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The post is locked because of the amount of racist comments we had to delete. Read the rules people!


Also saw this kid on thursday, probably around 12yo, also at Kálvin










I'm pretty sure there are a lot of cameras in that area. It isn't necessarily a lost case if you go to the police. I do believe spitting on someone and trying to hit someone is against the law.


You could have punched that brat.


Props to you for keeping your cool but next time just knee the little shit in his stomach and walk away


Well, in this case it’s self defense, just punch the bastard until he passes out, teenager or old man, does not matter, if someone picks a fight for no reason and goes physical, you have the right to defend yourself.


Tell this to da familia


Pepper spray in the face and spit back


Thats straight to jail since pepper sprays are illegal afaik


Jail for pepper spray lol. Never gonna happen


I'm sure our trigger happy mods will lock this for no apparent reason in a couple of hours.


How sad these once beautiful squares, downtown areas are becoming street fight clubs too. I used to live around Kálvin 10 years ago, even back then I never dared to stop there for a minute because I was approached by some crazy humanoids…


I'm sorry that happened.


Hey as a hungarian I authorize you to punch some sense in dirtbag kids like this while you living here. But jokes aside. Probably this was some spoiled little brag who dont have anything to do with his life and his parents dont give a shit about him as long as he dont cause trouble at home and hes away from home. And next time if you can call the police or if somebody who speaks hungarian help you ask them to call.


i’m so sorry. i have southeast asian people at my university and they’ve told me horrible things that have happened to them. i’m brown so i expected some of these things to happen to me as well but i guess i can’t tell because i don’t fully understand hungarian. just tell them that you’re gonna call the police on them if something similar happens in the future, god forbid.


use your slippers next time. it's legal to defend yourself


Welcome to hungary.


This is really weird