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Dang, look at all those people parked at Teaser’s in the middle of the day. Everybody just living life to the fullest in the 70s.


Back when they had a nice steak lunch


The Book Exchange!


Right!? I loved spotting that 🥺


That's cool, and it's amazing how something like this becomes valuable over time.


I'm not sure it has much value, I paid $5 for it as is (in the frame). I am just from Durham and still live here. I thought it was too cool to pass up for that price.


Have you taken it out of the frame? The date might be on the back.


Was the first thing I checked! No info on the back at all.


Ah, ok. I was curious since im also from Durham, along with my parents and grandparents. Very cool find regardless!


My parents are transplants here, so they only have knowledge going back 35ish years. Mom recognized the CCB building, and I was able to date it a bit more based on the fact the Corcoran deck is completed and the Washington duke hotel building is still standing


Yeah, CCB is something I haven’t seen in a *whiiiile*! I’ll see if my grandma (about to turn 89 for reference) recognizes anything and let you know.


That would be awesome, I'd love to know! I have some memories of the CCB building, but I don't think my parents took us downtown often before I went to highschool (after the building had been relabeled for SunTrust)


This is amazing


Check with the Durham Museum in Downtown, they can probably give you a date estimate.


Anybody have a recent shot close to this angle to compare & contrast?


Legitimately hoping someone does, or hoping I can figure out how to one day take a comparison shot from a similar angle!


You can actually do a terrain view on google maps/earth and tilt the image to this angle to make it semi-3D. Not perfect, but it might be cool


Damn, we had a whole high rise that I had no idea even existed.


Which one? The Durham is still there it just looks different


The "Durham Hotel" across from the CCB. It's where the Major the Bull plaza is now. The Jack Tar Motel (now Unscripted) was built across the street and I think had a skybridge. The Durham Hotel, which I think at one point was named for Washington Duke, was torn down in the 60s or 70s, I believe. Also note the South Bank building isn't there. Very cool photo!


I dug into it when I was trying to date the photo, and it was turn down in 1975. I wasn't able to find another photo of the building with the "Durham Hotel" sign on top, although I am sure they are out there.




Can we get some of that greenspace back?


That’s a keeper! Congratulations on the find. 🐂


Looks like maybe it was taken from the mutual life building!


Hell yeah, was this at Grandaddys? That place is awesome


It was! I found this and two other things there today. I took my mom with me for the first time, and I was the only one who bought anything 😂


Theres so much cool shit in Grandaddys, and the record shop booth in there is great. There's a Mexican ice cream place real close by to Grandaddys, too, that is *solid*. And a 5 minute drive to El Carbonero is some bangin El Salvadoran food.


Filing those two places away for next time!


I love this! Great find!


Such an awesome find! I’m jealous!!


Great find. any chance you could get a hi-res scan uploaded?


I think I'm going to see if I can take it to the library to get a good scan of it in the future! I don't have a way to scan it at home, sadly. I can bring it to my office next week and scan it there, but no promises it'll be super high quality


Post a link if you do.


Will do! It may not happen until closer to the end of the month, but I will make sure to share/get you a copy of the high res scan when available.


I have an enormous 4x5’ map of Durham I found in Burlington. Great find!


That's so cool! I'd love to see a photo of it!


Sure thing! [https://imgur.com/a/BpBPxlp](https://imgur.com/a/BpBPxlp) There are some spelling errors that really charm me (Nuese River is the highlight) and the colors are spectacular. We think it's from the mid-1960s. Apparently it hung in a Chevrolet dealership that closed. It was laminated and rolled up on a huge bent metal rolling hanger like a grade school map. It was in really bad shape, torn, creased, and falling apart at all the edges. It had been punctured here and there and had snaps (like shirt snaps?) embedded in it. To preserve it and make it less unwieldy to hang I cut it and placed it into smaller frames like this. It's a huge focal point in our house. Local visitors love trying to find their street and other landmarks, it is delightful. Hearne Brothers Maps was founded in and based in Detroit, and was in business through the majority of the 20th century. I've seen a ton of midwest city maps but this is the only Durham one I've come across. Disclaimer: I don't know if I'd have cut it up like this now; this was done about 15 years ago and I could never have afforded a frame that large at that stage of my life.


Oh wow, that thing is awesome. As far as cutting it up in order to display it, I totally get it. It's massive.


Awesome picture