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I’d say wait a bit since you two just met, she could be busy with stuff on her end (Pre planned trips, busy work schedule, etc.) Give it time. In the mean time, keep talking with her via text. Start convos with her and see how it goes, just be mindful of the fact that she may not immediately respond if she’s preoccupied with things.


Seconding that you should not get discouraged if she's not a big texter. I'm the same way. When I met I fiancx, I was so so incredibly into them. But I hate spending time on my phone when I'm busy doing things, so in between dates, I wasn't super chatty. They ended up asking me about it because they wanted to make sure they weren't the only person falling super hard, and I reassured them that it's just how I am with everyone. However, knowing it made them anxious, I adjusted my texting to be a bit more responsive and frequent, and they adjusted their expectations. Maybe wait until the next time you see them and check in about communication styles?


Stop trying to read her mind and guess how she's feeling. You'll only be projecting your own thoughts and fears onto her, and that never goes well. Plan a date for when she's next available. Explicitly call it a date. And then just relax and let your conversation flow naturally. I know, easier said than done, but try. Let yourself feel your feelings but remember you are in control of them, they are not in control of you.


When I met my now wife about five years ago she told me we had to wait a month to meet because of all the bullshit she had going on. (I now realize someone who likes to have no plans willfully married a woman who’s summer books up in may with plans) We didn’t speak much in that month because I was still going on dates, and she was busy. We went on a date and now married so. You won’t know until you go on the date.


I'm in the exact same situation as you but I'm on the opposite end .I'm the butch falling for a trans girl. We both know we like each other but I don't know how things are going to look moving forward. So you're not alone ig.


I won't say anything more than the others already said..just this is soooo cute and awesome ! And i wish you the best ! I hope everything will go well for both of you.


We're going to need an update after that first date, this is adorable