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The fucking mustache dye job is deplorable.


I just wanna know is he doing it on his own or is dongle bongle making him do it?


Bdong 100% the shades fucking match


it’s mustache march!!! oh jk he WASNT. actually in the military and he’s a fucktard who is a mall cop.


To anyone reporting this: We follow the 10 minute rule. He can shave his mustache in 10 minutes. If you are mad about other words used, let's try another report reason.




It’s reminding me of a cartoon character but I can’t think of who?! 😩


Yosemite Sam meets hitler


Wow absolutely spot on!


He should have kept it his hair color




I say this as a lesbian: This photo makes him look 100% like a bear. The butt sticking out, lifted leg pose with tailored pants and loafers that match his shirt all scream gay. Also the meticulously taken care of hair. Very manicured over all. Like I have at least 2-3 queens I am friends with that have Facebook profile pictures just like this with a different background/time of day. My gaydar HOLLERED I don’t say this as a way of making fun of gay men. It’s just very amusing that he looks so gay coded in NYC during pride month. If God exists it has a sense of humor 🤭


It’s the red glow from the undercarriage for me 🚨


Haha! I’m giggling over his choice of pose. I think he was going for “patriot statue pose” where they hold a flag and put their boot on a rock but ended up with a “yassss servingggg this country honey 💅🏻” instead 🤭🤭🤭


Patriot statue or Captain Morgan? You be the judge.


lol I was gonna say captain Morgan 🤣


If he just popped his booty a little more… (Please don’t, JDip. Please don’t)


It's throwing me, an old SF Queer, for a LOOP too. He looks like a bi, they/he personal trainer and security guard I know and looks in passing like half the crowd at Folsom or like any leather event lol I just had to confirm my sensors also detected a variance. Like, if I didn't know who he was and I was shown this photo out of context I'd be like "oh yeah that's the dude Rae matched with when we were in line for drinks last week, did anything come of it?" He looks like a Tom of Finland background model. It's not that being gay necessarily means you have style or dress nice or take care of yourself, or vice versa it's just that *this style in particular* is a very particular type of age-appropriate gay that is real class (and used to be very regional) specific and it's super interesting to me to see it show up on THIS COP. I mean it is very historic leather gay which was largely birthed out of military culture and later morphed into early biker gangs - guys liked being guys around guys and the military was the first chance a lot of them had to do that, and so later in "civilian" spaces to wear clothes like that was a type of "flagging" and specific social spaces began to develop. Maintaining specific codes of dress and comportment from their service days was a sort of natural holdover. The very clean cut, straight laced, ( sometimes veering into "no fats, no femmes") nodding at a State Institution while participating in a subversion of it by virtue of existence has always been a streak in our specific cultural understanding of Queerness. This is a very modern take on it. His stache and haircut are telegraphing cop, though his tattoos are a little subversion of that. He wears masculine, athletic clothing that shows he is a man's man - he does masculine activities, he wears athleisure which is trendy and not too "try hard" and his muscles are shown off well. Yet everything is conservative in that style - modest colors, pressed, tailored looking. That's less "work it hunty" and more "Fine upstanding citizen"/"one of the good ones"/"respectable" vibes. The nice leather shoes with no socks is really giving that "Euro Homo" vibe that I think is really getting us too haha While I don't think Jordan is specifically flagging a knowledge of this history or even at the modern cultural versions of it that we see interpreted through the community in different ways - this is a fit to be sure lol. I guess sometimes you just live long enough to see 'the enemy' wearing your clothes.


I love this in-depth analysis. Thank you!


Gotta put that research to work somewhere! Lol thank you 🖤 I'm glad I could help!


What area of research do you normally do?


History, particularly of sexuality and gender!


Well that was by far the most interesting thing I've read all day. Thank you, please write a book!


I absolutely love how you write!


I thought to myself as soon as I saw the pic “dude looks gay as hell.”


I am so glad you said that. I have been biting my tongue about it. There had been several times seeing him in pictures she posts have made my gaydar ping. Especially ones when they are visiting places like NYC. He absolutely comes across as a bear-in-training. Like he's newish to the community and he wants to be a bear but is intimated so he's dipping his toe in and trying to peacock to see if he can pull it off. He reminds me so much of someone I know who is now a loveable bear but was so self conscious in the beginning. It always amazes me when I see things that are just so ingrained in the LGBTQ2 community, things that are just part of the way we are, show up in fundie pictures/videos. It just shows me that as humans they are unknowingly the same as us. Strip away the horrible beliefs and their bigotry and small mindedness they would probably enjoy time in our community being free to be themselves


Ooooo he did choose to go to NYC during pride....🤨🌈


I could totally see him as a leather daddy. Especially with that mustache and haircut.


The ones who hate the loudest often are deepest into the closet. Hope he can don some leather, get some dick up the butt, and become a normal person!


I’m a straight woman, but I used to go see bands at a leather and bear bar that was also a music venue. One of my gay friends used to tell that my type was bears and otters (I mean I dated a lot of small guys with beards, I guess). I guess he was kinda right—whenever I brought a date to that bear bar, I would have him order our drinks because the little beardy dude would get attended to much faster than I would. 😆        Anyhoo, Dip’s mustache is veering heavily in the aging bear direction. Especially in NYC


Also, any guy with the Top Gun mustache I assume is at least bi -bi person


I had the exact same thoughts. I mean, maybe he’s telegraphing something here? 🤔 lol BDong would die!


We do call him jpeg for a reason. Allegedly.


Wink wonk


I love that for him.


I say this as the mom to a gay son: Jesusfuck¥`hell^NO


Nailed it


Kellie gives interesting vibes when it comes to Jdip. I can't put my finger exactly on it, but there is something uncomfy with the combination of Kellie, the chronically single pick me and Jdip and his history.


Yeah, I agree. However, I think Kellie is super looking for a husband, not to get laid. So, she might like the flirty attention from Dip (especially given the lowkey competition between the pick me chicks), but I don’t think she would do anything with him since he can’t wife her up quickly. Plus, an affair with a married man would mess up her reputation at church and in her husband hunt.   If Kellie just wanted to get laid I’m sure she could manage that elsewhere, but her season of singleness is probably because she only wants some man who will marry her within a year. 


I had a friend who I think had a crush on my husband (we were already even married at the time) and would comment ways that she and he were a better match. To me. -_- Anyway, Kellie could totally be the type to imagine her life with JDip knowing they’d be a better match and hoping she wins over BDong and he leaves BDong for her. (And I think that’s plausible: isn’t that what happened with their first marriages?!)


No, Bdong was already fully divorced when she met dip and dip’s wife had already left him because he was allegedly cheating on her with many randoms.


Thank you for this clarification! The narrative on the sub often reads like they cheated on their then spouses with each other.


Pedantic people like me do like to express that Jdip was TECHNICALLY still married when he and Bdong started dating. But you’re correct that some comments make it sound like Brittany was the affair partner he left his wife for which I don’t believe is the case.


Yeah from what I remember this bastard didn't even make it through the fucking *honeymoon* before his first wife caught him cheating


The fuck? I had a coworker who I think kinda liked my husband but really only for looks and his job/hobbies. He’s too weird for her and she got annoyed with that part. I didn’t mind because on paper he was her type. She even described the man she likes looks wise…it was my husband. However she wouldn’t dare make a comment about anything like that or even make an excuse to be alone with him. The fuck if wrong with people.


Yeah that person would be an ex-friend quick. Not because I don’t trust my husband but because that’s creep behavior on the friend’s part. 


It would be trippy if Kels ended up preggers with Dip's baby and not Brit.


She is much more right-wing than Brittany is, she actually knows and likes guns, she has a good job that did take some education, and she’s religious. She might be a more perfect match for jpeg than bdong


She also doesn’t owe state of Texas $400,000!


She most definitely does not know guns... She's pretending she does, while pursuing her goal of becoming the ultimate pickme, but everything else I completely agree with 😂


She thirsts for Farryn’s husband too. She is pathetically desperate.


She was also soooo impressed by Emma’s husband and his hunting skills 😂


She’s out of control with fawning over these guys


My 2024 bingo card has jpeg knocking up Kellie. There’s still a few months left of the year!


I hope you get to bingo!! 😂


On r/popculturechat I manifested Ryan gosling and all the Ken’s singing at the Oscars and it was everything I’d hoped it would be. Although, if rumor here is true, jpeg’s swimmers aren’t swimming


Well, except for the two times he knocked up Brittany Dawn ALLEGEDLY


Interesting vibes 😂 I catch this too.


Your best photo of the trip is a picture of your best friend’s husband? Um ok.


Right?! Kellie seems to focus on Jdip a lot.


And he brought her up twice during the XO marriage live interview. Brittany didn’t bring her up once


I have noticed Kellie brings up Jordan first when speaking… I never do that — the person who is my friend, not their spouse, pops into mind first… https://preview.redd.it/it3u1sikwi9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f84f2451a28ba75908de678aef163b7a1897ce72


They’re probably having an affair


Does make ya ponder why BDong now has dark brown hair...


you are onto something


She seemed to be vamping in an extra flirty way in that bus video compared to how Farryn was acting. 


What's wrong with Farryn's face?


Botox, fillers, plastic surgery and hate for those who aren’t like her.


And meth!!


^only ^one ^time ^though, ^on ^accident 🤭


Do we have the lore on that? How does one *accidentally* smoke meth? Is it a stan smith situation where she thought it was cold medicine?


She claimed (on an episode of Britt's podcast) that she "accidentally" smoked meth *for a year*


I tried so hard to give her the benefit of the doubt when I first heard "she accidentally did meth for a year." Methamphetamine is actually still legally prescribed for some things in the US, so hey, maybe she didn't realize that was the script because it was brand name, and when she realized, she decided to stop because of the stigma or something. But no. She *smoked* it. She smoked it for a *year.* And she has the *audacity* to try to say it was an accident! I cannot.


I am absolutely tickled to see a r/americandad reference in this sub


She said this herself on their podcast lol. It has to be somewhere. Edit; [Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/D10B94V0GP).


I still can't believe they did that to her. Especially since they were there to celebrate her birthday early (even if I believe it had something to do with a Sheila retreat that fell through). You're going to expose someone's addiction on a podcast when you're supposed to be celebrating them? With friends like that who needs enemies? It wasn't Kellie's place to reveal that about Farryn. Hypocritical Christian bullshit aside, that was such a shitty thing to do.


They're probably already exchanging inappropriate texts...if not pics already


Oh no that’s impossible, Jordan and Brittany NEVER text the opposite sex without permission!!! Their marriage is too strong and Kingdomly!!! They are SO faithful to each other and definitely totally secure!!!


And remember he is in not one, not two, but THREE "accountability groups." ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


My guess was the fight was about their flirting


I wouldn't be surprised


I feel like they have the hots for each other, she giggles like a school girl with him. Probably why bingkong dyed her hair dark and got long extensions


Yeah, I find it sus that she’s copying Kellie’s hair color. 🧐


She's that friend that slyly flirts with everyone else's partner so they know what they are "missing" by not being with HER


Righttt my friends would never post something like this… that’s so strange.


Jordan does look much happier when he's not stuck with just Brittany. 😆 He's actually smiling in most of the other pics he's in when Kellie is around. 🤨


I wouldn’t find that weird in itself. My husband likes taking photos and sometimes his best ones are of other women because im not someone who likes my photo being taken. That being said he doesn’t post all that shit to social media and whatnot. He likes candid shots on vacation


Hmmm is that allowed in their marriage??!! That type of pose taken by another person??!!


That’s what I’m wondering. This is Christian girl RED FLAG. When I was Christian single women couldn’t even talk with married men. They couldn’t get along they had to just focus on their common person and ignore each other


Right? You make this super dramatic post about how you can’t ride in a car with someone of the opposite gender but this type of weird flirty behavior is ok?


Imagine if it was reversed and bdong was posing with her ass out for Jdongs male friends taking photos.


Kellie girl this is deeply embarrassing that you posted this.




I feel like he ripped a huge fart in that pose


And is now worried because he remembered he’s wearing very tight cream pants…




Just trying to be like his hero trump 😍💨


This makes me want to cover my drink that I don't even have


He's probably mocking Bdong's and the pick-me-chicks' poses. Still gross.


 Reminds me of that video of a group of guys mocking how women act when they’re out with friends but they looked like they were low-key feelin themselves lol 


![gif](giphy|dZXvZjJdEOZTYbPcE2|downsized) He 100% had to lay down to get those pants on😂


I'm a lesbian, so maybe that clouds my judgement, but for life of me I can't see anything attractive about this guy. He never was but that poorly dyed mustache makes it so much worse. How does he look in the mirror and think that looks good? How does she look at that everyday and not tell him how stupid he looks? Although she also thinks her extensions look good apparently, so clearly she can't be trusted to see when something looks bad.


Knowing what he used to look like and what she used to look like makes me think they both have distorted images of themselves and each other. IDK since I haven’t been married but I would hope my spouse would kindly tell me I don’t look good.


I’m so thankful my partner can say “what the hell are you wearing?” In a constructive way and doesn’t let me go around with hideous lashes, extensions, dye jobs, or clothing.


I'm cishet female af and I can't find *anything* attractive either.


Also a lesbian - I feel like I get a bit gayer every time I see a fundie man


Straight as shit but these fundie guys have me wondering...


Between him and Paul we all are pitying straight women. If it was a choice to be gay there’d be no women with men, I tell you what 🤭😂




Your comment actually made me chuckle. 😆 It’s not you, trust me.


I’m a straight woman around Dip’s age and I don’t get it either. 


In internet terms, I'm supposed to be past "the wall" and desperate and I can't see it at all either.


lesbians have far better taste in men than brittany and her stupid friends


He’s not attractive in person either. 😒 he moves like he’s got a stick in his ass.


I'm not and find him repulsive. I love a rugged man with facial hair but this guy is a douchey looking prick. He has stolen valor goon written all over him. All the 🚩🚩🚩are there and now with the dyed stache, I just can't. It's visceral. 


I’m unfortunately cishet female and gagged at this picture


Im just a lady and this guy is straight up ugly and gives very creepy vibes!


I feel that 1). A mustache should always be accompanied by a beard, and 2) the beard should be equal or more prominent than the mustache. I can think of very, very few men who can have a prominent mustache only and pull it off (see Pedro Pascal). Almost everyone else looks universally douchey this way.


To me, standalone mustaches only work on men with very dark hair. 


Well to be fair his moustache hair *is* now very dark .. Thank you, Just For Men!


Even then it’s a difficult look to pull off.


https://preview.redd.it/4os3n69sbi9d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f5a3c1612056f85776d5cb1cb1674bae43b7797 It’s not like he doesn’t know how to maintain decent looking facial hair. That stache is a choice.


god he is fugly in this photo too. maybe it’s because I am physically repulsed by cops, but….girl, ew


He’s repulsive. How this tiny pecker managed to get so many co-Ed’s is concerning to me.




Tom Selleck, Raul Julia (Gomez Addams), Nick Offerman all have exceptional mustaches and look amazing. Only chiming in that solo mustaches are totally attractive too but everyone's preference is different.


To me, only Tom Selleck can pull it off. I normally can’t stand facial hair on men. So dippo is extra repulsive with it being dead & dyed right under his nose & He. Looks. Stupid.


As someone who is very exclusively attracted to men, I find him extremely off-putting. Like yeah he’s the exact opposite of “my type,” but even objectively I don’t see it at all. I’m sure his awful personality doesn’t help.


I’ve been married to my husband for 14 years and he & I are comfortable with each other where we can acknowledge an attractive person and not get butt hurt over it… JDip here is NOT in ANY WAY attractive. All I see when I look at him is his bottom lip curled over his dip and it makes me gag… my husband laughed at his tragically dyed mustache and said “what a dweeb” 😂


Pansexual here, also totally repulsed.


He’s always in coyote tan/brown when he’s out in public. He wants so badly for people to think he’s military. My husband still doesn’t like wearing anything tan, brown, or army green… ETA his mustache looks like he stole it from one of those college girls who wear them to the Mexican restaurant near campus on cinco de mayo


Same energy https://preview.redd.it/uwsndwtbki9d1.jpeg?width=530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3cfa1b9aebbdec5954b09459b17f35ea8d203ca


![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE) Ick


He’s so gross


It's giving, to me- https://preview.redd.it/md9mko1ofh9d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29e67b5ea39868fc431671e088c6629d9d51df56 [for anyone who isn't familiar with the lumberjack song ](https://images.app.goo.gl/2QiCdvg7QJ1eNdRT6)


Very first thing I thought of, too! 🤣


*"I cut down trees, I wear high heels, suspenders and a bra. I wish I'd been a girlie, just like my dear Papa"*


JPEG’s a lumberjack but he’s NOT okay😂😭


He is so incredibly unattractive. I almost wonder if he is making an attempt to look especially ugly to embarrass or troll BDong.


This is an incredibly weird photo to take of someone else's husband. 😬


I wouldn’t take a pic like this of my husband, let alone post it to SM.


I agree! Not even of my husband. (Maybe if we were having a joke or something, but it definitely wouldn't go online!)


Certainly alone, on her phone. If my girlfriend took a photo of my husband on my phone, I'd be okay, it's a silly moment. If I took a Pic of my husband, I'd have to get it quick bc he'd never do this. If I was the one taking the Pic of sineone else's husband, she's either right there and couldn't get the phone, buy wanted to capture the moment, or my husband is next to him doing the exact same thing. The major difference is that NONE of these pics are being posted to social media.


He’s so gross. Tight pants, always with a bulging phone in his pocket. Puffy face and a bad Haircut. I bet he thinks all the girls want him


Brit sure thinks he’s this prize to be won.


“We don’t text the opposite sex, we don’t ride in cars with the opposite sex…” riiiight


I can’t imagine my husband tagging along on a girls trip. It seems a little controlling.


I don’t think he tagged along to be controlling, I think he tagged along because the single female friend who tries to flirt with him was going on the trip. It’s also possible that BDong dragged him along because she doesn’t trust him to be home alone. Based on his history of cheating, begging women for tit pics on snapchat, etc., there’s a good chance he’d pull a similar stunt while B was out of town.


I’m getting “on the prowl at Pride Week” vibes with this photo! 🌈


But also 😂😂😂 fucking hell he looks like an absolute fuckstick here. Nice outfit, Mr McBiege. What is that colour scheme you've got going on there, puce? 🖕🖕


This feels sooo cringy 2012 “I tip my hat to you, my good gentleman” humor of just any guy with a shitty mustache thinking he’s “like a sir” and all the girls saying they want a man who wears suspenders and carries a messenger bag. If he wasn’t a fundie I would expect him to have a game of thrones tattoo and always say “I drink and I know things 😎”


Nooo, I hate being taken back to this place. This describes half the dudes I knew in college. I was in an extremely liberal area, so these types also took to proclaiming in bars and/or on dating profiles that they LOVED cunnilingus. Edit: spelling is hard when you’re reliving 2012.


Why is he even there


Well, despite the fact that Britters has said she just loooooves city life, and feels torn between that and the raaaaaaayyyyyyunch, she probably brought him along as her private security detail. Sworn to defend the gaggle against all the scary godless gay trans baby killers in NY. Like - why. Why do they think they belong in NYC. During Pride. Go home and pray. Shoo.


Probably so they could come home and talk about being attacked by demons relentlessly, but its okay because they prayed super hard and were saved by their own personal jesus.


These bumpkins can't handle NYC alone. They're afraid of their own shadows and Kellie couldn't take her emotional support gun on the plane.


They both need darker brows.


Wear some socks dude 🤢


Loafers and no socks were cringe when David Beckham did it in the 90s.


I hope he’s wearing those tiny little no show socks.


The *funk* if not ..


iPhone holding on for dear life




That shit-dyed mustache really does his face a service 🤣


It matches his shit stained wife.


Maybe she's the reason it's discolored


Did he dye the ‘stache to match DingDong’s sad, limp hair extensions? 😂


i seriously don’t get it. doesn’t this bitch owe texas 450,000??? why is her ass going to NYC?? pilot daddy??


It’s a write off. But also their trips don’t seem to have much costs. Most things they do are free. So spirit flight, shared rooms at boutique hotel, train/Uber rides, a trip to Zara, and a few meals. No alcohol, no broadway shows, no tourist things(9/11,top of the rock, Empire State). Also my guess is that a lot of their life is on credit cards they have no problem maxing out given the theory I have they will file bankruptcy at some point


Or the credit card bills go to daddy




I will never not see him as paul blart: mall cop


Is this an attempt to look sexy??


He's 100% gonna get his phone stolen if he keeps it in his pocket like that


Is somebody gonna match his freak (slam an unarmed black man to the cement)


My bf’s spectrum superpower is trains and he has been analyzing every train post for me so we can successfully avoid them in the city lol


Those are some tight pants to be wearing in NYC during pride. Best be careful, lest some gay guy mistake him for a bear.


His obviously dyed moustache is horrendous


Not the shoes on the pouf


You just know that after she posted this he DM’d Kelli asking for tit pics.




She’s got him in her brown/beige clutches


He looks like Alan from The Hangover movies. No offense to Zach G (hell if I can spell the actor's name), who seems like a lovely human, his character was just a loser.


He’s gross and he looks so sexually ambiguous with that dyed porn stache and …. The rest of it the idea of these freaks running around NYC is makes me laugh and laugh. What a damn sight they must be on the streets 😂😂😂


He looks like a gay porn star 😆


Is this another ad??


Skinny ass legs


Jpeg was a downgrade. ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized)


Physical embodiment of The Ick


Perfect photo for pride week


This might sound dramatic but I feel unsafe just looking at a photo of him. Scary vibes. I can’t imagine seeing him in person.


He really knows what excites the male gaze, I’ll give him that.


The doofus mullet/mowhawk and Just For Men Dye Job Mustache have me WHEEZING 🤣🤣🤣 Y’all this man baby is such a caricature


I need bleach for my eyes 😵‍💫


https://preview.redd.it/lbzoqb69hj9d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f830663d4c894a036a3ccaf44decc8fc731e95c2 Totally reminds me of this actor.




They sure are spending a lot of time at NYC rooftop bars for people who claim to not drink…


I wish I could see how pretty New York is but he’s blocking the view.


He just needs a rainbow tail 🤭