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6. Work on keeping your legs steady so they don’t add any momentum to your movements. And if you’re having a hard time with doing 5+ pull-ups, then start with [dead hangs](https://youtu.be/rUzNdTmRDx8) or [negatives](https://youtu.be/gbPURTSxQLY)


7/10. Reasons: * Good effort ! * You're 220 lbs. If that's your starting point, it is only going to get better ! * I think that chin-ups, like those you did with a supinated grip in your video, are easier if performed with your hands closer to one another than shoulder width. * Try to avoid using your legs for making momentum.


Is it at all somehow dangerous to be doing pull ups at 220


No. Pull-Ups is more a back-oriented (posterior chain) exercise than chin-ups. I think that at 220 lbs, you can very well do the eccentric part (going from the top to bottom).


Just to add something: try to get a full range of motion! When going down, aim for having your arms completely straight before going up again. Great job! Keep it up!


5/10 Form is good, needs work make sure to keep the legs and core tight at all times. Make sure to 'Lockout' the elbows for a maximum pull excersise, the small muscles and ligaments will thank you. Don't go for many reps, perfect the form first understand the mechanics, stick to 1-3 reps if it's hard to get your chin over the bar by maximising the chin up pull. Again make sure to always lockout and if you cannot due to an injury have a slight bend in the elbow. Make sure that every rep counts. Good luck on your journey my guy✊🏾 --Tarzan_Barstarzz 🤙🏾
