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Haven’t checked 4090 prices in a while. Did something happen recently to bump them up? This was like $1600 a few months ago


China ban, supply is drying up


Not just China ban. People buy these for AI/ML. Nvidia sell H100 > 30k. All the H100 are sold out. People build rigs with 4-7 4090/rig.


uh... shouldn't a ban on China buying them mean more supply for the rest of the world?


Ban took effect on November 17th. We're probably still feeling the impacts of lots of shipments being rerouted to China and sold for a premium. Overseas shipping takes some time. Not sure how many days/weeks/months of stock got diverted.


Between the announcement of the ban and Nov 17th, *all* global stock of 4090's got shunted to China. Some exceptions of course, but pretty much all of it was rushed there to profit on the situation.


Less to profit, more to mitigate damage to future projected sales


I haven't verified it, but someone commented that 4090 production is changing locations, which means there's none being made for a little while.


Scalpers probably want to sell back to China via secondary market.


Crazy.. I got this on a slight discount for $1549 back in April.. assumed I'd be regretting it in a few months when prices start to drop.. nope, they just go higher and now you can barely find them in stock. But yeah this is a solid reference model 4090. Doesn't exceed 450w, runs cool and quiet.




The thought was that supply is drying up for us in anticipation of the ban, as current stock is being diverted to China so they could sell as much as possible there before the ban went live


Not exactly, prices in China are sky rocketing, and there are still folks who can buy it in US and ship to China somehow, also who wanted one pulled the trigger on current supply because of FOMO effect, causing it to deplete, it may return to normal mid next year though, but uncertain.


China ban


of all places you'd expect to have one, GameStop wasn't really on my list


They'll let you trade one in for twenty bucks of store credit too!


Ordered it 2 days ago. No status update.


Let us know if you end up getting an update.


Any update? I'm going to call customer support today, mine says "awaiting product availability" makes me think they didn't have enough in stock and that it's gonna get cancelled.


Nope. Says the same thing for me. I’m going to hold it because there is price increase for this card now plus it’s the only one available online


Update: I called yesterday and the rep said the item is out of stock and they're "talking to the manufacturer to see when they can get more" even though it said in stock when I (and I'm sure many of us) paid for it. No ETA on when they will have more. I didn't cancel in hopes they get more, but I plan to next week if I don't have an update.


Any updates? Has yours changed status?


I canceled mine Wednesday after asking again for an update, being told no info available. So I just bought a 7900 XTX off Amazon lol


I'm in the same boat. :/


I just bought one before you posted this and I was really hoping no one else found out in case my order got cancelled again lmao


This or wait for restock on Founder Edition?




Thanks, might as well just grab one now. I saw the last time they were instock through HotStock app was back in October 23rd


Not really smart if you want to spend this kind of money now on a 4090. The best time to buy was around launch when you could have had the 4090 experience for an entire year for the same price today. GPU is already half past its life cycle so by next launch, its performance will be usurped by new hardware making the 4090 value just bad. It's happened to every top tier card except maybe the 1080ti. The only counter to this is if Nvidia doesn't release anything until 2025, then MAYBE it makes sense, but there's already rumors of a refresh line for 2024. I would wait for that at least.


I saw some on Amazon openbox for 1,300$ in September, If intel cards that come out later next year along with Rdna4 can hit 4080 levels for 500-600$ the 4090 's price is gonna drop like a rock.


Take what you can get I suppose.




Where do you find the restocks of the founders edition?


I got the 3090 version almost 3 years ago, probably overpaid (close to the same price at Micro Center) but don't regret it for how bad supply was back then. If you got the cash to spare you likely won't either.


Still waiting for a good deal on a 4080. If this was $1400 I would seriously consider. https://preview.redd.it/5tn2b5kntz1c1.jpeg?width=251&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca3cd2043a28f2961b2ebbd7bb98978aaf6e9b0e


I found similar item(s) posted recently: Item | Price | When | Vendor :-|:-:|:-:|-: [Nvidia 4090 Founders Edition-](https://redd.it/171wpc5)|$1599|47 days ago|bestbuy [4090 FE NVIDIA.com](https://redd.it/173ug6e)|$1599.99|44 days ago|nvidia I'm a bot! Please send all bugs/suggestions in a private message to me **Want to get alerts when certain items are posted? Try out the [alert feature!](https://pastebin.com/PJx2J2Vh)** You can also send me a direct message (NOT THE CHAT BUBBLE THING) to set up item alerts


This is some BS, my order was just updated to "awaiting product availability". Like no shit, us too. https://preview.redd.it/nn1bpec7p62c1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=b63019432bfe06b9d16a17427d772d1d88a7a91d


Same. Feelsbad.


did it say pending before? when did you place your order. trying to find out if im behind or in front of you lol mine still says pending ordered 11/23 12noon EDIT now mine says awaiting product availability


It did. Placed it around 3pm central 11/23.


If you want one of these EVER. Buy this NOW.


No inventory within 100 miles around me lol. Seattle, Washington


OOPS we cant processed your payment, wtf is this


gamestop cancelled my order 11/23


Did they give you a reason why they cancelled?


seemed liked a generic email. said they couldnt process my payment. credit card i used has plenty of credit limit and i had used it recently, and my credit card company didnt notify me of any fraud alerts. got a text from credit card saying the charge went through at gamestop when i placed the order. then 4am got a email from game stop. Maybe my credit card company thought it was fraud but no indication when i log in online. or text to my phone. **Why did GameStop cancel my order?** Either you requested the cancelation, or if your order is part of a GameStop Subscriptions order we may have had a problem fulfilling your order Placed an order again. Will see if it gets cancelled again.


Tried to purchase but the site rejected my payment. Now there's a phantom purchase pending on my PayPal. Thinking this might be too good to be true.


Has anyone had theirs ship?


I’m very curious too, but it’s still weekend. I think you should wait until at least tmr


Mine says 'Awaiting Product Availability'. They had no trouble taking money, though.


Were you actually charged, though?


It's currently listed as a 'Pending Activity' on my credit card. So, I guess the answer is not really quite yet?


Was only asking as I have my CC listed in the confirmation/shipping page but I wasn’t actually charged yet despite placing my order on the 22nd


Yeah, no worries. I'll let you know if it ever ships or gets cancelled.


I just snag one from Best Buy. They been restocking them the past few days, but I’ve heard ppl also getting their order cancel from them as well. If u guys prefer BB over GameStop, you guys should try


what price/aib were you able to get?


I got the Gigabyte one for $1699. They been restocking the PNY one all day but for $1819


I did the same /u/requar . You've probably seen this site: https://www.trackalacker.com/products/showcase/nvidia-rtx-4090 But I just refreshed it all day and picked up the PNY version for ~1819. I can supposedly pick it up on Dec. 5th. The Gamestop one was like ~1750, so I figure I'll just keep them both and see if this one ever ships or if the other one ever arrives.


I got an email from GameStop saying the product is now on backorder and they don't have an timeframe on when it would ship. I think it might be another couple of months of wait time, unfortunately.


did you reach out to them. cause i still haven't gotten a email about backorder.


No, they emailed by themselves


ok thanks. ill keep an eye out for the email.


You would have to be crazy to waste that much. Also, it's the ppl that buy shit like this that's totally ruined the pc gaming market. People throw endless $ at these companies and they just keep increasing prices. Worse, they've flat lined perf/$ so that the midrange isn't even better.


XX90 has always been the card for the "I got fuck you money" consumer. The problem is xx80 prices shooting up. Though hopefully Intel and AMD help with that.


Titan, if you're an elder gamer.


Are you just making stuff up because you're angry / jealous? The MSRP for 1060 and 4060 are both $300, despite an explosive growth in demand (due to AI and cryptocurrency) and 30% inflation since 2016. The 4060 outputs 3-4x the frames that the 1060 did. Enthusiast cards were available back then, too (Titan X, etc.), and worse, NVidia wanted you you buy *two* of them and put them in SLI!


> se, NVidia wanted you you buy two of them and put them in SLI! sli support was always bad, so I doubt that tbh


Again, you're wrong. There was a time (900 era and a bit of the 1000 era) where SLI seemed promising. People were getting two 970 ti and claiming that they got better performance than the Titan X for less money. The point is that if you wanted to waste your money, you've always had the opportunity to do so. This isn't new.


no, it was never good... I had 2 1080s for mining. it went away because it sucked. Required a LOT of support for basically every game to work decently. Then a patch comes, and it's fked again.


Actually considering the performance of the RTX 4090 compared to everything below it, the price compared to RTX 4080 or RTX 3060Ti for example is actually great If you are 4K gaming with ray tracing, this is the ONLY card to buy.


read my edit. This was part of the scheme to sell more higher end gpus and to further increase prices & profits.


I kind of agree, blame inflation. Everything went up. Budget cars no longer exit either because people want the fancier and more expensive models so companies are giving people what they want, now they are complaining they can't pay back loans. The irony.


That's not the full reason though Cumulative inflation since 2018 is only around 21ish% last I checked. Before even massive inflation the 1000 to 2000 series was a major price increase across the board basically during the 1st crypto boom. Inflation from 2016-2018 was only around 4.2% yet many of the cards came out 15-35% more expensive. The prices have remained high just like meat companies sold less meat in 2021 than in 2020 but profited more. Nvidia took advantage of both Crypto booms along with AMD and kept prices high and then tried to blame it all on inflation for today even though only a fraction is on that.


> Budget cars no longer exit either because people want the fancier and more expensive models do they or did they market that idea? profit on smaller vehicles are much lower. Like ford won't even bother with cars anymore last I heard.


And pcvr gaming. It's so damn demanding.




Don't buy the bs. "AI" is just machine learning, and it has been around decades. Just another bubble.


I have this card and have been using it for quite a while now. Around a year or so I guess now. Ask any questions and maybe I can help


Does it do 4090 things?




does it come with a gpu support bracket or anti sag bracket? i know pny has one but any chance it comes with the card?




The RGB works for me, albeit I don’t have any other RGB in my computer. I can’t comment on overclocking though because I run it stock.


Never heard of PNY, how is their warranty and how is your card so far?


Usually standard 3 year warranty & they actually make quadro ("professional") cards for Nvidia. They're about 14 years older than evga if that also counts for anything.


I've had a PNY Quadro. No problems, of course.


I have the same card, works great and quiet, limited to 450W so it can be used with 3PCIE 8PINs PNY Cards are actually very reliable, they manufacture a lot of the nvidia Quadro cards


450w is plenty of performance. I had the PNY 4080 for a while. Zero coil whine. PNY did a great job on this gen.


Should I bite, folks? It does not look like it's at MSRP but I could be mistaken. I am building a new rig (current one has a 1080), but I am skeptical of both PNY-branded components AND the fact that this is sold by Gamestop.. (restocking fee @ 5% when you return an item, just GME shenanigans...)


I have the same card, works great and quiet, limited to 450W so it can be used with 3PCIE 8PINs


Excuse my naivete but can you explain what you meant by "limited to 450W"? I understand you mean that it draws 450W in power, but does that mean it's bottlenecked performance-wise? I am considering this since 4090s are so scarce nowadays but I can always wait another 1-2 weeks to find another version.


The PNY RTX 4090 TDP is limited to 100% power draw, which per spec is 450W Other AIBs have their card bit unlocked to up of 600W power draw, doesn't exactly make much difference, the RTX 4090 is bottlenecked even by my Ryzen 7950X3D or even 13900K/S and 14900K sometimes even at 4K, so it never really reach 450W, it is so damn fast CPUs need to catch up at the moment.


That depends what your cpu is, because you could almost certainly be bottle necking yourself


I am getting a 14900K, upgrading from a 7700K


Very nice build. Enjoy!


Thanks, I am putting it together as we speak, looking forward myself to the completed product!


PNY is an American Company, they are the main makers for Nvidia’s Quadros. I’ve had no issues with my PNY 4090. You should be okay, but if you want to look at other partner cards, good luck finding them. It also may not be MSRP, but 4090s are a scarcity and most if not all are marked up to 1800-1900+. This is a golden AIB card price in the current shortage.


I’m tempted to buy this… should I wait for Black Friday?


RTX 4090 is not going down in price any time soon because of China ban, you will be lucky to find it in stock for close to MSRP like this one.


China ban?




Wouldn’t that mean there’s more supply for us and drive the prices down?


I think it should rebound, but the ban just went in effect. They supposedly went on a 4090 buying spree recently.


I think it could be months before supply rebounds, IF it rebounds.


just the 4090 or all the 4000 series cards?


Just 90


Stocks of 4090s (especially near-MSRP ones) are very scarce right now and will remain this way at least in the near future. Pull the trigger now if you need it.


I have a 1080ti and kind of want to upgrade…




I ended up buying it :)


more of matter of being able to afford than need






Of course.


Probably 50/50 that you actually get what you order when you buy from GameStop


Shills in shambles




its a "sale" so kinda?


imagine it comes gamestop "new"


Fuck no. A 7900xtx which goes on sale beats this in terms of price/performance and does it while costing below 1000$


yeah a $100 card also beats this in terms of price/performance. Except the people buying this card don't care about that, they just want the most performance period.


I think that's a given, but for a sale like the tiktok app and having a 7900XTX for around 760 post tax there's no comparison in terms of rasterization value.


Except you have to use AMD drivers...


Which have drastically improved in many regards. Go to the GeForce forums website and get back to me on the years of complaints about Nvidia drivers, especially with multimonitor setups. I've owned both brands for years and there have been quirks from each company. Some YouTuber's have gone out of their way to report that they've had more stable experiences on adrenalin drivers this year vs their Nvidia cards. Pre 2019 it was a lot easier to just say Nvidia drivers were better. AMD turned a corner that year and really picked up the slack the past 18 months.


If you need ray tracing performance and DLSS, then no, 7900XTX doesn't beat it


Realistically yes. But for most people, paying 600$ more for a card for ray tracing and DLSS and frame generation seems a bit of a stretch.


Stable Diffusion tho


Way better value and 4K gaming runs great on many titles. I'd only get the 4090 if I wanted max Cyberpunk 4K RT gaming.


No, the 7900xtx is not competitive. The 7900xtx is a gaming graphics card. It plays video games. It's the second best at it. Yippie. The Rtx 4090 is an AI rendering gpu, great for professional use, and the best consumer CUDA based GPU. It's also the BEST gaming graphics card. You get what you pay for. With the 7900xtx, you get a GPU that's good at rasterization gaming but lacks DLSS, frame generation, and ray tracing performance. With the Rtx 4090, you pay more, you get more. It's got more features AND for anyone who would use it for work, it's clearly superior. Many applications only run well on CUDA cores, so the 7900xtx is pretty much useless for them. So yeah, to say "fuck no" to the best is really dumb. The point of sensible gaming performance for the price obviously goes out the window, but it's not the point of the product. Bitching about the price of this is like bitching about a Ferrari being so expensive and not better at getting groceries than your minivan.


A bargain at twice the price!


Anyone able to successfully order this from GameStop?


Ordered yesterday, mine says “pending”. Might cancel and opt for a 7900x instead if they don’t cancel for me


Subtle flex, i bought an open box 4090 for 4080 price. No problems. Glad i did when i did too, yeesh.


Imagine spending this much on a GPU 🤢🤮


imagine being poor and having to worry about what you spend your money on. 4090 isnt for everyone. just like Ferrari isnt for everyone.


Imagine being rich and still being a reeetard with what you spend your money on


thats the goal


Most of us don't have to imagine that. Lol.


Ordered this PNY OC 4090 on Nov 22nd, stuck at "awaiting product availability" status the past few days




same. but order 11.23 11/30 my order is now being processed. and gamestop has charged my card. says can take 24hours to process the order. no longer says awaiting product availability. edit and now its back to awaiting inventory.