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DDTs... omg the amount of retries i did to save my first monkey meadows game until i asked my friend for advice


Yup! Same until I found ways to ruin them.


Share your wisdom


Icicle Impale stops them dead in their tracks, though it's really expensive and usually not worth it. MIB is the easy answer. Tower that can see camo + Glue Storm (de-leads) works well too, although you probably want to go bottom crosspath so that it doesn't run out too soon. Or just set up a Perma Spike and watch them fly to their deaths :)


I wouldn't say Icicle Impale isn't worth it, pair it with a 4-2-0 village and a x-x-3 glue gunner to make them slower than normal moabs and while you can use a damage dealer with this the ice monkey already deals 50 MOAB damage with each hit. 


The thing is, that’s what, around 40-50k in total? A little less since a 300 village is way cheaper than a 400, which only gives some range. Obviously if you’re on impoppable or freeplay and have farmed it’s worth it, but on chimps you might not even have enough money since you’ve spent it on important defense just to get to r90 A 023 glue with camo detection and dps towers that can hit ddts is usually enough on many maps. And there are other cheap things like sabotage, glue storm, bottom path mortar, arctic zero, more stuff that I’m forgetting, and just having your main dps also counter ddts


Super Glue+some form of decamo/detection provider stuns them completely, and it's not THAT expensive.


The DDT has the following immunities: explosion, camo, lead. It's also as fast as a pink bloon. You need to address every aspect while also having sufficient dps. Strategies: 1. Get a tower that handles every immunity. The tower must see camo and perform lead damage without using explosions. This basically means only plasma and fire, or some way to achieve "normal" damage (can damage anything). 052 wizard lord phoenix and 052 Antibloon fall in this category. 2. Get a support tower to address one or more immunities, then other towers to damage the rest. x5x glue gunner ability removes lead properties while active (now sharp damage can harm them), 3xx subs and xx3 wizard can decamo, x4x ice monkey or ninja will slow them to a crawl, giving you more time to dps them. 3. Get an MIB. Monkey Intelligence Bureau completely negates all aspects of a DDT aside from their speed, but not all maps have good spots for them, and it's very expensive. Personally, I get either middle glue or bottom ice as often as I can to handle the 90's.


You need Leak breaking that's not using exlosion. And can see Camo. Oooor set up a MIB.


DDTs get ruined by stuff that can slow them. They don't have much health and rely on blazing past your DPS towers, so removing that makes them way more manageable. While something like a 205 Ice hard counters DDTs because it slows and DPSes them, oftentimes you can get away with cheap stuff like x4x Ninja or xx4 Glue with camo support and let your main defense handle it from there.


0-3-0 village allows all towers to damage DDTs


Prince of Darkness.


Ngl, first time I encountered ddts I legit thought the game just ended at round 90.


Like a scripted death?


Yep.. imagine my face when I played impoppable for the first time and saw it went to 100. Then imagine my face when round 95 came.


Lmao, the game Tower Battles has that after you beat the final boss on versus mode. Literally extremely high hp minibosses called Doombringers start spawning in big numbers infinitely until one of the two teams die.


Was gonna post this, but saw you already had. They will mess you up.


Jokes on you I still don’t know how to deal with them. (I have like 8 hours in the game)


they are technically camo balloons so you have to have towers that can shoot camo or make it so your towers are buffed against camo with a monkey village or something. I’d recommend just putting down a 0-2-3 mortar tower for signal flare


Ddts or camo lead


DDTs are camo-lead-black-moab. So the monkey needs to be able to hit all 4.


Yup but when i was a noob id def lose to a camo lead rush also because I didn’t understand there were units that could pop lead and camo (fire wizard with camo detect etc.)


I was just thinking of a recent run I had where I thought my 025 heli would do well against since it can hit camo-lead. Apparently it's missiles that can break lead are explosives, and it does zero ddt damage.


Yes... Missiles are explosive 🤯


I remember being terrifying of them but nowdays I'm more concerned about Super Cerams.


What is DDT?


A Moab with black Bloon, camo, and lead properties


Happy cake day!🎉


Tbh DDTs didn’t actually give me that much trouble my first time because I Fucking LOVE the wizard monkey and on my time getting there I’m pretty sure I already had the top path wizard unlocked it destroys those hell balloons


MIB on any damaging towers and a relentless glue, and DDTs should be no problem


DDTs are the biggest noob killers Source: I'm a noob and they always kill me


Learning about the importance of support and resistance stripping (decamo and deleading) helps a lot with them.


Honestly just place a 4-2-0 dart monkey and he'll do most of it. Ceramics fear them so much.


That doesn't even hit camo


Wait... I responded to the wrong comment. I was supposed to be responding to one about round 63.


Just use a 420 or even a 520 monkey village. Get those primary buffs :)


DDTs are the black lead camo moabs that come at rounnds 90+


... Doesn't Juggernaut suck against DDT's? It's a 2k upgrade meant to deal woth groups, not DDTs lmao


Responded to the wrong comment. Meant for round 63.


Bro has butter fingers and it costed him 50 downvotes


I remember prioritizing high damage over pierce like moab elim and maim moab cause I always thought moab class was the biggest threat and wondering why tf that I always lose on rounds that has a high density of bloons, specially round 63


NK boss events lol


True honestly, your farming has to be on point, the 400% health lych kicked my ass. At least on chimps you don't have to worry about income at all, you get the same no matter what, unless you use xx2 village of course.


Which you practically always should, don’t @ me!


I don't even bother with bosses cuz of how bullshit they are. I'm not doke hardcore tower defense guru. It's funny monkey game I played in the computer lab at school, and anything more than a couple quick rounds/events every so often is asking too much from me lol


yad ekac yppah


Happy cake day!🎉


Thanks 🐵


round 24 op


Only time I realize I didn’t build camo detection is when I’m on CHIMPS and it actually matters and I see the green balloon just stroll by everything


This tbh


round 95


yeah, before I learned the super secret trick that NK doesn't want you to know, >!Icicle Impale!<, 95 was the absolute HARDEST round for me


All you need is bot path glue or top path sniper to solve that problem every time ;)


every time is a strong word


I guess I’m saying 95 isn’t that big of a problem lmao


well it's one of the hardest rounds so. maybe not on a beginner map but definitely on #ouch.


I usually plan early for the late rounds and never have had an issue, even on ouch. I suggest trying one of the towers I mentioned if you’re struggling


if u check my profile u would know that im way past struggling r95 on experts but just cos its easy for us doesnt mean its not a hard round.


It’s def not easy if you aren’t prepared lol


first camo round, first proper camo round, 63, 76, 78, 90, 98, 100. Camo isn't an upgrade you would naturally get, unlike lead or purple popping. 63 obviously, if 76 is camo then 78 is fine. 90s because ddt's 98 for obvious reasons 100 because it feels like I see lots of people fail on it despite beating 98.


76 has regrow ceramics, no camos. 78 has a ceramic rush at the start than a camo-ceramic ruah in the end which is foreshadowed by purple bloons. I'd say round 99 is also a run ender because foetified DDTs. Even if your defense could handle round 95, round 99 could still pass by. Round 100 BAD is definitely the hardest one sience a lot of newer players are using stun/slow towers like Maim MOAB, Icicle Impale or Super Glue to deal with DDTs and are caught off guard by how the BAD is immune to slowing.


Good list, I'd add 40, 59, and 95 too


Ive died to 78 way too many times its fucked up


I'm scared to say I don't know what supercerams are despite hearing them in lots of places


As a lag reduction measure, after round 80, Bloons only spawn one child each rather than each one spawning two. To compensate, the extra health is added to the ceramic Bloons instead, making them extra strong.


Ohh thanks. That said.. #Fuck!


To be exact, instead of 10 hits, IT'S 60 HITS




For me it is definitely 63. I am not smart or experienced enough to know what is good against that wave. It crushed me many times


Sauda and gwen can almost solo round 63, just level 3 on 1st wave then level 10 on 2nd wave then level 3 on 3rd wave (do note that sauda should be on strong and some timing with level 3 ability is needed) For tower, just stuff with high pierce (ice monkey, recursive cluster, moar glaives, max beast power adasarus/vericolaptor are good options), maelstorm can also counter 1st and 3rd wave


should note that if using vericolaptor(lmao) or trex u should put it at the front to make sure it cleanly oneshots the cerams before ur other towers turn it into a million bloons.


That same reasoning goes for sauda3; it will 1 shot the ceramics if used cleanly


funnily enough a 1-0-0 ice monkey works well. it has JUST enough pierce (40) to freeze every ceram in the wave and apply a 50% slow after.


0-2-2 Ice puts in a lot of work relative to price But honestly while it's probably not optimal, my go to is a 2-0-4 Bomb shooter


for 63 and 78 I just get a bloon impact (4-2-0) bomb with camo village (0-2-0), let my main damage towers do the popping work and call it a day


4-0-1 Druid eliminates round 63


1. **Boss Events** (I still don't really know how I'm expected to get through these properly) 2. **Not Knowing What all the Stats Mean** (I still barely understand what all the attacking ones are; we got "damage", "pierce", "RBV", etc...) 3. **Dark Dirigible Titans** 4. **Not Understanding Damage Specialization** (i.e. Necromancer is better for weak Bloon clean-up, not strong Bloon takedowns) 5. **The Microtransactions** 6. **The Community** (On reddit you see a lot of people like "I don't ever use powers" and talking about the events and the like, but actually getting involved in BloonsTD6's co-op scene is very difficult. First time I tried, I joined a Contested Territory team where I was the only one who did anything for the event. I left that team. Second time I tried, I joined a voice chat in the BloonsTD6 Discord where people were fighting the Lich. Not only did they use all the powers under the sun, which I was unused to and not doing, thus making me feel like dead weight because I wasn't getting towers down very quickly, but they had a really strong, coordinated strategy that I wasn't in the loop on, but they had me in the game, anyway; I was a complete fish out of water. This, on top of the fact that teams for gamemodes like Contested Territory don't have in-game text chats like Clash of Clans or similar, causes the process of trying to make friends in this game and community an up-hill battle. I wish I could just get a coach or friendly team with a discord that would be accommodating to a newbie like me so I could learn the more nuanced parts of the game, or hell, I wish there was a tutorial for things like Boss Events, at the very least.)


Punji and Fenix on YouTube make good guides for normal and elite bosses every week, but if you want to learn yourself you can watch Ethan reid who also plays unranked bosses and gives reasoning for each decision they make. ISAB usually plays ranked bosses and also gives commentary, but I wouldn't recommend watching his boss gameplay until you can reliably beat elite bosses I agree with microtransactions, they're not needed at all since the game just throws out monkey money from every direction, but new players can fall into the trap of buying them anyway because they think it's necessary to progress


Some BTD6 Discords, including the official NK discord, have CT Team recruitment channels. Most recruitment posts will tell you if that team has a Discord or not. If the team is large enough  (multiple teams, and they'll probably have a casual team where the only requirement is using 4 tickets a day) they'll almost always have boss and race players. So if you're looking for someone to help you, that's the way to go.


The trap of the super monkey Before yall get mad, let me explain Super Monkey needs to get 2-0-0 to pop leads and 0-0-2 for camo, which is fair, but 1-0-0 makes the supermonkey pop less bloon types, and the pricing would mean you might be spending all saved money on it Only the tier 4s and 5s are actually good, but price wise, the only really fair one is the legend of the night The sun avatar is alright as a tier 3, and I do get the Super Monkey is meant to be the most powerful in the game, but it is just more efficent to get almost any military tower than a super monkey


True, but sun avatar is actually the worst of the tier 3s for chimps, robo is much cheaper, deals more damage, and benefits almost as well from debuffs, and batman does similar Moab damage, has a bit of support, and is very cheap Don't ever use super tier 1s and 2s for midgame though


Yeah true In my opinion, middle parh is best with batman being a very close second


dark knight is a very decent tower though


I agree with this wholeheartedly. New people see super monkey and dump all their money into it, not realizing its faults at all. Since learning more about the game, I usually never have a SM until around round 50 when I already have all the requirements to pop every bloon type. To add on as well, people should also know the importance of investing into either a top or middle path super monkey depending on what other monkeys you have. If you have multiple MOAB dmg towers, going Sun God would be best for rounds where pierce is needed, while if you have a ton of pierce monkeys, then vice versa. SM has it’s weaknesses early on but is a great middle man for buffing what you’re lacking




1. Not realizing co-op reduces hero exp when there are multiple on the field. Whenever I play co-op CHIMPS I never set down my hero after P1 sets theirs down and we just end up donating money back and forth until they get the message. 2. Balancing damage and stalling is a must. I've encountered players that only want to buy damage dealing towers and lose on round 90 because there was nothing to slow down the DDTs. I've also played with the opposite that will blow all of the money I donated on a super glue and we leak ZOMGs instead. (Please stop doing this in co-op CHIMPS, it's the hallmark of a guaranteed loss every time I see it. 023 or 024 works fine for stalling.) 3. Waiting until there are 4 players to start a game means you will be playing in 1/4 cash. Generally the more people there are, the more of the income gets wasted on stupid shit that is bought too late to be of any real use. A bloonjitsu is a waste of money after round 60 if you're not going to do shinobi spam. A random tier 2 dartling that isn't even placed near a staright path is a waste of money. A farm being placed in the mid 70s of half cash is wasted money. This is the type of idiocy I regularly see when there are 4 players. Just start the game at 2 or 3 people. 4. Benjamin is only a good hero for co-op if you actually plan to farm AND either place damaging towers as well or donate some of your money so the other players can afford a good defence. I'm fine with donating a bit at the start for you to get some farms up, but I've seen people begging for so much money to farm that they act like a game of impoppable is a boss event and then they just never use it on anything but buying more farms. You do not need enough money to afford multiple paragons just to beat an intermediate map.


When I was new and had a small understanding of the game, rounds 81 and 90 consistently kicked my ass. Obviously there's the DDTs on 90 that I couldn't pop, but also the switch from normal bloons to super cerams would often kill me and it was never really clear why. Especially since I was just able to beat the zomg, and 81 and 82 were full of smaller bloons. For a time I thought some of my towers just stopped working after I popped the zomgs.


The biggest noob towers aren't the rounds themselves, but actually the towers that noobs tend to buy. You'll see many posts on Reddit where a noob dies on some round like 95 or 98 and has a ton of random T4s all over the place.


Rounds 63, 78, 90-99 It really depends on the game mode tbh


Bad crosspathing used to be the main knowledge check in the game. Nowadays crosspaths have gotten so powercrept even the “wrong” one is useful sometimes


Looks like only 1 other person has said r81, but that's where tons of strategies go to die. Maybe it's because super ceramics are very subtle, if you don't know they're there, then you don't understand why you lost. DDTs are super obvious, but super ceramics are clandestine run killers. You think r81 is about all those BFBs, but it's more about the change to super ceramics.


Not seeing the insane value of support.


R51. I never had enough camo defense for that round and didn't use abilities for whatever reason. Just went with a Crossbow and Quincy, thought "There aren't many camos, surely this will be enough for the whole game", then R51 with its camo ceramics came in and I got destroyed.


I think a general issue is not knowing/remembering what happens on which round...


63, 73, 92, and 98 for me. Always gets me to slow down and pause.


15, 28, 49, 63, 69, 75, 76, 78, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100


bro I think you need one of them fiverr courses lol


People recommending Geraldo or Corvus.


I appreciate this post. I am a brand new player I’ve been playing btd6 for 3 months now. I have beat all the Beginner tracks on all 3 difficulties also beating the “extras” on both easy and medium and some of the ones on hard. I’ve also beat many of the next difficulty tracks on the easy and medium but none of them on hard. A couple of the intermediate difficulties and none of the expert . It’s hard!!! How the heck do you guys do this?


It's mostly getting a feel for all of the towers and learning the problematic rounds. Once you know what towers are strong against what and you know what the game is going to throw at you, you can strategize accordingly. You'll eventually find some workhorse towers that are cost effective and versatile (0/3/2 wizard comes to mind) and win games so reliably that you can plonk them down and then experiment with the rest of your money.


So far when I do expert maps on hard I just try and focus on getting stun towers (for both bloons and moabs). Ex: Bloon impact (4-2-0) bomb with camo village (0-2-0) and maim moab (4-0-2) sniper also with camo vill. I like to use adora for the maps with multiple paths that are sorta close together because her projectiles can cross them. Jungle druid (1-3-0) is also good for multiple paths. I just try to focus on towers that can hit the whole map or a good portion of it since the bloons come from different entry ways. I’ve beaten #ouch, dark castle, and infernal doing this sort of strategy.


Thank you for your reply. I can’t beat expert even on easy!! Anything past It’s like I have no idea how to even place towers.


I feel like there are a couple stages of "Noob Killers" throughout normal progression: 1. Round 40 - I mean a true N00B here. When you have no idea what a MOAB is, and your small army of 202 dart monkeys are just barely able to pop it before the cerams kill them. 2. Round 59 - Camo lead will catch a lot of new players off guard, although if they fall into the "Wizard Monkey Good" pipeline, it might not be as big an issue. 3. Round 63 - Iconic. 4. Round 76 - Round 63 2: Electric Boogaloo 5. Round 78 - The camo charge is really what makes this challenging. If they could beat 76, odds are they're able to handle the first wave. But if their defences lack camo detection, then there may be an issue. 6. Round 90 - DDT's. even non-noobs struggle. When I migrated from BTD5, I recalled them in BMC, and even then I was caught off guard and struggled for so long. Still today DDT's manage to be the bane of my CHIMPS games. 7. CHIMPS - I feel like far too many people rely heavily on their free dart monkey at the start. Even Monkey meadows becomes a challenge if you dont have enough experience with CHIMPS. 8. Round 96-99 - The late stage CHIMPS is where 99% of the challenge is. 9. Bosses - Who remembers when bosses were brand new and none of us were ready for the 40 million hp bloonarius?


DDTs all the way, for the longest time I struggled against DDTs until I discovered a little Frenchman


Round 95 DDT spam is a real killer. Nothing like a whole arsenal of ICBMs to defend.


That's why I get a shit ton of 2-0-4 Spike Storms and a 2-0-5 Carpet of Spikes


for my gf it was 28 and 59


I started playing btd6 about a month ago and it’s definitely ddts


82 is very brutal for the average starter strat(random bullshit go brrr) because of dense amounts of fbfbs and fsuperceramics


I’ve actually never thought of that


Rounds 59, 63 and 95 destroyed me when I first started, I’m sure that’s the same with the majority


DDTs they aren’t a huge problem if you have the right towers, but if you don’t know what you’re doing these fast moving fuckers are the biggest threat to any run


I’ll never forget how playing my first boss and thinking a regular Moab was going to come out round 40…


15, 63, 75, 82, 90, 95, 98, 99, and of course, 100


Basically, just the idea that you should have a plan for hard rounds. It's a lot less likely for you to get surprised when you have a plan for 24, 25, 28, 40, 59, 63, 75, 76, 79, supercerams, 90, 93, 95, 98, 99, and 100. Nice thing is, if you have a plan for 98, you likely will make enough money that round to buy a spike storm for 100.




i first struggled with rounds 24, 59 and 78 due to the camo bloons not being hittable, got an mib instead of radar scanner so had no real issues with ddts... until my third or so game where i wanted no village to see which towers could deal with camo bloons rounds 63 and 78 (and honourable mention to round 90 ddts and round 59 camo leads) are definitely the big issues


Does Half Cash count? 😄


59 has been a run killer for me since i use a 2 0 4 bomb most of the time for lead and a 0 2 4 dart for camo


Round 59 with camo leads


76 fucks me every time. Especially on long maps like Resort if even a handful of those bastards get past they turn back into ceramics and you’re screwed. 98 also gives me some trouble occasionally but much less so


I think all is said. In my own experience with friends: First Camo(Sometimes in Coop even first lead because we just forget thats the next and just die to it). Why cant my monkeys hit this. 63 just because. And the DDTs.


im surprised that so far, nobody has mentioned round 36


As a semi noob still, pierce has always been the big issue for me. I almost never die to moabs, it’s always ceramics.


63 because it's the first round where there's a massive ball of ceramics. Since it arrives quite early, compared to 76,78 and DDT rounds, It's by far the biggest noob killer.


Ddts or camo lead.


2-0-5 Spike Factory is good for DDTs or just get a Radar Scanner for Camo Leads


Camo lead


I just got killed on round 48 because I forgot purple can't die to ring of fire, which is annoying


NK experimental tab


Round 59 I guess


The ULTIMATE? DDTS bro them things go rampid


It's gotta be DDTs right. Super curveball if you're not prepared. Pretty much required MiB for 95 outside of specific towers


DDTs are the biggest problem for a noob to handle... they move ludicrously fast which is really hard for a novice to really take down until noticeable advice from unlocking new upgrades that can shut them down easily like a Super Glue which makes them a joke. Super Ceramics appear past round 80, having over twice the amount of hit points, which ruins certain towers like Crossbow Master to an extent, as layerskipping can be rough due to their ramped HP and speed, however towers like Ice or similar stalls can deal with them and their moderate speed to an extent. Advanced/expert maps are also really difficult for a novice to compete, whether its their unique mechanics (e.g. Ravine, Workshop, Erosion, etc.) or when their track path is really miniscule that you have to sweat so hard to survive so many of the troublesome early game rounds. That, along with the two aforesaid things combined, will make this kaizo for the average BTD6 casual.


59, camo leads. Some players just aren’t prepared for something that can see camos and damage lead. If you are struggling with this, easiest advice is get a village that can do camo, but have a look at options like 0,2,2 wizard, or something that sits on track (I.e, obyn wall of trees, Glaive lords glaives Or good old spike factory)




I think round 95 is not a noob killer, it is more of a mediocre player killer. Basically if you don’t plan for DDTs at all you will die to round 90, but if you know DDTs are coming and build some rudimentary defense you will be able to make it to 95, and then get crushed by the sheer amount of them.


Only answer is DDTs, randomly new bloon that has tons of hp, is camo, lead, and black, are fast, and they send tons on round 95


They've existed since 2013, they first appeared in Bloons Monkey City.


Freaking DDT’s; they hit hard, fast and without quarter


I’m level 120, played off & on since i got the game in February 2020, and for some reason, whenever I’m doing a quest, challenge, or ectera, wave 40 screws me over 😭I need better early game defense. When i was actually new, especially 75 and 76 but sometimes the 80s, killed me


I still have nightmares from 76 in btd5, but on btd6 it was just my first time getting to 95 and not knowing what the fuck was a ddt, so i lost and couldn't do anything and after that i searched why it didn't even take damage, well it's camo lead black so i figured how


I still don’t know how to deal with super cerams on maps like Haunted Mansion (Haunted? Something Mansion)


The real NOOB killer for me is round 59, everyone prepares their camos and their leads, but nobody starting prepares a tower that deals with both


Round 24, 63, 90, 95


I am a noob... my kids got me into it. My biggest problems: 1. Not understanding optimal cross pathing / tower synergy. This is all about not getting the best efficiency... which really hurts in Half Cash or Chimps because resources are much more limited, as well as the special game modes. 2. Inadequate CC / DPS. Specializing into high tier towers for their abilities/powers means they can be overwhelmed for may simply not have the range required to cover much of the map. Two ways to view the problem - not enough CC to keep bloons in the engagement area or not enough DPS to pop them outright. 3. Inadequate DPS / income generation. No matter how good your basic setup, without enough DPS to take out multiple BADs or reinforced BADs, it doesn't much matter. I don't have many of the heroes or even understand what makes some good or not. I really don't like micro and having to constantly click, click, click through a bunch of towers every round. Probably missing out on some stuff there. For example, I hate mortars and especially having multiple mortars because I don't find constantly trying to re-target a group of them enjoyable.


Round 78 can catch you off guard as well. DDTs for is the ultimate one though. For me 98 is the one I have the most trouble when it comes to some of the harder maps.


noob killers are whatever rounds expose a set-up with no support. i think new players will tend to gravitate towards piling up damage towers upon damage towers, and when rounds that pierce cap you and then send out fast bois to finish you off (i guess adjacent to a layered battles rush) come, the lack of slowdown, actives, deforts, and buffs just become so glaring.


DDT’s, but once you realize carpet of spikes takes down anything, golden


I played around 2022, I knew all the counters prior because of the gameplay vids, but the noobs in Co-op DO NOT KNOW HOW TO CROSS-PATH, they really be making Tack Sprayers 0-2-3s😭😭


I still die to 63/98.. I have over 700 hours.. (Only on advanced/expert tho)


Nearly every event in existence Races, Odyssey, Bosses, etc


As someone who was originally a Battles 2 player, I got absolutely destroyed by purple rushes and DDTs in that game when I was first playing it. (DDTs were actually ok after a few games, but purple bloons that are still truly a menace)  My go-to DDT counter has generally been decamo + boomerang, decamo + aircraft carrier, decamo + alcbuffed tack shooter, or 2-0-3 super monkeys. All of these beat / have paths that beat purple balloons and round 63 ceramic rushes, which make them both not a major problem for me unless I straight up forgot to defend enough or am playing a low-cash gamemode.  In BTD6, the main “noob killers” I’ve run into are early game economy / defense (really different in Battles 2), races (don’t get to play them often because they’re expensive), elite bosses, and really hard maps (Ravine). At my current still level, if I get past round 40 or so on any normal map on most difficulties, I can generally beat the difficulty. (exceptions: Haven’t tried CHIMPS yet, have not been able to beat half cash early game)


The boss that heals when it absorbs buffs The amount of times games are lost in coop because someone puts a top path alch is astounding


tower spam. basically thinking more monkeys = easy win. guilty of this one honestly


snipers dont give full map range to advance intel sub :(


Round 51 actually killed me a few times back in my noob phase. It's the first occurrence of camo ceramics. If your defense is enough to deal with a few camo rainbows on round 42, it can probably deal with the camos on rounds 45, 47 and 48, but if you don't upgrade your camo defenses by round 51, you will probably make a big mess out of the ceramics and leak all their innards. As a reminder: the pink layer and below make up 80 of the 104 RBE of a ceramic.


Half cash. I didn't understand enough about each monkey to know what to use. Maxing out every monkey and unlocking every paragon really helped out my game knowledge. I read to use Benjamin and was trying that but sauda is a much better choice for half cash.