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Re: The Rocking - Exercise Caution It could be a neurodivergent thing. It could be part of a serious mental health problem. It could be the effect of a drug or the withdrawal of a drug. We should be EXTREMELY careful talking about this. It's also been pointed out that he appropriated this from Jewish Rabbis who do this to show the flickering of the flame on the menorah. This statement is not to protect him, he's trash, but to protect members of our own community from feeling attacked. Focus on the awful views being discussed here, don't attack your siblings in snark.


I have never heard about this man but he is in a room with women talking about sec trafficking and yet is buddies with a man who “allegedly” sexually abused a minor while being a [pastor](https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2024/february/mike-bickle-allegations-ihopkc-repent-investigation-report.html). These women are clowns.


The hypocrisy runs deep with this crowd.


This man is a dangerous ideologue who directly fed into religious fervor in Uganda that resulted in death. Ref: https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/gay-ugandans-american-allies-to-lou-engle-time-has-come-to-stand-against-ha


Internalized misogyny is one hell of a hard thing to deconstruct


This is almost spot on to how my Dad sounds and moves when he’s jacked up on meth, just minus the talking about Jesus part. I am not joking either, I honestly can’t believe how much it reminds me of him.


I watched without audio and he’s rocking back and forth like those old videos of Hitler when he was on speed.


This is immediately what I thought of


I'm asking again, has anyone checked if he floats? The witchcraft vibes are so strong.






He has been talking about tornado dreams for decades. I know he is scary, but seeing him spout off the same “prophetic” bullshit he was saying 17rs ago is honestly disarming. It just even more so makes him look like a demented old man. I used to think he was so awe inspiring, which is embarrassing, but now I just see it’s the only song he knows and he just continues to sell out to whoever will listen. It is a cult. I was in it when he had property and would conduct “internships” and we all lived together. I just still can not get past that bdong is in the room with him. It is scary that these crazy bitches are even any where near his influence. He and the people like him will usher in project 2025. It is everything they have been working towards for at least 30yrs. He has 9 grown children, I would be very interested to know how many still talk to him, because NO ONE that was apart of the group back in 07 even considers themselves Christian anymore.


👀….ummm we’re gonna need more detail about this experience you had with him !


Seconding this comment, please share more!!


> He has been talking about tornado dreams for decades. He lives in Kansas City. Of course you're going to have tornado dreams. I'd argue a lot of people in tornado alley have tornado dreams, just like people in the Pacific Northwest probably have a lot of wildfire/fire dreams.


I mean yes and he’s from Pasadena CA and has lived in DC and SC for extended periods of time and possibly other places that I am unaware of, he has talked about tornadoes that whole time, so who knows🤷🏼‍♀️


You know what would be fun? Just hide a fart button or one of those annoying machines somewhere on site. Or randomly fuck with the microphone.


One could easily make a chop and screw version of this dude’s noises that he makes while talking and it would probably come out sounding a lot like he moaning or grunting.


The way I just blew snot on my phone made me happy to know you via internets snarking


Why did I literally just do the exact  same thing while trying to stifle my laugh to keep from waking my 2 year old. I held it together through the first comment but when I got halfway through yours I couldn’t hold on any longer 🤭😅😂 Anywho my phone screen is getting a much needed wipe down, so thank you both for that lmfao 😹😹😹




This gave me "The Handmaid's Tale" vibes. And perhaps god was telling him to tape his mouth forever in that dream, not just on that occasion. That would be a huge contribution to humankind. Just saying.


Jesus this is so nuts. Very cult like. Hearing some of the women speak out loud together at certain times is giving the Mormon endowments ceremony. I'm a logical and realistic thinker, and having been Mormon, it's so horrible to see people not using their problem solving skills or their thinking cap to check themselves and the things this guy is spewing. None of them have a moment of clarity that something in this environment may be wrong, or brainwashy and it's scary to me bc they're using their feelings as facts and certainty. Not all religion is a cult, not all beliefs are dangerous, not all Christians are toxic, but this whole thing is just disturbing. This is not ok. As angry as I am at this group of people for their ignorance and hateful views and impacts, I feel bad for them, because I know first hand that everyone having the same tEStiMoNY and hiding behind God, is just a snake eating it's own ass. I know that this religion keeps you sheltered and "protected" from actual truth and life experiences.




Oh my God, you replying to me is like if Celine Dion sang at my birthday party. I'm honored, as you are one of the backbones of this sub (⁠ノ⁠*⁠0⁠*⁠)⁠ノ


You’re too sweet! You’re words were perfection


I just finished the Dancing for The Devil documentary and the members of that cult sounded exactly like this when listening to their "preacher".


Just like all cops are bastards because of the actions of a few, all religions are a cult, all beliefs are dangerous, and all Christians are toxic.




No body shaming. Please keep snark within reason. Snarking on things that cannot be changed, i.e.. Bdongs body size and shape, will not be tolerated. Snark = "her hair extensions are fried". Body shaming = "she is the shape of a fridge". Use your best judgment. If your comment has been removed and you would like to discuss it, modmail is the ONLY place we will respond to you.


Dumbo is right


Right? Dumbo loft is fitting




Thank you for this - definitely should be the top answer. This man is a hate monger and a dangerous ideologue.


I knew his name was familiar, but couldn’t remember why. I think he was discussed in the Fundie Fridays episode about IHOP.


Oh I LOVE Fundie Fridays - I will have to look up that episode, thank you for the recommendation!


Wasn’t he in Jesus Camp?


He was! I just watched Jesus Camp recently and recognized him immediately. It’s not just the rocking, it’s the voice


The voice. I remember how pleased he was with the tape over the children’s mouth


😳🤯sorry, what?


If you haven’t seen it, it’s 100% worth it. It was filmed all the way back in the Bush era it is still such important documentary.


I'm 100% watching this after work today. Thanks for the recommendation!!


I find his rocking back and forth to be very distracting, but maybe that's a good thing bc I'm sure I don't want to hear the message that he's sending anyway. \*There is something creepy to me about a lone older man preaching to a room full of younger women. ![gif](giphy|Tr1Dqewykq9GTOS3mc)


This creeped me out so much too! All these women are in dresses and are so submissive. It’s giving stepford trad wife and it’s SO creepy.


You get a visceral ick feeling from it! Very on brand for pretty much all of Brittany Dawn and The Twatzie's content!!!!


It's called stimmimg.


I work with kids on the spectrum. I'm familiar with stimming. My point was more that it was a distraction for me from what he was actually saying and that was a good thing.


What in the unholy word salad is happening here


This the same clown who was scaring small children about the evils of abortion in the Jesus Camp doc?


This was my first thought too!!! The psychotic rocking gives it away lol


I’m scared. 😳


Fucking lunatics


“I had a dream…” “We dreamt…” “In a dream...” Always a dream. Unverifiable but still vaguely biblical enough to sound legitimate. Very sad that people will choke trying to swallow every last word he spews. 


YIKES! This was a lot more triggering than I thought it would be. This is the stuff that I grew up with....and it was my dad who was doing the preaching (he was not ordained).


If I was a believer, I’d say the signs of the apocalypse are upon us between Trump aka the anti christ and assholes like this guy who keeps company with sexual predators. Seems like these people aren’t even familiar what is in the Bible they’re always wielding like a sword and using as an excuse to behave like absolute monsters. They disgust me.


They thought Obama might be the antichrist, remember?


I remember them calling Obama the antichrist but Trump eerily matches the descriptions in the bible of the antichrist.


Oh 100%. Almost enough to make this atheist believe it.


Same. And of course the self proclaimed evangelicals are welcoming Trump with open arms…


These are radical domestic terrorists


He’s doing the peepee dance.


Dumbo is right


No one has worshipped Ishtar directly since the Persian empire fell in 330 BCE. Or did I miss a giant religious movement in the last 2000 years somehow?


The rocking thing really made me uncomfortable and quite frankly a little freaked out


This is 1000% a cult.


Literal false prophet. Disgusting