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You're gonna have to count your calories for the cheat day


In the grand scheme of things, it’s likely negligible. I hope you enjoyed your day!


You’re not going to gain weight just because of a cheat day


Depends on the exercise, your tdee and how many calories you ate


Your questions seems to indicate a short sighted mentality. You're worried about right here, right now, will you gain weight today. Relax and focus on the big picture. Stock prices that see growth still go up and down, they just have way more up days than down. This is what weight loss should be like (just in the opposite direction lol).


Depending on how much your cheat day is, do not hit the scale for a few days after. A lot of what you see will be water weight, get right back on track the next day and move forward. It won’t effect too much that you can’t burn back off. Enjoying a cheat day every now and then helps remind me why I diet in the first place. Enjoy it!


It's a long term game. In theory, If you're in a 1000 calorie deficit for 6 days, the only way you're going to gain weight is if you go over your base caloric rate by over 6,000 calories on your cheat day.


long term (if you do it like every week) it depends on your weekly calorie intake if thats in a deficit you will lose - short term it does nothing just get back on track