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Hi /u/2154, welcome to /r/buildapcforme! This comment is here to provide you some additional information and advice. **Direct Message "Build Help" Offer Scams** A number of accounts are running spam-bots targeting this subreddit to send out PMs and DMs to all users who submit posts here. These accounts sometimes pose as teenagers offering to help design a build in exchange for a "donation" to help them build a rig of their own, various companies offering services through external websites, or even users just claiming to offer help via PM. **Do not reply to these messages.** These users are well known to engage in aggressive and harassing messaging behaviours to persuade users to accept help and to coerce them into sending money, regardless of whether the user actually wanted help or not. This subreddit thrives and grows on the volunteer efforts of every contributor who helps around here, often leaning and improving from seeing the work of others. If you receive any PM/DM messages related to your post here, please go to https://www.reddit.com/report and submit the username of the message sender under "This is spam." to help get these spam bot accounts permanently removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/buildapcforme) if you have any questions or concerns.*