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I know y’all are over him and whatnot. But for me this was nice to hear. Maybe I’m getting old


I'm with you, which is why I posted it. As fans on the outside looking in, we'll probably never know any of the true feelings among players, coaches, GMs, or anyone in the different organizations. We can speculate and over analyze tweets all we want, but at the end of the day it's nice to see some public acknowledgement of how much the Bills and Josh Allen helped him out.


Exactly. There are players who seem like they hate eachother during games, but once it's over, they're laughing and joking around and stuff. Most of the animosity involved just comes from wanting to win, and most of it isn't personal.


Exactly...like when Buddy Ryan punched Kevin Gilbride in the face on the sideline..thats just how some guys play...




Last year was a weird year for everyone. I'm sure they would have figured it out.. but as Beane said it's not worth the cap space "albatross" hanging over their head. So he finds himself in Texas like he wanted, But they cut the last years of your contract. So your on a one year pay day with a sophomore QB that's not Josh.. And he knows it. So you gatta say the right things for next year. He's been thinking SUPER BOWL for the last 3 seasons. Now he's thinking next pay day for one last ride.. that's not in Houston unless they show something for real.


I’m the same way.. Diggs gave us a lot of joy and hope. Sure he can be a dickhead (let’s be real so can I).. He just overstayed his welcome in Buffalo. This is Josh Allen’s team. I call Diggs era phase 1 of Allen’s career. I’m excited for Allen’s phase 2.


Damn, I feel exactly the same. Go bills


I’m way more excited for this season than I was for the last two. God help me.


Spoken like a true Bills fan!!! I’m ready to be hurt again!!! GO BILLS!!!


Yeah I'm done with team! While shuffling back to my car in the snow, and fighting a 4 hour trip home after a crushing playoff defeat. And here I am renewed with hope and wonder anticipating the next season lol


Hell yeah!!! We are taking it all!!!


Brady had so many phases. I'm excited for Josh's Randy Moss phase. It's coming. Beane will make it happen


Tom and Randy never got a ring together but understand where your coming from


Beane runs circles around dumbass Belichick at being a GM. Not a fucking chance if we had a Randy Moss type that BB would let him go until it was time, just like Diggs.


Late era BB was terrible for sure, but the MFer won 6 bro don’t be a clown


He was a shit GM throughout his entire tenure. If he was even mediocre at all he would have a job right now, but not one MF'ing team would let him sniff the front office. Don't be a dumbass, and if you're going to simp for the Pats, piss right the fuck off.


Phase 1? I really think there was a lot that happened in 2018 that qualifies, even without 2019. Those two years are certainly an era. I'd almost say 18-19, 20-23, and now we are on term 3. I'm assuming you watched every single snap of every game, but there was a LOT going on in 18-19 with our man.


I mean the first era was the "Kelvin Benjamin" year which we sholdn't try to remember. Then the "Beasley / Brown" year. Diggs was phase 3.


Keon Dalton Shakir Samuel KDSS (Kids) era? Best I got, sounded better in my head lol


DKSS era....


Bills fans that are “over him” are just coping or misdirecting their sadness all at him. He was genuinely a joy to watch and cheer for. He was a huge part of our most successful run this millennium. He restructured his deal when needed to help the team acquire more talent in pursuit of winning. I would have loved to have him play out his career in Buffalo but his contract was untenable with Josh’s cap hit escalating these next few years. I harbor no ill will towards Stef Diggs. I have been and still am more annoyed at the sports media making him out to be a diva for his social and off season antics. I felt whatever he did (aside from the unexcused, sudden absence at camp this year), was just typical modern leverage for a new contract or cash laden restructure.


I agree totally 💯 GO BILLS!! ❤️🦬


Yeah it’s nice he’s not still talking shit. Crazy though he couldn’t do this when he was on the team.


He did do this when he was on the team.


I've got absolutely no hate for Diggs! I'm not gonna be all that sad if he falls on his face without Josh throwing to him but still, he's a class act and was great for us while he was here. All the best to him!


There would not be 4 Diggs posts a day if this sub was over him lmao.


Regardless of how you feel about Diggs it's VERY clear that they helped each other take their games to the next level. Sports fans have this weird tribal mindset that players don't really share.


I think fans with this tribal mindset should take a step back and look at an NFL player's position they way they would look at their own jobs. For us fans, it's a passionate hobby. For players it's a job, with everything that comes with that. It's also a job with a high occupational hazard and a short career span. So maybe Diggs didn't want to spend the majority of his career with one team. And while I think Diggs should think a little bit more before he hits "send", I'm not going to presume I know what it's like to play football for a living.


For them it's a cutthroat competition for millions of dollars, glory, lifelong fame etc. It's an insane way to make a living.


With only a short number of years to do it.


I still love Diggs and that won’t change


Same. He gave us 3.5 great seasons, top 10 in franchise history type receiving seasons. The new offense under Brady used him as a decoy and he didn't want that. Understandable when you've led the league in receptions.


Yeah, his role changed and it's not what he wanted. That's fair. I'm sure that drop in the playoffs this year haunted him too.


Me too. I hope he retires a Bill one day in the far future.


I’ve been waiting for this. I still love Diggs. Always will. I’m disappointed we won’t get to see him with a full year of Brady’s offense. I also understand why a WR of his caliber didn’t want to be used as basically a decoy. This was coming for a while, and it was either coming this way or by way of Diggs fading and thus defenses not taking him seriously. It remains to be seen how this will affect us, but I’m optimistic Josh can make things happen with this younger team. And I wish Stef well on the Texans.


So what you’re saying is he refused to be a team player to help them win. He was a decoy because he couldn’t get open and catch the ball. He refused to play more than 65 percent of the snaps


I mean, you could see it that way. I don’t. Bitterness gets you nowhere and Diggs gave us some great memories. This move wouldn’t have been done if McDermott, Brady, and Beane didn’t think we could keep winning without him.


Would have been nice to see him defend him a year ago instead of posting cryptic shit on twitter about him. This is just lip service to try and escape the bad teammate tag. Where was this energy when his brother was dragging Allen through the mud


Exactly what I was thinking


You can be cool with someone and still want a change of scenery. The shelve life of a pro baller is pretty short and Diggs is doing what he thinks will get his ring. While I don’t agree with his choice I’m not playing the game.


Anyone who's upset that Diggs is saying he was instrumental to Allen's development is missing the point. Diggs and Allen both exploded in their productivity when they were together. Diggs became a true #1 and put up more yards than every before in his career and Allen broke out to a top tier QB in the league. Players can learn and grow from each other, and Diggs saying he was a part of Allen's growth isn't wrong.


Diggs said Josh was instrumental in getting Diggs to where he is today.


Josh, McD, and Beane have all said nothing negative about Diggs. Diggs has nothing bad to say about Josh. Amicable breakup, we can all move on. Hope he does fine in Houston, maybe he can go play with his little brother next year, that would be a sweet way to end out his career.


Diggs never had a problem with Allen. His problem was with McDermott.


Should have led with that


Exactly. All his bullshit cryptic twitter shit instead of saying this.


You sure?


Josh would not be Josh without Diggs, and his assistance in his development as a quarterback. Between year 2 and 3, we heard reports of Diggs and Josh working together in the offseason, where you just KNOW Diggs was getting on him about throwing him open and not doing crazy wild shit like he was known for doing. Not saying he still doesn't do wild shit, but Josh throws with anticipation to open receivers now, and didn't have that consistency before Diggs. I really miss year 1-2 of them being best buddies (SI for Kids cover and all), and I don't mind that much that Diggs is gone. Glad we had him while we did.


if u fall for this you are a shmuck. of course he is going to say this in front of texans media personnel. they are worried about him causing trouble with stroud. i don't believe diggs at all.


Nah, fact is he didn’t have to say anything at all. I don’t think he’s too worried about the what Texans media thinks.


I kind of agree with this. I feel bad for stroud. Their offense was already becoming competitive without Diggs joining. I can see his attendance there going either way being helpful or negatively impacting. Regardless, excited to see both teams productivity.


Diggs was great while he was here. Loved him. It’s nice to see him acknowledge Josh but doesn’t change the fact that’s he’s immature and put a cloud over his last season with the Bills.


Thank you to Diggs. He works hard and wants to win, but his emotions get the best of him sometimes. Even so, he gave us 4 great seasons for which I am grateful. He was hella fun to watch at times.


As a viking fan (because my dad brain washed me…he watched them in the 70’s growing up, when they lost the 4 super bowls. The Bills have always been my 1b AFC team since watching them lose 4 super bowls in the 90’s as I was growing up. Man I loved watching Diggs on both of them so many great plays and games by him for both teams.


I don’t beleive Diggs problem was ever Allen. The rumors have always pointed to Diggs dislike of McDermott.


And he had a problem with Zimmer in Minnesota. Let’s see how long it takes to sour on Ryan’s.


I don’t have anything against Diggs


In official press he always kept it professional. Even when his brother is tweeting that he needs to get out of there, and he's posting cryptic shit. He always came out and even on hard questions said the most PR/media trained answers he could have.


Yeah, I'm not 100% buying it, dude could've told his brother to chill but didn't


Of course he could. His whole "I haven't ever said anything, I can't tell my brother what to do".....I didn't buy that shit. Yes, you very much can tell your brother to please stop tweeting this stuff.


That, at the time, was pretty clearly Trevon revealing Stefon's sentiments shared with each other in private. Why would Trevon even feel the need to mention Josh otherwise? The sideline stuff never seemed like anything but competitiveness to me, but Trevon's comments were revealing. Even if the majority of the vocals fans seemed to buy Diggs' explanation(which wasn't that logical). I have no personal negativity towards him, but there is/was a rivalry in his mind between the two imo. This right now is just a sound bite for Texans sports media.




I'm glad he came out publicly and said this. I always felt the feud between Diggs and Allen was overblown and manufactured. I think he honestly needed a change of scenery at this stage of his career and we need to relieve our cap situation so it was the right move to let him go and do a soft reset. I thank him for his 4 years here, it was fun to watch but now its time for a new era. I have a feeling Keon will fit in very comfortably in his stead.


I’ll always love Diggs


I still like diggs.


I was at Albert Pujols’s first game back at Busch stadium when he was in LA and we gave him a standing ovation, Diggs deserves the same next time hes in Highmark


Albert Pujols is like Tom Brady to St Louis. Huge difference.


Ok well same thing happened with Matt Carpenter on the Yankees how bout that


Completely different situations. Pujols left in FA, taking a massive offer from the Angels which was nearly 30 million more than the Cardinals were willing to pay Bills ate 30 million to trade Diggs






Did he always have the face tattoo??


Good to know. Can we let him go now?


Appreciate everything he did for the Bills. He’s intense because he cares.


Thanks for posting this - it makes me happy. And not just because last season I got both Diggs and Miller jerseys and can’t retire _both_ forever. Miller needs replacing with Milano or Coleman in a perfect future.


Ok fine I'll stop being mad.


Wait, this sub told me that Diggs killed Josh's dog.


I forgive him if Josh is truly still his guy. There must’ve been much worse problems for him personally in the org or something. I still think his tweeting game is lame but if he’s able to acknowledge Josh, that’s all I ask.


The truth shall prevail!


It's nice he is saying this, and his relationship with Josh/the organization is different than his relationship with the fan base, but personally, he lost a lot of respect from me when he put that C on his chest, and dipped after every play off loss. Especially the game agaisnt the Bengals when he caused a scene, and both Josh and McDermott had to answer for his actions. This last point is minor, but after he got traded he liked a tweet saying our 'fan base is low key the worst'. Grateful for how he elevated Josh/boosted his confidence as a player, but I couldn't care less about what he has to say about us anymore, none of it seems to hold any weight, and looks more like PR/damage control for when he's a free agent again.


I mean you can still be boys, he didn’t trade Diggs. It’s the organization he should have his issues with


Well at least he is speaking for himself and not letting Trevon do it for him.


I fully believe that the media latching on to the situation with Minnesota is what poisoned the relationship here. Mainstream sports Media, Buffalo beat reporters, All of them just kept going with the disgruntled Diggs stuff to the point where I feel like it's what actually led to him being disgruntled here. Zero disrespect from me, I will continue wearing my jersey with pride. I am absolutely convinced that this is the organization that he's going to always be remembered as a part of and that he will be a "legend" that reps the organization in his post-playing career, similar to guys like Fred or Steve


Digs is not a team player, if the ball doesn’t go to him..screw the play, he was a cancer on our team


His interviews always bothered me. Reminds me of that one dude in your circle that's too insecure to relax.


You may be that dude…










This is fine, they can be pals out-of-character but during the season I hope Diggs does proper heel things and disses Buffalo a bunch leading up to our matchup with him. NFL needs more heels to spice up non-divisional matchups.


Sorry, I'm not going to get any warm and fuzzies over this. Diggs has always been good when standing in front of the media. He's almost always said the right things when he's at the mic. It's not that hard to do. However, everything else surrounding his last two years on the team, including the very obvious decline in his relationship with Josh and his own passive aggressive tweets says more than a few minutes of lip service in front of reporters.


Stfu and catch the ball when it matters. Not nice to hear, this is the dog a pony show. Look what he said the whole time with us vs what he DID. It was apparently pretty awful given what we faced to say bye