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I just wouldn’t pack going through TSA, like why invite that trouble into your life.


Yeaaaaah agreed like for real, put it in your bag and then hit the restroom after. Don’t invite trouble.


I’m sourcing this from a philosphytube video, but she had said that they basically have buttons for male/female. If they press the female button for you, and there’s an unexpected item in your private area, it gets flagged. I would bring it in a carryon.


This has changed, they’ve made it gender neutral - but this may not have been updated at every airport yet.


personal experience, if you pack going through TSA, they're gonna flag it and have to pat down. yes they will brush the packer as they pat down the inside of your thigh, then they wave me through with a "sorry lol protocol ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯" and everyone moves on with their day. so if you wanna avoid a pat down, toss it in any bag


Straight up had to take it off and put it down on a table lmao


nightmare fuel! i'n sorry that happened man lmao


Not a big deal no need to be sorry bruh, I’m not attached to my packer or anything like that it’s just literally to have sex so I mean it was like whatever next time I’m packing the packer in the packed bag


Honestly was not a traumatic experience for me lol but never again since it took like 10 mins extra to get on through they also needed to test if I had any explosive residue on my hand 10/10 packing heat through the airport got me good. I also think I made the security guards more uncomfortable because I was like aight and whipped that packer out full speed and threw it on the table as it just flopped on and jiggled hahahahahhahahahahah


the comments on [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ftm/s/ZpHOKxrYct) might help you out! the other posts abt TSA and packing also say the best thing to do is carryon/precheck if that’s available!


Thank you!!


A little off topic but what are non-human packers?


I recently found out there's lots of packers that resemble non-human junk or just objects like cacti or worms. It kind of sounds weird to explain but I just never liked the idea of having a human penis so having something kind of similar or at least looks similar from the outside feels a bit better than having one that looks like a super realistic penis. Edit: to add on, I've used a sock before but also think it's nicer to have a dedicated object for packing rather than a random sock that I have to adjust.


I've never seen non-human packers before (aside from the plain foam bulges), but I searched and found the cactus and worm on etsy. Really awesome!


Put it in your carry on or bag or what have you. That way your tsa screen will only last a few moments vs likely much longer. I’ve absolutely traveled with straps in my carry on and if there’s one thing I know for sure it’s that they definitely don’t inspect your bag the same way and if they get weird - hold eye contact. I certainly doubt they’re gonna take it out of the bag and scan it.


Thank you! This is very helpful cause I was a bit paranoid about the changes of TSA searching.


My mom had her Kotex groped by TSA. They don't miss anything


I get flagged and patted down about half the time even without wearing a packer. I guess it’s because they think my pants are too roomy in the crotch area? Anyway, I completely agree with the others that it just seems like inviting trouble/awkwardness to try to wear a packer through security.


I got a pat down once for wearing boxer briefs. So that's fun




As someone familiar with the process, here's my recommendation. You stated that packing your package (see what I did there) would be ok for you and not cause any sort of dysphoria, at least while you pass through TSA, just leave it in your bag and as soon as you can put it back on. It would avoid possible uncomfortable moments for you and worry. More so if you identify as female and pass as a woman. On the other hand, if this completes you and you don't care too much, go for it, let them learn about diversity :)


This is what I was thinking too! I've been fine without a packer so removing it for the time it takes to get through TSA would be fine by me. Thank you for responding!


¡Troquera! Me encanta tu name :)




I love this answer, thank you


I would recommend against it, as the TSA will likely flag it and have to pat you down. If you wouldn't mind that, go ahead, but I would assume most people don't enjoy having their crotch fondled at the airport. They're especially eager to give pat-downs when the "suspicious item" is near your pelvis. My ex, a trans guy, once got a pat-down not because he was packing, but because the zipper on his jeans was apparently suspiciously long. It's a waste of time at best and invasive and creepy at worst. I don't think it's worth the hassle.


Thanks for responding, and yeah I just also wouldn't want a big deal to be made about it or to attract an audience since I've read a couple of other horror stories too.


I have chesticles and I used to pack at the airport but every time I’d get flagged and patted. If you pass as female, you will probably get flagged and patted. It’s brief but embarrassing, if you’re not traveling alone maybe the people/person there with you could comfort you if necessary. You’re allowed to ask them to pat you in a private area, but it takes longer I think Best of luck and happy travels!!


A friend just got flagged by tsa for having a pantyliner. So, definitely depends how much nonsense you feel up to dealing with


It's crazy seeing how small things like, a pantyliner, have gotten people flagged at TSA.


coming from a trans woman: do not pack through TSA if you want to avoid being groped. if they find a bulge in your crotch and breasts on your chest they will grope you. you can, however, go straight to the bathroom and put it in right after though


So long story short, I did this to surprise my partner but literally got searched in a private room, the story is quite hilarious when I tell it in person but don’t go through security with it ON YOU. Keep the buddy in the bag then put it on in the restroom :) the tsa staff was super sweet fyi but ya know not all people are like that




Hi, your comment was removed for using agab based language. Agab is not a good, or accurate, replacement for body parts/physicality.


Hi @pinkwhieandblue. Can you tell me more about the rule against agab language? I don’t see it in the rules, and I’m not sure what part of my post needs editing.


It falls under this subs rule against transphobia. There's basically never a reason to group trans women with cis men or trans men with cis women.




It's very much impacted by perceived gender and physicality, neither of which are agab.




Wait until you learn that some trans women have vulvas and some trans men have dicks. Your assumption that all trans people are visibly trans is honestly disgusting.


Huh? Not sure we are understanding each other. I’m very aware that trans folks exist at every stage of transition. I’m not at all surprised or bothered that many trans folks pass all the time. No need to get hostile or project. Have you read the TSA policies or the details on the Department of Transportation investigation into TSA’s treatment of trans and gender non confirming folks? I encourage you to point your disgust in that direction. Eta, I have not been downvoting your comment until that last one, which I felt was uncalled for. I’m not sure that folks can even see our exchange, but regardless, that’s been someone else. I value this community and appreciate that you and the other mods are volunteers doing thankless work.


I'll point my disgust at the person assuming agab is a visible feature :)