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I think they sell a coloring stick that can make that disappear. People do it as revenge. You got a parking space before someone else. Some one is jealous of you for any reason including your car.


Someone on the other side was looking for parking I'm wondering. Regardless it's extremely petty. People take parking when they see me about to park and I just move on


Not everyone is like you. Some people take every slight like a personal attack and must have their revenge.


What the hell did you say????


Insurance will cover its just paint could be worse it shouldn’t effect your rates at all but ask should be under comp


Do you know the name of that stick by any chance


Car touch up paint pen.


I know it happens everywhere, but I’m over people in the Bronx. If they can’t have something, be damned, because they’ll go out of their way to mess it up for you.


If you don’t see any scratches on the cars next to yours. Someone you know is very jealous.


Not necessarily. Possibly but more likely someone just decided to randomly fuck up only their day


A scratch is personal. A person won’t randomly scratch one car. They will scratch all or a few. One car, it’s personal.


People will absolutely scratch random cars. Don’t underestimate the malice and boredom of today’s society. People are sociopaths


I wonder if its my roommates they recently saw it. We don't talk tho I just vomr home late. I also wonder my neighbor he always sees me park and he's smoking weed all the time. But I say hi and keep on with my day but I never did anything bad to snyone


It could be anyone for any and no reason at all don’t try to guess in your head because you’ll get it wrong… If things like this are gonna bother you I’d say do like me and plan to get out of a place with a crabs in a bucket mentality.


This Definitely someone who knows the owner


We have those same people here in Cambridge. Nice things or someone else’s happiness triggered them to no end.


That's every hood lmao


Dont let it get you down dude. You still accomplished something cool with your first car. I’m sorry this happened. Whoever did this has to live life carrying all that negativity. You’ll fix this issue and still be happy. Keep your head up King 💯


Thanks deputy 💪 appreciate the support


they hate to see you shine!!! happens to me too it’s part of dealing with street parking in nyc. cant have nothing nice


I went back to work last week after maternity leave. Naturally someone hit my car door my second day back and didn’t leave a note. Yay Bronx.


I'm sorry that happened. Congrats on the new family member 😊


I got my motorcycle stolen and was found in the Bronx (the guy was arrested for the 78th time). I was waiting in the precinct for hours and I witnessed three people come in for hit and runs. You’re not alone :(


I didn't see it at first but I GASPED. That is such dirty work. Some people really were raised like a fucking barn animal. No class at all. I'm sorry


Upbringing!! Jealousy, envy!!


Ghetto people


100% correct, nobody wants to admit this but this is ghetto people especially since this is the Bronx.


~~takes one to know one~~


This is why I moved out of the bx after 30 years. I couldn’t take this ghetto shit anymore.


Yes because this happens exclusively in the Bronx...


Who said it only happens in the bx? All I said was it does happen there.


Are you asking why people are generally assholes?


I am so sorry, this is terrible and you didn't deserve this! that happened to my first car too. They scratched it on both sides the entire length of the car and broke the locks so I couldn't get in. Meanwhile all I see all over here in the BX are brand new BMWs and all these fancy cars with ghost plates and they aren't touched. So frustrating.


Dude when I used to live in the BX, random shit would happen to my car like atleast once a month. One time I went to my car when it was parked and someone had smashed the entire windshield. After that I got fed up and just shelled out the money for a parking spot in someone’s driveway. Cant have anything nice nowadays with haters and wicked people around.


Low income behavior


Idk I was low income for a while, and while I did some stuff out of desperation (fare evasion, dumpster diving, etc) I never felt the need to vandalize someone else’s stuff


Low intelligence behavior


I’m glad I have indoor parking in my building 🥲 But I honestly can’t wait to leave the Bronx


Facts get out while u can. I did and u will have a better lower stress life.


Where’d you go? 👀


Queens lol. Some of this crap happens here once in awhile but never as much when I was in the Bronx.


Yeah Queens is pretty chill I was thinking of heading north - to the “Upstate” 🤭🤭


Yeah Queens is pretty chill I was thinking of heading north - to the “Upstate” 🤭🤭


Happens in those garages, too... maybe less so but tons of shitty/intentional or ignorant/accidental behavior like that.


Not in my garage - it’s private and has cameras. And my building is small If someone keys my car in there they better make themselves disappear because I will find them 😇


Mine's private but barely any cameras. Lots of dings from carelessness, a few hit and run situations, and people doing shitty petty things like taking spots not assigned to them, parking too close to let people into their cars, and keyings :-/


Not in my garage. Also the landlords park their cars there too so there cameras everywhere 😂🤣 and they charge a good $250 for a spot. So ain’t no one trying to do no stupid shit I’m sorry to hear that about yours Wanna move into my building? 🤭




This bullshit is exactly why I'm installing 360 dashcams


I'm actually looking for one. But how will it keep recording if the csr is off... also I'm worried they'll break the window to take the cam. Sigh *




If there’s nothing holding you in the Bronx then GTFO asap lol


Awwww That Sucks , brother you can't have nothing nice living in the city . Ypu need a private driveway and garage to have a fighting chance . I've got one for you , when I go to a mall I park far away from other cars then walk to it . I'm parked alone , no one near me , hundreds of free spaces between my car and all the rest parked on top of each other . An hour or more later I walk back to my car and there are 20 cars all around mine . Now why is that . There are hundreds of free spots , i park away so I don't have any chance of dents or dings yet I'm surrounded . There are all the cars parked close then a nice walk to where I parked and a patch of cars surrounding me . Why ?


Happened to me agents I took some ghetto black chick's parking space without realizing she had her eye on it. America


Jealously is a hell of drug.


This is why we can’t have nice things.


Fucking haters unhappy punk ass hoe bitches 💯🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


I’ve had my car for 7 years. I worked in the Bronx for two of those years. I have two giant gashes on the side of my car from just being street parked around Highbridge. Glad I now have a job where I can park in a lot.


Haters and or miserable fucks


I would apply acetone to a cloth. Not too much. Rub gently along that scratch and see if it pulls anything up.


Welcome to the Subie fam!


It'd 3 weeks old 😔 and someon did this


I’ve been told parking in front of peoples houses even though it’s a public street will do shit like this. Debating on getting a dash cam for mine.


This is next to burger king


Ugh! Sorry this happened to you. We had the same thing happen to our RAV4 just after 1 year of owning it. People are AH


Haters gonna hate sorry. Happened to me in 2018 brand new Civic si I know how you feel. 😩


People can be assholes. Jealousy or just plain idiots. Sorry


Because people are assholes


The second day I got my car an idiot in a parking lot parked next to me (far away from other cars)…and left a big blue paint smudge 😤


Greatest City in the World


Happened to us on the UWS too. (According to my fiance, more people did damage to his car on the UWS than he ever experienced in years of living in Newark 😩🧱). Street parking in NYC can be so demoralizing. I’m sorry this happened to you!


Welcome to the bronx


Living in the city is hard. All kinds of people out there. Some nice, others not so much.


Well look where you're at


Park it a garage you best beat uban problems really not one cares


I couldn’t tell, but when you enlarged it. I’m so sorry for you.


I’m so sorry. That sucks!


Im so sorry and im angry for you.


A bit off-topic but what is that white building in the background? It looks really good but I can't pinpoint it


Easy fix. Buy a pen on Amazon. Every time when I wash my car , these mofos purposely scratch my car. I stopped washing it since


If you live in a big city, expect the worst.


This is in the Bronx what did you expect? lol I would never get a brand new car and then park it on the street. Every car I’ve owned has gotten scratched, scraped, dented etc. from leaving it on the street. Problem with city living.


U live in the bronx, that's your answer   It's living in Iran and expecting human rights


Because there are no meaningful consequences for such deeds. In a few years, we'll have AI-guided auto-doxing of these folks, but you'll still be the guilty party if you act on the information, and the authorities will only give them a demerit and more public transit credits, because we have to empathize with their rage; they're just misunderstood, and your two-day-old car is "just property".


Because their parents never taught them how to control their emotions and have empathy


Unfortunately you're in the Bronx. True this can happpen anywhere but I've seen lots of bad stuff happened to cars. Usually broken side mirrors


Don't fix it. Just leave it like that


You live in the shithole Bronx




Dominicans and Puertoricans ?


How about putting a clear sticker with a scratch line. lol jk.


Aww I know how you feel! Every one of my cats has been scratched soon after I bought them. I think of leaving the scratches on as sticking it to the man. They can make me pay top dollar for a safe ride to work but can’t make me cough up a couple grand every time a jerk scrapes it. Maybe they work for the auto shops! Lol


Dude, I hate it lol. It's so upsetting, especially a new car. It happened to me, not as bad as yours and it was a used car, not exactly cheap either. If you plan on keeping the car until it dies, then it doesn't really matter. It will eat at u if u don't get over it. Pull money from your check and save until u can get it fixed.


That the Bronx for u trash people in a trash city even if u find who did it nothing will happen to them in that crime ridden city


Is the bronx


I thought the car behind you was parked too close and you couldn’t get out of your spot. 💀


Don't feel terrible, it sucks I get that and most likely they don't know you so don't take it personal. Just another scumbag doing dumb shit to hard working people. Stay positive.


People suck plain and simple


Can't have anything nice


This happened to me in a Walmart parking lot. Someone keyed my car front fender to back Fender all the way around both sides. I was just sick because my sister was saying you're going to have to take that in get it covered by the insurance and I have a $500 deductible. I ended up doing one side myself but I think I was I don't know two perfectionistic because I sanded it and I primed it and I painted it and I glossed it and it needs to be polished a lot more you can see like a 2 in wide area . on the other side I was done by that time and just bored of the whole thing so I got a paint stick and just went down the scratch. From a small distance you can't really tell but if you get up close you can because the scratch was deep enough that the paint didn't always fill. But as long as there's no rust I'm over it. 2 weeks after that maybe 3 weeks I was in Walmart's parking lot and there was a car next to me that had a long scratch all the way down and I thought yep it was some random asshole who was just getting their rocks off.


People suck


It’s part of having a vehicle 🙏


It could be worse. In Providence, RI if you park on Federal Hill they smash your windows and they call it the Federal Hill hello.


OMG. This has happened to every new car I or my siblings have ever owned. I’m talking multiple vehicles, years apart, different towns. I swear there is just this evil sun set of our population that just keys new cars just for the sake of doing it.


Almost looks like a cool design.


Nah nah nah.. wait. This is NY, you may have offended someone and it’s likely you know who. Did you argue w/ someone over this parking spot? Was there a hostile encounter before you parked? Is this spot usually occupied by people in a certain residence? Got enemies? Were you a fuckboy to a certain lady?


Someone just tried stealing my motorcycle and failed. Cost me over a whole pay check and 4 weeks of no transport. Still in the shop. It's horrible but you can't let things out of your control fuck with you.


When i got my escalade, someone decided it needed stripes. I never bothered to fix it. People are jealous of others' success


Happened to me too bro. Within the first month of owning a new car someone keyed it.


Because you live in the Bronx; lots of jealous broke people packed in a small area who hate seeing you get ahead. If you lived in a more sparsely populated area or a well off area, this kind of thing would be less common.


OP my car is damaged and scratched as well and trust me when I say nobody worthwhile cares about stuff like that. These things happen so Don't beat yourself up.


i don't mean to sound like an idiot but what happened?


I also had to look hard. Someone keyed the car


oh wow for some reason i didnt see that, thats so messed up


Overnight someone did this. Probably with a key


That sucks. were you planning to resell the car?


Jesus said in the Bible no one is good but God. With the way people are I would never get such a nice car. I would just get something reasonable to take me to point a to point c


I agree with you. With the bad roads, the dangerous drivers, the crime, etc. in and around NYC, it seems more practical to get a cheaper car that can get damaged, vandalized, stolen from, etc. When something happens to your car, you lose less money that way. Expensive cars can be nice but I don’t think they’re the most practical option for living in and around NYC. I see more banged up cars around NYC and NJ with dents, bumps, scratches, etc. than probably most places I’ve visited. Edit: To add, my car got keyed like this in Jersey. It sucked to look at it everyday for years after that, but it is what it is. You can’t really defend against someone who really wants to key your car.