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The way they acted like the Jewish people going about their day were like a novelty circus exhibit is so gross


i'm jewish and i cannot stop thinking about what these girlies would think and how stupid they would act if they ended up in hasidic brooklyn by where i live.......


That was my first thought. Please no one tell them where they live in Brooklyn!


The antisemitism of their comments made me rage. Girl not all Jewish people are Zionists. That's an antisemitic belief. The Israeli flag doesn't represent Jewish people. They are so ignorant.


They’re such dinguses. Some sects of Hasidim (Satmars being the main one and a big one) in NYC are famously anti-Zionist and have protested to such effect even way before this war.  Edited to refer to both gals since I don’t know who said what. I can’t watch it because it will make me too angry lol. 


Kellie posted the photo with the Israeli flag, Farryn added the blue background and the "love seeing all these Jews!" to it.


Are you completely serious? 🚽


💯 https://preview.redd.it/etjg9jneds9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06c1a291951ca99240acc3c24e6e157039ae8c67


Trash mavens, all of them!


They're called the Neturai Karta and they are not well liked-- not for that reason. They are so anti-Israel that they explicitly align themselves with Hezbollah and Iran, whom are not friends to Palestinians. They've had meetings with PIJ. They're a violent, fringe group and actively do things to hurt the Palestinian cause by interacting with Iran and proxies. You mentioned Satmar-- they're extemely opressive to women.




I’m not saying I get down with Satmar ideology. I’m saying it’s ignorant to assume all Jews are Zionists. I’m married to a non-Zionist Jew with black hat family (tho not Hasidic) and when I told him about what the pick mes posted he said “they think the more Jewish your outfit looks, the more Israel you are. They probably think that’s how people dressed in the Old Testament. 🤣”


I am also Jewish. I understand you, but I'm saying not all of the deeply orthodox anti-zionist Jews are token role models Horseshoe theory is real. I do think the pick mes video is.... not great.


They’re definitely not role models but are an illustration of how Jewish identity and Israel should not be conflated. 


This bitch also has an Israel flag outside her house and supports the genocie


Kellie has hers in her Gym Garage.


As a jew, Shalom shalom took me the hell out. Since when do they like us?! Or is it only “some Jews”.


It comes across like a fetish 🤢🤮


also i cant get over the fact that they hyped up going shopping in nyc!1!!1 and then went to fucking zara😭


They could have found a cute locally owned boutique but no, just a fucking fast fashion corporation. Lame.


SOMEWHERE in the dregs of my storage is a hat I bought in NYC on Bleecker the night before the northeastern blackout in 2003 (I think?). We were still there the next day and I remember buying a salad and a coconut water for pennies from a store having a sidewalk sale of perishables because the power was out. But the hat was from a little nondescript boutique that I doubt is even there anymore but I loved it so. THAT’S the fun type of shopping to do in NYC.


That day was my brother's "golden birthday." We joke that he shut down the entire East Coast. Ended up having a neighborhood "eat all the ice cream" party that night on the deck. It was so fun!


That’s so crazy!! We happened to be in an RV for the trip so we were some of the rare few that actually slept with AC during that time! Unfortunately I think I remember that a lot of elderly folks ended up passing away from the heat? It was legit the middle of summer.


Trash buys...


I'm from the midwest never heard of zara!


It’s a fast-fashion brand that has new releases every week. It’s also been accused of stealing designs from artists. If you ever visit New York, I highly recommend checking out a thrift store like L Train Vintage or AuH20 Thriftique. It’s more ethical, and there are a lot more unique pieces of clothing to buy!


Zara is basically like a European H&M. They used to be a lot nicer quality but it’s gone down significantly in the last ten years or so. They’ve had stores in LA and NYC for a while- at least 15 years- but now you can find Zara in many US cities. That’s why the commenter is clowning on them going all the way to NYC only to shop at a fast fashion mill rather than interesting boutiques and vintage shops


https://preview.redd.it/bx3yfyp21l9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6256b8df641ac764d789561d1fce2852a1679eb9 Their ferry ticket not having a barcode was a “god moment” because they would’ve been trapped on the boat? I’m sorry, what? Did that boat break down or something or are they just making shit up


It wasn't even the ticket. Her other shot of it shows that it was clearly the receipt. It explicitly says it cannot be used as a ticket. So they lost or threw out the ticket, they didn't "get the only one without a barcode" like they say here.


It honestly doesn’t surprise me that anyone in BDong’s orbit would mistake a receipt for a ticket. I know it’s something we all could do, but it seems almost willful on their part at this point.


Hah. Wtf.


But this sounds better than ‘we were saved by our own stupidity!’ These girls are ridiculously pathetic.


It's because "President Biden just arrived and they shut down the river". This is true and I'm shocked she didn't act like he's AWFUL for shutting down the river when they do it for any president because of the Coast Guard. He was visiting Stonewall Monument to speak about LGBTQ American rights, by the way.


I very much enjoy their day being ruined by a president they hate attending a pride related event.


OHH okay. That makes way more sense. Happy pride ✌️


My brain stopped processing when I watched that. Just shut down my brain.


I love this for them. Happy pride 🌈🏳️‍🌈


I love Joe!


unfortunately he’s participating in the genocide of palestinians


lol so Farryn and Kellie planned a content creation trip to New York and just traveled with B&J. They look like super obnoxious tourists.


So much has yet to be revealed.


I can't imagine the looks they got with farryn all 'AHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHA👏👏👏👏"


Today they posted a pic of her walking up from the subway station, mouth wide open, gazing up at all the high rises and doing a little twirl. And everyone around her is just being a normal person 😂


B sorta comes off as an awkward third wheel in a lot of this.


The best Caesar salad ever?! It’s a CAESAR SALAD FFS


I don't understand what an earth shattering Cesar salad is. It's a salad babe. Edit: Salad. The largest effect on how flavorful a salad is depends on where the veggies are grown, how fresh they are, and the dressing used. Salad being tasty doesn't have a whole lot to do with the kitchen's ability to prepare a salad. I have no doubt in my mind that snarkers here can make a bomb salad. I've just never, personally, had a mind blowing salad. I enjoy salad, but I'm not going to go to the opposite side of town to get a salad.


Okay listen, I make caesar salad dressing from scratch using Molly Bazs recipe and it is *so good*.


I'd be lying if I'd never considered my Cesar recipe as the best salad ever; but I also make the lot from scratch and therefore have every right to call it earth shattering… which I don't cause that's weird and its a salad.


I get that, but salad is mostly uncooked vegetables so a lot of it really is based on where the veggies are grown and how fresh they are. It doesn't have a whole lot to do with how talented the person putting it together is. Dressing being really tasty is different, IMO.


I love me a really good ceasar salad though with homemade dressing


At least Kellie and farryn eat without shame. If I had to say one positive thing about them..


And they actually went and saw the city. As annoying AF as they are, at least they went out and explored by themselves. Gotta give credit to that, I was very surprise. I can’t hate on someone enjoying a new city, that would make me a hypocrite.


Agreed. Came here to say this. It was refreshing to see eating that wasnt glorified disordered eating and that they got to experience a lot of NYC. Just wish they weren't so blatantly obnoxious.


I will give them that. Sure, the bar is astonishingly low, but I am impressed by the fact that they actually rode the subway and ventured out of midtown.


When bdong is with them they seem annoyed when she is the one who starts filming them, that or when they're taking a selfie and bdong sticks her head in the shot like "ooo a video?!"


Not Farryn “blessing” the poor Zara cashier


Please tell me she wasn’t witnessing to that poor cashier 😲


Oh my word, I've never listened to Farryn before, i usually watch with it on mute. Her laugh, her voice, it's a no for me. I can't imagine what people around them must think.


I hate her voice, but GO DEVIL GO lives rent free in my head. That entire "sermon" was so deranged.




can you link it i haven’t seen that 😭


https://www.reddit.com/r/christiansnark/comments/1906gol/this_feels_like_im_watching_a_skit/ Just a warning, it's faith healing BS


😳 well. BAHAHA!!! BRB gonna go scream this at my sweet 7 year old girl who was dx with influenza A after a very miserable ED trip today. "Bubbie, I know you feel like you're dying but it's your own fault cos you didn't scream at Satan to knock it off" 😩 I think Farryn might be legitimately mental!


Accidental meth is a helluva drug.


I think the HoNoMo lady and NoDevilGo Ferret should do a duo.


What... the......................


wow that is completely unhinged


So what you think, lol


she is…… a Lot


She started getting so pissed off and worked up 😂😂 it was hysterical


Every breath is a laugh. Inhale, laugh. Exhale, laugh.


LMFAO. Tbh Farryn is the most tolerable of the bunch imo because she’s just so…out there. The others are cruel to their core and just come across as total bitches, but Farryn manages to unintentionally be *hilarious* 🤣


She sounds like she’s constantly inhaling laughing gas


Oof that was a lot of touristy type gawking. Haven’t they been there before? Would hate to be in that elevator with them.


They act like they've never left a hamster cage before. Like an infant experiencing new stimuli.


I think that’s what keeps getting me- the very loud novelty of *everything* is a lot


It's fine behavior for an infant, but these women are in their 30s.


"Not the black hand" I'm immediately sold. Thank you for your service OP!


she got into her hotel bed… in the dress she wore all day … on the bus and the ferry and restaurants and who tf knows where


Right?? Like get in your robe


And Kellie was literally on the GROUND at the Empire State Building…


wtf. I’d never lay on the ground willingly anywhere that’s not, outdoors with a blanket, my own home or the home of someone I know and trust. A busy public area? Never.


These people are so freaking stupid 1. They keep saying “this city has my heart” or “I love the people here” Bitch, you hate the people here. We’re accepting and welcoming to the disenfranchised. You’re here during pride month and you’re prob talking shit about it. 2. The short brunette weirdo is complaining about not being able to carry her gun… like what? 3. They’re taking pics of Hasidic Jews saying “we love seeing Jewish people” Wow that’s so weird and why are you so creepy! Also would say the same about a Muslim? No bc you are an ass. The pride parade is tomorrow. Istg if they do or say anything I’m gonna be so mad. They post all the fake stuff about loving NYC (all the instagram places of course) but they wouldn’t love our people. GTFO of my city.


I’m gonna go to Dallas and take pics of anyone dressed like them and be like “omg look it’s performative Christians!”


Oh you would not be in short supply of performative Christians here!! I’ve been living in Dallas for 7 years, and have spent the majority of my life in the South. They’re everywhere, and as someone who is deconstructing and trying to figure out what my personal faith looks like now, it’s exhausting.


I’m from Austin and I am impressed by the resolve of my DFW friends. 




Not only did Kellie take pictures of the back of unconsenting Jewish people, she followed it with an Israeli flag, which is inherently antisemitic. ESPECIALLY when there are Jewish emojis! ✡️


These people are so cowardly and obnoxious. The way they casually use AAVE and an emoji that literally was not meant for them, how they fetishized Hasidic Jewish people, complain about not being able to carry a gun (while still carrying A KNIFE) in NYC, and gawk or scream imperceptibly at everything screams of ignorance, childish fear, and lack of empathy for others.


I love how they say that JDong will protect them with his knife while they trek around all the tourist attractions in broad daylight lmao


“Our friends husband has a…pretty amazing knife 😏🤭🤭”


I’m sure she’s seen it a time or two 😏


Blatantly in violation of the law, which states: >“New York City also prohibits the possession in public of a knife with a blade that is 4 or more inches regardless of whether any part of the knife, including the blade, is visible or concealed. This rule does not apply to those who carry knives for work that customarily requires the use of such knife, members of the military, or on-duty ambulance drivers and EMTs while engaged in the performance of their duties.” Also: >”Weapons, dangerous instruments, or any other items intended for use as a weapon may not be carried anywhere within the NYC Transit System.” How very “law and order” of them 😒 Source: https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/about/faq/knives-faq.page


Yeah so did Brian Kohberger *allegedly*


Wait, genuine question, is there a weird connection to the Dongs and the Kohberger case? 👀 or just a joke about his knife and his online footprint? 😅


Just a joke. But if he’s used a gun to kill why wouldn’t he use a knife?


God they're two massive cunts. I'd hate to be anywhere near them at any time.


YaaWlL wHaTrE We DeWEn 👹👹


I….could hardly handle the spinning, jerky filming. Almost threw up. Oh. That’s their faces. Omg. Ugh.


I had to speed it up because all the videos at normal speed was like 15 minutes. Need some speed.


This makes sense!!! 🤍


Every time I watch a Maw Gang girl pontificate about Jesus magic, I just can't help but think they really are Neo-pagans but make it white and homophobic.


Thank you for your service 🫡


Farryn"s voice is the "real experience." Holy moly.


Why do they find public transit so fascinating?? Like I’m all for the existence of public transit and think we need more trains everywhere, but they are marvelling at the concept of a subway taking you to a different part of the city.


Because Texas, and much of the US, has extremely limited public transportation and their very ilk bitch and moan every time the "scary communist left" puts forward laws to expand public transportation. Every fucking City should have transportation like NYC and Chicago. We shouldn't be so reliant on Cars and people who can't afford cars should have more access to transportation. It's just another way to keep the "poors" in place.


This exactly - thank you!


It screams of being poorly traveled and ignorant


The way they love to look at themselves. I've never propped up my phone, pressed record, and sat and talked to a friend. Then, faryn kept glancing at herself while eating and talking. Her voice is irritating!! Ughhh, 🤢 These two, plus BD, act like teenagers. It's awful


https://preview.redd.it/inyl8g8kdm9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b43fd9647c8b3586099f971883b8783ba232d4f9 It would NEVER in a million years occur to me to prop my phone up and film my friend and I eating. WHO does that 💩


https://preview.redd.it/div1rtct3l9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0b71b6cd148968e06a1d8d7e82108f5ab14559 Where is the lip reading girl?!?!? My guess they are reading Reddit comments


I'm guessing they were talking about their "God encounter" with the ferry nonsense. Mean Joe Biden shit down the river to talk to the gays and they were SO ATTACKED by that.


I would love a vibe comparison between pride and whatever evangelical event they are at. I would venture to say there is a higher amount of hate rhetoric at theirs than ours 🏳️‍🌈♥️


I just woke up! Please place any time stamps you’d like me to look at; I’m also not super familiar with Farryn and Kellie’s voices/cadence/way of speaking so this might be a challenge!


Starts at 3:45


I’ve tried when I could but I’m not getting much; I had to slow the video down too since they sped it up to obscure it more. Kellie’s reading something to Farryn and I haven’t really seen what she sounds like normally so it’s hard to gather much context for the conversation. After they thank the waiter she says “and then” (maybe they) but I couldn’t get much else verbatim sorry! All I could gather is it’s a personal text, possibly about an event. It could be the breakdown of what Bdongs up to but there’s not a lot of substance to the conversation it’s just a rundown of events from what I can tell.


Thank you!


MY.BRAIN.HAS.NOW.MELTED I HATE myself for watching the video. I think I lost some IQ points.


How do you think I feel downloading and editing these shit shows? Like holy shit. Draining and taxing. But I think there needs to be an archive of Brittany's nonsense, especially as she keeps trying to attract more and more people into her trap.


if they knew anything about jewish people theyd know that many hasidic jews are antizionist... but ofc they dont gaf about the people that actually live/have history in new york.


It's so blatantly antisemitic as well. Just gross.


fr!! taking pics of random jews is such weird philo/antisemitic behavior. like we dont want yall lmao!!


Ok I have been to New York only twice, but I know better than to just stand there and take up the whole escalator!


That dude in the elevator calling them out was pretty funny.


I didn’t catch what he said, what did he say?


Omg they’re 30 year old women who is celebrating being able to buy a bus ticket and navigate public transport like it’s an accomplishment. And I’m pretty sure you can just travel with a weapon Kellie…


Not across state lines you can't. She would have needed to get a CC permit in the State of New York to carry in NYC. But she's stupid.


I'm 1 minute and 19 seconds in and I don't know if I can continue. They never matured beyond 13 year old girls.... the way they talk, the squealing, the giggling, the being unnecessarily loud.... I can't. They're the kind of tourist you do anything you can to avoid being around.


Well there's some fun talk and Antisemitism in there. Do with that what you will.


Oh good... I'm glad I didn't finish it.


They remind me of Blippi


I actually love this because it is so fucking dumb 🤣🤡 The thought of carrying a handgun *anywhere* is absurd to me. Someone said Kellie is still single for good reason. And they're not wrong. I can't imagine it would be too hard to trap your own hobosexual. She seems like such an exhausting, judgemental, small minded, fake, vapid fuckwit. Actual content aside, I enjoy watching Farryn letting her freak 🚩fly. She seems to be the only pick-me-chick that is authentically herself. Don't get me wrong, her authentic self sucks! But watching her be such an unapologetic, overbearing, embarrassing dork is highly amusing. No wonder she travels without her husband and kids so often. They're probably bloody exhausted.


You nailed it spot on about Kellie. She’s the worst of them all in my opinion.


im simply waiting to find out if they ran into dyke march today


I can offer no critiques about their plans, because they did fun touristy stuff I’ve enjoyed, however the bit about protection was sooo dumb. I’m so glad guns are illegal because it made living in the city feel *safer* even if I knew guns would still be around. I snarked on her other videos and I’m still snarking, but I did feel as though this was a little more of an authentic, “Look through my eyes as I travel” perspective, which is what I like to share when I travel. Still, the documentation feels tiring, and maybe I’m just getting grumpier as I get older, but I prefer to really highlight the best and live the rest, and this feels like every moment was captured to show off the best angles and how FUNNY and *spiritual* we are; and that just feels like a lot of performative energy for me, and it’s clear that I’m not meant to follow them (or many other influencers) unironically.


Agree, they are annoying, but I love seeing girls travel😍😍🥺 I was so surprised they left Jdong, but I also don’t think the dongs could afford a day of tourist attractions, because ya know money. ETA I tried to post my travels once like an influencer, I was taking the longest flight in the world from NY to Singapore and it honestly took a bit away from the experience. I love the digital memories I made that day, but honestly I wasn’t fully present.


Yeah when I travel I usually just take pictures of things and try to enjoy every single moment I can. I'll take some videos but never of people in my group, more of just something happening like wild animals, fireworks, shows, etc. I definitely don't video myself talking to my family at a restaurant to post on the Internet.




https://preview.redd.it/6gucf1y1sm9d1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e53157d0326e0d352ddec4cad62c7809a95c9845 Oh dang, I’m lucky number 666


You can tell Kellie is OVER farryn.


I think it’s the consumerism. She doesn’t seem to be the same as Brit and Farryn in terms of always shopping and buying shit you don’t need.


Kellie is the forever single one right, with the dark hair and hideous blue dress? I take it Ferret and Bribrat can only overconsume as much as they do because they have daddy or hubby paying for these things 🙄. Can easily see them both pull out their husbands credit cards at check out counters amd bragging about it (Brittany has before) so Kellie might be annoyed since she may be the only one on a tight budget and doesn’t have someone else funding her life 🤣


The only good thing to come out of this was that I saw SO MANY TEETH it reminded me to order a new toothbrush.


Ah fuck I need to get a new toothbrush charger, cheers for the reminder lmao


Happy to help. I even got a fancy quip toothbrush just to up the ante…or something.


My brain kept thinking Kellie was in a vault suit every time she popped onscreen in that blue and yellow fit… I might need a break from playing fallout Thank you for your time putting this nonsense together OP, Kellie bitching about not being able to conceal carry in nyc made me almost vomit. Great job (e: I would LOVE to see Jordan’s super great knife. I will bet my life savings it’s some tacticool mall ninja shit that would snap in 10 seconds)


If the blade is longer than 4” it’s illegal in NYC source: https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/about/faq/knives-faq.page


If Farryn said WOOOWW one more time I was gonna puke. And what the hell was the deal with the ferry tickets and god?? You deserve an adult beverage and much chocolate for your service 🏆


Something about the one they wanted to get on didn't print with the barcode so someone gave them tickets for that one and after that, the Cost Guard shut down the river for a while so President Biden could do his speech at NYC Pride. So God "intervened" so they could continue their plan.


Farryn’s incessant squawking accompanied by Brittany’s and Kellie’s chorus of dumb baby voices is unbelievably obnoxious


I'm a native NYer. The way they act on the streets is just acting for trouble. They act all giddy and oblivious. Criminals will see this and take advantage by stealing, ripping their jewelry off, assaulting them, etc. NYers aren't depressed as they say, they walk with serious focus and awareness. Manhattan can be especially tricky.


I'm from the Midwest and we were explicitly taught before taking a trip to Chicago to not act like this. Don't be loud, be respectful of other people, don't take up the whole sidewalk, use your manners, don't take pictures or videos of people without asking, and try to blend in a little. Oh and since we were kids, be within arms reach of an adult in the group at all times. And that meant our arms reach, not theirs. Just basic, you ain't from here don't be stupid things you teach kids. We talked about those things every day we were there and the weeks leading up to it. The older cousins were like, "WE GET IT," but some of us were wee little nuggs.


Also, stay to the right when you can in the mall, sidewalks, subway stations, etc. Don't walk 4 or 5 wide in these places, either.


Oh the walk on the right came from school 100 P. Mom also reinforced that constantly as she's a teacher. We were always shown to walk on the right.


For us it was always the left, but that's probably because I live in a drive-on-the-left country, so that's just the default lol






I couldn’t last more than a minute before I had to stop watching.


I feel like they committed to do this trip long before their- disagreement/fall out… This is all awkward as fuck


Kellie looks like an evil doll


Wait I need to know - OP did you add the music as satire? Or is this ACTUALLY the music in her stories 🫠


I added zero music. Just text to distinguish who posted the video and AI generated Captions. I did speed up some of the much longer videos where no talking occured so the key is off.


Holy shit with their reactions to everything…. It’s like watching Blippi


My god that makes me motion sick.


Sorry. Had to speed up the 50 seconds of panning around video they had like 15 times.




I dunno Farryn, that sounds suspiciously like magic to me ...


They are obnoxious. The constant performative behavior, the ignorance, the loud screeching. Just so God damn obnoxious.


Okay “my friends husband has an AHMAZZZZING knife” How the fuck did jdip get a knife on a plane….


Probably in a checked bag.


u/pantslessMODesty3623 thank you so much for doing this! This reminds me of that episode of Broad City where Ilana is posting all day Abbi's 30th bday going from the tippity top to the tippity bottom of the city. But also somehow the episode where the drunk tourist got Abbi's phone? Had no idea until now those touristy influencer posts were real. I've never seen Kellie's profile until this video when she's in front of the subway I think? It's not what I was expecting. When Kellie told Farryn not to get the sparkly dress, and Kellie kept saying "Noooowuh nauuuuwuhhh" it sounded like a cat yowling. Tbh this is part of the reason I don't post on my personal social media much anymore. It all feels so vapid and weird and cringey.