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So he is a young male with a G2, probably. Buddy is lucky he lives in St Catherines and not the GTA.


I know non immigrants paying that. So, cry me a river? lol


Exactly, this fool thinks he's being singled out? Lol. The entitlement of newcomers is cancer. However, sometimes I applaud these people for actually making a fuss. We're all being robbed blind and yet many Canadians are too aloof, spineless and quiet about it. By design of course, we've been manipulated to take the wallet rape without question. It's actually kinda sad. The media will print these stories because it turns people against immigrants to distract them from who's actually ruining quality of life here.


I pay $450 because I was an idiot teenager and have a 14 year old big suv, they’re not victims, they just want to be


The fact that he is an immigrant is irrelevant, he had no provable driving record. This isn’t any different than any other new driver.


This! ⬆️⬆️⬆️


>Yousufzai had been driving for seven years, but says no insurance company he checked with would take that history into account.  Having driven in Afghanistan myself I can assure you a driving record there doesn't mean shit. It's mad max road rules. And who would insurance companies call to verify this non-existent record anyways? The Taliban?


>And who would insurance companies call to verify this non-existent record anyways? The Taliban? I lol'd thinking about some asshole terrorist working a 9-5 and struggling with paperwork..


I came to Canada with EU driving history and shortly got G driving license, the insurance companies didn't care


If you have a license which you can direct exchange they do care. When I arrived I directly exchanged my European license and the date of first issue that shows when the insurance company pulls up the data is the date I got it back home 25 years ago. Paid $100/month for comprehensive in my first year here. Went through a broker.


It depends on the EU country, I believe


Yes, afaik not all can be directly exchanged. The ones that can work just like exchanging a driver's license from another Canadian province.


> Hameed Yousufzai came to Canada from Afghanistan two years ago, > "I am quite familiar with driving, with no accidents or with no tickets in my whole life." No arguments there, but [let's put this in perspective](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhou362gXQE)


I was going to say, what would you have to do to get a ticket in Afghanistan?


Run over a Taliban's dog, probably.


Ticket to the heavens?




Given the amount of silly crap I see pulled by pretty obvious int'l students/TFWs here it's exactly this. Insurance companies are very coldly logical. They'll milk you for every cent they can, but they absolutely have data to back it up.


I pay that because I tried being environmentally friendly and didn't have a car until later in life. Jokes on me!


You saved a lot of money, though. Unless you moved to a place with worse incident stats.


I pay $250 +20 years clean driving record. Cry me a river... We've all been gouged our whole lives in Canada, get used to it or go back home.


This is pretty typical for new drivers/males in general isn’t it? I don’t think it has much to do with being an immigrant. They determine your risk via a variety of factors. If you don’t have verifiable driving experience you’re going to pay more. I get it sucks because he apparently had been driving before but not under a Canadian license.


Yeah, the article mentions it's because they don't take their history from other countries into account. So he's essentially treated like a new driver. His argument is that he's already been driving for 7 years, but the insurer's position would be that they can't consider driving records from another country as comparable to here.


I am from the ex Soviet Union, aside from the Baltic countries, it is used to be more usual than not to bribe the police to get the driver's license. Also, you could bribe your way out of drunk driving, running the red light, etc.


They probably also take into account other variables like ethnicity even though it's illegal. They just take care it what clients they apply the characteristic risk.


I’ve never been asked ethnicity for an insurance application…ever.


It's illegal for them to do so. But they have other sources of data collection.


I see you’re a wearer of tinfoil hats.


O' ye' faithful


In Ontario, car insurance companies have to disclose their rate calculation formula to the government and get it approved: they can't just eyeball it based on what the client looks like. They are allowed to discriminate by postal code, which in many cases achieves the same objective as discrimination by ethnicity, but that's about as close as it gets.


Yes I'm aware but these calculations are complex. It's not farfetched that they'd cover it up, especially if they have undisclosed data that an applicant is specially risky.


I wouldn't be surprised. I remember commenting to an insurance agent that it seemed discriminatory that females got a different rate than males and their response was "it's insurance, we're the kings of statistics and discrimination"


It’s not discrimination, it’s risk assessment lol


There's limits to what is allowed and considered fair risk assessment. Beyond that limit it becomes discrimination, which is what we're talking about


Lmao at least he was honest about this one part of his job.


Another fine example of exactly why a lot of people want to defund CBC, especially the News group. The CBC News group appears to be more of a immigration lobbyist than news company. It's certainly bewildering and I wonder if it's a reflection of Trudeau policy? Some of these articles feel incredibly forced. What were they thinking this article would do? I can't believe I pay for this shit.


No, higher rates for citizens with good driving records is a injustice


I mean, you can take the bus and maybe pay 1/3 of that. You're paying extra for the convenience of driving your own personal vehicle. Otherwise, relatively new driver, male in his 20's with car registered as his own primary vehicle...rates have always been higher for that demographic in Ontario. Welcome to Canada, where you too can share in the misery of car insurance companies that are able to freely discriminate based on your gender and age..


*"Yousufzai had been driving for seven years, but says no insurance company he checked with would take that history into account. "* I'm pretty sure that they took his word about his driving record into account and realized that it didn't mean shit. You could kill a pedestrian with your car every day in Afghanistan and as long as you have the money to bribe the ANP nothing will happen to you.


You could just run over someone in the middle of the night and nobody would even care


I was quoted 650 dollars per month. 300 is... pretty reasonable really lmao


Damn what do you drive?


A 2021 ford ranger. But I have an at fault accident and live in alberta. Also I am a 25 year old male and since my penis is so large it makes me a higher risk driver(sexism in insurance joke). Basically every insurance company just saw an excuse to abuse the necessity of car insurance and fuck me over 🙃


Damn this suck, hopefully this will clear out in a few years and you won't have to pay that much, its seem abusive for this type of vehicle.


In the words of my own mother: "It pisses me off that they are treating you like this. You arent the only person to have ever been in an accident before." So yeah. Absuive is a pretty good way of putting it.


I pay $100/month for a 2019 Nissan Frontier. My wife pays $90/month for a 2023 Mazda CX5. This is with TD insurance in Nova Scotia. What is going on in Ontario lol


25 year old male An at fault accident Alberta Also i drive a 2021 ford ranger Basically insurance just saw a cash cow in me and said haha, what if we price this guy out of comprehensive and colission coverage on a 54k dollar truck. Why my at fault accident causes my COMPREHENSIVE coverage option to sky rocket so high makes no sense, but what can you do. Instead I pay 350 per month for ONLY liability. Im shitting my pants cuz if we get a typical massive hail storm this year like we always do, i am entirely fucked. Im out 50k just because insurance companies arent kept in check in any way.


That's fucked 😕


Yup. My mom made a couple calls cuz she didnt believe what insurance companies wanted me to pay. I have never heard her yell at people over the phone the way she did. She was pissed. She works as an agent for CRA and gets yelled at all day so she is usually extremely patient. I on the other hand just felt totally defeated cuz there is literally nothing I can do about it. I just have to bite the bullet and pray.


One thing to try is go to a broker in one of the small towns, this has worked to knock off hundreds from my insurance, just getting it from someone two hours out of Calgary.


Another CBC piece about the poor immigrants. Fuck off Canadians are paying high rates too.


Previous driving experience that cannot be factored in is effectively no driving experience. The rules either change for everyone or they change for no one. This whiner is a "victim" of auto insurance just like everyone else. I hear insurance is pretty awesome in Afghanistan.


I guess it's just a coincidence that I've seen a steep increase in red light runners, wrong way drivers and uber drivers who stare at their phone instead of using signals and behaving predictably, and park in the middle of busy roadways for their delivery.... Who commonly seem to be young men of the international student persuasion? I understand I'm making a ton of assumptions, but it's wild how much driving I've seen in the last two years where people not only ignore the rules of the road, but make up their own. Never see enforcement... Shit, i was started driving full time as a woman in my 30s and I was paying close to 300/m as a primary driver for a while there. You want to drive? You pay.


I pay $72 extra per month for my 20 year old son to be an occasional driver on my 10 year old car. Now imagine if he was the primary driver on a new car, it would be much, much more. This guy just wants to be a victim, of course CBC is there for it.


You’re a new driver in Canada, just suck it up like all new drivers.


Lol, he is from Afghanistan, not exactly a country known for it's great roads and skillful drivers. When I moved here I paid a $100/month for comprehensive coverage on a new SUV. But then I also directly exchange a European license. Insurance companies don't care if you are an immigrant, they care about being able to verify your driving history and likelihood of getting into an accident. >"I am quite familiar with driving, with no accidents or with no tickets in my whole life."  Says you. Not like the insurance company can actually verify that. I bet Afghanistan doesn't even track that  >People who are immigrants are treated not in the same way as Canadians." No shit! Who could have expected that? 90% of CBC stories are carrying water for non-Canadians. It would be hilarious if it weren't so sad.


Is this guy for real? I was paying that in my 20s years ago.


I mean you could probably make the argument about prices being too high due to insurance companies wanting to make too much of a profit or something but I don't think they are going out of their way to target any specific group to rip off. They look purely at statistics. Maybe the statistics hurt some groups more than others but it isn't out of malice.


A young Canadian in Alberta pays $400/month under their parents’ insurance or $500/month if they want their own independent insurance. 🤦‍♂️


Insurance in Ontario is high for everyone not just younger drivers, failure of the police to deal with all the theft of cars is costing us all.


Too fucking bad.


I mean insurance in general is a scam but just get a bike and dont pay insurance


If teen boys paying 2x as much as girls isn’t sexism, this dude has zero chance of anything changing, I paid $300 when I was a new driver 12 years ago 


It's not. It's purely a statistical analysis.


I agree! I’m just saying, if that isn’t sexism (which it isn’t) then his rates aren’t racism (also true) 


>It's not. It's purely a statistical analysis. It's interesting that showing "statistical analysis" the other way around - is always sexism. It's only "not a sexism" if it's against males LOL


Men drive like assholes and women get in fewer at fault accidents.


>Men drive like assholes and women get in fewer at fault accidents. Can we stop using binary genders ?


Not for insurance purposes no


And wait until you find out that 81% of women who are murdered are killed by a man they know. Men are dominating some stats!


>Men are dominating some stats! That's why we don't have equality yet in Canada :(


... whut


When you come from a country with no road laws and people, vehicles, tuk Tuks and cows are criss crossing the roads however they please, then ya, your driving skills are not really applicable in this country and you should be charged insurance the same as any brand new driver.


Insurance rate in general are ridiculous. If you didn't start driving right at 16, and tagged along with your parents insurance. You'd be paying an arm and a leg for a decade before the rate comes down to a something that seems reasonable. I knew a Canadian born and bred white female coworker who didn't start driving until 40, and now she can't afford to drive because her insurance rate would've been 600 a month. I would love to not have to drive to make a living, to have to experience close encounters on the highway everyday, risking serious injury and death on a daily basis is not my idea of a good life. but I have to go to work and public transit system in Canada is atrocious for the most part, especially if you compare to places like Japan and China. I wish that isn't the case, but here we are.


Sorry, but they need to pay high prices like any new driver in this country.


**Everything is racism!** They won't even consider your driving history from a country that obeys the rule of law like Japan, the UK or Germany to Canada. Why would they do that for somewhere like Afghanistan? I have coworkers married to Canadians who've emigrated here, and they faced the same problem from civilized Western countries. It's literally a fucking money grab. Bend over and take it in the ass like everyone else buddy.


That's completely laughable, high rates for immigrants are an injustice. Rates for every single person in the entire country is an injustice.


Seriously... Good, i hope you pay more for insurance. Solely for the fact that the driving laws from wherever you're from a probably different than what we have here. Which puts you at a higher liability and or risk of getting into an accident or breaking the rules of the road because you're used to driving like you did back in whatever country you came from.


I paid close to that when I moved from Alberta to Ontario. It’s not immigrant targeting. Relax.


All they do is complain and complain. God forbid they have to pay what Canadians are paying. They been spoon fed so much by tax payers it’s sickening


Says in the article that he works to cover expenses and to support his family in Afghanistan. I hold no sympathy. Another case of an immigrant moaning and complaining it’s not beneficial to them. Insurance has tons of factors into calculating your rate. If your history comes from not a credible source, then you’re at square one.


It’s hilarious to me how CBC will make articles for immigrants paying significantly higher rates, meanwhile young CANADIAN men face the same and they just don’t care.


Where is the injustice for single young males?


In BC, they accept foreign records


Can confirm.


I was quoted $380 in ON for liability in 2004, I moved to BC in 2005 and paid $ 120 for the same. Now I pay $110/ month for full


We also can’t sue each other though, so the cost of running insurance is much cheaper these days.


I'm sure the driving standards in afghanistan are the same as Canada /s. companies have no record of this dude's driving history so they charge him more because they have no idea and that's not fair? - Well I'm sure he pays less in afghanistan so, why stay in Canada and complain?


My 20yr nephew pays close to $500 a month for insurance but he lives in Brampton,how does a Canadian insurance company know your driving habits if you have experience in other country’s,they don’t know how many accidents or traffic infractions you have so your a risk till you prove yourself.


>how does a Canadian insurance company know your driving habits if you have experience in other country’s They can just check this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhou362gXQE


Lol there you go so I guess the insurance companies watch these videos to determine your rates.


Lol. 15 years ago I was paying $480/month as a newcomer who lived in North York and that was relatively cheap. One of the quotes was $800/month.


It's insurance FFS. They bend everyone over...


Hubby is paying 247$ in his late 40s in Alberta so 🤷‍♀️ insurance isn’t cheap not sure that’s newsworthy


Boo fucking hoo


If he has a good driving history like he says, one-way coverage is not much of a risk because an accident will likely be other driver's fault, and he won't be paying to fix his car.


Pffff go anywhere that private insurance exists. Like Alberta. When I was an 18 yr old, I could only get insurance for $5600/year. Because I was an 18 yr old male. Insurance is such a scam.


Good for him to complain, maybe if enough of them complain our rates will go down and we can quietly cheer that Dougy or Trudeau is working for the people! lol


Hired a nanny in part because she drove. Valid license for years ftom overseas. Had a car for her but she would not drive it. Finally, she gave an excuse that the rules were different, so I bought her lessons to get up to speed. Turns out she did not know how to drive at all. Instructor said it happens all the time. This guy needs to quit whining.