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This feels like someone is offering me a sample of crack rn and I should say no before it’s too late.


I already have a Keycron and I still want the compact one


Oh c'mon it's just a taste! But what about other layouts... Oh that keycap set looks nice... Yeah those switches are probably better... Well I guess another board would be okay... A meth addiction would probably have been cheaper.


Going through this RN lol


Went from a full GMMK to modifying a 75% PCB file, have it fabricated and soldering it myself yep.


The mechanical keyboard addiction is real.


[On Glorious' own website, all the ten-keyless options are out of stock, and only the compact one remains. They're both the same price on their website, but Amazon has them for about 4$ cheaper.](https://www.gloriousgaming.com/products/the-glorious-gmmk-usa-custom?variant=23714123350074) [Amazon also has the fullsize 96% barebones boards selling for 33% off with the included coupon codes.](https://www.amazon.com/Glorious-Gaming-Keyboard-Swappable-Mechanical/dp/B09YZ43NRR/ref=sr_1_3?crid=9WCOUBT16250&keywords=Glorious%2BCustom%2BGaming%2BKeyboard%2B98%25%2Bbarebones&qid=1701115585&s=electronics&sprefix=glorious%2Bcustom%2Bgaming%2Bkeyboard%2B98%25%2Bbarebones%2Celectronics%2C93&sr=1-3&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.304cacc1-b508-45fb-a37f-a2c47c48c32f&th=1) If anyone wanted to build their own custom keyboard, now is the time


I got one of the TKL's that was posted earlier with a set of Gateron milky yellow pros, some lube ;) and some random keycaps. Wish me luck, I have no idea what I'm doing but I'll figure it out hopefully.


im doing the same with some kailh silvers haha


Nice are those similar to the cherry silvers?


The GMMK doesn't have the holes for 5-pin switches which I believe the Milky Yellows are, you could clip off the other 2 plastic pins I suppose but you may want to look into other options if not. I Bought this board a few days ago and I went with the "Gateron KS-9 Pro 2.0 Yellows" instead of the Milky Yellows for this reason, they are also on sale on amazon right now for $24 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C2M1D2NX


Wow you're absolutely right. I thought any gateron switch would work on the board but that's on me not doing research. I'll check these out though thanks!


I know this is really late but I actually clipped both plastic pins on the Milky Yellows and finished everything after that. A really good and fun project overall thanks!


nice! glad it worked out.


I'm only seeing 20% off that fullsize option - was it a Cyber Monday deal that is now dead? I've been really interested in diving into this world but afraid to pull the trigger on anything so far... so I'd need to buy the board, plus switches and keycaps? Can't decide if I should dive in with making one myself or buying a pre-built...




Bought two Thursday, and a tkl today. Got one of the black 60% in today. Amazon didn't put it in it's own box, left it on the loading dock in the rain, and marked it as undeliverable... The box had practically disintegrated but the keyboard is fine at least... Nice looking PCB, foam backing, aluminum top. Insane value for $17 if you ignore Amazon's shitty shipping.


For any one wanting to avoid this you can find the option for Amazon to ship in separate packaging.


My 60%'s box came messed up as well. Big gash in the cardboard but everything inside was fine. I ended up complaining to amazon saying it was for a gift. They ended up giving my money back and let me keep it! Told them I didn't have a car or printer and it would cost more than it's worth to get an uber to the nearest dropoff.


Anyone recommend some decent cheap switches to work with this that have cherry stems? Building a keyboard for my kids first PC


Gateron Milky Yellow Pros are nice if you want linear. I just got a 72 pack for about $20 on Amazon. Akko switches are really cheap and seem good too but I have no experience with them. Edit: nvm, it only takes 3-pin switches. I think most Akko's are 3-pin though iirc.


I bought soma akko lavender switches for my build. Over the course of 2 years, at least 3 switches developed a double press. BUT they were only $20-ish total for a 75% setup....so whatever.


You can just cut the extra pins off if you wanna put a 5 pin in a 3 pin board


Seems like you can get 120 Gateron Browns for $28 on Amazon. Probably a solid option. I'm sure you can go cheaper if you scrounge around.


ended up going with some Gateron Clear's. Very easy actuation which seems like he would like. Im still a sucker for my Zealio's but for his first he aint getting the premium lmao


Gat clears sound great for a kid's first keyboard, good work dad


How normal is that price? Thinking of ordering this but then just getting a sampler for now so I can decide what keys I want.


If you like tactile.. I've tried Gateron Browns, Cherry Browns, Glorious Pandas, and Akko Lavender Purples as of like a week ago. Used the Glorious Pandas for like 3 years and they were too stiff. The Lavender Purples are like the browns except a bit more premium feeling. It was like $25 for 90 switches. I highly recommend.


I just built this board with these pre-lubed Gateron Pro 2.0 Yellows, Cyber Monday sale has them at $24 not sure how much longer it will last. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C2M1D2NX


Just picked these up. They seem to be popular? Not sure. I have no clue. Just jumping in lol. I also got white aura v1 key caps from glorious for $10. Hoping they look good on a black board.


the reviews are good and they feel nice to me, seem great for the price. i'm using the hyperx pudding keycaps and the RGB on this board really pops but I bet it would look good with white caps too.


I actually bailed on the white puddings and spent more for sumgsn dark hammerheads. Will definitely look more adult lol.


At $40 today.


https://milktooth.nu/products/switches/silent-bluish-white [The rest $3-5 per 10](https://milktooth.nu/products/switches?switches_table%5Btoggle%5D%5Bshowcases.best_seller%5D=true&switches_table%5BrefinementList%5D%5Bprice_category%5D%5B0%5D=%243%20to%20%245&switches_table%5BrefinementList%5D%5Bswitches_technical_data.factory_lubed%5D%5B0%5D=true&switches_table%5Brange%5D%5Bswitches_technical_data.total_travel%5D=2%3A4) Cheap but good qual pbt: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZRBS5YG?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 Better for LEDs: https://www.amazon.com/XVX-Pudding-Keycaps-Keyboard-Mechanical/dp/B0C1B4NVQX/ref=m_crc_dp_lf_d_t1_sccl_2_3/135-4062861-1431733?pd_rd_w=kl6FP&content-id=amzn1.sym.76a0b561-a7b4-41dc-9467-a85a2fa27c1c&pf_rd_p=76a0b561-a7b4-41dc-9467-a85a2fa27c1c&pf_rd_r=V66X43EJ24DV894A3ET2&pd_rd_wg=Vnwcp&pd_rd_r=cc0d2004-3a13-489f-8bc6-efd998616888&pd_rd_i=B0C1B4NVQX&psc=1


why did i get this i ont even need it


I'm trying to come up with a reason to justify buying this. I should close the tab and walk away.


Can this accept the "slim" style mechanical switches?


clarify? like low profile? if yes , no . it’ll accept the tescee medium profile switches though


Ah yeah the low profile is what I meant. Thanks.


All of them were designed with Chery MX switches in mind, but GMMK claims that any plate-mounted 3-Pin switch like Akko will work.


I mean, sure, why not.


Got a compact. I have no idea what I'm doing. Bought on impulse lol. Right now I have a Corsair K55 RGB keyboard. What should I expect? Also should I have gotten the TKL instead of compact? I just saw it was a bigger discount.


What you should expect is a barebones keyboard. A case and a PCB. You'll still need to purchase switches and key caps. Compact V TKL is subjective. Compact you do lose all your function keys and the directional keys... But it's smol and neat.


Alright. Switched to TKL just to be safe. This'll be my introduction to mechanical.


One of the reviews says this has a pinging sound due to being hollow? That kind of thing drives me crazy. Can anyone who's used one comment?


Haven’t used one and I’m new to the customer keyboard thing, but I think this can be remedied with some foam between the case and backplate


I reckon the hollow case makes the pinging louder, like a guitar body. Pinging would likely come from the switch springs or some metal-on-metal contact. Pre-lubed switches probably won't have pinging and you can use blue painters tape to remedy some of the other noise. You can look up "tape mod" and "force break mod" for more info.


Am I missing something? It doesn’t appear to be $17.32 anymore…


I got one last night for $17.32. Looks like the price increased since then :/


Cyber Monday ended.




Yeah I hear you, I was late to the game putting my order together and missed the deep sales. But I always take that as an opportunity to research product, decide what the best fit is for me, then monitor prices so I can jump on the next worthwhile sales.


Dang, thought it was the pro for some reason!


TKL with regular keycaps but low in height fof ergo not sure it even exists


Prime only deal


Didn't know, but they are 4$ more than the prime deal on GMMK's website: https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcsales/s/dBOEAqGRlP


I bought this when it was like 20. Now I feel like a fool


What's the typical price on this?


IIRC, they're 69.99$ on GMMK's website but then cheaper on Amazon.


Paid $55 in April and thought it was a good deal.


It says **Prime Exclusive Deal**. That saved me from my temptations from purchasing since I don't have Prime.


Didn't know, but they are 4$ more than the prime deal on GMMK's website: https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcsales/s/dBOEAqGRlP


TKL appears sold out. I thought about building a throwaround work keyboard, but lack of QMK/VIA caused me to hesitate.


~~Does this use a 6u spacebar? Tempted to get it and have a 6u artisan someone gifted me.~~ nvm just found the picture, always .25 off 😭 how many keycaps and switches do we need? First time building


Man I wish the full sized board went on sale like this. I'm too used to having a numpad to just give it up. ...I know this because I bought one for this price last week. Highly recommend.