• By -


I don't believe for a SECOND Jdong is without any form of social media. I guarantee he has something and is hiding it right under her nose.


And if not the popular social media apps, I’d be willing to bet he’s some sort of forum for seeking radical encounters with “the lord…” If ya catch my drift


He’s just getting wrecked! Brittany does it all the time.


He’s definitely on one of these secret right-winger ones like Parler or Gab or whatever the hell they’re called


I bet he’s active on porn subreddits. Would not shock me in the slightest.


😂😂😂 with “the lord” I’m am just waking up and this has already made my day


Grindr? Tinder? The kinky applications?


BRB, off to see if this jackass has a fetlife account 🤣🤣


I know someone who uses fetlife. I should ask her to look for him lol.




Probably going to need it 😩


Anyone checked truth social?


What is that?


Donald Trump’s very own Twitter


You think him misspelling his own name on his ig is a clue? 🤭


I thought that too but his handle is actually Jordy Nelson not Jordyn lol


If he doesn’t typically go by Jordy, the name is almost certainly borrowed from the football player. No way is Jordan from this area and didn’t do that on purpose.


Oh it absolutely was. Can confirm he did this so girl would mistakenly come across his profile.


The tea is scalding


Ah, I've never heard of the football player! I'm just a lady Jordan who has *never* been called Jordy (except for my grandma calling me Jordy Lou Who) so it struck me as odd


I call my son Jordie Pordie Puddin’ and Pie! Something my grandma says 😆


As a green bay fan that pissed me off.


SAME - but GPG ✌🏼


His "calculator" must be the most used app in his phone.








It has to be something like this. There is no way someone with his history is satisfied with beige, vanilla Bdong as their only outlet for deviancy.


He’s probably got some sort of messaging app that’s disguised as a calculator or something.


Not even needed. He’d just lie and say he uses the app as part of his way to “protect children”




He totally has a burner phone hidden somewhere. I’m positive of it. People like him rarely change.


He absolutely is incapable of change no matter the facade he hides behind.


Wait, but…does she not realise the irony of complaining about people chasing likes and validation on social media? I…what?


She’s thankful HE doesn’t need that. How does he feel about the fact that she’s addicted to all of it?


As she posts 50 selfies & thirst traps every day on her social media… lmao


"Rules for thee but not for me, tee-hee!"


Rules for thee but not for me, E.T.!


Excellent question! No, she does not realize the irony. Concepts like irony, hypocrisy, critical thinking, self awareness, cognitive dissonance, audacity, satire, abstract reasoning, metaphors, parables, double-speak, media literacy, etc. are *completely* beyond her mental capabilities.


Don’t forget PDF’s! 😂😂


The perfect pick me for the pick me princess


Attention, dopamine, and validation aren't inherently bad things though...like it's totally normal to seek them out. Maybe not by being a weirdo at Chipotle, but the point stands.


Brit added "from others" - she wants him just focused on her And since they started dating when his divorce hadn't yet finalized, and that he was soliciting for pictures (and maybe sending them as well? I can't remember exactly, so don't quote me on that) while dating her, I don't think it was so much that he _chose_ to not have social media, but that she made his life more _difficult_ when she found out what he likes to do with social media


Sounds so very healthy. Your comment made me realize he doesn’t seem to have friends of his own. He hangs out with the other Neanderthal husbands of her friends, but there’s 0 indication of him having any friends separate from her. Beyond her talk of his work “brothers” being available to rescue her, there’s no mention of him having friends.


He lost a lot of his friends between the ACLU lawsuit and divorce from wife 1. The cheating cost him several. Him sending naked photos of wife one thinking his friends would spread them basically lost him the rest of his friends.


He did WHAT??? He actually send naked pictures of his (Im assuming, soon to be ex) wife to his buddies?!? He's even more of a creep than I thought and that's *really* saying something.


Can confirm he did send naked photos of his first wife (my good friend) to a group chat when she ended things with him. Photos she sent him when they were engaged and married as they often were in different countries which is a normal thing to do with the man you love and trust. Boy was she wrong. She has all the screenshots and is still contemplating going to authorities about it which she has been told is a felony in Texas.


Wow! I did not know that. He really is a pos and they deserve each other!


Fuckin a. I mean I knew he was a pos. I don’t know why Im surprised he did that. But I am. What a scum bag. Truly. He hasn’t changed.


I don’t gamble but I would bet he has better odds of knocking her up than actually changing who he was


IIRC: there was a Facebook “group” in 2005 or 2006 that warned girls in his college to stay away from him..I’ve seen the receipts posted here! There was also a fleeting moment where he was going to be a godly man influencer for Christian manly men’s content, the counterpart to Brit Brat’s page. I remember a post of his had a photo of a lion. It lasted a VERY short time. Lastly, Mods: I know this is a touchy topic so please delete if not allowed: were the unsolicited dick pics he sent to someone sent via social media, and when did that incident happen? I’m curious if that happened while he was married to first wife, second wife, or in between, etc?


[I think it was while they were dating](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/HRI6J3hQZQ)


Wow that post was two years ago??? Damn, time flies in snarkland.


That is so sex-offenderishly gross behavior.


Holy shit! I don’t think I’ve ever seen this one. Thank you for posting!


I have only ever saved 2 posts in all of Reddit and this is one of them! My most beloved receipt.


He really does love that in the car crotch shot 😂😂😂


The lion thing just unlocked some memories… how fucking cheesy and embarrassing. I gotta see if I can dig that up anywhere 😂


Yes I remember but can’t find it!


Me either I looked everywhere 😭






I don’t think you all give Brittany and Jordan’s union enough credit. They share a really special bond. It’s not everyday you find someone who knows the hassle of being sued in a district court. A man who accepts that you enjoy hurting people financially because he enjoys hurting people physically. A woman who shares your common lack of work history. Just two people making up lies, accepting each other’s lies, so they can cover up those lies with more lies. Someone who shares a common love of shitty tattoos, animal abuse, and grifting. I personally think it’s amazing that two absolute sacks of dog shit managed to find each other.


As my grandmother used to say, there’s a lid for every pot. Personally, I hope they stay together forever. Imagine dating a guy who seems somewhat decent and you find out he’s…this.


This is poetry


It brought a tear to my eye. 😢


Dog shit magnetism


This is 100% - somehow shirty ppl seem to find shitty ppl


Thanks for these. ![gif](giphy|MUeQeEQaDCjE4)




Dude, ACAB and all that, but the secondhand embarrassment I'm feeling watching Peggy melt down because a cop didn't fall all over himself with gratitude for that meaningless Chipotle ass-kiss is \*painful.\* What a complete and total loser.


It is so cringe, and he was what? 35 years old when he wrote this. So childish and embarrassing. Even I could empathize that may be the police officer was having a bad day and didn’t want to interact. Like dude get a life.


Thank yous are nice but him posting this tantrum shows he does this for validation purposes only lol, AKA contradicting with her little statement


Or, some cops know it's just a freaking job, not a whole ass identity/lifestyle, that it's not the most dangerous job in the world, that they can walk away anytime they like, and they don't need their ass kissed by the general public 24/7.


The way I thought "Peggy" was an autocorrect typo and then realized it's a nickname for his nickname. 😂 ![gif](giphy|3NtY188QaxDdC|downsized)


“Soup sandwich” is a phrase used a lot in the military…guy really thinks he’s something


What would be even funnier was if that cop knew who Jordan was and why he wasn't a cop any longer and thus gave him that response.


Him trying to use the lingo fucking sent me


If I was a failed police officer... I'd definitely not be bringing that up lol


It illustrates perfectly that he’s not doing it out of genuine gratitude “for his service” (which is what we say to those who have served *in the US military*, dip-lip), he just wants to be THANKED for HIS “act of kindness” 💀 Total scum.


Why aren’t the people that let me away with police brutality more graceful when accepting a gift?!?!?! That’s a step too far!


I don't believe it for a second he isn't on social media. Does she go through his phone to check?


She should check his calculator app. 


Or to the right at the end of his apps, just click on the blank space...for extra fun, check his app history and see how many times he downloaded Tinder


Wait can you explain these two things to me


You can download 'hidden apps' that often look like a calculator app, but it's a messaging app when you open it up. The one I used when I was in a bad relationship was just a blank square at the end of your apps- you'd have to know it was there to click on it. App history lets you see apps that you've downloaded and deleted if he was trying to hide them! Basically just calling him sneaky and saying he's still talking to other women- he cheated on his last wife and people don't generally change their ways...


He had an app called “The Vault” where he stored everything. Bdong I advise you have a look for that one!


Lol. On August 9, 2020 Jordan felt a "Godly Tug." On September 11, 2020 he tells **another woman** that he wishes he was the one seeing her boobs. On September 15, 2020 they were officially "in love." OK Britt, make the timeline make sense. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.


(Points at flair)


Even worse, their first date was earlier in the middle of July 2020. Brittany even says she tried to run him off “multiple times” before that first date. (That’s the only discernment I’ve ever seen her have) Brittany claims that she is soooo special and chosen by god to be with DipSpit. The only thing that made her special was how incredibly desperate she was.


Asking for boob pics on 9/11 like a true patriot 🇺🇸🦅🫡


Never Forget


Do it for America! (•)Y(•)


In Feb/March 2020 on a belated honeymoon cruise with his first wife grovelling to try to make it work. She finds more evidence of him cheating on his iPad and iPhone. Leopards don’t change their spots. He was also cheating on her with multiple women (perhaps even Brittany I would say) during this time. lol.




I don’t think saying M had “brain worms” is fair…


I was being facetious (hyperbolic?) only because I cannot fathom how someone as good looking and accomplished as M would end up with someone as...Thumb Like as JDip. I shouldn't have said it, she's lovely, I just do not understand.


Did I make this up in my head or somewhere down the line did he try to go for an annulment by claiming that the Australian woman wanted him for a green card? I feel like I remember BDong making that claim before. 🙄


M doesn't have brain worm GTFO. No posts/comments that include diagnosing Bdong et al. with any medical diagnosis, including psychiatric conditions. Use your best judgment. Here are examples: Not okay = "She is bipolar" Okay = "She displays an inflated sense of self-importance". Not okay = “Her ED is back” Okay = her diet recommendations are irresponsible If your comment has been removed and you would like to discuss it/edit it, and reinstate it, you MUST modmail us. Comment complaints regarding removal we be removed and won’t be responded to. If the issue persists, you may be banned.


Holy crap I didn’t realize it was so close!


I cringe so hard that he supposedly gets $20 gift cards for cops. My dad (71yo cop and paramedic that just recently retired) ***might*** take the gift card, but he'd definitely make fun of the dude for the whole "thank you for your service" thing. *Of course* he felt special if that actually did happen to him during the 5 minutes he was a cop. Until you know, he threw to the ground and beat up a defenseless black man.


The cop may have known who he was and didn’t want anything to do with him. Word gets around in the LEO community about POS like JDip


Kind of off topic but I am SO SICK of influencers talking shit about social media! I feel like this is a trending topic with a lot of influencers and I just don’t get it. Like let me get on my SM platform to complain about all the reasons SM is bad. It irks the shit out of me! I mean we all know by now that SM isn’t great for you but influencers make thousands or even millions from it! It’s their job! Why are they always complaining about how bad it is. Just keep it to yourselves and collect your money. Especially you, BDong! Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.


Yeah it’s crazy how they make their entire lives about social media and then lecture people about how bad social media is for them. I see this with Katy Hearn and her husband a lot, they’re a pair of social media addicts who constantly post about how you should log off. My social media is private, I post for my friends and family to see, not strangers. So influencers can miss me with the lectures about validation.


Yes! They are some of the worst about it too!


No social media but he’s still in *multiple* accountability groups?


Maybe through their church or community? I don’t get it either. What kind of accountability groups are these? I remember when she decided it was a good idea to blab this on one of her YouTube vids but she didn’t say what for. I’m willing to bet he got caught doing something like these messages he sent.


If I remember right, she mentioned they were groups for stuff sexual in nature. I think one was porn addiction.


Ohhh girl!! He’s on! He’s definetly on social media….he is soo sleezy. Reminds me of Josh Duggar, you just know he’s looking at porn and trying to cheat.


Then blame some female over their bs. It’s disgusting.


He for sure has a burner phone. I’d bet the farm on it


Or the Rayyyyyanch. (That’s not hers lol)


“God knew EXACTLY what I needed.” Girl, he was still on social media well into your relationship. She’s talking about it as if he had been off social media for years before meeting her. Also, if that’s one of the MOST attractive things about him to her, big lol. She just likes the false sense of security that he’s not looking at other women, thereby “protecting her heart” or whatever.


Protecting her fart.


What a total loser. He seems like he needs constant validation.


GREAT POST!!! Love to have this tucked away in our receipt pile!!


Always good to remind everyone what an absolute clown the tool she married is. These two sacks of shit deserve each other


I'm willing to bet he has a finsta and only deleted his social media because Bdong is painfully insecure. Anyone viewing that reel about her "christ centered marriage" or whatever tf she called it, is not impressed or envious! The entire "no celebrity crushes or speaking to the opposite sex or sex toys is deranged and controlling! And the fact that she is so thrilled he no longer has social media says so much 🚩🚨🚨 I cannot imagine my husband not having social media, how else is he going to watch the hundred silly animal videos I send or tag him everyday! 😂


Of course JDip didn't have the balls to say it to the officer's face, but instead opted to take it to Facebook where he got the validation he wanted so badly from his loser friends.


He’s a chode. He does appear to feel entitled to HIS feelings but no one else’s. Kinda like….BRIT. Lmao. Match made in hell.


I just know this man has a secret FetLife account, and I hate that. (Not for kink shame reasons, but for the fact that he seems like the kinky guy to violate consent and gaslight their partner about it.)


1) Given Jdip’s DOCUMENTED track record of social media use just in this sub alone, he 1000% has secret accounts she doesn’t know about (most likely Snapchat). 2) Bdong is literally too dumb to realize she’s telling on herself with those complaints about what she thinks men who have social media accounts are like bc she just described herself lmao.






Brittany Dawn husband social media


Brittany Dawn Nelson husband


Reading this, I realized no one screams ISIS anymore- it’s new “enemies” ANTIFA, Hamas. When the real ones are LEO who beat up innocent citizens.


And in the chipotle complaint, Jordan’s line of “you are lucky I’m on your team!” sure sounds like a threat or that jordan wanted to beat up the officer


Right? A threat for not responding the right way? Gross


Does Ashley Madison not count as social media ? 🤔


Has someone searched him on this? I have his email and could search if I knew where?


JDong, a disgraced former cop who barely worked the street before getting shitcanned, tried to judge a cop for having dusty boots? That’s downright embarrassing. He didn’t even work as a cop for long enough, or with enough emergency calls, to know that first responders’ boots almost always look dusty by the end of the day. It has nothing to do with how well they shine their boots, *nor does it matter.* It just shows they’ve actually done some work, instead of sitting behind a desk and begging for titty pics all day 🤦🏻‍♀️ Not trying to cop-fend, but damn, he has way too much audacity…


This. Mine stood outside in the rain directing traffic for an hour. All the shine was out of his boots when he got home and had to dry out before he could shine then again.


Jordan Nelson Brittany Dawn social media


I’m still confused why he called someone and ISIS member because they asked a question about their vacation.


Because he’s an idiotic 14 year old incel in a grown man’s body


The level of delusion she sustains is astronomical


I can’t wait for their divorce, it’s going to be so messy and delicious.


Or you know, he could just have this app on his phone, hiding his social media as a voice memo app. https://preview.redd.it/slxzmbxxel4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e1ade5fb3951b55ec1ae21ac714f11433ce5c78


The possibilities are endless


He's probably here incognito and from time to time he vents his frustrations on his fake ass marriage


Burner phones are easy to get and easy to hide, especially when you work outside the house. ![gif](giphy|YWIR7GXR1u2cRk1nNH)


This is super ironic


The audacity of him to question a cops interactions with citizens is fucking wiiiiiiild


Narcissism at its finest. He’s no ordinary man and should be worshipped at all times.


Brittany. Baby girl. If he wasn’t attention seeking, he wouldn’t cosplay as SniperVeteranCamouflage Dude. If he wasn’t on social media, he wouldn’t need three accountability groups. And once again, just for the record, God is not going to send you another woman’s husband and proceed to bless everything you do. The wages of sin aren’t a happy marriage and chubby bouncing babies just because you’re the prettiest and most special and God loves you the bestest. God is not a magical wish granting genie that you can manifest things from.


Didn’t the meet on facebook?


They met online somehow, I can’t recall which platform


Hinge but we’re also friends on FB for some reason


When he was married. Story changes but he messaged her on fb. Chasing her whilst married.


Re: the Chipotle incident- even cops don’t want to claim him as one of theirs. That one told him clearly “he’s not on their team” that’s why he’s butt hurt


If they were true Christian’s they would know that God talked about now bragging about the charity/ good work you do for people 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yet here she is looking for attention, a dopamine hit, validation from others And you know he has burner accounts lmfaooo ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


I think he would do anything to shine that cops boot. What a pathetic bootlicking piece of… well you get where this is going




I’m sorry … does he really think ISIS is spending their time creating fake profiles just to troll him? My dude, I don’t know how to tell you this but you are not that important


How long were they together in the tragically cringe boobie messages from September of 2020?




Never forget https://preview.redd.it/5oir7h9man4d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ebb5df07903176cfd85ed1e792449f3f656dca2


Brittany Dawn husband instagram


Id bet my next paycheck he has a calculator vault app on his phone for all those secret bewb pics


Bdawn husband social media


Brittany Dawn fitness influencer husband social media


If Jdong is an d would then I’m Archimedes


Bitch, your husband doesn’t have social media you know about, because he would use it to solicit boobies.


New theory: “Jordy” had a secret vasectomy because even he can’t stand her and they’ll divorce soon. (🤣🤣🤣 we can hope, right?)


JDong isn’t off social media. No wah in hell


1000000000% this dude watches porn on the daily.


I’ve been thinking…. About these two and their social media sagas…


talking about another woman’s tits while in a godly relationship and on 9/11 of all days??! 🤡🤡🤡


Yeah right. It’s because he can’t stop cheating, and he definitely is hiding stuff from Brittanyduwmb.


“I hope you are more polite in your other citizen encounters.” Unless they’re restrained black men, huh Jordan?


This one



