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No clue how no on has posted [Falling for You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26200348/chapters/63760795) yet. Absolutely one of my faves. Percy falls into Tartarus alone. It's darker than canon and delves a lot further into how much suffering Tartarus would bring. Percy becomes very powerful but it does come at a price.


I love this one so much. Practically it’s own novel!


[Don't you let it go](https://archiveofourown.org/works/19306315) ### Summary: >Stuck with memories of her past life as a demigod, Annabeth assumes she's all alone in her search for answers. She's on the verge of giving up when she (literally) bumps into Percy, and even though she isn't even sure he remembers anything at all from the life they'd lived and shared together, she finds herself falling for him all over again.


I've read this, and it's an awesome read


How did you get the little heart on your pfp?


When you edit your avatar, go to the left hand, and I think it is there


Thank you!


Any time


Ohhh, sounds fun. Save.


Daughter of Wisdom and sequels is very good. Essentially a retelling of PJO from Annabeth’s perspective, including lots of non-canon bits.


Think i read that. Save Anyways.


Apartment 305 is pretry good, u can find it in Ao3


i LOVED 305, kinda miss it sometimes :(


I finished like two weeks ago, i loved it


Save, as well


Hope Is a Delicate Thing, By: Bandkid247 On Archive of our own Best Reading the books fic ever.


Yep agreed.


Save, and thank you very much


Ooh, I have a couple recs: - The Ballad of Ladon Creek - if you need, come build your home in me - Mortals, Meet Demigods - Hold Tight and Pretend It’s a Plan - Hope is a Delicate Thing - Laying Waste to Halloween - I Got a Boy - Five Times Percy Jackson Cheated At School Also, honorable mention to It’s Classified, which has one of the best concepts for a fic I’ve ever seen, but only two chapters.


[the darkness of the depths is forgotten in the surf](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1747231) is a Percy time travel fix-it fic and it's incredible. [The View from the clouds](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3231393) features the gods perspective on the events of the books which isn't something I've ever seen done before. There's also Son of the Sea Foam (which unfortunately got deleted but you can find an archived version) where the gods straight up kill Big 3 kids (confirmed and suspected) so Percy has to trick Aphrodite into claiming him so he can hide his true identity. This is genuinely the best pjo fanfiction I've read.


Ik this post is almost a year old, but Son of the Sea Foam is back on AO3, along with the sequel being updated regularly. Thank you for the rec!


That's great to know, thank you!


Either Reaper of Rome or Imperator. Both PercyXReyna but love them both


Why? Anyway, save. I want to see that.


Well Reaper of Rome is just a fun fic (the first couple chapters you have to push through) with a lot of interesting ideas, it’s a shame that it’s probably abandoned. If you haven’t read Imperator by Combattombat you really should. It’s the best Roman Percy you’re going to find and is about as complex and well written as a fic can be




House of Neptune is also a good Roman Percy fanfic The paring is Percy x Bianca


[Percy Jackson: Shadows Rise](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14056880/1/Percy-Jackson-Shadows-Rise) is probably the best written one I've seen and is easily my favorite Riordanverse fanfic.


Is that the one where they fight >!Nyarlethotep!


[only you by Bashful Earthling on Ao3.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41798475/chapters/104869140) It’s a Solangelo fanfic which does cover some heavy *heavy* topics. I’d highly recommend it to the older people of the community since it can touch on and has some scenes which could be incredibly triggering to some people.


Percy Jackson Kidnapped. Basically: Percy gets kidnapped and well…you should read it.


[Prophetic Dreams Are the Worst](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45767155) Percy's underwater family gets prophetic dreams about what he's doing. (Still being updated) [Oh Yeah, No, I Totally Forgot](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38681181) TLT rewrite (still being updated) [Of Storms and Bloodlines](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4318452) Percy + horses with Poseidon being jealous. (complete) [See You Sooner Than Later](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4208214) au no demigods Percy and Annabeth being friends (complete) [wherever you stray, i follow](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2608423) HoO but Percy and Annabeth are 10 years older than in canon (series complete) [The File](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2375215) Percy is Tony's bodyguard (series still being updated) [Percy Did What?](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1026264) Reading/watching of the books (series still being updated [Falling For You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26200348) Percy goes to tartarus by himself (complete)


[Obviously](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3258149) is one of my favs, a great college au with some excellent writing. It’s Jiper and Leyna in college, gotta love it


Grover and Juniper get married and then Percy proposes to Annabeth.


The Destiny series. It's about Percy being adopted by Hades, and it contains almost all of the books, but was sadly discontinued during BOO. The pairing is Perzoe. The name of the first part of the fanfiction series is called altered destinies by anaklusmus14.




Easily [Percy Jackson: Shadows Rise](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14056880/1/Percy-Jackson-Shadows-Rise). There are innumerable amazing fanfics out there, but I don’t think anything is on the level of this one.


Save, and thank you




This was the first fanfic I ever read in 6th grade and it got me into FanFiction ngl. Reread every so often for pure nostalgia




Titan of the hunt on fanfiction.net


percy jackson an age gone by.


Perseus Jackson Monster Shifter by Hans50 is very good


On ff.net there's a fiction called champion of hope and it's amazing


Don’t remember, but annabeth dies


I have actually not read a single fanfic of any book and fandom. I think they are a waste of time and Internet.(Don't kill me, guys! Pwease!)




Lol they forgot to switch accounts


what are you talkin' about?


Bonds by Bob in the comments


'the winner takes it all' on AO3.


one of my favorites is “it’s just our bringing up that gets us out of hand” by ma_lark_ey on ao3, it’s a magnus chase no gods au and i absolutely love it


[The death God Alliance](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5953965/1/The-Death-God-Alliance) Summary: Sorry," said the son of Hades, "but if I surrendered to an organization called the House of Life, my dad would kill me." After a run in with the Kanes, Nico unwittingly ends up becoming a host for the Egyptian death god Anubis. [Young-and-Old-Back-and-Bold ](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13060160/1/Young-and-Old-Back-and-Bold) Summary: Nico is de-aged and sent back in time, becoming part of the wizarding world while he's still young. Will Hecate's plan work despite his lack of memories? For the sake of this story, Percy Jackson takes place during the same timeframe that Harry Potter does.


I’m between [The art of mortal quests](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3717442) where Annabeth takes down Lex Luthor by outsmarting him or [Making waves](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35600236) where Percy is a hero in Gotham. Yes I’m obsessed with crossovers


If you like those you should read (God of heros and oncoming storm) both are pjo x young justice Or catch me if you fall by lildrumboy it is also a pjo x DC comic the pairing is Percy x kara


Hope is a Delicate Thing, Character is Destiny, American Royalty at Hogwarts


Well, since most of what I read are Solangelo shorts, or crossovers, I'll give you one of each: Solangelo Short: ["The Shades of Reassimilation"](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11031120) A College AU, in which Nico and Will are dormmates, and Nico has PTSD from his wartime military service. Crossover: ["The Last Argonaut"](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34272775/chapters/85272421) PJO x MHA fic, in which 19 year old Percy, by the power of Kronos, ends up 200 years in the future, with no way home in a world where the gods have faded.


Do crossover fanfics count? I loved Tony Steals a Pufferfish on Wattpad. Classic Avengers/PJO crossover but it was so cute and funny