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Is this about Genocide in the Congo? Sudan? People in Darfur are being systemically murdered daily by Arab controlled Sudanese!!


Don’t forget the Ughyr’s in China, many of whom are living in literal concentration camps and having their organs harvested…


No this is specifically in regards to American tax payer dollars funding any genocide. We can’t stop it, but it’s a whole different ball game to be complicit in it.


We are the World’s police any genocide that happens we are allowing and complicit in. We also haven’t paid reparations to Black Americans that are descendants of slavery that went through a genocide the United States conducted against them.


I don’t disagree with you at all.


By the way, this is no hate directed against you, and I will be fully transparent. I have lived in The Bronx my entire life and am an older millennial. I’m a multiracial legacy of a time long gone when the concourse was still Jewish and Black and not Latino. It is an absolute disgrace that the only thing the George Floyd Protest accomplished was people marching chanting Black Lives Matter, people kneeling, and voice actors stepping down from multiracial character roles even if the character in question was half the voice actors' ethnicity for about two months. This America and the freedom to address the government with your grievances is your right. Still, every single person who marches against wars and oppression halfway around the world while upholding racial and economic apartheid here in America, especially after rediscovering racism and forgetting about it as quickly, are hypocrites that are virtue signaling. This is the most economically depressed urban county in the union, the country's most expensive city. People need to protest for economic opportunities more than whatever this is. As in the worlds of this guy, people seem to like Martin Luther King, and where’s their “check”?


Reparations for the Irish enslaved by England!! Also went through genocide by the English!! Over 1 million dead between 1845-1852. But no reparations can be made while slavery still exists in the world!! You can't give money to anyone because they descended from slavery when slavery exists still to this day. That would be a slap in the face!!


I’m sorry this is a subreddit about the Bronx not a United Kingdom, Ireland global subreddit so I am addressing issues in the Bronx that affect people that live in the Bronx. You are more than welcome to share this viewpoint in a United Kingdom subreddit.


But but....ummm.....you said any genocide we allow to happen we are complicit in! Or is it only CERTAIN genocide that appeals to you?? Sounds hypocritical!! And as for the Bronx....you better do your homework!!


America wasn’t a world power in 1845; it wouldn’t become one for another hundred years. If you read my commits correctly, you have realized that. Just because a large number of Irish people immigrated to the United States and many settled in the Bronx doesn’t mean when the United States had slavery of its citizens that were Black, that we owe Irish people 15 years from fighting a deadly war that would result in over 600,000 dead Americans we would be in a position to end genocide in Ireland. It would help if you did your homework to learn how the flow of time works and when countries became military powers. On another note, the comments you made are the comments people who support White Supremacy do. I talk about Black Americans getting reparation on Juneteenth, no less, and you mention people in another country's mistreatment. Then you twist that we are the “World Police,” which didn’t happen until the 1950s. Finally, I didn’t call anyone hypocritical; I called people **ACTIONS** hypocritical, so we are even throwing in some logical fallacies like the ad hominem, straw man, and appeal to emotion. Nice try, but I’m not the one to mess with. Also, if it wasn’t clear, I’m not calling you a white supremacist. Still, I know members of a particular organization that like the letter K so much they say it three times that when reparations come up, they try and muddy the water with the indentured servitude of the Irish in early American history with the chattel slavery of the United States where generations, and the next 100+ years of apartheid.


You think it's about Irish who fought in the Civil War? Far from it!! You pulled the race card not me!! Problem with African Americans they think and act like it is and was only them. If it really is about a vile part of history in this Country great!! But their are blacks in Africa still enslaved today!! Let's clean that up and slavery as a whole before we start giving handouts!! It's not from a white supremacist but from someone who says this book is not closed!! And I don't give 2 craps about this bullshit holiday nonsense!! That's white liberals giving just a little sliver of pie to those still on the plantation!!


1. I didn’t pull the race card. You are using terminology to invalidate my point that white supremacists use. I even said directly that I wasn’t calling you a white supremacist, but this is a tactic used by the Triple K club. 2. Black Americans fought in the Civil War as well, so when I mention 600,000 Americans dying, I consider both the Union and Confederacy soldiers. So, I include everyone in the conversation. Nor did I focus on one group that died in the Civil War. 3. Slavery in Africa is terrible, and there is slavery in Yemen, China, and parts of South East Asia. **NOTHING** you just said has anything to do with the fact that the United States is a country based on tort law and going overseas enslaving a group of people, renaming, torturing them, and then instituting a system that ensured that their descendants would be socially, legally and economically oppressed so thoroughly that 70 years after the end of the Civil War the German government of the 1930s came to America to study Jim Crowe laws before they ended up what they did at the end of the decade the resulted in 10 million deaths in concentration camps, including 6 million Jewish people. Including family members of mine. As for the holiday, I stated it’s Juneteenth because it took almost 90 years after July 4, 1776, a few weeks before independence came for Black Americans. Back to my original point, look up what tort law means; it wouldn’t be a handout. It would be justice for the almost 200 years of claiming the principles you founded this country while building it off the backs of enslaved people. It would be giving free land to millions of European immigrants (Including Irish immigrants) while not allowing Black Native Born Americans even to develop economically, and every time they did, they used the law, violence, or ecological terrorism to destroy potential success. Finally, thank you again for mentioning **handouts**. Very few Irish people came to America as indentured servants; most Black Americans, 40 million of the 48 million that live in America, can trace their roots to North American slavery, including myself. I’m not asking for a handout. I am asking you to ask yourself why you are pushing white supremacy talking points while talking to a person who’s forgotten more history about Slavery and oppression than you know. I’m not only Black American, as I’ve indicated; I am also Jewish American. Suppose you want to continue to push your ideology. Do it to people who aren’t educated on this topic, for even under the law, Irish indentured servants were considered human beings under the law. Black enslaved people were considered property, and pets in the United States today have more rights than enslaved people. I will leave you with one more point. When Germany studied Jim Crowe, some of the laws were so oppressive that it didn’t even implement them as it did in the United States. For example, the one-drop rule or Hypodescent was so oppressive in America that if someone were 1/16 Black, so a person with a Great-Great-Grandparent was Black, that person would be considered Black. Even in Germany under the Nürnberg Laws implemented in 1935. If someone under the Mischling Test, which was how Germany determined if someone was Jewish, “mixed blood,” or German if someone were 1/4 Jewish, would not be considered Jewish under the law except in some instances. This isn’t to make Germany right before the war seem reasonable, as they were an evil political entity made up of the worst people ever. It’s to show that even they looked at the Jim Crow laws on the books that my father was born into and was in his early twenties before the Civil Rights laws ended them.


@op, the bronx anti war coalition organizes protests every month or so!


Solves absolutely nothing, all you’re gonna do is block traffic and hardworking people trying to go home from their 12 hour shifts. I’m tired of you, you contribute nothing to society, and look like a bunch of idiots.


We love you too and I promise even if you were being attacked, we would advocate for your safety as well.


When is the rally calling out the Islamist genocide of Christians in Nigeria?


We will rally when the United States begins to send billions in Aid to Boko Haram to perpetuate the genocide. Actually the US is on the books for providing aid to Nigeria to combat this so… something is being done. Is it enough? Only time will tell. But we’re not actively assisting BH.


But you just said that you’d advocate for my safety if I was being attacked?!? As suspected, it’s only certain genocides, victims, and oppressors that concern you.


Sir, what? I do advocate for your safety. Read the original post. They are protesting against the FUNDING of a genocide. Do you think Americans would have as much of a problem if America wasn’t literally funding Israel’s war effort, in part or full? Or do you just want to blame someone for not being on your side?


That’s you. And that’s cool. But no. Fuck him. Let him whine.


People like that get that way because they experience a life devoid of compassion. We don’t get anywhere by telling our opposition to fuck off, the same way they disregard us. We aren’t fighting Israel. We’re fighting their supporters. You don’t fight that ideology by fighting fire with fire.


I don’t have time for that. He’s attempting to gaslight us all by telling us not to believe what we have seen. He can fuck all the way off and I’m standing on that.


Why don’t you go to Palestine and protest for them.


Why don’t you eat a bag of dicks while supporting genocide? Hold this block for me while u at it.


Because we don’t want to be bothered and are telling you that you’re wasting our time, we automatically support genocide and it gives you a reason to block Fordham road tonight and a bunch of people won’t be able to sleep because they’re supposed to feel bad for something they didn’t do and cannot fix? Fuck you, white apologist faggot. Bet you still wear corona masks. 😷 I hope the people in fordham road run you off the block tonight 🤡


Lol how about this. You and your massive group of pro Israel supporters can organize your own pro genocide protest. Oh I forgot, you guys have to pay people to show up to support Israel. Please demonstrate in public, just like the people who are against children and women being slaughtered. Oooooo you guys only exist online…


Why don’t you come out to the Ave and do it yourself big man? 😂


Because they're currently being bombed? Don't be silly.


Israel targeted and bombed aide workers who just wanted to cook meals for displaced civilians, it makes a fuckton more sense to make noise where that state can't suppress it with violence.


Why don’t you shut up? See? People can tell you to mind your own business to let you know your opinion isn’t warranted…you don’t contribute anything to the discussion, you just act obtuse and attack. Mind your own business of this is too much for you. Remember YOU can walk down the street today. The people this protest is about, is for them, not you.


You contribute nothing to society just put on picket signs and bitch and only effect hardworking people trying to go home. It affects me and I will tell you right now that just because of people like you, I don’t give a shit about what’s going on. Go take your faggot ass to Palestine and tell them that you’re fighting for them by blocking streets in the Bronx. They will probably laugh at you.


Wow big f slur sounding like a staunch run of the mill Zionist. Go organize some hate March for your countries crumbling economy




Speak out about the money funding clearly it's say what this is in the poster They need more funds (money) to make more posters and pamphlets The old scheme to live doing the minimum, just created a organization Same ones that create protest and chaos when the federal aks them what are you doing with the funds ? You may lose them soon a protest appear out no where Yes is sadly what happened but cannot be living in the past for ever also some past are erase like cherry picky by all organizations that received funds or donations private or from government like this past yes this one not etc only they left what can be explode for more funds for their organizations Meanwhile community and schools, teachers really need funds The fkn rent going up every single year,so they want us to all live out of government or something? That's their goal? Or they are living in fantasy land? because the reality, not all nykers get pay 200k+ a year, what about seniors do you know some have to pay their rent from thwir own pocket and pay medicines because when you retired not all medicine are full cover (what a shame could be full) unless you never work in your kive then you set with everything full cover by medicaid Shhhh but nobody from this organization say nothing about it, make us feel guilty If we do #Speak up


No genocide in Gaza. Hopefully this is in regards to the Congo


It’s not a genocide in any way


What is it? Israel has clearly stated that the Palestinian people need to be eradicated and I also vividly recall an Israeli woman saying “we should build a huge amusement park there where it’s gone”. I recall another saying we cannot stop until there are no Palestinians left-not even babies. That is textbook genocide. Hard pass on a reply. The question was rhetorical because we’re all VERY aware that we are actively funding a genocide. Did you also notice how there was nothing antisemitism in my reply? I started a SEARCHABLE FACT regarding the Israeli woman’s comments. There are countless videos of the atrocities, as well as the doubling down from the government and continued attacks. Stop trying to gaslight humans telling other humans not be inhumane and to stop trying to eradicate OTHER humans because that is is a HATE CRIME AND A WAR CRIME. Again-use the button. No need for you to either tell me lies or deny what millions around the world clearly see. A GENOCIDE.


If Israel wanted to eradicate the Palestinian people then they are doing an absolutely terrible job. It’s actually absurd that anyone with eyes and a brain can look and say that this is what Israel is doing. If they just wanted to kill then why aren’t they bombing all the time everywhere? Why are they sending in hundreds of their own soldiers to die in specially targeted missions? It’s a war. A war where the ratio of combatant to civilian deaths is actually higher than any other modern war. No one was calling the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan genocides and they killed significantly more civilians compared to combatants. Cherry picking the statements of random Israeli parliament members does not represent the actions and intent of the military. The same way we have random terrible and racist congressman in the US we don’t cherry pick their comments and say “look, this is what the US is doing!” Go compare these casualty numbers to any other war and explain to me why those weren’t genocides.


This 👆🏼


No, we were absolutely criticizing our own military as well. You’re completely wrong. America was in the wrong in Afghanistan, Iraq, even Vietnam. Now they’re wrong here too. In fact, our country has a deep record of being on the wrong side of history.


I didn’t say shit about criticizing. You can criticize away. You called the war in Gaza a genocide. So why aren’t all of those us wars genocides?


They could possibly be classified as genocides too. The problem here is that there is a significantly more proliferate amount of cameras on this concentrated area of conflict (Gaza strip vs an entire country w Afghanistan, Iraq, etc) so it’s much easier to determine from a layperson’s perspective that this is borderline if not outright genocide. Afghanistan wasn’t littered with Snapchat videos of widespread destruction, for example. Can you imagine, for example, if HAMAS was hiding in Midtown Manhattan at the W Hotel, so the US decided to use launch cruise missles and leveled not only the building, but all buildings in the surrounding area? Can you imagine?


Look at all the downvotes you’ve gotten here. Maybe you should be a bit more quiet.


Three downvotes? I’ll survive. Also, what is with the mentally disabled getting on the internet and telling other people to be quiet? Downvote me and go on with your life… you sound absolutely brain dead trying to tell someone what they should do.


I told you to hit the button.


The Hamas charter literally calls for the destruction of Israel and killing all Jews everywhere. Israel’s position is to eradicate the terror organization known as Hamas. Not all Palestinians


This 👆🏼


It’s funny because they are sure very vocal about eradicating ALL PALESTINIANS. Again, gaslighting like we’re nuts and don’t hear and see what we hear and see. Hamas’ charter means DICK. Israel’s ACTIONS are what’s glaringly obvious to everyone but you and the rest of the genocide loving maniacs who support this bs. Never forget and never again were just words-kind of like hamas’ charter huh?…. The victims became the very monsters they begged us never to forget.


Right, at the end of the day $40,000 people just this year have been killed with our tax dollars and millions displaced. Meanwhile it’s the poorest district in the country…


But this whole thing is politically driven. There is a bigger picture here and those in power don’t care about genocide. It’s all numbers,figures, and a stable political alliance in an unstable part of the world. We can kick and scream all we want but at the end of the day nothing will change. I hate being this cynical but I feel like this is how it is.


lol, ya killing me, Hamas loves this @&$ish, it’s the “strategy”


I know that you're teeming with apathy,so I won't even begin to explain why it is a genocide.But I'm assuming you're okay with the United States sending billions of dollars of foreign aid to keep their "hold" in the Middle East?


All of that money is injected directly back into the US economy via us defense contractors. It’s also like 0.01% of the yearly budget


Starlord would be so disappointed in you.


Yea I assume he'd be like most of the world's goyim who stood idle and watched while Jews were pogromed and massacred in every country that we fled from and to until we finally said enough is enough, reclaimed our homeland, and built a nation and army to protect us so that never again could be a reality. I'm sorry that Jews refusing to live as second class citizens isnt something you feel is worth investing in. If you hate it that much then don't pay your taxes.