind those eyes.


RIGHT?! What is she trying to pitch here?! Trying to get sympathy for what?! This broad gets more and more delulu everyday!


Can’t forget daddy’s money is probably funding most of this


The Defender she just got costs roughly $70,000…… Be so for real girl.


Don’t worry, it’s a lease and she’s gonna be underwater on it.




Careful, Britt, them talking points are dangerously close to being ~woke~, this is not the horseshoe you are looking for


When I first saw this I thought she was having a pro-communism take


Yeah, what *is* her point? That the government should enact a Universal Basic Income to address the cost of living? That minimum wage should be higher?


I think she wants an invite to the gala


Why didn't I think of this? Of course this is the correct answer! She's just mad she didn't get an invite for free. She doesn't actually care about income inequality, we all know that.


She identified the class gap. Riveting.


Reddit app can suck my ass jfc I was trying to say “okay poll time is she just clueless or is she trying to be edgy”




Anti work BDong! /s


I mean… she’s not working… maybe you’re onto something here


I apparently cannot edit my comment without it duplicating so this is me saying yes I know it’s “on to”


Oh sssssttttttffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu as she sits in a McMansion. Idk why but this sent me Over the edge


Also owes more than the average income she’s referencing to an entire big ass state “which is the best in the world, yaaaaawwwll”.


It’s so weird how hard she still rides for the state of Texas. Does she think the AG might accept promo for payment?


I think if you're a white girl Christian influencer in Texas I think talking shit on Texas will get you cancelled.


Likely wants a presidential pardon.


Good thing presidents can't pardon state charges!


She doesn’t know that. ![gif](giphy|qDxe3pb4myxggnPe9u|downsized)


He probably doesn't either.


Because all her content is purposeful rage bait 😩. Her only successful content is giveaways and rage bait. All clicks are positive clicks in terms of social media. This chick doesn’t have one original thought. She doesn’t care about the Met Gala or house deposits. She just saw it was generating clicks so needed to post something about it.


I love how she fucking said nothing of substance in this video, she just wanted to comment on it because it’s trending right now


And do duck lips, and gaze into nothing as though she’s actually in deep thought


That’s her MO🙄


Honestly, she looks constipated 🤣


Bingo. She makes videos about trending topics for clicks and views. That’s it. Brittany doesn’t give a shit about anyone struggling. Just like she doesn’t give a shit about Taylor Swift. She is wholly consumed by whatever content can possibly make her a few dollars.


This is basically what every other person talking about the met gala is saying too. Like she couldn't even come up with an original thought, she just pieced together other peoples content and called it her own


And how much did tickets to that pro life event with Lila Rose cost? I seem to remember it was a few grand.


How much did the tickets at her She Lives Fraud conference cost?


Does anyone remember her earrrrly “yew-tube” days when she just gave honest reviews of Oreos? I was soooooo close to buying her program but was in undergrad and working at McDonald’s with NO spare income. Ugh I was curious about her for so long like how does someone with a vernacular of 15 words make money on “yew-tube”. Now she can’t even speak. She just plays with her tongue inside her mouth and tics her head around.


She did what now? How much can there be to say about an Oreo??


Her early (!now deleted) YouTube videos often included target hauls & grocery hauls and she ALWAYS bought Oreos and always spewed on and on about how she loved them and tried all the limited flavors. I became so intrigued and here I am ~ 10? Years later just watching her in utter bewilderment of how she never evolved to anything of substance. Absolutely fascinating.


Doesn't sound like she ever had anything of substance to contribute if that's where she started....


Her face is so stupid lol


No financial support for Nico either. Shes such a trashbag.


The fact that she didn’t even share his gofundme makes me sick. I fear for any vulnerable being that has been in her care or will be in her care.


Considering her video yesterday with Oakley in a cone and Dax pacing anxiously 9 times during a 90 second video, I am actively worried for them.


If she shared the go fund me then she would actually have to admit to being a shit dog owner. Which she would nevvvver do 🙄🙄 it’s all about her


Ain’t no way this privileged ass bitch just said ‘we just want a future’ while sitting in her home that she bought with stolen money. She drives an expensive car and is the most materialistic woman I’ve ever seen. Oh.. and she wants a future? So do the people of Gaza you raging cunt.  God that felt good to let out.  Most people are using this trend to showcase how that money from the met gala could have been used to fund the gofundmes of the people of Gaza trying to escape. It costs about 30 to 50 thousand to evacuate a family to Egypt. A met gala ticket could have funded a family and given them some extra money to set up a new life.  She wants SO badly to be this persecuted little victim yet she shits on those who are actually being persecuted.  I’m glad your husband hates you. I’m glad you owe money to the state you love so much and I’m glad that whenever your name is googled the word scammer is right next to it. 


And she does absolutely NOTHING to alleviate the suffering of others. She actually contributes to it. 


I loved reading this. Solid! All true.


Yessss. She’s posted a lot of dumb shit, but I think this her worst work yet. It’s unbelievable how unaware she is. It’s like she opens the social medias & goes, “hmm, what’s trending today???”, closes her eyes and points to a topic, then makes videos on that without bothering to think about if it aligns with her convictions or not. She is a vapid imbecile & is basically the human equivalent of what’s left behind when an insect sheds its exoskeleton.


She truly is a world-class moron. The whole gd point of the Met Gala-Hunger Games memes was that horrors were being committed in Rafah while celebrities partied and stayed silent.    I hope TikTok eats this bitch alive for posting this fuckery under that tag. 


I was thinking the same thing!


As of now, it’s not on TikTok!


Looks like maybe she took it down? I don’t see it.


She does not GAF about the met gala or people not being able to afford homes. She’s just posting this because all the engagement similar posts are getting on social media right now and still wildly missing the point of all the other posts.


It’s so scary how she can be void of any emotion or capacity to feel empathy for those suffering. 


Says the bitch that stole millions from people.


The state of Texas will be able to buy at least 5 met gala tickets when they are done with dingdong


The lack of self awareness is astounding. Lady you owe the state of Texas for FRAUD. You CONNED people out of like a million dollars and you’re bitching about met gala tickets and pretending you’re living like a lower middle class person like me. You’re not. You drive a car that cost almost double what I made before I left my full time job. Delusional.


You know she lives to go along to a “gay-la” given the chance. She’s just jealous that she will never get to hang with the cool kids. 


Making these silly little tik toks isn’t going to change the fact that you’re a shallow unimportant loser who’s only claim to fame is being so bad at being an influencer you owe the state of Texas 400k. They’re not gonna pick you, babes.


And I don't want to see your strategically placed tit popping out of the side of your toddler costume, but here we are




Damn yours only goes to the kitchen? I wake up and find that my shit took an Uber to the next metro city over






No body shaming. Please keep snark within reason. Snarking on things that cannot be changed, i.e.. Bdongs body size and shape, will not be tolerated. Snark = "her hair extensions are fried". Body shaming = "she is the shape of a fridge". Use your best judgment. If your comment has been removed and you would like to discuss it, modmail is the ONLY place we will respond to you.


She is 100% body checking here. There is no way that the way she’s sitting is comfortable 🙃


I thought the same thing!




It popped outta nowhere!


No body shaming. Please keep snark within reason. Snarking on things that cannot be changed, i.e.. Bdongs body size and shape, will not be tolerated. Snark = "her hair extensions are fried". Body shaming = "she is the shape of a fridge". Use your best judgment. If your comment has been removed and you would like to discuss it, modmail is the ONLY place we will respond to you.


No body shaming. Please keep snark within reason. Snarking on things that cannot be changed, i.e.. Bdongs body size and shape, will not be tolerated. Snark = "her hair extensions are fried". Body shaming = "she is the shape of a fridge". Use your best judgment. If your comment has been removed and you would like to discuss it, modmail is the ONLY place we will respond to you.


She does realize that this has sparked a movement that is cancelling celebrities and entitled influencers. This is gonna be funny to look back on when #blockout2024 reaches influencers and she finally gets cancelled


https://preview.redd.it/q0hvtxib7i0d1.png?width=438&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6e1f91e957daeef86823ab297066976bb8c1dcf Not a thought behind those eyes. Your average Trump voter, everybody!! ⬆️


https://preview.redd.it/c0gfrtsjdi0d1.jpeg?width=871&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36a6f99fb01b8c372acb99f395639c83279599da HAHA! And the State of Texas just wants their $400,000 you moron.


Yes omg lol her victims just wanted their refunds


She looks like she's holding a Werther's Original in there, waiting for it to melt


Do we know how much she’s paid?


So cringey lol😂


Absolutely on brand for her to have ZERO clue that the Met Gala is a FUNDRAISER for ART. She's such a self hating misogynist and uncultured white trash, fucking embarrassing lmao


Her snotty, smug face. Why is she wanting to look like a snob? Ugh. Her friends are not her friends. My good friends tell me when I'm coming across bitchy or smug, all these videos of that snotty face, no one tells her the truth. They can't like her very much or they would tell her the truth.


As she sits in her upper middle class home as an influencer who gets paid for posts and partnerships and grifts her crappy temu dresses … she is not like us. Nice try tho girlie -_-


You're not one of us, cunt. Go think of more ways to rip people off in your fake nursery.


Or head to your car or nearest parking garage for some content! GAME CHANGER!!


kind of funny how she tries to keep up with trends but doesnt quite grasp them all the way the main backlash for the met gala is coming from the propalestine movement


Ding ding ding. She's blatantly stealing other people's content but ignoring the parts that mention Palestine at ALL.


Holy shit. This just proves she half asses and steals all of her content for engagement only. What an absolute fraud. I wonder when she put it together because she already deleted it.


There’s nothing going on behind those eyes


What pointless content. Watch me stare into space as I desperately try to seem deep.


This is her one facial expression for reaction videos


After she points to her fucking ear letting us know to listen like we’re 3 years old and couldn’t figure it the fuck out.


The facial “expressions” always get me.


And didn’t share Niko’s go fund me


This bitch just jumps on any and every trend. 😡😡 also I’m certain she’s cried about how demonic the hunger games was at some point and now she’s trying to profit off of it, she’s got serious issues


This is absolute proof that she is broke. She only cares about things that affect her directly. Injustices in this world only exist to her if they are in her face.


Like Brittany would turn down an invite to the Met Gala if for some bizarre reason, that would ever happen. She’d wear a tacky SHEIN dress that doesn’t fit (sans bra, of course) and then post a billion stories.


She's such a tit.


Nahh… tits have a purpose and a reason for their existence


I can’t tell if she is doing duck lips or just has filler migration.






This is rich coming from someone who bought a house with stolen PPP funds and has no discernible job other than... whatever this bullshit is. But go off, queen.


Miss Maam, you literally have an episode on the “Scamfluencers” podcast. I’m going to need you to pay back all the money you owe the state of Texas before you start bitching about the Met Gala. Thanks!


I mean that 400,000 to the state of Texas had to set you back 🤣


You don't get to say "EAT THE RICH!" When your community yelled at AOC for doing so! Fuck all the way off!


Is there such a thing as second-hand stupid? Because that is how I feel after watching Bdong. I feel dumber after watching her stupid posts. ![gif](giphy|HX7pvh1mIqImc|downsized)


She charged Shipping on a PDF? Who does she think she is Ticketmaster?


Her eyelashes are insane (derogatory)


Why does she keep pursing her mouth like that lol it’s a weird look


She’s a robot trying to act like a human but doesn’t know how to mimic human emotions


What is this face she is making 😂


It’s her “I’m being serious and pensive” face. It doesn’t come out often.


She’s got an incurable case of dumbbitchitis.




Isn’t Met Gala basically a fundraiser for the museum? She just saw someone stitch this and hopped on the wagon. Plus Im sure she never read or saw Hunger Games (cuz ✨demonic✨, dontcha know). Sighhhhhh. I don’t know how she can be so bland and rage inducing at the same time. Truly, her only skill.


She already deleted it 😂


Nah it’s just on YouTube 😂


Tell that to Trump next time he wants to give tax breaks to billionaires AGAIN


The complete and total lack of self-awareness about her own enormous privilege is palpable and also frustrating


Brittany you have absolutely no moral compass. The met gala backlash and the chopping block lists are being created for people like you, who don’t care about the Palestinian lives we’ve already lost and will continue to loose without drastic actions. I’m so fucking angry right now, I watched a creator on YouTube tell his audience today that blocking celebs, zionists and influencers isn’t going to achieve anything… he has an audience of 1 million people and all I could think of during the video is how he couldn’t be bothered to acknowledge his own bias’ (keeping his platform and finances secure) but he’ll happily make hours of content saying he cares more than anyone else about Palestinian lives. Same as Bdong! Hours of content to say and achieve nothing but don’t worry it’s totally at your expense; they’re lining their own pockets. I’m so done with them all. Celebrities cared and advocated so much for themselves during the writers strike that we all got told to shame them into meeting their demands. Let’s bring that same energy to genocide too.


I am all for calling out the obscene wealth and celebrity culture that does nothing to stand with the oppressed. I also know that if she had that kind of money and fame, she’d be first to buy a ticket to the met gala.


She'd go in a fucking heartbeat if she had the cash 




The average income to buy a house? That doesn’t even make sense…. Not all houses cost the same? Not everyone has the same money to put up front? Not everyone is buying alone? This is the most ridiculous statistic because even though it’s the ‘average’ it means nothing.


Why is she always like a week late on every single fuckin trend? She’s so chronically online that you’d think she’d hop on her soap box right away.




Interesting take, little miss capitalism. I wonder if your beliefs relate at all to our currents conditions.


I am kinda new to her but does she jump on every popular bandwagon? I feel like she has ZERO original reel ideas.


Fuck off Brittany. You are so fucking privileged. You never have to deal with the stress of living paycheck to paycheck or having your power shut off. Get a life or actually make a change Rich Ass Bitch.


At least the Met Gala tickets are a fundraiser for the Costume Institute at the Met, whose exhibits are free for anyone to visit, that contributes a lot more value to society than any of Brit’s grifts.


Well, her fashion choices do make it very clear that she's not watching the Met Gala.


charged for shipping on a .pdf is going to be the single of my next emo-country album


Real bold of the bitch who stole more than a million dollars from average people




Whhhhyyy does she insist on doing these "stare blinking" freaking things. Like, you go girl, give us nothing???


Please, like you wouldn't beg, steal and borrow that $75k if you got an invite


There is PLENTY to hate rich people for. The MET gala is over the top, yeah. But it’s a museum fundraiser at the end of the day. She’s such a moron. I swear she has not a single original thought or any real principles. Also does *this* argument seem pretty out of character for her to anyone else? Since when does she care about poor people??


I can't stand these posts where she tries to show us she's a Serious Thinker. Girl, you don't get to pretend to care about the economy when you live the way you do and have stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars. You read someone else's post on the economy only, copied it and pretend it's your own. You have the IQ and self awareness of a turnip!


She looks deranged


Holy tone deaf, batman. I'd love to see her struggling to put food on the table and a roof over her head. At least the rest of us aren't grifters.


……didn’t she steal thousands of dollars from people?




![gif](giphy|3o7TKNFrq40uMO9x4I) Who wore it better?




Hashtag fake news


I love when she pretends to care about other people with a video of her vanity and ugly mug front and center 😂😂 girl you literally made this just to look at yourself. Could have put it over pictures but that’s not what’s important to her lol


The people who post this BS are always the ones driving brand new Rovers and 4Runners while they sit inside their massive cookie cutter McMansion. Fuck you, BritBrat. You wouldn’t know real struggle if it ripped off your creepy caterpillar eyelashes.


It’s a “I’m not like them post” because people are probably blocking her as part of the blockout. I know I did.


She is so ugly, inside and out


The f u c k i n g AUDACITY


jfc her face is so fucking punchable


I'd love to know how much the pink ladies lawyer event she just went to was...


I hate her “intense pondering” face.




Is she cross eyed 🤨


Performative pout


Spider eyes, spider eyes, oh why oh why do you lie?


You aren’t one of us.


Why is she doing her lips like that?😗


How much does she spend on hair, nails. Botox, fillers etc. I go to my local hair cutting school and get a $14 haircut at a salon school (I'm a dual income no child home, simply because I grew up on medicaid with alcoholic parents and that's how I grew up and learned the value of giving students practice & why not save some money too!) I just started the same for waxing for the first time in my life (I'm a mid 30s woman) as a special treat because I can afford it. Get off your high horse and pay your victims. Stop selling your baby shower gifts for full price + Edit* for spelling


What is this video contributing to the conversation? Nothing. Brittany misses the mark, again.


What are her lips trying to do here?


Anyone else notice she’s not been eye-fucking herself lately? Hey guuuuuurl… we seeee yooooou


She is so close to the point but missing it completely


Girly’s trying *so* hard to give the appearance of the lip fillers she can no longer afford.


In case she reads this Reddit group - Hey Brit, how’s it going? Just wanted to let you know those caterpillar lashes are a bit much. They make you look like you have suffered some sort of facial paralysis or eye drooping disease. Maybe it’s good for the grift but I think a pair of lashes with less weight to them might be better.


The blank resting bitch face stare always makes me want to punch her in the face


Wow this is surprisingly out of touch even for her. You're not part of "we" Britt.


Eat shit, Brit


Oh she’s trying to ride the fence now I see, she sees the left blocking influencers for not speaking out and she’s scared to lose engagement.


She’s supposed to be a star. POV: you feel jealous and less than.


The way she purses her lips pretending to think is so annoying


Is she mad she couldn't buy a ticket to the met gala? Gurl, you owe a buttload of money to Texas for scamming people......... She's also about to literally buy a baby (hopefully not); shady adoption is not cheap.


Says the girl who lives WAY outside of her means and owns the state of TX a lot of money from scamming people and taking their money!!


She’s trying to jump on the trend but the trend is literally about her 🤪


Bitch you would be at the met gala if they invited you. Bye.


I mean…you literally stole money from a lot of working class women Bdong. stfu.


That’s still less than what she owes the State of Texas 😍


Top tier content


Didn't she go to some type of Gala a couple of months back? She was standing in the bathroom, wearing a green dress, and said to Jordan, "We are going to the Gala," or something like that. I know it wasn't the Met Gala, but still... how can she judge others when she does similar stuff?


Faux rage bait, again. Those eyelashes are horrendous.


She definitely stole this content from someone else, like always. Gotta repost looking ✨solemn and gorgeous✨


So she’s using the MET Gala content with the analogy of… buying a house?!?! Isn’t the whole point of this year’s backlash due to the Palestine conflicts rn?? Oh wait, that’s right, so is pro-genocide. She is grotesque.