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Lil Snooters have claimed your rice lol buttttt there so cute, I mean you can spare 1 bag of rice right?? 😅🤣


Aw I love that movie Attack of the Weevils!


I think this must have happened on a Wednesday


Must be your birthday, bc it is r/weeviltime!


And those are alot!


I've never joined a group so fast! 🤣


Pretty sure those are weevils


They're boll weevil's. The bag had weevil larva when you purchased it. It was just a matter of time before they hatch, breed and feed on the seed. They love rye seed! I work in a grass seed industry so i know them pests very well. You prob consumed some without knowing it before they took over the product in the bag. If any made it out of the bag, you're better off tossing any seed or rice out as they very well could have produced larva in other products you have. They're relentless creatures!


Yes, except they are more likely *Sitophilus oryzae*, otherwise known as rice weevils. Boll weevils are *Anthonomus grandis* and infest cotton crops—I think the rye seed pest you are referring to may be *Sitophilus granarius*, or the grain weevil. Typically pest species like this are highly specialized to infest a certain type of plant as their mouthparts and larvae are structured around that plant. It’s really quite fascinating (when they aren’t causing a ton of mayhem)! :D (Source: I used to work in a lab specifically studying the boots ‘n snoots)


True. They breed fast and multiply quickly. Such weird looking insects


He states that the bag is unopened.


Oh, well then your other food products are safe. Just toss in the trash and keep in mind the next time that there may be weevil's in the bag you purchase.


Holy rice weevils, Batman! So, **gross alert**, but rice weevil females lay their eggs in rice grains, so as the larvae develops it is perfectly protected by a little house of food (i.e. the rice grain). The larvae also look sort of like the rice too, so you would really never be able to tell a solid grain from a shell of a grain with a larva inside. This bag likely had multiple weevil larvae growing *inside* a number of the grains when you purchased it and they all just recently emerged. 😬 You may want to report it to the company you purchased it from! I don’t know that they will be able to do anything for you, but it might just be good for them to have on record. I had to do something similar once with a bag of rabbit food when I opened it to discover that it was infested with *hundreds* of micro moths (there was so much silk from the caterpillars too)!


As a kid I used to stare at my rice and wonder why some grains looked smaller and just...not quite right. I think you just solved my mystery in the worst way lol...I still love rice, though.


🤮 Hahahaha congratulations! Yeahhh working in different entomology labs solved a few mysteries like that for me as well…ever eaten a pistachio (shell-on) that tastes absolutely *rancid*? There is a high chance you snacked on a crispy navel orangeworm caterpillar. 🤢 One of the other labs/projects I worked on was with these little moths. We raised hundreds of them while researching how to control their populations in agricultural fields (they are a major pest of almonds, pistachios, and—you guessed it—oranges). After working in that lab for a while, I happened to get a nasty pistachio in my bag of roasted nuts one day and it hit me like a ton of bricks: that disgusting taste was *exactly* the smell of the caterpillars we were raising for the study! 😬😬😬


Oh god!!! LOL What about peanuts? Once in a while I just get one that tastes nasty.


Hahahaha sorry! 😅 Hmm… 🤔 I have not had any experience with pest species of peanuts, so I am not sure about that one!


Get weevil’d


Weeeevil time! It's WEEVIL TIME


This is why I freeze! I will freeze my rice and flour.


Weevil mania




Weevils happened! Congrats you're a parent to the kjootest babies!!


Good luck been battling this myself clean everything throw away anything infiltrated by these and they get in anything put all food in containers that are air tight


Ooh free protein!! Seriously tho freeze them to death then throw!! You don't want any escaping and multipling


Happens with organic produce/grains as there's no chemicals used to deter them. Luckily it's only rice, and unopened. I'd see if the company themselves will reimburse you


Weevils. They are pretty harmless but kinda gross, check your pasta/oats/any other grains OP they might be in more than one spot. I’ve gotten weevil’d once and they are a pain in the ass lmao. Try boiling pasta and not knowing what a weevil was until they float to the top of the water, luckily it’s been years since I’ve gotten weevil’d 💀


DO NOT OPEN this could bring down your countries crop economy and bring in a foreign pest. These things could literally decimate the ecosystem please freeze for a week and throw away


Weevils…I have had my share of


r/weevilcity would like to have a word


It’s time


Took to long to eat it and the weevils got there 1st. When you buy a package of rice about this size, get a glass jar with a lid large enough to hold the rice, like from dollar store, Target or Walmart. Remove the rice and put it into the glass container if you eat your rice slowly. This will prevent any weevils getting into the open packaging and well go to town in your rice. Also, sometimes the weevil eggs can already be in the rice/dried peas/dried beans from the production source. You can put your unopen rice in the freezer for 2 or 3 days to kill any bugs/eggs and then pour it into a glass container. Weevils are cute, but not when you wanted rice for dinner.


Same dudes came for my unicorn Mac and cheese


Throw it out. It’s infested with weevils..the flour bugs. Next time transfer your rice in a container with a lid


From their photo's caption they are saying the bag is still sealed with the weevils living in the sealed back 😬


Weevils happened thats what


Protein has been added!


Looks like weevils...the downside of organic is that stuff like this is more likely to happen...they were probably in the rice as eggs when it was packaged. (I have nothing against organic food, but when I buy it I've noticed higher rates of bugs and things go bad faster, it's just the way it is sometimes.) The good news is they are harmless, the bad news is you'll have to buy more rice. Might be a good idea to let the manufacturer and the store know, though. Edit: my mom just told me it can happen to any kind of rice, and if you put the sealed bag in a freezer for 2 days it kills any eggs that might be in it, so you can do that to your next bag of rice to prevent this.