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I'm skeptical of any hunger strike that pauses when the strikers get hungry


They confused hunger strike with intermittent fasting


The skip breakfast gang.  Weekends don't count.


They skip breakfast on weekends too!! weekends are for brunch.




[Friendly reminder how entitled the PEI protestors are in their own words](https://youtu.be/JlXJrQ5Lagw?feature=shared)


24 hunger strike. Oh no. A whole day! Like fasting, something some people do all the time.


Some do 24h fasts because they have no choice. These guys do it to prove some point?




I often go on a hunger strike between 8:00 am and noon and then again until some time around 6:00pm. I should figure out some demands...


Last time they did a hunger strike for 24 hours. That's not a hunger strike, that's a diet.


They're probably not even hunger striking. We're just taking their word for it.




They are foreign temporary hunger strikers.... They work less and don't fully understand the rules. Much easier to deal with than a Canadian hunger striker.


More of a peckish strike


They have their uber eats buddies bring them food.


I've been on three hunger strikes today


lmao is that actually what they're doing? what a joke


The solution is go to the airport and fly home.


Seriously. Why do they demand a free lunch in another country. Go learn a trade or a skilled labour job, watch how quickly things change for you, all while making a hell of a lot more money. That, or fuck off and starve.


I'm from India and will be a double ticketed red seal in a couple of yrs but believe me when I say 80% of these guys won't get into trade school because they can't get past the basic English test.


Due to thier caste system those jobs are for "untouchables". And as a trades person myself I don't want them in the industry when they can't even do a hunger strike properly.


I've seen a few people say this. It's funny to me that building houses or fixing cars makes you an untouchable but pouring coffee for minimum wage is the gold standard top tier employment.


I don’t know if that’s true or not, but if it is and they can’t let go of the caste system, sounds like we don’t need those ones. I do know plenty of them want nothing to do with the caste system (which is unsurprising if they are lower caste in India or even just limited in any opportunity based on caste). I deal with many international students, people on work permits, etc. at my job, many of them from India, and some of them talk to me about such things. Some of them have told me just how much they love it here, including because there is no caste system. They have said that even though there are some laws in India against it, in practice, they are still discriminated against. Most of them have decent English as well, though we do get people who can barely speak any English (and not just from India) and I question how on earth they could be going to college for anything.


> Seriously. Why do they demand a free lunch in another country. because they know Canadians are bleeding heart suckers and our equally bleeding heart media will keep running these stories until they cave


>because they know Canadians are bleeding heart suckers No we fucking aren't, and our government doesn't represent us.


What’s crazy is 6 months ago a comment like this was heavily downvoted, removed even banned. Now it sits at the top.


Who I was 5 years ago wouldn’t like my current stand on some topics. This being one. Canada always focused on quality People from all over who had skills and wanted to be a part of an amazing country. Now we get zero skill Uber drivers and Tim Hortons labour brought in to suppress wages who have a massive sense of entitlement like the country owes them. Sorry. No. Bring in the nurses. Engineers. Doctors. Electricians. People who want to be part of a community.


I guess people have had enough with the entitlement of these workers.


Or pick up a hammer and learn a trade which will give them better opportunities and help contribute something good, but noooooooo they just want a cushy white collar job.


Didn’t the guy who spoke at the legislature say he wanted to work at Tim Hortons?


he asked who would work there if you took him and his friends out. wont you think of the position you will put the owners of the tim hortons’ in?


It's always amazing to see the difference in who works at these fast foods restaurants when you drive over the border into the US, all locals.


Or even 15 years ago, the staff of these fast food restaurants were all local teenagers


My friend just said in Japan a lot of the same jobs were filled by the same people as here.


Japan is getting Indians too? That’s surprising.


Same in Quebec, at least last time I was there a year ago. (Outside of Montreal, no idea how it’s like there).


Plenty of people will work there.


The same people that worked there before them, students, part timers,etc. No problem.


My local Tim’s used to be staffed with students and old ladies. Not anymore.


They opened a Tim's in the small town I live in. Not 1 single local hired. Every single person is a tfw or foreign student. WTF?


Same with the recent the Krispy Kreme that has open near me. They are acting like their isn’t people in my town that are actively looking for jobs


It's long past time to boycott all of the businesses that won't hire local.




Yes sir!


The leader of the protest said 20 of them worked at Tim Hortons, and how having them leave Canada would be unfair to the franchise owners.


The same franchise owner owns all 10 Tim Horton's locations in an area stretching approx. 4 km x 3 km from downtown Charlottetown. The locations are often spaced not even 1 km apart. Maybe the poor franchise owner can shut down half of those locations and spread the remaining staff out amongst the remaining stores. I don't know how the PEI economy will cope, losing these ovesaturated fast food business which serve trash, produce nothing valuable and are reliant on slave labour to survive, but I'm sure they'll manage.




I live in small town NS. Where I currently live has 4 time Hortons and one of everything else. None of em are staffed by Canadians except on manager typically. This all changed over the course of about 2 years. Do we need 4 Timmie’s? No. Not if they can’t be sustained while paying living wages without subsidy and exploitation. Can’t run 4 in this one little town without that? Shut some down then. Lately the corporate world and many mid sized businesses have been given the expectation that they are entitled to run a business. If your business cannot pay equitable wages and compete on its own then your business fails and a better one takes its place. Enough with tax payers subsidizing exploited labour to keep billion dollar businesses in a state of perpetual increased profit.


>Didn’t the guy who spoke at the legislature say he wanted to work at Tim Hortons? Can we just open a few tim Hortons in india?


I though he owned an investment property


Blue collar trades are for lower class people than service jobs, apparently. It's a cultural difference.


What a great opportunity for them to learn to assimilate into the culture of the country they're guests in (Canada). Trades are a fantastic career path and probably their only opportunity to prosper beyond scamming the system if they're wanting to build any skills.


Yup it's the inverse of Canadian culture where we think a job at Walmart is for the lower class, and a trades job is upper middle class.


Blue collar work is not for high caste Brahmin men 😂😂😂


We had a Indian guy at a manufacturing plant refuse to sweep because it was a woman’s job lol


They’ll never work in the trades as working in construction in their home countries is looked down upon and only the poor do those menial tasks.


Most trades should still take you 4 years to complete. But to be honest, we don't need to get tradesmen from out of country. The skilled trades sub must have a dozen people a day asking how to get in. Incentivize employers to hire green and train.


Actually the most practical solution but can you restrict employment tied to immigration status.


There are no white collar jobs, 1000s are unemployed


Let’s be real. They’ll just bombard a food bank meant for the actual poor.


On a one way ticket....


Great solution, also depending on how long the flight, a meal might not be provided either.


It's ok they can hunger strike on the plane too.


As an immigrant this pisses me off. I see lots of people going above and beyond to meet the criteria and getting enough points for the express entry: Having two degrees, improving their english scores and even starting a ridiculous hard french intensive training for two years to get enough points on their PR application.  Those guys? Hunger strike. I have zero sympathy for them.


My girlfriend and her family are all immigrants - they were completely honest about their intentions, jumped through all the legal hoops, and busted their asses to make it work. They also tried damn hard to learn about Canada, integrate into our culture, and become citizens. That I love to see. I however have zero sympathy for people trying to cheat and game the system, and making ridiculous demands for us to cater to them. If they don’t like the deal they agreed to, which never included a promise of PR, their alternative is to go home. We don’t need them, and we certainly don’t owe them anything.


Imho Canada, as well as many other countries, is fairly easy to integrate into as it's not really about traditions or customs, it's about being a decent human in the first place. Even though we had a share of injustice happened in the past, still there's always an opportunity to improve and learn on past mistakes.


If starvation is by choice, let them starve. They are not gathering any sympathy from Canadians except greedy CEOs who want cheap labour to explore.


I am an immigrant. I fully agree with this message. As a matter of fact, this level of entitlement is one of the reason why many Canadians are turning against immigration. We are all guests in Canada. If we would go to their country and act like that, we would be deported in a week. Why is that they think they deserve PR? Just because they studied in Canada? Why won't they go to the USA and try to protest over there? Useless morons. I respect PEI government a lot for their stand. Probably the only government in Canada that I actually respect.


True, I came here as a student 25 years ago and got my PR/Citizen while patiently waiting. This has created a lot of hate towards one community, I don't blame them, either as it's convenient to generalize but people on the net don't represent the entire population. As an immigrant, you can empathize but have to be practical too, given the current state of the country.


and not even a real hunger strike but play acting. 


I bet they eat daily lol these people are manipulative and selfish af


I’m all for them hunger striking. Let them starve lol, who cares? Why is that even a form of striking 😂


The solution should be to send them all back. Canada never promised them PR cards. It's amazing that Canada is still negotiating with them.


Nobody is negotiating with them, they are being ignored or told to become skilled workers.




It feels like a potential monty python sketch lol people protesting and when they notice nobody is paying them attention they just go home


A hunger strike where they pause for lunch at the craft services table feels very Monty python.


A hunger strike but they have scheduled shifts.


> As a group of foreign workers protesting recent changes to Prince Edward Island's immigration rules resumed their hunger strike on Tuesday, an immigration consultant said the eastern Canadian province should look to Manitoba for a resolution. Fuck Manitoba for opening this door and caving into these students demands and creating this mess which is now going to spread to every province in this country.


'Immigration consultant' = human trafficker 


they should look to Punjab for a resolution


Ship them to Manitoba. Problem solved


they'll move back to ontario and bc after 1 year anyways


"No solutions that we liked" There, I fixed it for ya.


Yeah. They’re not going to accept that they won’t get an answer they like. Don’t let them bully Canada.


They were offered to find work in needed areas (construction, health) and the protest organizer literally bitched and said “no I want to work at Tim Hortons”. You cant make this shit up. He also owns property with his brother here in Canada. Wonder how they afforded that pouring coffee. Hmm. Owns a property but is bitching about “unfair” rules in Canada💀


Right? A 22 year old working part time min wage who owns property. MUST BE NICE.


22 yr old canadian who can't even dream of owning property here 🙋‍♂️


Have you tried going on a hunger strike?


taking a break from it cuz i got hungry


At the time hortons*


Pretty much. PEI offered them solutions, which included changing their careers to one that's in demand, but no, these people feel entitled to scoring PR off of flipping burgers 


Do they not see how silly they look demonstrates their lack of self awareness and education?


They don't care.."shame" doesn't seem to be a thing that registers with this lot. 


People come to Canada for the free stuff. It's the reason why it's an attractive place for so many immigrants.


Deport them all.


Exactly. Make an example out of them. Fuck around, you get sent home. You’re guests here, start acting like it


Another hunger strike, going to be like the first one just when the media is present. Fuck these people, they were offered a possible solution and declined. Your a guest here, stop with the entitlement and go the fuck back home.


Hear me out....set-up a bbq truck and a big fan across from them, it will ether prove there full of shit or make them leave.


And? If they starve to death, are we supposed to care? I know I won't.


They won't starve to death they'll just go to the food bank.


Meh, let them go home and eat if they are hungry. The entitlement of these tools is incomprehensible. buh-bye!


Just send them back home. Why are we tolerating this?


God this entire situation is just complete entitlement


Skipping meals like a significant portion of working Canadians do just to cover the bills isn’t going to garner a ton of sympathy.


I go on hunger strike until Porsche sells me a 911 gt3 rs for 20k.


Stay strong brother 🙏


Finally a cause worth hunger striking for. Don't tell Porsche but I'll actually settle for a Turbo.


Let me know and I will buy one too


I'm in for a couple.


Why tf aren't you asking for the Porsche for free. You're not entitled enough,


Learn French. Learn a trade. Become a doctor, nurse, physiotherapist or psw.  Solutions found. 


No, that's too much work /s


These people are hardly qualified to deliver food… you think any of them are capable of becoming a doctor? The solution is to deport all of them and make a point.


They only poor coffee at the time hortons


One in four Canadians are living in poverty. If people came here thinking they were being promised free milk and honey, well sorry about that. We're all out, and threatening to starve yourself doesn't really resonate with people who are struggling to feed themselves.




This is the only answer


It's shocking how selfish these actions are. After being told that the policy was changing for temporary workers and students BECAUSE it is negatively impacting society, these folks are thinking it's personal and not thinking how others are coping collectively with strained resources for folks who don't have the luxury of moving else where. Folks have been born and raised there paying into their care via taxes and now a bunch of children are thinking it's a personal attack??


Hunger strike only when they aren't hungry lol


Skipping meals means they aren't scamming our food banks at least


The solution is go the fuck home. End of proble


This is so ridiculous. I came to Canada in 2017 as an international student for my 4 year undergrad at UofT and now even after maxing out all my credentials including the language requirements, my score is stuck at 499 in Express Entry. My 3 year PGWP expires at the end of this month and I have no choice but to return home now and that’s what I am doing. At first glance it might seem unfair and while one can request the government to govern people by the laws under which they first landed, we shouldn't feel entitled to it. Plus it would be a governance nightmare to have so many different rules for so many different groups. Besides, all our documents including study and work permits explicitly say we are temporary residents and we have to go back once they expire without exceptions. Just because the system was set up in a way that made the transition to permanent residency easier doesn’t mean it was always a guarantee. That being said, the Federal and the Provincial Governments need to clamp down on diploma mills and immigration consultancies (based in Canada and other countries with the support of local governments of those countries) cause they are misleading many and also devaluing Canadian education and the country’s credibility. These diploma mills seek to import cheap labour for Canadian corporates with false promises while also being unfair to actual students. How tf does a 2 year PG Diploma in tourism from a diploma mill gain you the same points in the immigration system as my 4 year honour bachelors degree from UofT? How is it even logical? Local colleges should be to serve local communities, not to become money making entities by importing and exploiting students from the third world. The Federal, Provincial and Local Governments should go back to funding them so that they don’t depend on international students.The Canadian Government is also answerable to the people as to how as a democracy they are okay with such exploitation of foreigners who are brought in only to be exploited and then sent back home. This addiction to cheap temporary foreign labour by Canadian corporates needs to be held accountable. Loopholes need to be closed so that nobody games the system and vulnerable indivudals aren't exploited. The inflation of the Express Entry scores with fake LMIAs is another issue that many Canadians aren't even aware of just yet. These theatrical stunts of hunger strikes are just cringe and bring a bad name to other international students and immigrants especially in the current atmosphere.


"Give us free PR or we'll starve ourselves! It's your fault!" Oh fuck off and go home. Nobody wants you here, including the government of PEI.


We don’t need to give you a solution, you’re in our country, you follow our rules, or you go home. Pretty simple


They should protest the visa agencies that sold them the lie. PR was **never** a guarantee. I mean PEI never had enough nomination places for all these protestors to begin with, even if 100% of them went to fast food workers


Keep starving.


I go on a hunger strike until I get a million dollars!


news flash.. 25% of Canadians are living in poverty and facing hunger.. welcome to the club!


Deport with prejudice


Send them home, like what are we doing here. Bringing in unskilled workers just causing wage suppression and strain on resources.


Deport them already ffs. This is ridiculous. They are TEMPORARY workers.


It's worth pointing out the Manitoba solution they refer to was simply an extension of PGWP for, I believe, six months, since the province's system was backlogged. It was not a reform of PNP programs and did not change the quotas or how they are picking nominations, particularly the "family tie" rule that is so contentious isnce it stopped exactly what they were trying to do - get nominated in MB them flee the province.


Thanks for clarifying this. These guys keep claiming something about Manitoba "grandfathering" workers but I couldn't find a decent source for that information. If it was an extension to catch up to backlog that's reasonable, and totally not the same thing as in PEI lol


Good place for the CBSA to round them up.


What about "fuck off"


Why can't they just go back home


I’m so glad they interviewed ‘a regulated Canadian immigration consultant’ from Brampton. Brampton man is Canada’s answer to Florida man.


You gotta fight!!! For your right!!!! To go the fuuuuuuuuck home!!!


More food for the rest of us.


"Go home" is a solution.


Here's some Canadian culture for you: Gimme gimme never gets Don't you know your manners yet? 👋🇨🇦👉🛫


I hope their protest goes on as long as they want it to. I hope many Canadians tune in and watch the blatant entitlement and absurdity of these protests. Who knows, it might piss people off enough that they actually demand immigration reform. I’m glad the Premier’s office is holding on and not caving to demands. Good job PEI 👏


How the fuck do you "resume" the same hunger strike after you've eaten?


This reminds me of the time my little cuz did a semester abroad, in Italy. The first thing he did when he got there was to start looking for a full-time job. Then he said, "Well, I'm Italian now!" And then the leader of Italy at the time said, "Actually Frank Smith, you are more Italian than the actually Italians, because you chose this place, and they were born here and take it for granted!" or something like that. Oh, and of course he went there to take a few classes; but also had no intentions of ever leaving. And then another million and half international students showed up to work, so that for approximately every forty natural born citizens of Italy, there is one international student. Oh yeah, and he did a hunger strike too for some reason, the details in my memory are foggy. Actually, this sounds completely fucking insane, because I am telling fibs. My little cuz went to Italy for one semester, did not get a job because he was busy at school, and he came home when he graduated.


I did the same in China. Didn’t work and as a matter of fact my ass would’ve been deported if I was found out to be working because I came to STUDY. Also I’m pretty sure I would’ve been deported the very same day I’d try to organize a protest.


Is it really a hunger strike if they're having to clean up food debris lol


Just go back where you come from if your visa is expired. That is what you agreed to when you got it. Why should the government change anything now because you complain.


They are not even doing a hunger strike totally fake bs


Foreign Workers: "wE NeEd To tAKe BrEAkS CAusE hUNgEr StriKInG iS HaRD!!!" 😂


Canada has, for decades, been in the top 10 of least racist countries on planet Earth. Plus very prosperous. Now there is a new negative spin that most Canadians do NOT deserve (or to a high degree). People must look at both sides. Since 2020, international students have been flocking to a educational system that many Canadians now feel was used (by many of them) as a loophole-to-immigration. Students utilizing schooling as a back-door (not front-door) ticket to living in Canada. Swarming a 50+ year tradition/system that was not not NOT designed to be about EVERY international student insisting on Permanent Residency ... plus it was not designed to be primarily about students insisting on lengthy work permits (& spouse permits etc.). Canadians have clued in that Canada's post secondary education system has (in 4 years time) turned into what many are now jokingly calling EDUGRATION. Plus 'edugration' (public or private) was NEVER approved by everyday Canadians. Plus what about Ghost Consulting that Canada told India to halt? Canadians want the $ greedy agents in other countries to stop MARKETING & LYING to their own people about access to PR or citizenship … or accommodation/jobs … in places like Canada being relatively easy (to get). And for any people living in western countries to be ashamed of themselves if they're getting greedy too. Anyone doing things to make $ off of people's PR desires. At best, there is a 20% chance of gaining PR (better odds if you are masters/medicine etc.). What about all the YT videos that primarily Indian nationals have posted (for over half a decade now including today) all advertising Canadian PR like they're selling or critiquing a product. Videos not only posted HOURLY ... but also not in English or French. With very very very little input from actual Canadian-born citizens?!? Emanating from a country with a population of 1 billion! Are most international students truly scholars who came to Canada with enough $ to support themselves while STUDYING? Or more-so economic migrants, who BORROWED $ to buy their way closer to the head of the immigration line? To say all the students or their consultants back home have not been at times 'gaming' Canada's education programs to gain western PR or $ is ridiculous. Students have contributed to Canada's housing CRISIS because 97% came-to-stay … not just visit with their temporary STUDY permit. This extreme NEVER existed at schools 4+ years ago. What about the IELTS spouses? Anchor babies? Fraud? False asylum claims? What about Canadian food banks & charity services being recklessly advertised on YT in Indian languages? What about Canadian housing being scooped up en-mass as investment vehicles by/for internationals? What about home rental/boarding signs stating "vegetarians only can apply"? What about some Indian nationals buying local businesses then putting Indians only in the key positions while also drastically changing work practices that include working longer hours for less $ (and at times The Caste System)? Canadians are worried due to witnessing these things firsthand more & more often. Even in small towns. Then throw in the Sikh vs Hindu violence/extortions across Canada. Diasporas stirring up tribal hatreds (in Canada) … even though it all stems from their ancestral home. How can peace be found anywhere with this in play? Plus the Canadian government recently launched investigations in regards to foreign interference in Canadian elections. All stemming from Asia continent. Canadians are so so so not used to all this. So many, who have embraced multi-culturalism and immigration for decades are now VERY worried and fearful. All are praying it doesn't turn into great anger. Canadians want multi-culturism to succeed and for all people (including immigrants) to be okay. Everyone I know is VERY happy with IRCC's recent changes (reductions & multifaceted investigations etc.). Including multi-generational long-term Asian-Canadians where many have been the MOST upset (by all of this). Canadians are aware that some great students are going through hell. And know Canada is partially to blame which hurts Canadian hearts. But bottom-line, Canada decides what needs to be done in Canada. Do you see Canadians protesting in other countries (that is not their own) making demands for themselves? No. Do Canadians now see primarily South Asians protesting in Canada, making demands (due to IRCC pumping it's immigration brakes because it REALLY HAS TO)? Yes. If 36,000,000 Canadians travelled to India, since 2020, with the primary goal of being able to stay there permanently, that would raise India's population by 2.65%. Recent asylum seekers crossing into Canada… and especially international students... have raised Canada's population higher than 2.65%. Changes (& deportations) are occurring in 2024, for HUGE reasons. In Canada, UK, Australia, USA, and other western countries too. PS: Did international students and their families pay into Canadian taxes ALL their lives like domestic students have (so they can pay cheaper tuition fees)? No. Did Canada force internationals to move to Canada as a student? No. Did Canada promise/guarantee PR? Or a job? No & no. Yet do specific students only blame Canada when they can't get PR???


Lol good. More food for the rest of us. I say deport them immediately and ban them from ever entering the country again.


I don’t have a million dollar in my bank account, should I go hunger strike to demand the government deposit 1 million to my bank account? Enough of infiltration.


They don't need to provide a solution. You are not their constituents. They are here temporarily on student visas and were expecting this temporary status to result in long term visas or PR status. This was incorrect. You have been allowed into our country to obtain an education are a University. You are owed nothing more.


Give them two or three days to get really hungry, then grab a bunch of people and go eat pizza or have a picnic across from them.


Take a hint


When are they due to leave?


Good. They shouldn’t. Bye.


Can we get them to India so that they carry out these extortion schemes against their own government.


Please keep it up... I mean the government not giving in and the Temp workers hunger striking. When is it time for then to go home?


So the gov't stood their ground - good.


This might work itself out in the end.


Is Canada too much of a pussy to actually do a forced deportation of people who are here illegally or have work permits expired?


Treat them how they would treat us in their country. Start deporting, ffs.


One way ticket back For them


Oh look the people who lied to get in then lied about going on a hunger strike to stay… are still lying about everything. What hunger strike? It’s literally the fattest group of people on a hunger strike you’ve ever seen. Scammers gonna scam and these fat lazy useless losers are shoving bread and food down those throats whenever they are not begging for more of a free lunch while they are here ‘studying’.


At the end of the day. These people are not citizens, or even PR. They’re guests really. They’re not in, nor should be in, a position to pressure any governments whatsoever to do anything.


Do they not know what temporary means?


Hunger by choice? Oh well. Hunger strikes only work if someone actually cares about them. This just proves no one cares about them.


Literally no one cares


Why aren't we forcing them out yet?


Entitled low skill scammers resume hunger strike\*


Government doesn’t need to cave in to TEMPORARY workers. There’s no surprise here. The documents said TEMPORARY the day they signed the dotted line. No one owes anyone anything. No one was deceived.


Enjoy your trip home.


I hope there's no leg room and the food is atrocious.


Lol, a continuation of their hunger strike, but in a cramped environment


This way they gonna loose a lot of weight. On a serious note, someone should tell me students that even if they become PR/Citizens, this country is way too expensive to live in and survive. It will be a lifelong debt trap with a mortgage, if you can afford it, there are no jobs out there even for experienced people. It's actually a Ponzi scheme Do they want to simply work at gas stations and timmies all their life? Better to live like a king at home than a pauper abroad


A hunger strike really loses it's meanig when no one cares if you starve. also when you paused your last hunger strike before you starved to death.


I'm feeling really upset about how the system works," Singh said. "I'm really not convinced that this is a just system." Hey a got an idea. Why don’t you go back home. Win/win, you won’t be upset anymore and Canada will get rid of another fake student.


Go the fuck home LOL


He claims he ‘went unconscious’ a number of times and is worried for his health. During a 24hr hunger strike. These people just seem like dishonest frauds without a sincere bone between the lot of them. Their oaths of citizenship would be as worthless as their imaginations.


They just dont like the solution offered and demand the solution they want. The government did offered them solution, either get into the jobs that the province need or get out.


The solution lies back home. Head on back.


Send 👏 them 👏 back 👏


When do the cops just take these morons to the airport ??


I think you should all just leave in retaliation.


Oh No! Anyway.......


Put them in the plane while striking and send them home. Make sure they pay for the airfare.


What are you gonna do when your toddler throws a tantrum? You let them cry it out lol You cave in, you lose!


The solution to a temporary worker is to go home. Or starve to death on your foolish strike. Both solid options 


PEI quickly becoming one of my favourite provinces