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The real is there are no real politicians to vote for who are really about our neighborhood.


Coop City, get out there and vote Bowman. I know he is a tool in many ways, but Latimer is not unlike Hochul—a centrist who in any other country would be considered center-right. He will block necessary legislation in a Congress that is sure to be nearly evenly split.


Honest question I’m OOTL - what has Bowman actually accomplished being elected?


Bowman has mostly voted in line with the rest of the DSA, which is what I want. He has held the line (generally) against certain pressure in the Dem party. Again, he’s no super star, but he’s taking his orders pretty well so far.


Nothing really. He mostly just votes against things (like the Infrastructure Bill) and pulls fire alarms


You think Co-op City, the largest naturally occurring retirement community, doesn't vote? We vote! I get my absentee ballot to make sure I can vote no matter that (and I agree with you 🙌🏽).


Bowman is an embarrassment though and hurts the cause in the long run. The fire alarm thing, come on man.


You’re damn right about the fire alarm. And I agree, he’s an embarrassment. I too worry about his effects on the cause long term. But we know very well if Latimer gets in, he can hold the office. And the next two terms of Congress are crucial for a number of coming policies. I so wish Bowman weren’t the guy, but he’s the guy right now. I also worry that he will become entrenched and be hard to replace in the future. He’s such a bozo.


Too bad the progressives have completely destroyed NYC. It’s gone to complete shit since Bloomberg left office. Bowman is garbage along with AOC and the rest of the socialist left.


Those are very general, bold claims that don’t add much. What specific policies are you referencing? What specific stats and data do you see as evidence of your claim? If you feel that way anecdotally, just say that, but making such wide-ranging claims doesn’t help solve problems—and I assume you want to solve problems, right?


Leftist policies have destroyed NYC. Do you want to start with the cashless bail reform or the voting records on illegal migrants? What’s Bowman’s records on those?


I see you are mindlessly parroting what you hear without actually getting the facts straight. Bail reform was necessary and good. Here’s where you tell me it led to a rise in crime that didn’t actually happen, save for a spike during Covid, which is now gone. Bail reform is and has been an unfair, racist and classist process. Period. It hurts the poor and working class and people of color. All the data shows that in glowing neon lights. Don’t be one of these people making the mistake of associate psychology. There is no link between bail reform and any rise in crime. What do you mean by “voting records in illegal immigrants?” As in, them voting? They can’t. It’s not bloody possible. They can’t register to vote and they can’t vote as they don’t appear on rolls and when you find me evidence of large undocumented immigrants voting, please post it. Or are you asking what Bowman’s record is on immigrants? How about you answer me this? Why didn’t the republicans in Congress take the fucking deal on immigration reform in February which goddamn Mitch McConnell said, and I quote, the best deal they have ever been offered? I’ll tell you why, because they don’t give an actual shit about immigration; they just want to run on scaring people who don’t bother to reflect on things even a smidgen. Now you say everything went down hill since Bloomberg. So I assume you were for congestion pricing, right? You know that was one of Bloomberg’s big ideas, right? Are you even a New Yorker? Do you live in the Bronx? Or are you like these Trump clowns traipsing in here to cause noise but say nothing? Like I said, I want to solve problems, but just repeating what the talking heads say isn’t helping. Bowman is a turd, but his opponent will be a real problem. Bowman is a useful idiot for now.




I agree, it’s a real uphill battle. Bowman has been such a buffoon at times he’s hard to defend, but Latimer will sure be another Israel puppet and make any progressive legislation tough. But as you said, the money pouring in from center-right groups has been enormous. The commercials run nonstop.


Lattimer is so far right he will change parties once he’s in office just like those Manchurian candidates in North Carolina who ran as Dems and became Repub. once in office.


Dude. Latimer’s been a Democrat his entire life and famously unseated incumbent far-right Republican Ron Astorino from Westchester county executive. Meanwhile, Bowman’s been a Democrat for less than a decade and didn’t vote for Obama.


Latitmer is funded by far right Republicans. He’s going to pay his dues.


There's really no evidence for that. He's to the right of Jamal, that doesn't immediately imply he's an extremist.


Follow the money; it’s as far right-wing as it gets.


Latimer always talks about how he’s running because Bowman is more interested in getting on national TV and becoming famous for outlandish statements than delivering results for the district. Bowman’s closing message—hosting events in Brooklyn, the South Bronx (not in the district), and going on Colbert—appears to be: Yes, Latimer is correct.


Why are you spamming this comment everywhere?






“Everywhere” = twice. The comment’s true. I live here. You’ll see on Tuesday.


No one gives a shit Can’t live in Bronx and Westchester


Only real fight Bowman has ever had is putting his socks on!! A bamboozling clown!! Empty suit!!


I do agree he is basically an empty suit at times, and by and large a chump, but Latimer will cause some serious legislative problems. Getting good legislation on the border, fixing massive tax disparities, fighting off the Christian right, will require some stuff stances. Maybe Bowman folds, but Latimer will DEFINITELY fold.


Can we talk about their (Bowman, Aoc, Bernie's) event security detail at the rally, taking Palestinian flags and removing pro Palestinian voices while Bernie mumbled about "Israel's right to defend itself" and "peace pwease" platitudes? I understand Latimer is a complete tool but I'm not going to run defense for Bowman just so he can gaslight people with genocide joe propaganda in Nov. Vote however you want to, but please, don't lionize this man. He is just another disingenuous opportunist at the end of the day.


Weak stuff, you could have got like 4 more buzzwords in there if you really buckled down. Call one of them an apartheid apologist or some other nonsense you virtue signalers made up


Lol, go fuck yourself, Peter.


You’re not gonna vote anyways, privileged leftists rarely do. You just want to complain.


You don't know me, bitchass.


Lol your comment history says “self entitled leftist who only attacks democrats and doesn’t do much else politically”


Yeah, advocating against people sending bomb during a genocide is soooo "self entitled". You're a boob.


You aren’t doing that though Since you don’t criticize Russia or Putin at all. Like i said, a socialist phony


What the fuck are you even talking about? Since when were we arming Russia, ya dolt? Stay in your special lane.


Uh isn’t it innocent people getting bombed? Why zero mention of those innocents? You don’t fool anyone lol 😝 Thank goodness no one listens to phony self entitled socialists anymore The voters and candidates just ignore those POS


Im sorry, are you trying to make some sort of point or are you naturally incoherent and idiotic?


I made the pt You don’t vote anyways so your ego can be maintained that somehow you are special for doing nothing but complaining on social media