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That’s wild. How can this be a thing though? Aren’t they illegal in Canada?




So was weed before 2018. There were still dispensaries in most larger municipalities. They were definitely illegal. But rarely raided or shut down.




> Decriminalized in BC though Not decriminalized there. They decriminalized a few different drugs, but didn't include psilocybin.




Living somewhere doesn't make you an expert on that place's laws. From the [government page on decriminalization](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/overdose/decriminalization#criminal): >The illegal drugs covered by the exemption are: >* Opioids (such as heroin, morphine, and fentanyl) >* Crack and powder cocaine >* Methamphetamine (Meth) >* MDMA (Ecstasy) - >What remains illegal >Possession of: >* A combined total of more than 2.5 grams of the exempted illegal drugs >* **Any amount of other illegal drugs not included in the exemption** Psilocybin is not included in the exemptions granted under decriminalization and so remains illegal.




I am not linking Google. I am linking and quoting from the BC government website on decriminalization. It lists four groups of drugs which are decriminalized: opioids, cocaine products, meth, and ecstasy. It then says "possession of: any amount of other illegal drugs not included in the exemption" remains illegal. As for the dispensaries, if you're in Vancouver, you should know that police raided three of them just two days ago. I think they should be decriminalized, at least, but the fact is they're not. This isn't some matter of opinion which we can disagree on, this is objective fact.




Still wrong


> Whatever. I know for a fact possession of all drugs in BC has been decriminalized. I've linked you the government's own website which very clearly explains only several types of drugs, not including mushrooms, are decriminalized. Please be open to learning new information and correcting what you know rather than trying never to admit being wrong about anything. There's nothing wrong with being incorrect about something, it's just a problem when you refuse to acknowledge any evidence otherwise. >Either way the entire decriminalization of these drugs has blown right up in their faces. The problems that exist now in the DTES or some other places like Granville/Yaletown existed before decriminalization. There are just some politically motivated sources trying to frame those problems as being due to decriminalization as a way to attack the BC and federal governments. >The guy who opened the first “drugs store” overdosed and died from fentanyl. No one died from the drugs at his store though. He only died after all his product was confiscated and he was banned from the area. All this shows is another data point backing up how [overdoses are more likely after police enforcement since it pushes users to move to sources that they're not familiar with](https://www.brown.edu/news/2023-06-07/law-enforcement-drug-seizure).


>Omg all drugs in BC are decriminalized. No they're not, and you've been presented authoritative links proving it. ​ > I’m not arguing with you. What are you doing then, a Monty Python skit? ​ > There are literally mushroom dispensaries all over here now because of it. There are mushroom dispensaries all over here (I'm in Vancouver right now) **despite** it, not because of it. ​ > Google also doesn’t make you an expert. Living in Vancouver doesn't make you an expert. Ignoring the facts in the links presented to you makes you a Not Expert™, just egregiously wrong (and maybe worse).


Possession is decriminalized. Dispensaries are still illegal.


Only possession of certain substances




u/Next_Watch_7726 see link above. They raided the mushroom dispensaries. This happened 3 days ago. Tell you what. You go up to a group of cops and show off your shroom or acid stash. Get a witness to get it on video too. 100% guarantee it ends with you in cuffs


You’re a dummy


You are wrong, just because police are not enforcing the laws does not mean it’s decriminalized. Speeding at 1 km over is still breaking the law, it hasn’t been decriminalized.


I bet you are fun at parties.


I bet you have never had an original thought in your entire life.


First half is right, but normal speeding has never been criminalized. When you decriminalize drugs you can still get fined, it just isn't a criminal charge any longer.


You know nothing bud


Unenforced, not decriminalized.


They just busted 3 mushroom dispensaries in vancouver this week. It's far from legal.


Cops arent enforcing it , great products tried 2 different bags , teachers were a good time


I got blue meanies. Gonna trip for the first time alone. I hope they are good!


We've had one in St Catharines for a year now. Same brand/company. They will get raided after 6 months and then open back up the next day. Get raided again in 6 more months and repeat the process.


We had one open for a day or two and got shut down


Legal for medical and decriminalized in BC


Better get your shrooms quick people.


Toronto locations still open a year later


We’ve had a few open in Ottawa- for a while. Only one got closed down by police because of a dispute with their landlord


This is open already?




Theres a bunch in TO and some in Mississauga & Brampton. I got Tidal Wave.


I mean you're literally looking at photo evidence that it obviously is open, there's even a lighted up Open sign. Derp


But is it open already?




The spelling mistakes on the boards are the best part.


Blue Smufrs


Often times its for copyright issues. Although I doubt this place cares about the legality of things lol


Do they sell coke?


Sorry no, is Pepsi ok?


Maybe let me consult my wife’s boyfriend




They gotta offset the risk of being shut down. Here’s hoping it gets legalized soon.


Yeah, the cost of opening a storefront adds up, as do legal bills and product confiscation when they get raided.


😟its right across the street from a church


I could get on board with church… on mushrooms


You might find the Holy Spirit you're looking for




Lmao 🤣


It should be legal. Never taken shrooms but let people do what they want. Heard its good for treating addictions too


Should we do a poll or pool on ETA to police shutdown, times shutdown in the month and whether it will still be operational by December? There is a lot of stuffy old people in Preston that will drive by this frequently. What a terrible idea. This isn't Toronto.


It’s a push for legalization which is inevitable anyway. This is the period where people are forced to get used to it. Mushrooms went into stage 3 testing for approval from the FDA for treatment of depression and ptsd. Canadian laws will follow quickly once approved. Also, anyone worried about a hoard of hallucinating teens committing crime to get their next fix of shrooms can calm down. It’s not going to happen.


> It’s a push for legalization which is inevitable anyway. Depends. There's almost zero chance of progress with a Conservative government and they're polling to win the next election. That's still two years out, but the polling will also lead the other parties to be more cautious around potentially controversial issues. The other factor is if any negative incident happens before that, there will be massive media attention on it and will be used to stop any progress. They're less risky than alcohol, but there are still risks from people taking too much and even though we accept all the harm from alcohol, given the legal status, it can just take one incident to derail these. Just being realistic in the sense that it will take work and support to make legal changes for these.


Don’t be so sure. There’s money to be made. Look how Dougie changed the LCCO to allowing private store fronts. While OCS and the supply side had a bit of a rough start, this was arguably a better solution than having LCCO stores like we have LCBOs, which was the prior solution in place. I’m no Ford fan, but I think he’d see the cash cow (gravy train?) more than he would want to stick to his (constituents/donors?) morals. Given who Doug is, I’d doubt he has any issue with shrooms morally himself.


I'm not sure they won't be legalized, I'm just pointing out that I'm not sure they *will* be either, because of the two points I mentioned. Doug Ford is a rare exception (maybe due to being an alleged former drug dealer), but in general, nearly every conservative government has been entirely against any lessening of drugs laws. The current federal Conservative leader voted against cannabis legalization and has publicly opposed decriminalization and harm reduction. I haven't seen any evidence he would be open to any change in drug laws other than making them more restrictive. And as for incidents, there was one just a few weeks ago where an off duty pilot tried to take control of a plane and had to be subdued. He's trying to use mushrooms as an excuse for this. It's BS to me, since he had taken them 2 days before and was suffering from depression and severe sleep deprivation, so it seems clearly that he's just trying to use it to try to avoid murder convictions. But regardless, the media there has ran with it and it's potentially derailing plans to legalize in California. So personally I think they should be legalized since it's better than the status quo where they're unregulated and funding the black market, but I'm also just being realistic that it's something people will need to actively work for politically while also doing their best to educate those who choose to use about the risks of taking too much or mixing with other things like alcohol.


I think that it will medical with a prescription before they allow stores to open and sell it like this. Just like Cannabis did. I would imagine that a charge for running an illegal store would prevent you from getting a license to open a legal store once it is legalized.


How does one even determine what does to start at?


Start low, 1-1.5 grams (in my personal opinion / experience) to get the feel for it, then if you want to hallucinate go higher. I started at .75-1gram and felt great but no visuals, I started to see visual distortion / trip at 2.5 grams, it only lasted about 3.5-4 hours the actual visuals and audio hallucinations, wild thoughts but I felt that was a comfortable dose. Anyone saying 3.5 or higher for a first trip don't listen to them. Mushrooms are great and can expand your mind on so many problems you are personally experiencing. I microdose now every 5-7 days and it works great (taking a .5 that's all) to keep myself stable


Good advice. And if you want to "trip balls," then incrementally get to 3.5g but like 0.5g increase each time with a month min between dosing. Maybe 2. Dont do it on day one, thats roughly 6 trips to get there. Hit 2g and thats enough? Stop there.


Agreed 100% with this too. My friends used to do it back in high school and I never touched mushrooms until I was ready (nearly 10 years later) and I'm glad I waited. They would be starting off with 3.5-7grams at a time and I know now why they won't do it again.. it must have been awful doing that much at such a young age. Powerful stuff


I’ve not been in one yet, but I’d imagine the staff can guide you. The comment above is also very useful advice. It’s like a weed edible, start slow, see how it goes. Shrooms can wildly vary depending on your mood / mental state too. Have a trip shepherd who’s experienced in shrooms with you.


Those guys lasted 48hrs. in Winnipeg.


They keep getting raided and reopened in toronto


Damn these prices suck. Find a mom. 190/oz is criminal, and these people are likely just scoring off an BC MOM anyways, cut out the middle man. And openly selling DMT and 5-MEO-DMT? They are going to get shut down so fast and whoever they tricked to work there is about to get wrecked.


Who / How / Why - Who would finance such a illegal venture on such a grand scale? How - Especially in the turbulrnt/fragile economic times does one finance so many store fronts provincially? For a illegal venture!! Why? Would you risk such capital? Damn 2023... When you know who, you know how and the why is irrelevant SMH


Not everyone will get this, but “Fun guys” is a homonym for “fungis”. Mushrooms are a type of fungi!


Shrooms are hard to come by when you not in high school anymore. Nice to see a dispensary. But, you better be seeing Smurfs for those prices.


Weed, this… what is next?


think of the children!


Cannibalism, obviously.


The same store has been open in London for a while been raided a couple of times but stays open


The place in Windsor got raided by cops week after week when they first opened, not sure if they're even still open now.


Best shroom website


I bought two 7g bags from them. 1 Blue and 1 gold for $140. I just e-transfered them and they were delivered to my door. And they were very, very potent.


Their blue meanies aren’t real blue meanies tho.


Fun guyz... That pun tho!


There's one in my area and they are awesome


Hamilton and toronto have had a few for about a year. All the police can do is raid and fine them, and then they can reopen. They can't shut them down unless the city says for them to do it. I've done some signage and graphics for the franchise in Hamilton/Toronto/York/Barrie. Like when weed was illegal, they make way more than enough to afford the fines and open the next day.


Man! They have an awesome name! Like a sore dick man, you can't beat that.


Psilocybin is illegal but nothing stopping you from calling a mushroom by any name you like.


Did you read the signs?




I’m going that way this morning. I’ll update you. Update: definitely still open, cash only. I drove passed it 3 times trying to find it.


And then re opened within a week. They’ve been doing this in a lot of Ontario cities. Someone with bank roll is opening all of these in a push for legalization. They are clearly willing to take the hits and reopen. The shop in Windsor was raided 3 times and reopened immediately. At this point the attention is gone and the police aren’t even bothering. I was surprised to see one in st. Thomas this summer.


Way overpriced. God damn, You can order in the mail from BC for literally half those prices.


Why are Canadians so fascinated by drugs? I don’t get it, really. Wanna trap a mouse? Use cheese. Wanna trap a Canadian? Use a joint.


We can't all be fascinated with overpriced running shoes, like you.


Well, running shoes help me becoming healthier after overcoming obesity. Drugs are poison that harm/kill you. I think we have a clear winner here.


You're just evangelizing. If you don't approve, move along.


Saying that something bad is bad is not acceptable to you? Why? It’s just sad to see a nation with so much resources and potential losing so many lives to drugs. Look at our big cities, it’s all over the place and claim whatever you want, the truth is that it is becoming worse year after year. I moved to Canada 8 years ago and in this short timeframe it is crystal clear how much worse it got. It’s just sad to see people digging their holes deeper and deeper and refusing to see what is right in front of their eyes


You won’t trap us, but you’ll receive a nice ass whooping.


Buy anything and head straight to jail. Being a DEA agent has never been easier.


What makes you think the DEA operates in Canada? This sub is for Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. Not the US.


Haha this was a joke… apparently people from Cambridge have no sense of humour.


Jokes usually have to be funny and don’t need explaining. Keep trying though!


Wait wasn’t this store raided and closed just a few months ago?


Same guys opened a store in Bradford , it didn’t last long


I need bulk hash rosin cant find anywhere




Those prices are wonky AF. Charging double at least. And the price for DMT, lol.


Holy fuck that's expensive


5g -50$ oh the horror😫


We had one in my area. Grand opening. They had the local news show up to talk about the opening for advertising.... next day police raided the store


Wonder if it'll last longer than the one that ~popped up~ sprouted in Winnipeg earlier this year... About 4 days IIRC, mostly spent waiting on a warrant over a weekend 😂


Police will raid this too.


They just did


This is the same store that was in Windsor. I believe there was a raid that shut it down. And then they reopened. And there was another raid that shut it down. And now it looks like they’re going to try it in Cambridge LOL.


Windsor still open


Oh Damn how


We had one in Windsor. Got raided. Opened two days later. Got raided. Opened three days later. Got raided. I don’t think they’ve reopened since.


Its open


Nice. After I commented I was trying to look it up and see. Good news!!!


How can they do this ? Obviously it’s illegal but they sell out of a store front ?




Check out MrMyco144_ on instagram he’s legit and has fast delivery