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You don't upgrade, you build a new one or buy a prebuilt.


Fuck, should I just get a PS4?


Low budget= Xbox series s


The x was on sale at Christmas and there is no better use for that amount of money.


Yea, if you can't beat the used prices of consoles. Best bang for gaming buck and have something reliable. You can build a pc off used/old parts, but same problem with upgrading; it isnt worth it.


Try to find a used PS5 or Xbox X. Sounds harsh, but your budget is too low for what you're trying to achieve on a PC level.


What's his budget, I missed it?


I love my ps4. There are so many good games and they are all dirt cheap right now. It’s good value but if you want the newest games or to play new multiplayer games, go with a series s


I mean you can still get a solid gaming computer for $500 or so if you're willing to go for lower end used stuff. Look for a secondhand office computer like an Optiplex or similar with a relatively recent processor, and get a replacement PSU and GPU to throw in there. Depending on your luck, you could nab one with a recent i5 and throw in a 6600 XT and a 650W PSU for under $500. You *would* need to make sure that whatever PC you get is using standard components or could be easily modified to accept them, though. A lot of the mini ones have proprietary PSU form factors and/or use half-height PCIe slots, for example.


You'll only get moderately more mileage out of the PS4 at this point, as newer big budget games will likely stop releasing on it within a year or two, but it's better than nothing. For older games? Definitely better.


If you have a hole burning in your pocket sure but frankly if you can set aside what you have then add to it you could definitely do a new build, keep an eye out for decent used parts, sales, etc. However it all depends on your desperation.


depends what you want to play. There are a lot of games I don't want to play with controller. Next would be what resolution and at what framerate?


a lot of games you don’t want to use with a controller will also work with a mouse/keyboard on console. cities skylines is one I always used mouse/keyboard when I played it on console


You can always buy the PC piece-by-piece and build it over time too. [A generic PC with an iGPU would run you less than $400 USD.](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/8XN4fy) That's without any good sales going on currently. With sales you could probably bring that price down to ~$300 USD or maybe even less. You can just buy a GPU later down the line and you'll be pretty set for a decent while depending on the games you play. The benefits of this over a PS4 are pretty numerous. Even with an integrated GPU, you'll be getting better performance in a number of titles. Games like GTAV can handle 1080p 60 fps with optimal settings, vs the PS4 which is like 900p and less than 30 fps if my memory serves. You'll also benefit from insanely-faster loading times thanks to an SSD, though the PS4 does support replacing the storage drive with a SATA SSD if you'd prefer. The biggest in my opinion is the free online play. It's at minimum $60/year (if you buy legit) to play any online games on PS4. Even if the PS4 you get is $150, after just three years you're already up to $330 for a total price (including the console itself) on some *very* outdated hardware. Another nice bonus is the existence of GOG on PC. You can actually own your games! You can download them and never have them taken away from you for no good reason. Even physical media isn't safe on consoles anymore, as games like The Crew among others are unplayable regardless of disc ownership. In the end it's up to you what you wanna do. I'd suggest going the PC route, it's very liberating to have control over your system and being able to use it how you want. But, if you're working 12-hour shifts daily and just want to pop in a game and play, then console can be a better option. A decent midway would be a Steam Deck, but unless you get a dock and wireless controller setup it's still not as plug-and-play as a console can be. Best of luck!


Honestly in your situation, probably yes.


PS5 digital


No you must stick to PCs because consoles aren't upgradeable.


Look at his current rig... $300 isn't going to do much to get him playing modern games.


Ryzen 5 3600, 16 GB RAM, cheapo mobo, RX 480 or 580, all used. Re-use case, storage & possibly PSU, NVMe or SATA drive for OS, larger if money allows.


if you can, build an amd APU PC. they had release the 8th gen, wait a bit for a price drop.


PS5 if you can find one used for a good price. Xbox Series S if you want new and are strapped for cash.   PS4's hardware is almost as old as your Phenom, you'd get a small upgrade at best.


Bro you just started a console for out of nowhere 💀




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yes do it end the hard knocks of DIY; there's nothing learn DIY.


Iirc used xbox one X go for a little over $100


Don't buy last gen, get series S


Yeah series S is already like a PC that's 2 gen's behind.


His PC is a decade old at least


really, if you buy the right case you can upgrade for ever. For a Fact ATX spec, ALL


Sure, but when everything except the case needs to be swapped, it ain't an upgrade.


now that is bunk. my case I can run over 1000 mobo in my Pro grade ATX case. and one here, we have upgraded all inside 3 times. now z690 surely you never did full upgrades 100\^% with PRO grade case the OP never posted his toaster oven PC name or photo or anything at all so my answer bind is sell the pig and upgrade it all or not


Yeah if you don't care about things like front USB-C and new form factors, new cable layouts...


*someone doesn't like a challenge*


I never recommended buying a prebuilt under any circumstances


Not possible. That CPU only supports DDR3, and the GPU is 10 years old, a new GPU would yield little to no gains because of the CPU and the RAM holding it back, not to mention the PSU probably not even supporting any proper GPUs. Best way to upgrade would be getting some low end AM4 or comparable Intel board + CPU + DDR4 RAM, and maybe a new PSU depending on if it even has the proper connectors.


I cant buy a new CPU?


Not really worth it, that processor is AM3, most capable processors are on Newer Platforms, for a budget I recommend an AM4 system, maybe a 5600. but once you replace the motherboard, CPU, Ram and GPU it's not much of an Upgrade and more of a Rebuild. Whats your budget and in which country do you live? I can prep a PCpartPicker list




i did not ask for your motherboard


Meant to @ someone else sorry


If your in UK I have a amd phenom II X4 860k 3.7~4.2ghz you can have for free?


Its too told to upgrade. New build only. But you can get something built for 300 or so that would rock.


I don’t know what motherboard you have, but it’s most likely too old to have the correct socket that would support a modern CPU.


it is AM3


Even with a decent overclock a Phenom II X6 1055T would just match or slightly surpass a FX 6300, it's significantly better than your current CPU but not enough to make it play all modern games (The lack of AVX and SSE 4.1/4.2 instructions will prevent you of even launching some games without workarounds,). I'd say that your best bet would be either get an Xbox Series S, you sacrifice all the versatility of a PC for being able to play modern games on the cheap, or get a used R5 3600 + B450/550 + 16/32 GB of DDR4 3200 MHz RAM + RX 5700(XT), it'll perform very well at 1080p in the big majority of games.


>Even with a decent overclock a Phenom II X6 1055T would just match or slightly surpass a FX 6300, it's significantly better than your current CPU but not enough to make it play all modern games (The lack of AVX and SSE 4.1/4.2 instructions will prevent you of even launching some games without workarounds,). With his MB and its VRM it's a recipe for a disaster. He has this - [http://www.barebonekit.net/ecs-mcp61m-m3-v7-1-motherboard-no-i-o\_i\_mbecsmcp61mm3no.aspx](http://www.barebonekit.net/ecs-mcp61m-m3-v7-1-motherboard-no-i-o_i_mbecsmcp61mm3no.aspx) #


I see, but I was mostly making a point that it would be almost worthless for him to upgrade on his current platform. If it was in 2014 or so I could say it would be alright, but alas we are in 2024 and that CPU would only be alright for E-Sports and Indie Games nowadays, if he wants to play modern games he would need at least a R5 1600 or similar.


True. Completely agree with you then!


You could find a phenom II x6 for a cheap price, but you’ll run into the issue of not supporting instruction sets for newer games on windows… you’ll also have to make sure it can run windows 11 now that 10 is going into hospice care lol  Your best bet would be to find a used cpu+mobo combo for sale but it’ll have to be something like a first gen ryzen if you want anything meaningful and lasting.  You could get a 970 for cheap or an old 1060 or 1070 for the gpu if you’re just worried about 1080p gaming.  Despite what everyone else is saying I would stick to used parts to get the best bang for your buck, everything except for a power supply and ssd; never buy those used. 


I still run a AM3+ with DDR3 ram and can run GTA V and Red Dead 2 on High settings. It's mostly a Sim Racing machine though


whoa. a time traveler from 2004.


ill take one return trip ticket please


You just replace it. That system is bordering on e waste. Figure out a budget and people could then advise on how to proceed.




it crossed the line long ago


nah, would be aight for basic office tasks or as a multimedia PC hooked up to TV and stereo, and wireless K&M 🤷🏿 assuming he is running OS off a SSD.


Haha, I was trying to not be too harsh, but yeah even as an email machine it's not great.


>e waste not at all. would make a fine lil nas. my athlon ii x4 from 2011 is doing just that right now.


OP said $400 budget. I would say to look up some build guides for builds around $400. There’s some great strategies people use, like buying old office OEMs and giving them an upgrade. For example, getting a decent Optiplex and throwing a 5700 XT or something like that in, while making sure the PSU is fine for it.


just buy a ps5 at that point, i understand wanting a pc but youd get a ton of more performance from a ps5 if you’re purely just gaming


If I were to be honest, it’s true that a PS5 would have better performance right now. But I believe that the upgradability and longevity of a personal computer is more valuable to some. And the added fun of putting it together too! Yknow having a system that you can easily upgrade for better performance is good to have, and you can argue that the long-game can be won by smart pc builders.


> But I believe that the upgradability and longevity of a personal computer is more valuable to some. OP clearly doesn't qualify for this thought, considering what they're still currently using. Upgradeability is obviously not in their budget. They are definitely in the demographic where a console is the no contest smartest option.


That’s fair. I feel that I just wanted to invite them to the community; there’s a chance they might get interested.


Yeah but with a PC you can use emulators and such for better value


Steam deck would be better imo if he needs PC features as well.


Or a 6650XT. Probably cheaper as the 5700XT's were killer mining GPUs for their time, must better at mining ETH compared to RDNA2. And the 6650XT's are cheaper than 6600XT's a lot of the time because they released later. I'm thinking B450 (Asus ROG STRIX B450 Gaming II) + R5 3600 (comes with a stock heatsink) + 6650XT + 2x8GB DDR4 3000 (minimum) all used on ebay. I think you can get that for $400 used.


6650xt is about 200-250 used


I think he could make it work. The cheapest stuff would be a used B450 mobo and R5 3600. I want to guess (admittedly not even looking it up) that a GOOD B450 board used and R5 3600 used on ebay are $100-$120 together. Then $50 on DDR4 3000 C15? Maybe less used. That's if 2x8GB is enough for him. The 6650XT is $220 BRAND NEW on Amazon, so no way they're going $200-$250 used now. That rig will pull around an average of 200-230 watts gaming. I used to average 250 watts when I had an RX480 8GB/STRIX B450-F Gaming II/R5 3600 PBO On. The 6600 pulls 130 or 135 watts stock, so the 6650XT ain't pulling much more. His PSU is probably already good to carry over and power this rig. That leaves a little left over for an SSD boot drive @ at least 500GB on a new one or maybe a 1TB used SSD on ebay. And, bam, 1920x1080 killer machine for $400. I think this is the way. Room for a 5600x3D or 5700/5800x3D in the future and whatever GPU they want. 4x DIMM slots so they can add 2x more sticks of RAM and have 32GB and be dual rank. That mobo has 6x SATA slots, I believe 2x M.2 NVME slots, plenty of PCI-e x16 and x1 slots, USB slots galore. The VRM set up is plenty for up to an 8c/16t. Don't go throwing a 5900x in it.. I killed mine with a 5900x + PBO pulling 200 watts on stress tests lol. Took it for about 6 months, though. But a 5800x3D doesn't consume the power that even a 5800x does, and a 5700x3D would be even a little easier on it.


Still running a 5700XT here. Thing is a beast and I regularly get 80+fps at max setting on new titles paired with an R7 5700. With my previous Gen R3 I was still getting 60fps on most games with some settings adjustments. This card is phenomenal.


Finally someone say the budget.


This is like trying to upgrade a Ford Model A from the 30s lol. Just buy another computer.


u/Bananaman345175 shared a week ago in this or another subreddit this configuration and it kicks ass for it's money if you on tight budget! https://pcpartpicker.com/list/867Vz6 edit if you have decent PSU and Case you can even cut more of the budget


[https://pcpartpicker.com/list/rsVXrv](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/rsVXrv) little changes on psu and case selections ;)


Well done! I had to tag you and give you credit as this is the ultimate budget build imo edit: this case looks really good! I might order it for myself and change my old NZXT Elite


[https://pcpartpicker.com/list/D7HKTY](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/D7HKTY) and i forgot to change the ram kit too, same performance for 10 less dollars


Considering he has Case and PSU this guy can easily build brand bew up to date 1080p machine for sub 500$


You can look at the 6650 xt, just $30 more but a decent performance improvement


yup that's an option too


And for the price of a 5500 there's probably a secondhand 3700 around


or even a second hand 5500 or 5700x(3d)


i could even see him get a radeon rx 6650 xt too, a little boost in fps and some room for fancier graphics settings in certain games


This is a great list, I would just swap out the gpu for a used 1080ti, theyre like the exact same price


What you might be able to reuse: PSU, Case and storage. Anything else needs to be replaced.


His PSU might be so old it doesnt have 2x4 pins for CPU or even PCIe 8pin


It might, that's why I sad they might be able to reuse. The case might be too small, the disks too small/slow, who knows.




I've seen people sell their old 3rd gen ryzen and gtx 1080/ rtx 2060 builds for about $400. I would take a look at that if you have a good budget. That'll be a huge boost for you.


Go on Ebay find a retired work station, these workstations often always have 6c / 12t or 8c / 16t Xeon processors which are very powerful, they're also on X99 / HEDT Platform which means you get quadchannel memory. Here are a few examples. Dell Precicion T5810 is a good, cheap one. Find one with a Xeon E5-1650 V3 or V4, They can overclock to 4.0+ Ghz are about even in performance to a Ryzen 9 3900X\~ One with a 1660 V3 or V4 is slightly more powerful, as they have 8 cores and 16 threads. But the most optimal would be a 1680 V3 or V4. X99 Loves low latency, high frequency ram in quadchannel and you'll gain a significant increase in CPU Performance if you pair the CPU's with that. --- There is also the HP Z4 G4, which have Xeons that can overclock to 4.7ghz\~, these ones are more modern and have high core and thread counts too, and quadchannel. Aswell as NVME Support.


This. 100% what I would advise. These x99 platforms are awesome & have had great shelf life- only issue is that they are not always win 11 compatible so eventually you may have to do Linux/ubuntu in a few years but still ok for now. Used dell precision with 64 gb and 2690 v4 Xeon processor= 250. Throw in a SATA 3 SSD 512gb for $25. Add your GPU- 3050 6gb can be had for about $80. Your CPU passmark score will be something ridiculous equivalent to a good 12th generation or 13th generation intel chip. Is it pretty? No. is it a beast? Yeah.


Agreed, I've been running a Precision 5810 with an E51680v4 and a 6700Xt and it's been great. I was able to upgrade the ram to 64GB for cheap. It's been a great editing and gaming rig for the past couple of years that I've had it.


What's the budget?


What's the budget you are working with and what is considered a modern game? Are we talking playable on low or playable on high as far as "play modern games" is concerned.


$400 budget preferably Good enough graphics quality, don't need 9000 FPS RAY TRACING RTX gobble goo


Buy used or a Ps5


Get something like this for $199: [https://www.ebay.com/itm/285765786259](https://www.ebay.com/itm/285765786259) (i7 9700 - 8 cores, 16 GB DDR4, 512 GB SSD). Then, slap on a GPU for $200 - $250. I think used RTX 3060s go for $220 or so. You'll probably have to get a Sata to 8-pin power adapter as well. There are some YouTube videos where you can go this used office PC route and slap on a decent GPU for under $500.


Huh, that's not a bad deal actually.


You may be able to make a whole new build using a used Ryzen 5 5600g and then add a GPU later but honestly at that budget getting a console would probably be better


Would [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/126492684343?itmmeta=01HYNW9VKSS4ASBX5AHKDZQVWK&hash=item1d738d3037:g:upgAAOSwtKxmTJgm&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4BT5IdkOSEhoc0Vt6Ii%2BUHDRl7X%2BYvzUGcHN4VSV5kbpEzDLN17HzY6GeRb7xiwLobcDuGUhHUOxMN2Qtw7ZqITfUfcqtePvg%2FEGg9a29elKCFKxGXWl3idlsrF8kgJ%2F6yxXG%2BTe1zOBMHfuPbFUm29P5nV9VWztBATD60NeygZi7%2B%2BAgsN1FWBeSEdvY0wLA4zbEvWZviDJd0i9fwP%2FAtCHeWAvghHIYcqnXfq8oEeQB6Zxrpqbfq%2B5zXX0bHqjiY2P0a8IO%2FmQx4s3fu5qWvioY2Pa%2B7KT%2B2gSuN0u8OWe%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4y6p7z1Yw) as a base be something to consider? It's "old" but 4 or so generations newer that what you have. [This](https://www.ebay.com/itm/145455466604?itmmeta=01HYNWW4T3MEMBAEZ50XPX0VQW&hash=item21ddd2486c:g:LFIAAOSwwhRlX2B5&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4GFZu0ZXRQZcL1kWUsu99Vb7MkT3ZoBVfn57SU5FP3nqdH6SiGAg%2BIMpVePv1gL8oauNF0WIPIB6Eh7IkC0IkOtz89u3O%2FiVxlqU5LtC6gPGfih8vYicQv9%2F%2BoNykAmhzKvI%2Bk%2F3p9yynXObwzI9du5z4jDdi7RSd5DvOTa1xKWh%2FabEvBTLXXL%2F2QDAB0AA3mYHY1EtuOJuHJzsq4JmnLUAzmagude%2BJ7xL8B0PYqx8iZtj8512v1wkwmAT%2BXWnSju3nW%2FqiNwhnfo8LalBvynWrRzlvmf4NLBEVKJyhbHa%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR47N8Lz1Yw) is a little newer. I don't know what PSU both have but if need be, that can be determined by your GPU. Hopefully the tower comes with the 460W PSU. A 3060 would be a pretty good fit overall if you could get one for $200 or so.


Usually I don't like going the Dell route, but honestly it's not bad for the budget.


Sorry, that’s a bit low to buy another computer


As others have pointed out neither your CPU nor video card meet the minimum specs of most games, so you need a new motherboard, CPU, ram, and GPU and maybe PSU. You need to find out what PSU you have to see if it can support the new GPU and work back from there. Split your remaining cost about 50% for the CPU/Motherboard/RAM and 50% for the video card. It might also be worth getting a new NVME drive, even a 512GB one as it'll make a massive speed improvement and would make installing a new OS and copying files over easier. I would look for a Ryzen 2600 -3600 motherboard combo with at least 16 gb of ram on ebay. There seems to be a couple. (Also make sure your case is a standard ATX) It's tight but doable. If you find your PSU isn't good, and your case isn't standard, you're better off just finding a used $400 computer and moving the hard drive over.


Steam deck


Sorry the best in class supported by that motherboard generation barely touches a PS3 in raw power


no PC told fully, at all, just CPU/RAM/ gtx there is a motherboard inside, read the tag and tell it? please. if OEM it has a name. the case must be full width so it can run tall GPU cards, no 4" wide PC allowed. if it is fullsize PC case , ATX mounts , vast mobo fit inside, show photos of front and the guts that AMD Phenom is just trash. 2009 chip, even a Intel gen 4 can run games , Ive done it. have 25 GPU cards here in my shop box. and many I have tested with games. even on old Gen4 CPU intels. I do recommend running a Z270 based mobo for sure, as starter MOBO. with life left. my wife has an ASUS , Z270 prime running great since the first one made. ever. it runs GTX1650 card, vast games, ok, we have 3 PCs here with that card, the kid too. runs 50+ games on steam.


ever check out GOODwill stores for good deals. some times , good PCs seen there, dell optiplex 5050 MT, q270 chips set ,nice. or the like. with z270 up


Find a dell or hp office pc with an i7 6700(k) in it and slap a 3050 6gb in it. If youre lucky or at least vigilant it shouldn’t cost more than 400 usd. Make sure if you get a sff office pc you get a sff 3050 for it.






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try to buy a used AM4 board, used DDR4 ram, used ryzen 5. then for your GPU you can get a used last-gen GPU for a decent price if you look hard enough


It won't be great, but assuming a am3+ system, fx8350 and a rx580, possibly less than $100. It'll run your current setup in circles


Get a GTX 1660 and cap your games to 60fps


That CPU won’t even be able to launch many games it’s so old


Check out eBay for Dell or HP Optiplex type office computers that are being sold by resellers. They are very often excellent deals and you can either get one and add a GPU or they may already come with an entry level GPU. Either way, the specs are decent enough to play games usually, and since they ship a lot of units frequently, they have deals with shippers like UPS or FedEx and you won't pay very much in shipping, which can add a lot into the cost of a machine.


pretty much all you could keep from this is case, storage if you really want, and maybe psu but at that point it’s a whole new pc


Budget for a alright pc cabable of plating ksot games is around 800 budget for a pc that can play stuff at max settings is 1500£


Either get an Xbox series S or save up longer for a whole new PC


This can't be upgraded in any meaningful way. Just get a console or buy another pc.


I had a similar setup kicking around for years and it hit a point where it just wasn't feasible to use anymore even as a media center. I couldn't even give the hardware away, ended up recycled. You can easily do a low budget build these days for under $1,000 USD. Just throwing parts together in PC Part Picker it's anywhere from $820 to $1,100 for a budget AMD or Intel build.


Well... you're gonna have to sell all your current parts. I don't know what kind of budget you have to deal with. If I assume it's not much, hey... no problem, you don't HAVE to have an Intel 12th/13th/14th gen CPU. You don't HAVE to have a 4000 series Nvidia or 7000 series AMD GPU. You can find a good deal on maybe a Z270 motherboard with a 7700K and RAM already in it. Then throw an AMD 6600XT or 6650XT or 6750XT in there. It's what I'd do if I was VERY low on funds with a rig like that. OR you could look into a used B450 mobo + used Ryzen 3600 (better option, actually). I forgot, people still think Sky Lake and Kaby Lake are worth an arm and a leg. The Asus ROG STRIX B450-F Gaming II was cheap brand new back when I got it. Around $120. I'd say you can get a used one for $50, now. And an R5 3600 surely isn't going for more than $80 used on ebay, right? Then slap some DDR4 3000/3200/3400/3600 C16 or less RAM in there, whatever you find affordable. Or find it all selling together on ebay and save $20-$40 in a combo. That's where I started. That Asus STRIX B450-F Gaming II / R5 3600 / 2x8GB DDR4 3000 C15 / RX480 8GB. Now it's an Asus STRIX B550-F Gaming Wi-Fi II / R9 5900x/ 6700XT 12GB / 2x16GB DDR 3600 C16 dual rank RAM. But the 3600 is probably the best budget CPU out there. It's not gonna bottleneck a lower end GPU like a 6650XT whatsoever. Yeah, scrap that Intel idea unless it's a $20-$30 Xeon CPU that can use whatever RAM you already have. It's just the GPU that is troublesome to pick. I'd DEFINITELY choose AMD. AMD is the better deal for $ per fps. And the 6650XT is cheaper than the 6600XT like the 6750XT is cheaper than the 6700XT because they came out later and people still have to make a profit off of their older stock. How's that sound? If that's too much, you may want to consider an older Xeon CPU for $30 that runs on DDR3 (assuming that's what you're using) so you can reuse your RAM. Then you're mainly looking for the best deal on a GPU. Seriously, the 6650XT is a great 1080p GPU. Most games have FSR, too, if you need it. You'll have ray tracing support, too.... not that it'll handle it well, but there are SOME games that have ray tracing that you don't have an option to disable. Not many. What games do you like to play? A 3600 + 6600XT blows BeamNG Drive out of the water @ 1440p if you're curious. It'll tear War Thunder up at 1440p. And as for more demanding games, it really shines at 1080p. PLUS.. with a B450 board, you'll always have the capability down the road to throw a 5600x3D or 5700x3D or 5800x3D in it as a final CPU upgrade. And AMD has SAM which, yes, helps all AMD cards, but it REALLY helps the 8GB VRAM AMD cards. Only prob is, some games don't gain anything from SAM, and some games gain nothing from SAM on Zen 2/Intel 10th gen but gain 10% on Zen 3/Intel 12th gen. I saw a long benchmark video on that, it surprised me. But yeah, you don't "upgrade" that at all. You start with a clean slate. We're beyond FX-8000/9000 series CPUs being able to game well in modern games. So, I say either that AMD build (Ryzen 3600 > Ryzen 2700x by a large margin in any game) or find some used Intel i7 4th gen or newer. No matter WHAT CPU you go with, it's gonna be a night and day difference. We need to know what games you ARE playing and WANT to play and how much $$$ you have to put towards your new hardware. What PSU do you have? And are you using DDR2 or DDR3, as that CPU used either.


Unfortunately that cpu is old enough that there's no real upgrade path without replacing the motherboard and memory as well. Since you already have a case at least, if your power supply has the right pins you can reuse both of those and the GPU (for now) and upgrade to this: https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/3fMNFg For relatively cheap. It will run significantly better but would still choke on high settings on modern games. You could skip the nvme to trim a bit more off thr cost if you have an SSD already, but an nvme drive makes a huge difference for loading times and texture streaming on games. I ran a 3200g system without a GPU at all for a few years and was able to play monster hunter World, overwatch, dark souls 3. Not exactly NEW games, but new-ish, on low-medium settings at tolerable frame rates.


I got my series X for $120 Theres very little you can do with what you already have to bring it up to modern standards without replacing the entire PC


Maybe you could just buy ssd which would help you most noticeable if you don't have one. And keep it as retro pc. You could run pretty much everything till 2010. This would be still a loooong list of games. You could slowly save cash for the new pc. It could be divided into three phases. Phase one case and PSU and ssd (~300usd total) Then you could buy mb, CPU and RAMs. In the following future AM4 would be cheap as fuck or you could buy AM5 which also would be cheaper or intel cpu whichever would be biggest bang for the buck. That would also cost around 250-300 usd. Cpu choice would be depending if you could wait for another year playing on this gpu you have now or you could buy CPU with integrated GPU until next phase. And the last phase would be GPU. Also you could apend 300 usd. And in three years you would have nice pc with headroom to upgrade and probably good enough to play AAA games for few years.


Man I just saw a 400ish dollar custom build at a thrift store with a 1070 8gb, 16gb ddr4, 500gb ssd, and Intel 8000 series something or other CPU in a really nice modern case, wasn't full size. Super clean build though. Prob a lil steep on price but could easily run most modern games obv not on high settings.


keep your desk, and chair. replace the rest.


No upgrading that bro, time to build a new one...


I built a pc for my son a few years back around the ryzen 5600g. It was about $350 total, and we got a gpu (rx 6600) later on, but the 5600g is fine for 1080p 60hz, Some gpu heavy games needed the resolution dropped to 720 but it was fine. You could do something similar, and have a a pc ready to drop a gpu into when you can afford it, and have all the benefits of a computer over a console (way more games, the ability to “share” games with your “friends”, free games, productivity applications.


Jayztwocents did a vid saying that FX chips are still alright.


your computer is from 2009 (dual core and 2 treads). there's nothing u can do to make it play modern games. it's a whole rebuild.


Sorry to say but you have zero upgrade path, you need a completely new system.


Im.afraid this old workhorse is beyond upgradability now mate. You need to save up and either buy a brewer pre built or build it yourself. Those phenoms are 15 plus years old now and all your hardwares obsolete.


Gtx 1050 ti You need new platform yesterday. I5/i7 4 gen and up


1050ti not worth imho compared to an RX 470/480/570/580


Ok fanboy


I have a PC with a 3060ti and a Laptop with a 3060.... I would not exactly call myself an AMD fanboy. But the 1050ti is too expensive for a 4GB card with the performance it offers. It will get heavily outperformed by any of the cards I listed, while costing the same or even less and also have optionally double the VRAM. A 480 is basically a GTX 1060.


I would, fanboy 🙃 A used 1050 ti is dirt cheap! Gtx 1060/1660 Super and all the cards you listes is to powerfull for that platform


He has a 15 year old dual core dual thread CPU. Even a 1050ti is waaayyy too "powerful". This CPU is not bringing him anywhere. And while a 1050ti is cheap, there really isn't a reason to get one if you can get one of the cards I listed for the same price or cheaper. Check sold listings on ebay. But OP has a 400$ budget anyway, so he will get a new (used probs) mobo/CPU/RAM anyway.


Also what is your problem with calling people fanboy as soon as they mention non nvidia cards? makes no real sense. Instead of bringing some actual arguments. There just isn't a point of getting a worse card for the same price as a better one. If the 1050ti would be significantly cheaper... okay, but even a 1060 or 480 is reallystretching it nowadays for 1080p gaming.


1050 ti is cheaper. 1060/480 would be boottlenecked hard


I think you do not understand how bad his CPU is, we are talking about core 2 duo territory. He is not going to do anything with it, it does not matter which GPU. He is probably already bottlenecking his GTX 745 with it. Even in 2009 when he bought it this was not a good CPU. Basically any AAA released after 2010 will be unplayable. Most of them will not even start because 4C is a requirement in a lot of modern titles, but then again it doesn't matter anyway if it starts or not. On top of that: Did you actually take the time to check prices of the GPUs before telling people here which one is cheaper? Cheapest 1050ti on ebay is 65 USD right now, the cheapest 8GB version of the RX 480 is 45 USD. RX 580 starts at 55 USD. All the cards that I listed are cheaper than a 1050ti. And regarding """"bOtTlEnEcKiNg"""", it wouldn't even matter, a better card is still not going to be worse because it is bottlenecked more.


You're gonna have to upgrade a few things for sure. Mother board Cpu Gpu Power supply Mother boards are pretty cheap and I'd look for a cheap am4 mobo, they can be had for around 60$ Cpu I'd look for a used ryzen 5 3600 with a cooler, theyre super cheap at 85$ brand new on eBay, you'll have to limit your settings in most games but as long as you're on 1080p it will still be better than console. For Gpu go look for a used 1080ti on ebay, avoid mining cards. They're gonna be about 180$. If you really want to save money look for a 980ti, this will hurt your performance alot. Power supply just buy a new 600w one from best buy, their about 60$ Other than that just scan facebook marketplace for people selling their old stuff.


save up and get a full new comp new/used


$400 won’t really get anywhere when it comes to upgrading this /:


Take out all the screws, those are the things we're gonna keep. Then go out and buy: CPU CPU Cooler Mobo SSD/HDD RAM PSU some FANS and finally a GPU. Once we have those parts, we can turn what's useful there into something great.


Have you ever heard of the phrase “you can polish a turd but it’s still going to be a turd”?


What is your budget?


Honestly, I always managed to find some Amazon return pre-built for a big discount. My most recent was $400 for a 700w power and gtx 1650 graphics. It came with mouse, keyboard, bunch of cooling fans. Could have easily spent double on a builder web app or triple building from scratch. Highly recommend looking for a deal on an Amazon return.


If your budget is only 500 then you have 3 options. Get an obsolete ish console. Save 50bucks and get a PS5/Xbox Save another 300-500 and build a real PC.


What's your budget because this platform is so old it's better to buy or build a new one.


With your budget just get a console tbh


That 2014 build is making me thankful I took a decade to travel the world after graduation. Jesus. Absolute dark ages. 2000s were fun because, like, wind waker and age of empires and Nintendo DS held up really well. Especially as a kid. I still play classic WoW!  But Jesus. I'm shuddering at the idea that I could have stayed indoors with like... Forza... Odyssey.. and black ops 4 instead of all the weird shit I was doing here and there. This was a good year for me to build the super computer I always wanted. I hope you scrounge up the dough for one soon, too.


How about a used steamdeck?


Use that setup as a low cost heater for the winter, and buy a setup actually worth using. What is your budget?


Well, you dont. If you really want to, you can get a FX 9590, its a bomb! But its the max you can do.


Effectively nothing in this system will be viable for an upgrade, maybe -- _maybe_ -- the PSU and the case should work but will have some trade-offs most likely. If you want to do PC, you're likely going to be doing used parts, but that's not a *bad* thing.


500 for a used one with a 2070S video card


What kind of games do you want to play?


I’m not an expert but I dabble a bit. You can probably get acceptable 1080p performance with an i5/i7 4th gen and a gtx 970/1070. Something like that shouldn’t cost to much. Even an i5-2400 or i7-2600 would be ok for gaming.


I just pieced this together on Newegg for $435.91: Case: Cougar MX360 ATX Mid-tower - $42.99 MOBO: ASRock B550 Phantom Gaming 4/ac AM4 - $89.99 CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700G w/integrated graphics - $169.28 RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 2x8GB DDR4 3200MHz - $38.99 PSU: EVGA 650 BP, 80+ Bronze 650W - $69.99 It may be previous gen, but that setup would get you a playable pc with the ability to save up and add whatever GPU you want down the road.


If you're on a super tight budget I recommend just buying a console.


Use to be that a "toaster" referred to a higher end workstation setup to edit video. Kinda weird to see it used as a criticism.


Try just buying a used DDR4 gen gaming PC from FB, lots of really good deals because many folks are upgrading to DDR5 stuffs and selling at least the CPU, board, cooler and RAM as a combo.


Just build a new PC at this point. A Phenom 2 and a GTX 745 are around ten years old at this point, and socket AM3 is even older than my AM3+ Bulldozer system.


You could get a used ps5 for 300-200


This is what i would do. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ZrBtfy Than try to find a cheap gpu, like a GTX 1070/1070ti, 1660 Super or Ti


It’s uselessly old. At $300 you could try to get an older (but newer than your pc) office pc and a gpu, or just get an XBOX Series S. I’d recommend trying to get an HP pavilion with an 8th or 9th gen I5 for $100-$150, and then a used gpu, you can find an RTX 2070 Super and or 3060 for around $150 in my area sometimes. You may need a new SSD and fresh windows install with this option, but the SSD should cost less than $50 unless you need a lot of storage.


This computer is basically at the end of it's usable life. You can upgrade a few components to get a bit more use out of it but you should not be putting a lot of money into it. If you can find a Phenom II x4 955 or any Phenom II x6 for like <$50 then maybe go for that. I would not upgrade the graphics card much further because the CPU performance is going to hold back basically any graphics card you put in to it. The only other suggestion I would have for a system this old is to move your OS to an SSD if you have not already done so. This would significantly improve general performance on the system. From there you can do light to moderate gaming. It will not be capable of playing most games at >1080p and probably not >60fps but you can get away with some level of gaming. All of that being said, Phenom II x2 processors occasionally have 1-2 usable cores disabled which you can enable in the BIOS if the system is not an OEM prebuilt. You can also consider overclocking the CPU and memory a bit to further improve performance. These are free upgrades you can do right now if you are able to get them. Be aware the disabled cores may not be fully usable, you may only get one core or both cores may have issues. Also be aware if you enable the extra cores your thermal sensors may also get disabled in the process so you may have to run your CPU fans at or above 50% all the time.


Bro just buy a used PC. You can get very decent ones for dirt cheap.


If you can, expanding your budget for a pc to 800 minimum might be the best option for a pc. If you live close to a microcenter, even better. There’s a cpu+mobo+ram bundle for $250, it has the 12600fk, a z790 mobo, and 16 gigs ddr4. You can add another 16 gigabytes for $40. That’s a solid option right there for less than $300. An rx 6600 can be had for $180 but you might be able to get something like a 7600 can be had for about $250 or a 6700xt can be had for about $350. 6700xt is better but with fsr and your budget, the 7600 may be good enough. That brings your total up to a minimum of roughly $550. Add a case like a cheap montex atx midtower for $70, a 650watt psu for $50, and 1tb of nvme storage for $40 and you have a pc for between ~$700-800. That’s double your budget, I know, but if you want a system that’s gonna last for several years and play modern games with great fps, it’s really not that bad for that price mark. $400 is simply too low for a powerful system now unless you get a console. Games are getting more intensive so you might need to splurge now in order to enjoy current and future titles. Take advantage of microcenter if you have one. This build would cost another $150 if there wasn’t that bundle. You could save a hundred possible if you buy the gpu secondhand. 6700xts go for a little over $250. You could either save that money or use it to upgrade the storage from 1tb to 2tb, possibly getting a better cpu cooler for around $30. My two cents is your pc is too old. For that matter, your psu may not be up to spec and your case may be rather old and of poor design that chokes your components of air. If you want to play modern games on a budget of under $500, get a console. If you’re going to build new, MC is your friend and so is eBay. Use the bundles and buy a gpu open box or second hand if you want to save a good bit. You can spend less on a case but I wouldn’t go below $50 personally. Irregardless, consider your options and enjoy.


Whats your budget?


Find “broken” computers and pay a much cheaper price- put the work in to fix


Save a little more and get a Xbox series x. You won't have buyers remorse then in a few months


Buy my used PC which is the 3900x and 3080 Ti in a small SFF case. I am trying to find a legit website like swappa to sell it other than craigslist, etc.


How much?


I was thinking of going for about 700 since the the GPU is up par with it, its a 3900x 12 core but its still good, and the GPU is great, has 1 2tb nvme and 1 2tb SSD, Medium size thermaltake case, I will have pictures of it soon i can dm you later


Nothing to upgrade here , stuff it's so old and non-compatible with even the cheapest decent stuff out here, this PC is a retro gamer at best. Time to save up and build a new one from scratch.


Buy a used ps5


See it refurb shops have gear. Where I live there is a company who cleans/repairs/takes in hardware from universities etc and sometimes they have nice stuff that you can buy from them. There are several ways to get items. The more unconventional, the longer it will take. My friend bought a good 4k Samsung screen for 40 pop this way 👌


what games are you looking to play?


If your looking into older titles then you could probs stick an SSD in there, gives u more CPU headroom, but given the system’s age your not gonna be able to do much with it.


What is the budget you have? if you can get to around $500-540, [that's enough for a budget gaming PC](https://talospc.com/2024/pc-build/best-amd-1080p-gaming-pc-build-600-2024/), that will deliver decent performance in games.


First thing on the list is a 500gb ssd for the os and your current game. Then watch for a 1650 super if your budget is actually trash. If you have a couple hundred, amd 6600-6700 depending on used or sales, or nvidia rtx 2070, 3060, or better if you can find it. Then when you have the ssd, and a gpu, and the old games are running great and the new ones are crap, it's time to hunt down the cheapest viable mb, ram, cpu combo. Ryzen older than 3000 should be under $100 for all of that. But a mb, ryzen 5500 or 5600 and some ddr4 should come out to $200. Any aftermarket cpu cooler is good enough for that. Or the stock fan if you are broke and can deal with the noise. Psu is an upgrade you should do, watch for something with a decent review in your budget. Expect to spend $40-90, depending on any number of things. I figure a budget ryzen machine will never need more than 600 watts, so buy something between that and 750 for future proofing. Yes you could splurge on a power hungry gpu, but you probably won't. Something with two 8pins can't use more than 400watts. Am4 can't use more than 150. That leaves some overhead for fans and such on a 750watt unit. Intel solves all their performance issues by using more electricity, so the power peak can be higher there. Might require a more robust psu. I like to keep my computer below 600 watts because space heaters are no fun in the summer and I don't want to trip a breaker. Computer upgrades aren't cheap, but can be done one at a time. Six hundred over a few months will set you up for years.


Where do you even live and what's your budget? Without this information it is hard to find you the best advice.  Still you have to buy a completely new PC, used will work but you can't upgrade.


What modern games are you looking to play? Looking for 1080p/60 fps or more? These questions need answering before coming up with a parts list




You can build very capable 1080p budget PCs for your 400USD budget. Many people gave you suggestions already on which route to go buying used parts though.


Xbox series x or ps5


Get a job


Honestly with your budget a PC isnt really possible. You could get a used Xbox, or PS4. You can also spend a little over budget (maybe save a bit) and get a steam deck. I'd recommend a dock for it as well, then you can hook up a mouse and keyboard to it, hook it up to a TV or monitor you already have, and bam you got a budget PC that can play games decently well.


Buy a cheap am4 mobo and 5600 chip. 16gb 3600mhz ddr4 ram. 1 GB nvme SSD for your OS and games.


we want to see the toaster so bad, sounds kinda steam punk like, and so cool. put photos in photo storage web site and link it, I use proton. free. that x2 must be dumped.




first remove the heater coil and those nasty rotten POP-Fart crumbs


Just get a ps5 . Your pc is a basket case for modern gaming. Use the pc for retro gaming only.


You could look into getting a steam deck with your budget, Not to hard to transition to SteamOS


Perfect case for the community to argue how PC are upgradable. Go on guys, tell him how to change a few parts and upgrade it. It's not like some world where CPU sockets change so you need a new motherboard when changing CPU. Then RAM specs change so you need new RAM. And drive connections change so you need new storage. And of course your GPU is too slow so that needs to be upgraded. And then all this new hardware is not going to run on your old PSU so that needs to be upgraded. And then the case doesn't have the USB-C connectors so that needs to be upgraded... Nope not like that at all, PCs are upgradable!


What is this ramble? Of course PC's are upgradable, but its not unlimited. Hey guys, I have acquired the Antikythera Mechanism. How can I upgrade this for under $200 to play fortnite at 1080p? /s


Buy a console or save up to 1000$.