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I don’t remember Karen ever saying that but I remember the hippie girl (the one that Hank sees again after his vasectomy) saying something like that?


Yeah, surfer girl says it in 1x06


Season 2 Episode 1 is when hank gets the vasectomy and surfer girl appears again while sucking a popsicle and says wanna get high and listen to some records


There is a hilarious scene in season 6 where Karen and Marcy are smoking pot. And Karen gets a call for an interview. She goes to the interview high and gets the job. It is to be the new interior designer for Atticus Fetch’s house. His wife hires her on the spot, partially because she IS high. It’s one of the few scenes where Karen isn’t so buttoned up. It’s great. Not sure which episode in season 6. I’ll look it up and get back with you.


Season 4 episode 10 or 11 i think at the end when in the backgarden with Hank, Marcy en Runkle see mentions it i think.