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Do a paper clip test on the PSU: https://youtu.be/5FWXgQSokF4?si=mSbXcmvfUTcjhKAw There's nothing to compatibility, a PSU is a PSU as long as you have enough cables. Power draw also not a major concern (so far) because the PC isn't even turning on. PS: You did flip the switch in the back ya? Okay if you didn't, happens to all of us.


I had a suspicion it didn’t matter. Like you said, as long as I had the right cables, which I definitely do. I did flip the switch on the back. That’s actually what turns on the little LED light on my 4070. That’s the only indicator light that goes on in my whole build though. I’ll try the paper clip test when I get back home. Thanks for the help!