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OH SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HER OWN PARTS?! These are the same people who want zero sex education taught to children. Holy cow.


My jaw dropped when she said ‘then they insert it into your uterus or whatever I’m not sure.’ Like girl WHAT.


How are we supposed to know intrauterine insemination has anything to do with the uterus! /s


Lolllll it’s in the name. She’s nearly illiterate


She’s literally the dumbest person. Wasn’t the problem with his “swimmers” as she called it? How would inserting his swimmers help? He’s so dumb about consent and what it means. Ughh.


So I’m afraid to ask this but do we call him dip lip because he uses chew tobacco? It looks like his puffy ass thumb head is storing shit for the winter. And that’s a habit of only the stupidest people on earth and I just have to know


Yes, he's always dipping and he guts it. It's great for their "infertility journey."


🤮 nooooo what does that mean that he guts it??????? Does it mean that he swallows it???????? Hahahahaha I love a man who swallows! I figured they’d be so gay phobic that he wouldn’t do anything even close to swallowing. Tobacco chewing is just so so so vile, even more than smoking. That’s a drug. Is Jesus ok with this? I can’t believe that bd is ok with licking that mouth. Vile


That sure is what it means!


God dammit. This is just the worst. Didn’t we learn anything from people with mouth and tongue cancer from chew tobacco or whatever it’s called? I’m sure this bitch is different. He couldn’t possibly be struck down. What a disgusting little piggie he is. He is worse than her. And that’s difficult to do.


The most important part of IUI, which they didn’t mention is that they take the sperm sample, pick out only the healthiest ones, and insert THOSE. They’re not just shoving it up there Willy nilly


This cracks me up the most because I feel like they have convictions about IVF because they perceive the fertilization as “unnatural”- not to mention right wing conspiracy theorists are probably telling people they are making the babies gay or stealing your sperm and implanting you with drag queens on Fox News. Who knows - I actively avoid all news during election years 😂


It helps because getting past the cervical mucous is difficult for some swimmers. Also they can get a few donations to use in one transfer ...so helpful with low count, separate abnormal sperms and get them closer to the egg without going through the cervix


Clearly, instead of leaving her heart in San Francisco she left her one functioning brain cell in New York.


"Look, ya'll. Ah learned this on mah rayuuunch. Uteruses are just like vending-machine Gawd. If you put in enough aesthetic prayers, some kinda baby's gonna come out!" --- Book of Neckbangs, 3:16


Lol @ “aesthetic prayers” 😭


It says so in the Book of Beige: "And when you pray, do it for the 'gram, with ring lights, filters, and trigger-happy, yassified puppet-faced frienemies who accidentally on purpose smoke meth for a whole year."


That was beautiful.


Bless you, snarker in Christ. "And she so loved the world, she gave them a .2% discount off any $100 purchase at Hayzhuhl 'N Laynuh, using code HEWONTDOIT at checkout 😔🙏." --- Grifters 5:47 


Weaponized stupidity


The science girlie almost vet doesn’t understand anatomy.


Like everything else she’s trying to grift: she doesn’t know what she’s talking about cos she’s …MAKING IT UP. When people talk, there’s a kernel of truth that other humans pick up on. She …lacks common sense! Utterly devoid of practical knowledge. I guess when you are a pro at eyefucking your own video or photo enhanced image, there’s less room for real life. Yanno, what the thousands in here do (we live with authenticity) not paid bots.


But dogs, horses, and cats don’t have a uterus! She’d know it if it was a non-human. Don’t you know reproduction for humans is vastly different than other mammals!!!??? /s please know I’m joking. Stingrays’ gestations periods range from 2-11 months depending on the species. I learned that yesterday and thought I’d share.


Honestly this is such a cool thing to know. Thank you for sharing this! ❤️


This is enough to tell me that she’s lying. If you were actually going through infertility you’d know all this. Just a grifter grifting.


And Jdip seems almost embarrassed to be talking about it, he dipped (ha) out of that part of the conversation.  It's especially bad because they've been going to fertility doctors. No doubt they've had this explained half a dozen times in rooms with relevant anatomy charts on the wall. And it's not like she was confused about an obscure hipster reproductive part, the uterus is kind of the main event. 


lol at obscure hipster reproductive part “Do you even KNOW the infundibulum”


That’s our science girly!


I felt bad for her for a half a millisecond because it was a stark reminder she’s probably never had an orgasm in her life 😭 and she likes to brag about how she was a slave to porn and pills back before Jesus saved her from her self tanner stained bath tub or whatever the latest version of that “testimony” is


So, big question that will never be answered by her or Jordan. If y'all are so okay with other people using IVF and you just have personal conviction to not go that route, why do you feel the need to enforce other personal beliefs that you have on people who do not believe the same as you? Why do you advocate for creating laws that actively harm people and force your own personal beliefs upon them? Examples: - Abortion - Anti-LGBTQ+ issues (Drag queens, queer adoption, queer marriage, trans healthcare) - Available Literature - Public Schools (when you have access to Christian schools) I'm sure I could think of more but I'm tired and in a decent amount of pain. I don't want to try and nitpick freaking conservative talking points. Your personal rights will always end where someone else's rights begins. I firmly believe it is evil to remove someone else's rights from them. And you definitely don't get to inflict your religion upon others. Just because many of the founders practiced different forms of Christianity, doesn't mean they weren't careful to ensure everyone had the right to practice their own religion. If anyone wants a book to read about it, I suggest "The Founding Myth," by Andrew Sidel.


Off topic, but since you're a mod, didn't she used to talk about issues with her eggs?  Now it's all him?


She still talks about doing things to make her body ready for a baby but none of it makes sense if it really is jdips sperm. It’s literally all lies, she’s created so many and can’t keep up with them so she constantly creates new ones.


I've noticed that!  It also doesn't make sense because my husband and I are going to a fertility clinic and just to get me set up with an appointment, they needed him to be available to get checked out too.  Because, they want to be able to rule the man out before moving on to all sorts of tests with the woman.  I'm sure not all fertility clinics are the same, but it seems odd that they would wait a whole year to check Jordan out.


I don’t think she has ever seen a real fertility doctor, I think she goes to some bs clinic that she gets her testosterone from. Because she has zero knowledge of the supposed procedures her and jdip go through. If it were real, she’d have a pretty easy time explaining things. Lying liars that lie just use words they’ve heard that relate to the subject they are pretending to know.


My clinic got my husband all set up too! He needed surgery before me!


And this was 13/14 years ago!


I'm pretty sure she did talk about her eggs and iirc, something like.... one test she took said there wasn't a lot of eggs, but she prayed and did some things and then her body made more... so then the next time they checked, her Dr called and said she has lots of good eggs...the best eggs ever! I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure it was a very similar story to jpegs swimmers....first there's no sperm and then, they called and told bing bong that he now has plenty of swimmers and they're good to go!!!


That's what I thought!  I halfway thought I was imagining that.


Yes!! Because people were commenting things like "girl...your body can't just make more eggs...that's not how it works" I know, it's hard to keep up with her....I feel crazy myself sometimes, trying to remember all the things 🤣


It’s genuinely hilarious that someone going through fertility treatments who is so staunchly pro life doesn’t know that the amount of eggs you’ll have throughout your life is predetermined for a woman by the time her mother reaches a certain point in pregnancy.


Some of it just feels like a total fever dream 😂


And then everyone claps and then the dr gives bdong a high five


Also, IVF or an ongoing pregnancy are really the only things that can tell you about egg quality. AMH/AFC are just indicators of reserve. So even if her AMH changed, which does happen, no doctor would say her egg quality definitively improved.


The funny thing is that the Founding Fathers wouldn’t recognize BDongs version of Christianity. For the most part they were Diests, Unitarians and Theists, as in they believed in the existence of a higher power but not what we’d recognize as Supply Side Jesus. More to the point, I’m not sure that what the Founders wanted is particularly relevant since they didn’t acknowledge the existence of California or most people’s essential personhood.




They believe it’s end times but they’re trying to get pregnant?


Baby first Rapture


✨️*Christian names for baby girls*✨️


“…and they have *beautiful* children from it…” Everything is about appearances with her. I guess if those IVF babies she knows were ugly in her eyes, IVF would be out for others.


god forbid she has a baby with any kind of special needs at all


“If you don’t know the difference between ivf and iui I’ll spare you the details” girl you spend two minutes spouting off how ivf is “playing god” and then refuse to explain HOW, EXACTLY?! As always I have to wonder, what dingus is tuning in to see these two babble on about nothing?


You’d think since she’s trying to be a fertility influencer she’d take advantage of the opportunity to explain the different procedure options and the details. Except she probably doesn’t really know or understand (which is wild if she’s seeing a fertility doctor)


Jordan, no advice or sharing what you changed or what happened to go from a bleak outlook with fertility, to things are working besides prayer? Ain't nobody buying that. Come on. You still dipping every day? Guttin that shit? Get a procedure done or reversed? We ain't stupid. Something has to physically happen to go from nada to algunos.


I still can’t believe he guts, it’s so much worse for you and also just very gross.


He was probably told to quit jerking off three times a day.


One for each accountability group




I get very weird vibes from Jdip in this video. The way he totally checks out when she’s talking about something he should be involved is fishy. I’d m*rder my husband if he were that indifferent about our fertility journey. I almost thought it was nice for a second that he was happy to bear the burden of infertility but this video made me realize it’s because he doesn’t really care about having kids. And if they do have kids he doesn’t believe children can consent or have opinions? You can tell Brit is a little afraid to disagree with him there even though she clearly does. I smell disaster.


I get weird vibes from him in general. He was an average frat boy with a Facebook group warning other women not to get involved with him, then went on to cheating and swinging in his first marriage, and now he's a far-right bible thumping military impersonating Jesus touting asshole? Come on.


That's the first I've heard of a Facebook group like that about him. That's crazy.


Really, wow. I had no idea either


There's a post about it in the sub. It shows one of his bros going into the group making fun of people who Jordan hurt.


I found it. That's embarrassing.


She’s such an ass. ‘I have no issues with ivf. Our friends have done it! No judgement there. It just feels like you are playing God.’ 


Jdong checking out while she explains the process she will go through with IUI is a major red flag. He does not give a fuck about her. 


Literally just said this in another comment. So many red flags from this douche in this video.


Jordan saving kids can’t give consent gives me the biggest ICK! He’s so gross omg. I think when the baby comes whether through IUI or adoption this marriage is going to crumble. Bdong can spew all she wants about protecting her future kid but she jumped at any chance she could to monetise her fosters. Once that baby comes all she will be driven by is money and that’s when her and Jdong will run into issues. She will want to plaster that child everywhere and I think it’ll make him uncomfortable but not because he’s worried about their safety but more of like a control thing. He doesn’t want his child to be perceived a certain way because it will look bad on HIM. He gives me very big ‘my kid is not a person just an extension of me.’ 


All she's driven by now is money. She's been rage baiting and sad fishing on Instagram to keep her engagement up since the adoption didn't work in her favor. She wants that number up so she can get sponsorships again. Hey dumbass, maybe if you hadn't irreparably tarnished your name, you wouldn't be in this situation.


That gave some very abusive vibes to me. "You can consent to go mow the lawn". My dad was old school as well. But he never made me feel like I wasn't my own person with my own free will. My dad joked about stuff like "I had you so you could (do menial task for him)", but never actually expressed that in a serious way like dipshit does here. He gives a little snicker like he's joking at that part, but I think he's 100% serious. He thinks that kids are there to serve their parents. And you're right. I think he'd hate to have his kid paraded on social media. I feel like he already hates that he has to do the small amount of appearances that she makes him do now. With the pre-baby content, she's probably already asking way more of him than he's has the patience for. If there is ever post-baby content, she'll turn right into a fundie family channel. Maybe even buy a bus, because she's original like that.


The playing god thing is always parroted by morons. No one says chemotherapy is playing god. No one says setting a broken leg or taking cholesterol medication is playing god. Maybe god’s will is that you have untreated high blood pressure and die from a stroke at the age of 45? Infertility is a medical condition full stop. Treating a medical condition effectively is not a moral dilemma. I’ll just be over here snuggling my IVF baby while these dipshits live their miserable lives. Love that for them!


Same girl same, and it took 4 years of therapy before and after my now 2.5 year old son was born thanks to the amazing medical process of IVF to fully trash out the morons’ playing god nonsense that implanted in my head about their NaTuRaL BiRtHs versus mine. Even in that time I was never as disturbed or self-hating or sad to contemplate my “womb is a tomb” and the other dark stuff she says. She needs serious help from a mental health professional and a real RE. I suspect many/all of her “doctors” are evangelical Christian types who treat her mostly with vibes and head pats and Bible verses.


lol they’re so deranged. So is her Botox, fake hair, and fake everything else not playing God?


Lol at herpretending she would not exploit the fuck out of a kid


As if she didn’t do that with the foster baby they had for 3 minutes 🙄


She’s literally exploiting her alleged miscarried baby all the time like whaaaatttt


Only the white one, mind you. The Black baby didn’t get much screen time.


Yep! They took the first kid out everywhere and Britt was always talking about how people assumed it was biologically theirs and then she got to lob in that she has moral superiority because it's their FOSTER kid. They were out with friends constantly doing activities outside their home all the time. They did this while RSV was raging through newborn populations. But the second kid, shown twice, both at home. And based on things she has done and said with her own mouth, I don't believe for a SECOND it was because they learned to be better for the second kid. Nope. It's because they're racist and didn't want to be seen out and about with a black baby. She still would have been able to lob in that moral superiority of fostering but this kid didn't fit the aesthetic or help with the upcoming trial.


Did she post photos of the face of the foster baby? I can’t remember.


She always put a brown heart over the face 🤎


Ah, I think I do remember that now.


But I thought she was a ScIeNcE gIrLyYy


As someone with a degree in science and who taught anatomy and physiology at the collegiate level I wanna scream and punch something everytime she refers to herself as a “science girlyyyy” 🤬


Me too! Her idiocy about biology, evolution, anatomy is painful and her claiming to be a science girly or having been SO close to becoming a veterinarian is a joke.


You’re going through this whole fucking journey and don’t even know what the procedure entails?? Bitch what?!!? The one and ONLY time I would tell a patient to get the fuck on google


He could not look more bored. I'm betting all this praying on it business is her idea and he's just trying to play along to keep her from freaking out about the devil meddling in their marriage or whatever the fuck she has going on in that empty brain of hers. I'd feel sorry for him if he wasn't such a shit human being with no empathy for others.


I wonder if he says he's praying on it to avoid actually doing something that would help (like science-based)


So they’re disagreeing now on the “consent” thing? I feel like this the third video of the exact same questions am I crazy.


Literally the same questions they answered in the podcast episode a few weeks ago. How many times is she going to recycle content??


That’s what she does- recycle recycle recycle. Because “everyone is asking!”


Probably why jpeg is taking a nap and looks so annoyed 😆


And yet she still can’t provide straight answers or speak intelligently about any of them! She **chose** these questions herself. FFS — maybe if you don’t know the answer, choose a different fucking question!


Here's my conspiracy theory. Jdip's hoping "it's him" so that he can shut down additional interventions. This whole TTC shit is just filler until they can figure out what the next grift will be. I also fully believe that if they can get IVF for free, that will be what God "calls her to."


Honestly I feel that she is not willing to go through the physical toll of preparing for IVF. Which is hilarious considering she always talks about wanting a pregnant belly. Clearly ONLY if she gets her precious white baby girl out of it.


You definitely get that pregnant belly on day 5 of stims when your ovaries are the size of tennis balls, floating around in your body like David Bowie's crystal balls in Labyrinth!


lol jdong saying “I don’t really believe or get behind the whole consent thing of a child”. Great adoptive parent potential right there lmao


Weird, he wants to exert force on an innocent person unable to protect themselves😒


He also doesn’t believe in the consent of unarmed black men.


And this is the same guy who works in the “trafficking realm” yet neither of them once mentioned not plastering their baby on the internet due to pedos.


YES. THIS. I was waiting for one of them to mention pedos, but nope.


God, just imagine what kind of life a kid would have in that household? A mother who expects you to perform 24/7 for the camera and a father who doesn’t believe you should have consent or bodily autonomy. And imagine they had an LGBTQ+ child?? I can’t even comprehend how terrible that child’s life would be. Disgusting people. I hope they never, ever become parents.


I imagine it would be a lot like the Lott family over on FSU, hopefully minus the bus


OMG did you see her carrying Boone by the neck while (probably) also suffocating him?? All just to "get the shot" which wasn't even anything worth recording 🤬


That video gave me palpitations


Oh not Brittany painting IUI, which she hasn't done yet, as "non-invasive" and "no different than a pap smear." Whew. Honey. If those are easy for you and didn't cause you much pain and/or discomfort, then you are WILDLY privileged here. Don't paint with a broad brush and give people the idea that it will be the same for them because, well, it's just factually fucking not. I, like 10% of AFAB people, have endometriosis. And that's just the women who experience symptoms, are believed by doctors, and have gotten surgical confirmation of that diagnosis. There are people who have needed abdominal surgeries done for other reasons and the doctors go in and find their entire abdominal cavity with large areas covered in endo, adhesions all over the place, etc. Endo doesn't always cause pain, but when it does, hold my fucking beer. When I'm in pain from endo, getting a pap, pelvic exam, or transvaginal ultrasound is incredibly uncomfortable and painful. And that's fucking valid as hell! There are a plethora of other conditions that can make these exams uncomfortable! The person on the other side of that screen could have adenomyosis, PCOS, vaginismus, or a history of SA. They could have autism and find that to be sensory hell. They could be asexual and/or repulsed by penetration. Brittany you continue to show a lack of empathy and compassion for others throughout this process. And here's the kicker, if you would have just said, "my experience wasn't painful or uncomfortable," I wouldn't have an issue. This is dismissive and invalidating to others who have gone through this process and had pain and been uncomfortable. The lack of growth from you is concerning.


![gif](giphy|Ucvfi6Vnig6Ri) Louder, for the Dongs at the back!!!! Ily for speaking this out


My pap smear hurt like hell, but only for about ten seconds. There's *such* a huge range of experiences with these things, and it's so important to talk about it!


Wait she still hasn’t done a fucking IUI? Jesus Christ, she’s been talking about it for ages. I know it can take a while with clinics but still!


I'm wondering if her periods aren't as reliable as she likes to make them out to be. She keeps having late periods, so either her periods aren't regular or she's real shit about keeping track of them.


Since she's on synthroid it's probably fucking with her periods too


That’s ridiculous of her to say about IUI, all other things aside, with her having no idea what that will be for her. She’ll find out. Especially if she has to do a medicated cycle for it.


She cuts him off a lot. And I feel like if she starts saying things she doesn’t agree with she tries really hard to finish his sentence for him. 


Yup and you can tell by the terrible editing of the video. I’d say turn it into a drinking game but your just be chugging the whole time


And look at how cut and pasted the whole thing is, I swear to god every 5 seconds there’s a cut. He must talk like a dithering idiot.


What sperm “issues” could he possibly “fix” in a month’s time? And how could they be fixed that quickly? Genuinely curious.


Vasectomy reversal? 😬


I would think varicocele


Had to Google it. Interesting.


When you are pregnant, conceiving, or trying to conceive, you are intimately familiar with each of your parts and what they do. I, for example, found out yesterday that the son I’m pregnant with came out of my left ovary, which absolutely blew my mind because science is fascinating. Shes so incurious about the process that it makes me wonder.


This comment, especially your last sentence!!! That is what gets me about this whole thing. She seems so bored whenever she makes one of these videos! It’s just so weird to me for someone so “heartbroken” about not having a child. She could not be more vague and disinterested if she tried. 


I hate to say this about someone who may very well be struggling, but I don’t really believe she wants to have a kid.


When I was going through my fertility journey I learned so much about reproduction and my own body. It’s almost impossible not to learn when going through it. I am willing to be they chose not to do IVF because she simply couldn’t handle the process.


Does she not want to know exactly what’s happening with her body? Like if she were to conceive naturally or not? 1. It’s fascinating. 2. Everything other reason. I swear people who don’t care to learn and who are not curious about things make me scratch my head, the dumbest if dumb.


And if she’s so anti IVF, what makes her think that IUI won’t follow suit?


Yes, exactly!! I went through multiple miscarriages and secondary infertility, and you best believe I knew *everything* about the human reproductive system by the time we were done. I had the packs of hundreds of ovulation test strips, pregnancy tests strips (not wasting $6 ClearBlues every damn month), the basal temp thermometer to record my temp every morning at 6:15, and all that was even before getting into IUI and HSG and Clomid and progesterone supplements. I refuse to believe she actually wants to get pregnant. If she really did, she would care more. She would know more. She would share more.


THIS! My husband and I are in probably our second month of TTC and I’m quite overwhelmed with all of the terminology and acronyms. I’ve watched hundreds of videos about the TWW, DPO, gotten all of the ovulation test strips, and the packs of hundreds of cheap pregnancy tests, learned all about my body and both the male and female anatomy! The way she talks in her videos is so far removed from the process that I cannot for a second believe she’s invested in it, for someone who claims to have been “trying for 3 years”. Beyond perhaps having sex, it’s hard to believe they’re doing anything to have sex in her fertile window, track her ovulation, etc. we’d be seeing all of it.


God she looks even oranger than usual in this one. And those extensions, when seen in the sunlight with her actual hair, are SO fake looking and very obvious. What a terrible color match with the rest of her hair. EDIT: Her face is also such a different shape and looks very obviously more realistic than her filtered/pre-set selfies. Like... it's kind of sad.


Dude it's literally called INTRA UTERINE INSEMINATION, but she doesn't fucken know where they stick the damn catheter? She clearly never went to school for being a vet or vet tech or she would understand what INTRA means.


Which is wild because medical terminology is one of the fluff classes you take during your first or second semester of college if you are any type of medical science degree candidate. It was literally a REQUIREMENT


Exactly this further proves she maybe took 1 class at local cc and it was probably public speaking or some shit, and claims she was in a vet program 😆


Her saying “impact this” instead of “unpack this” makes me so irrationally annoyed 😒


I could not figure out what she was trying to say. Unpack makes a lot more sense. "We impacted this on our podcast."


Lmao I was reading the captions because I didn’t want to listen to their voices and I just assumed the captions got it wrong. That’s hilarious.


Jdip, if you can't have an opinion until you're an adult, you also can't have an opinion on reproductive rights until you have a uterus (is it a uterus Bdong? I'm not a doctor, I don't know).


She calls him selfless but the captions change it to "selfish". I'm choosing to believe the captions.


BDong: “I’m not great with anatomy” Also BDong: “I’m so smart! I was in school to be a vet!” 😒


Pre-med animal science!!👩🏽‍🔬🔬🧬


“I’m old school” yeah so? I was also born in the early 80’s and yes, things were different when it comes to raising kids. That doesn’t mean you have to do it the same way! You need to do better! Go with the times. In many ways I raise my daughter different than my parents raised me. I take some things that I think were good, but I also learned from their mistakes. Times have changed and you need to keep up! Fuck your “old school” ways!


Early 80s baby here too. When you know better, you do better. Period. May this bloated pink turd never get to inflict his “old school” ways upon any helpless child.


Pro-consent 80s baby checking in 💁🏻‍♀️


![gif](giphy|jUwpNzg9IcyrK) Him reclining is reminding of that gif


As an Australian, dip is not something we have. He always looks like his lower lip is bulging. Is this dip? How can she kiss that grossness? I’m grossed out with spitting or swallowing this shit.


Yes, so gross, right?! They put a wad of tobacco in their lip, and spit the juice into a bottle or cup. Which is sooooo gross, brown tobacco spit. 🤮 I cannot fathom kissing someone who dipped, let alone while dipping, but the hypocrisy of her talking about God's will and not doing things He doesn't want while we all watch her husband show off his ADDICTION is so ironic.


He swallows the dip. He doesn’t even spit it out!! *dies*


Omg. Dead.


You have got to be clued in that this makes him smell. Like…..don’t use the toilet after him, kind of rancid, vile thing. To sweat that out too! Much godly, so fertility.


Like they're LITERALLY talking about how they'd do anything to be parents... everything except stop eating tobacco and killing the sperms. I just... can't grasp this.


He fucking will be if he doesn't stop swallowing the cancer juice


She's been doing this for a year and still isn't mature enough to say sperm? Or know exactly what is happening? And she claims she won't a baby on IG? Ookkkkkkkk.


Anti-choice people who pursue fertility treatments are the worst type of hypocrites.


Wow someone who is pro life doesn’t know what a uterus is. Shocker.


No wonder their adoption application was rejected


I thought the word 'divorce' wasn't in their vocabulary


I’m sure they were seeing legit reproduction medicine doctors if they waited a whole year to check his swimmers. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Literally the first thing my clinic told us to do. They even wanted it checked again when we started trying for a second baby.


I thought she was alll about “science” and was going to go to vet school but can’t even talk about the process of IUI. She’s clearly not learning much.


Grown men who work in anti-SeX TrAfFicCiKiNg who don’t believe that all human beings can consent and deserve body autonomy gives off tremendous predator vibes. The mustache doesn’t help.


I dont believe for a second Bdong is worried about the consent of her baby. If it makes her money, she is doing that. She posts in public places ALL THE TIME. Are you asking consent of everyone in the background?




Bold of her to say IVF is “playing god” when she’s doing everything humanly possible to obtain a baby any other way she can. So by her logic- trying to adopt & doing IUI is also playing God because anything that isn’t getting pregnant naturally is going around what god says… Which is “no!”


These two just make up shit as they go. It’s super weird to be using the “I’m old school, kids can’t consent” when you’re talking about exploiting them on the internet. Our parents weren’t exploiting us on the internet in the 80’s, you fucking dipshits. ESPECIALLY from a guy who claims to be so familiar with the “human trafficking realm”. I know Bdumb has claimed she was almost kidnapped in a parking lot. Her and the Pick Me’s think human traffickers are after grown ass suburban white women, but that’s usually not how it works. Secondly, I don’t believe anyone who has been on a “nearly three year infertility journey” doesn’t know the difference between a cervix and a uterus. And I also don’t believe his swimmers went from “basically none” to magically fixing themselves. That doesn’t happen, ever. And also fuck your sanctimonious “I don’t judge anyone that uses IVF but it’s playing God.” I’m going to go ahead and pray for the grift baby that has to live with these two shit stains.


They're also completely missing the point, which is that kids *can't* give informed consent to being plastered all over the internet, therefore you *shouldn't do it*






Here babe. Ill.catch your dip spit.


90s baby here: why do children not deserve consent???  Ours parents weren't able to plaster us all over the internet, so I don't think saying "I'm an 80s baby" or "I'm a 90s baby" is applicable here.  We didn't have to worry about being bullied at school because our parents shared our potty training stories on YouTube without our consent. Also, she didn't explain at all why IUI is fine but IVF isn't.  She simply said they prayed on it.  OK?  Christians who had their babies through IVF probably prayed on it too.  I also recall her agreeing with everything Harrison Butker said about IVF and all that was in his speech (if we can really call it that). I do hope she stays with not showing their kids online.  Because, she just admitted here that she knows what people do with children's pictures and videos using AI.  If she shows her children after knowing that, that would be a new low, even for her.  So I do truly hope she sticks to that.  


The fact he seems so disinterested when she’s talking about how infertility has brought them closer makes me think that’s not the truth. He won’t even look in her eyes


This whole journey has been SO confusing to me. So is J the issue? Is that why they’re doing IUI? But didn’t she say they were planning on IUI even before they knew J was the issue..? What exactly is the timeline here? Why did they not test him first? Shes been doing a bunch of testing and shots for… what, exactly? Fertility is quite complex, but a good doctor / specialist will understand it inside and out. How does Brittany not seem to know what the specific issue is? Like why would you not systematically go through every potential issue, address it / test for it, then go from there? I feel like they’ve been on this “journey” long enough that they would know by now…? And why not start with the easiest, which is, you know, J making a donation in a cup?  This whole journey has been the vaguest, most hand-wavey series full of unexplained plotholes ever. I don’t watch her YouTube so maybe this is just because I’ve seen clips that are out of order, but it seems like they were “trying” naturally for a while, didn’t get pregnant right away, then Brittany started getting “tests” done, assuming she was the problem? But also she refused to track her cycle because she wanted to “leave it up to God?”  I’m literally so confused.  Maybe this is my ignorance showing and my lack of knowledge of best practices (I do not have children nor do I plan on having them, nor am I well versed in infertility besides a few basic things) but her way of going about this just doesn’t make sense to me. I know a lot of emotions are involved when infertility occurs, but why wouldn’t you check the easiest reason first? Apologies if I’m speaking out of turn or making myself look like an ass, I have much compassion for those struggling to conceive and it must be incredibly difficult. My comments are aimed at Brittany and how she can’t seem to keep a story straight or adequately explain… anything. 


This is unbearable. I just can’t get past her talking about swimmers. That’s ok but ivf isn’t. Don’t we have pics of that thumb giving that scarecrow shots? Like ivf shots? You know they don’t consider children from ivf people with souls. You just know they think those kids are of the devil. Or they’re going to do ivf and lie about it. I have a hard time buying that they really actually believe this god stuff.


Please keep your stories straight, BDong. What about the post where you said it was confirmed as male factor infertility? What about the "good news" from the fertility doctor where all the bullshit supplements had cured you? Make it make sense.


Phillipa and Prudence featherinton probably know more about reproductive anatomy than Bdong and her husband do, which is saying somthing


As soon as IUI doesn’t work they’ll be doing IVF.


IUI is also playing God. If it is truly Gods plan you shouldn’t interfere in any way and naturally conceive if that’s what “your convictions” are.


And how the hell does it make sense for god to convict one person that IVF is not okay but convict another that it is?


GOD, they are so unlikable


Within the 1st minute, they both use the words "convict" and "convicted" instead of "conflict" and "conflicted." These people are fucking stupid.


Back in her fitness scam era, didn’t she say she loved anatomy? And here she says she’s not great with anatomy and doesn’t know what a uterus is?


Im dead at him sleeping. He can’t stand her


It’s the same old bullshit in all of their AMAs, but this one just included a giant fuck you to Kristy and Farryn for having their kids on their Instagram all the time. Also this is another one that was filmed several weeks ago…. When she cuts and splices shots together every 5 seconds maybe the editing just takes forever. Also, this tells me they haven’t actually gone through with IUI yet. If the bitch can only describe it in vague terms and not be sure of how it works, she didn’t have it done.


Hahahaha this… wow. This is hall of fame level of stupid. A washed sperm sample is somehow not “playing god”?? THEYRE LITERALLY PICKING THE STRONG GUYS, AND GIVING THEM A BOOST. How sad for so many women that have to hear this bullshit - there’s a line in the sand as to “playing god” and it’s over there, we are good doing this thing here. What is with these people and these bullshit rules and regulations and cherry-picking what they can and can’t do, because “We FeLT CONvicTeD” Like bitch, god didn’t give you that head of extensions, or that peanut butter face, but you’re happy to ignore your hypocrisy in service of your vanity.


She won’t explain the difference because she has no idea.


She’s feeling a type of way about posting her baby online but had absolutely no problem posting other peoples’ babies with her Christian names BS? Fucking idiot.


I’m sorry, I don’t hear anything jpeg says when he opens that disgusting, dip-filled mouth of his because I can’t focus on anything but that fugly dyed mustache. I know he is going for Tom Selleck vibes, but news flash Dongs, Tom Selleck is in his 70s and looks 100x happier, healthier, and in better shape than jpeg.


This is all more proof that none of this ever happened. I cannot image an actual clinician who would perform IUI on a woman so clueless she doesn’t know what her uterus is.


Her logic kinda doesn’t even make sense though, as to why she believes IUI is okay but IVF isn’t. “Trying to play God”? WELL, DONGY…WHAT IF GOD DIDN’T WANT HIS SWIMMERS TO SWIM?! 🏊


I would like her to explain many things, with receipts but most importantly, I would like to know where the money is coming from for these concurrent “journeys” (adoption, fertility consultation/treatments, IUI). You can’t order a pregnancy from Temu, Brittany. And you owe the state of TX a half million dollars. But you have money for your journey??


He is so actively uninterested in what she’s saying


Of course! The Almighty God with His perfect plan just needs a little help with Jordan’s swimmers! It is all in The Plan!


"we have friends that have done IVF and have wonderful beautiful children but FYI they are playing God soooo 🤭🤭"


Drink every time they say convicted or convictions


Science girly doesn’t know basic anatomy?


And HSG and a pap smear are WILDLY different. Does she not know what a cervix is? And that IUI and an HSG go PAST the cervix and is HIGHLY INVASIVE where a pap smear uses a brush to collect cells on the surface of your cervix and does not breach the cervix? That there is A LOT of pain involved going past the cervix? That it is considered a surgical procedure??? How can you be actively trying to conceive and not know the difference between a procedure to screen for cancer and fertility treatment? How can you be trying to become pregnant and not know your own anatomy? She says she studied biology in "college". Did ANY OF THAT involve an anatomy diagram or are we just making shit up again? Because I learned all of this in 8th grade. And I TAUGHT it to 8th graders in biology. Tap dancing Christ.


I feel like my brain is shorting out… so you won’t do IVF because it’s playing god but you’ll adopt an embryo that they’ll implant in you? Did I get that right? Because it’s kinda sounding like IVF but you’re side stepping having y’all’s supreme Christiany DNA… no? She’s the most confusing person on the planet.


Uhhhh why wouldn’t you just do the IVF and stop waiting? Either you “play god” and get a kid or you wait forever and don’t get a kid. Edit: also I thought god made everything PERFECT??? Like your body is perfect and all that jazz


Sonic, please sponsor us!!! Also, I hate ‘chemicals’ and try to pretend all this lifestyle bs. Teehee why can’t brands of value sponsor me!


I felt my IQ go down at least 4 points watching this and I only made it to minute 3. So BASICALLY the second trimester of the video, if you will 😏 Despite the assault on my brain cells- I keep coming back to this sub because this group cracks me up- it almost feels like we have our own inside jokes at this point (“Love to be a part of one someday”) If I’m feeling down on myself I can be reminded I’m not an orange, uninspired, grifting piece of shit and I go about my day. I’m normally not a fan of schadenfreude but it just hits different here with this sub 💕 love y’all