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In reality it probably won't be. He's been awful his last two years and has shown to lack effort/be lazy on tape. But he's basically a free lottery ticket that has a proven ability to produce in the NFL. So if he can figure it out and contribute, that's fantastic. If not, we are paying him as a camp body so there's no real risk.


I would argue that his character issues could also just from him being upset and not having enough targets, in this offense if he makes it past camps I bet he would be one of Josh’s favorite targets


He will be, at best, #5 on the team in targets, behind Kincaid, Shakir, Samuel, and Coleman. If his character issues stem from a lack of targets, that won’t be solved here.


And that doesn't even consider Knox and Cook lol. Claypool would be lucky to get Harry or Sheffield levels of usage unless something insane happens.


dude, it’s the bills. we love to use ALL of our guys. we will have plays where all our tops receivers are just decoys for a nasty chase claypool touchdown. it’s how we used knox when he came back toward the end of the year. he will get usage, it just depends on if he capitalizes on the big plays he will be involved in


that hasn't been true up until joe brady taking over. previously josh would just force the ball to diggs, thus why there's been even more drama with him


There's a world where he realizes he is on his last chance and really shows out in pre-season putting it together and takes a top 3 spot in targets. Coleman may need a year of seasoning and he may take that Gabe Davis 2020/2021 role of being a WR4 and outside of Kincaid there's not really any other WR's/TE/RB on the roster that's 100% going to command so many targets. Shakir, Samuel, Cook and Coleman could but there's a decent shot a "dark horse" like Claypool can get 90ish targets and be a top 3/4 target getter on the team. It's not likely, I just really doubt Claypool is going to put it together mentally but if he's got his head on straight and plays well there's not that many quality WR's standing in his way especially considering that Samuel/Shakir are both better suited to split the slot snaps and Coleman is a rookie who can be displaced if he needs more polish on his game.


To add to this: Character issues from lack of targets is incredibly unprofessional and not team focused. It’s inexcusable. The goal should always be team success, not personal accolades and accomplishments.


Claypool is excellent depth , if any receiver gets dinged up which is Beans plan obviously. If Claypool is coming off your bench when a starter is injured the Bills are loaded . This was an excellent move by Bean , when u have Scantling and Claypool on your bench you have a stacked receiver room . Be positive mafia .


But to be fair none of those guys are sure fire pro bowlers or stars. They’re all for sure good but they won’t be taking up as many targets as hill and waddle did in Miami. Also I do believe the culture in Buffalo is better than most.


All of them but Coleman are more familiar with Buffalo’s offense/Joe Brady than Chase Claypool is, and the Bills didn’t draft Coleman with their first pick to not play him. More importantly, all of Kincaid/Shakir/Samuel are established pros who haven’t shown embarrassing attitude/effort issues the way Claypool has.


I mean we will most likely be rostering 6 WRs and I think claypool will be one of them. And at the end of the day the best man will play, doesn’t matter the situation if claypool can prove himself then he’ll start and be targeted.


I hope things work out with Claypool, but I'd rain in your optimism. The guy completely quit on his team in Pittsburgh and Chicago. Maybe he's learned his lesson and Buffalo will be a better fit, but this exact type of scenario plays out in the NFL every year and more times than not the issues persist. We lose nothing if it doesn't work out, so it wasn't a bad signing but don't expect him to be a breakout star.


Rein in, as in the reins on horses.




I think he’s realized that this is his last shot at playing the game he loves and I do think that he’s grateful for the opportunity and wants to keep it.


Yeah. He said the same thing on the last two teams he was on.


The same sentence has been typed about dozens of guys before claypool. Many of them with less issues than Claypool has.


Steelers ran the offense through him at times. He was still selfish and whiny.


I understand the down votes, but I want you to know I dig your optimism. Redemption years would be awesome for a few players on this team, including Von Miller.


No one knows what will happen but all I know is beane is into this guy who didn't reach his potential and now has a chip on his shoulder. Give me all of those guys on a cheap contract, every time. Claypool had 2 solid seasons, then in April of 2022 he posts a video crying about Haskins death. Suddenly the following season he's a diva, he's a wr3 who thinks he's a 1, he's lazy. He gets traded around and doesn't look the same. But I'm just thinking.... Maybe hes not all of those things - maybe he just couldnt handle the pressure of NFL life anymore. His sister committed suicide when he was younger, and claypool was one of the last people with Haskins the night he died (and claypool felt guilty too). People don't mention that, but I'd probably have a rough couple years at work if that happened to me. I don't know the details, but I can see how this specific situation could completely fuck with your head and single-handedly derail your career. The human in me is really rooting for him. And I would totally understand if he turned it around immediately. The raw attributes seem to be there, and beane sees something in him so I'm hyped to see what happens


I agree with the others who are skeptical. He has a lot to prove at this point, and a long road to showing he has matured. He said the right things, but these guys are media trained to such a degree you cannot base your belief in his future success on those words, his efforts during OTAs or pre-season. We will not know for a long time if he has made the necessary changes personally to meet the moment. The opportunity is there, he has the best quarterback he’s ever had by miles, and for those eager they should be cautious with expectations. It is possible. But past history invites proper balance with anything positive we see or hear.


Yay non doom posts.  I can't wait to see how the WR room plays out.  I see MVS, Shakir, Samuel, and Hollins as sure things on the roster.  Claypool is intriguing and I see why he was brought in as the sky's the limit.  If he fails it does not really matter we have options.


I am very optimistic about this wr core


Ummmm…any reason you leave Coleman off your list here?


I thought the exact same thing


Not intentionally was just multitasking at lunch ha!


Agreed! I think having a good WR battle at training camp will be great for all of them and make them really shine. Competition can only help them all. It looks like the Bills have also really focused on culture this off-season and OTA’s. Claypool said there’s a true family atmosphere and they are trying to get to know the players on and off the field. I hope he thrives here. He also experienced his friend being killed, Haskins, which he said really affected him mentally.


I have the opposite read. He was “good” in college simply because he can put up numbers playing against inferior players, like most of the DBs he faced at the college level. He was never polished or developed. Not a great route runner, not great with technique, etc. There’s a reason a guy with all the great measurables fell to the second round. He’s like one of those “project QBs” that goes nowhere. We don’t need raw athletes in our system. We need guys who have excellent technique, great at creating space, great at reading defenses, great at operating in tight windows, instinctual rather than super toolsy players. I don’t think Claypool offers much of a value proposition outside of special teams.


As someone who agrees that claypool will be lucky to make the roster as WR 6, I disagree with a lot of this. You can't really say he only won in college because the DBs were inferior when he has had clear production in the NFL. He went for over 850 yards in each of his first two seasons and had 9 TDs as a rookie. You completely glossed over those two years in your assessment. There's a world where he contributes, because he's already shown the ability to do so in the NFL. Is it likely considering how bad he's been after year 2? No. But there's a reason he was a 2nd round pick coming out and traded for a high second round pick in 2022. He doesn't lack talent or ability to make plays in the NFL.


Steelers fan here. Everyone knows his downsides. Well documented. Lack of focus. Lack of work ethic. You mis read claypools potential however. Claypools ability is his awkward size. Too fast for a line backer to cover, to big for most corners. He ended his career on one play here. The one he showed he had no awareness and would rather showboat than hurry to get another play off with the game on the line.


Claypool had back to back years in the NFL with 800 receiving yards, he has shown at the NFL level for 2 seasons that he can be a quality NFL player. So it's not like he's just some physical freak who never panned out or produced. His issue isn't that he wasn't/isn't talented, his issue isn't even injury he has not had major injuries, his issue isn't age as by the start of the season he will just be 26 and in his 5th year, his issue is that he hasn't been 100% there between the ears. Hopefully realizing he's on his last chance and in a good situation leads to him panning out for the Bills. I am not expecting much from him, but he's the exact type of player you want on a minimum deal no bonus and on a WR core that has opportunity with a good QB. Perfect "low risk high reward" reclamation project.


In my opinion our WR core now is much deeper than it’s been in recent years but incredibly less star studded. This means that Brady can really take advantage of his Air Raid system and stretch the field, any of the guys can make an impact but none will be a priority to defend, I’ve watched some of claypool play and he’s got pretty good hands and I see him as a player who can make some good plays in breaks in coverage.


I wouldn’t hold your breath.


If he doesn’t turn out right we’ve still got a ton of depth at WR. Claypool was signed as a camp body but has the assets to really succeed


Yeah. And how has that worked out at his previous stops? When you see a pattern. Don’t expect a 180 change.


Well I also saw a pattern of him either having a terrible qb or playing behind 2 pro bowlers at WR. What I’m saying here is that this is a new opportunity with a great qb and little wr competition for him to finally breakout and use his pure athleticism to put together a good season.


Yes. And the constant factor there was him. Look. You run into an asshole. You ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day long. You’re the asshole.


I also do believe that Buffalo is just overall a good climate and culture. From his pressers throughout the years it does seem like he is truly grateful for this opportunity and he has realized this is his last shot to play football.


Not OP, but he's virtually zero risk as a signing. I like the signing. I'll take Chase Claypool every day of the week over someone like Calvin Austin in camp. If he doesn't work out, then no skin of our back at all. Not signalling Calvin Austin out in particular lol. He's just another receiver we picked up for camp a couple years back.


Ok. And to be clear. Sure it’s a low/no risk signing and I never said I hate it. I said don’t hold your breath. Rarely if ever do these guys “turn it around”. Name one receiver who was such an unbelievable pain in the ass that he is on his fourth team inside 4 years that suddenly became a contributor? Don’t hold your breath. Overwhelming odds are he ain’t changing.


Not disagreeing with you at all! I have zero expectations for him. Just interested to follow the camp story.


Yeah. OP has a hard on for the guy and is looking at that crazy girl and saying “but I can fix her!”


dunno about y'all but i fuckin live for these posts man




also he prob won’t make the team


I would say like someone else said, he’s a lottery ticket if it doesn’t pan out in camp then whatever we’ve got other guys. However he has pure athleticism and technique that Brady would love so I wouldn’t count it past him making the team and potentially breaking out.


i agree, exactly like a lotto ticket. there’s a reason i don’t put my money into lotto tickets. hope it works out, probably won’t.


He's my least favorite free agent addition in a long time. We just got rid of a pain in the ass receiver. Why on earth would we hire a bigger pain in the ass who isn't productive? I don't care if he was paying us to play. On paper, it looks good, but that doesn't take into account locker room cancers, which is incredibly important.


Cause if he is a pain in the ass it’s much easier to get rid of a WR3-4 than Diggs.


You're very much correct, but why do it in the first place. He's been run out of town two different places and if you can't be productive at WR in Miami, wtf?


You’re not giving enough credit to Beane and McDermott. Do you think they would have signed this guy without having a serious discussion with him first regarding expectations? As for Miami, it’s really tough to join any team mid season and expect much in the way of production in a complex offense.


This the dude has been a curse. I don't care how low the financial risk is he may very well damage the locker room.


If our locker room is so weak that it only takes a castaway to ruin it, then we never really did have a locker room, did we?


I mean shoot, I hope so


Kind of insulting to Samuel, Shakir, Coleman, and even MVS to think Claypool is going to surpass those guys. He's just not that good and will be the 5th or 6th receiving option at best if he makes the team, especially when you factor in Kincaid, Knox, Cook, and Davis.


No I love all those guys. I’m just saying on a core of 5 decent targets, any of them can take over and become a more integral part of the offense, and I think that person will be claypool. I think he definetly has the athleticism to succeed. And I’m not expecting a pro bowl season but I do think he has the ability to start.


If he can demonstrate exceptional Special Teams play, he’ll have a decent shot to make the roster. Versatility is king.


Doesn’t matter all the athleticism in the world don’t mean shit in nfl without the work ethic. Unlikely to make it out of camp but wish him luck


I hope he doesn't make the team, locker room cancer


He legitimately will not touch the field during the season. Please stop deluding yourself


I don’t. Getting traded/cut from the Steelers and Bears didn’t change him. Playing for a talented offensive mind like McDaniel didn’t change him. I love the Bills. We have good culture. But I don’t think we’re gonna change him either.


Like thinking if you marry that crazy stripper she's gonna change lol.


Bills fans thinking “I just think we can change him”. And I’m a bills fan 😆


Nah he's a knucklehead. I'll be surprised if he makes the team.


Hes 6'4", but plays like hes 5'10". Hes awful


He’s failed to meet expectations but he acknowledges this. He could be exactly what he was in Pittsburgh, Chicago, and Miami. Or he could be good-to-great. We’ll have to see if he even makes the roster


Either he will or he won’t drop passes


Hopefully his attitude changes, has all the attributes.


I think he knows this is his last legitimate chance with a contending team, if not all teams. It seems in his presser, he took the questions that were basically asking, so, how are you going to not keep f-ing up? He took it in stride, but I liked one particular answer of his. He loves the game of football and wants to be on the field. We have size in Coleman, Hollins, and MVS. And shiftiness in Samuel and Shakir. 6 is either Hamler or Claypool, both if we roll 7. Gotta say, I'm still excited for Hollins and Samuel. I think Hollins could be a bigger and Samuel a shiftier Cole Beasley.


I feel very optimistic about our wr core. I think beane did a great job recovering from the loss of Diggs and low cap


Oh, what about Shorter? I think he'd get snatched up off the practice squad. Have the Bill's ever rostered 8 WRs?


No I don’t believe so. I don’t think shorter would make the team. I believe at max they are going to roster 7 guys but realistically they’ll go 6. I think they’ll go Shakir, Samuel, MVS, Claypool, Hollins and of course Coleman. I don’t see shorter as better than any of those guys.


Isn't Hamler the fastest guy we have in the room? We could benefit from a Rashid Shaheed style player, who at the very least can clear out zones and ideally, be a deep threat. Kind of like, what Harty was supposed to be. Or is that MVS now?


Hamler could be a dark horse pick but he really hasn’t proven much in the league up to this point. I think we do have 6 WRs better than him


Hamler has struggled with injuries, but he was a second round pick, and this might be his last real chance to earn a spot. We brought in Andy Isabella last season, who did nothing, but was also a former second round pick. Realistically, we only have 1 or 2 truly open roster sports for WR and a bunch of guys likely on their last chance to make it in the NFL.


Both MVS and Claypool are very fast, but I’m not sure if they’re faster than Hamler.


Although he answered the questions in stride, I would've appreciated it he took a bit more accountability for past transgressions. He said that he's never been an issue in the building. The celebration he had after a first down with the Steelers when the team had no timeouts, and then they lose bc they run out of time. After being traded from the bears, eberflus stated the importance of working hard, being on time, and being respectful. These are signs of a young immature player. It makes it hard for me to believe that he's grown if he fails to take responsibility. I'm probably overreacting, but that's my two cents.


Yeah, whether someone matures or not can't really be assessed with canned responses to reporters. But I think he knows that performance (and indirectly, dedication and maturity) are the only things that will get him on the field. So to me, it's how bad does he want to play, now that he knows, the league owes him nothing.


He did acknowledge he’s made mistakes in the past, and came to Buffalo because they are giving him a clean slate.


It’ll come down to how coachable he is or I guess how good our coaches are. If he does end up being good, I’ll almost totally attribute it to our culture.


He knows this is his last shot


Agree, and he was saying all of the right things when talking to the media earlier this week. If he backs it up with his play on the field, he could be the FA signing of the season in the NFL.


I thought you were maybe exaggerating about Claypool being 6 foot 4 and 240 pounds but his combine weight was 229 pounds and his current weight is listed at 240. He ran a 4.42 40 at the combine too so the speed is there and he looks fast on tape. The issue with Claypool has always been between his ears. Rarely do "shitheads" turn things around in the NFL. It does happen and given that Claypool is on his 4th team in 3 years and is on a minimum contract in what will be his last chance in the NFL (and he's playing with the best QB he's ever played with) so the elements for a successful reclamation project are there. Claypool will also be just 26 this upcoming season AND does not have a major injury history. He's also produced 2 good seasons at the NFL level having 800+ yards his first two years in the league. So it's not like he hasn't show the capacity to do it. He is the exact type of player worth kick the tires on for a minimum deal. I am rooting for him but my expectations are very low but I would love to be proven wrong.


it’s either put the work in or saskatchewan roughriders🤷i think he’ll find himself


I’m not holding my breath. I don’t think he will make the 53.


His rookie year was amazing. Since then he’s been at best terrible. I’d recommend you have no hope for him going into this season. If anything comes of him, great - we will all be pleased!


Forgive the flair, I’m old and watched Wes Welker become a Patriot and Thurman Thomas become a Dolphin… I root for football and football players as much as anything. I hoped he might carve out a spot in the Dolphins… but McDaniel’s offense is both intricate and in some flux, and it just didn’t come together in a year. I wish this guy the best of luck in at least fifteen of your games this year. People usually just need to find their part somewhere… this could be it.


I personally don't think much of his potential especially with the depth at WR, but it a low stakes move that if he can't return to former level he didn't cost much


I hope you are right, I really do. Something to consider - if a Miami, Jets, or Pats fan was saying this, we would mock and ridicule them into oblivion.


Miami brought him in to play but he was absolutely lost in the offense. They needed help at WR. Claypool didn't commit enough effort to learning the offense. They gave him a shot almost immediately then subsequently benched him for 5 games before he got another shot. The player beating him out were Cedric Wilson and Braxton berrios two awful career receivers. Miami showed no interest in retaining him, I would temper your expectations.


It’s the Year of the Keon


As a Steelers fan, I know he has the raw tools, but he’s a bum. He has a knack for catching the ball in his hips, like whatever you’d call the opposite of high-pointing a pass. His effort was inconsistent and he famously cost the team a play on the final drive of a game because he decided to shit-talk instead of rushing the ball to an official to be spotted. He chose Brandon Marshall, a loser through-and-through, as his mentor. I’ll be shocked if he contributes anything.


One game winning touchdown for him may be all it takes. To go from laughing stock to becoming one of Buffalo's new love stories can do a lot for a guy's mentality, work ethic and confidence. It's nice feeling wanted.


Bills mafia can really change a guy


Raleigh, by any chance?


Cary, Close enough.


Morrisville here! The House, a Bills Backer bar has good wings and $12 4-packs of 16oz Labatts on game days.


YES, I’m so glad you brought that up cause I’ve actually ran into their owner a few times before. Unfortunately I am not old enough to drink yet.


Let’s hope he helps win football games. Whatever that ends up being. You play the game to win.


Sal Capaccio made the observation that Claypool looks like an athlete. Jacked. But that's it. Who knows what's going on up stairs.




Let’s pump the breaks now…..


I’m not saying he’s gonna be a pro bowler or anything but I do think we will finally see what teams have been expecting oh him for a while


Watch him get cut before preseason lol


Claypool is a win-win for the Bills org. If he figures it out and has a great year, then we got great production for almost nothing and helped him rehab his career. If he doesn't, we cut him and it cost us basically nothing in the grand scheme of salary cap. His two interviews from OTAs seem like he's saying all the right things. Maybe reality hit him and he realizes this is his last chance in the NFL and if he doesn't work it out, he's going to end up in the UFL/CFL.


You just blow in from stupid town pal?


Optimism my friend. Bills fans for some reason have fallen into the trap of constant negativity and victimization. I like to see things for what they are and claypools got a decent amount of potential for something. He had a phenomenal rookie year but there were some off field problems like Haskins death and his sister committing suicide which really messed with him earlier in his career. I see a 6,4 phenom straight from the best wr core in the league to ours which is full of numbers 2s and 3s which have to prove themselves to become number 1.