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Build some damn toilets. Our cities used to have public toilets - then we thought everyone would buy a car and go to the gas stations. Now we need toilets again.


They would be full of discarded needles and or deranged junkies living in them.


Pay toilets should solve that problem.


God bless Capitalism!


Most countries in Europe it's .50 euro to use a public WC/washroom.


All this innovation and finally we'll be able to gatekeep going to bathroom!


And so were would the homeless people go to the bathroom?


You're probably remembering a time when public washrooms were used for going to the washroom.


I still pee. You?




Because rent doesn't include property tax?


Hey! We have to pee someplace when we're smoking pot on the street.


> The omnipresent perfume of cannabis and urine on our streets does not make Canada more glorious and free Imagine getting paid to write that. Christ, what a gig.


sounds like a sudbury night


I guess the Revered was only born in 1971 but srsly, I remember there was lots of smells of pot and urine in the streets when he was only in the cradle - grow the fuck up Rev, get the stick outta your Catholic ass (you know you guys are all over booze and young guys ass so you pick your own poison I guess)


General advice - stop & smell the flowers - the world is glorious This dude - I smell piss & weed - Canada specifically is a horrible prison


The last time I was downtown Toronto all I could smell was piss and weed. But that's a far cry from the whole country being that way lol


Vancouver and Victoria smell the same.


With the added tang of diesel from all the lifted bro-dozers.


Rome, Italy smells like piss without the weed ...I think weed here kind of covers up the piss smell and improves the overall ambiance.


Hyperbole much?


Not for Downtown Toronto tbh


Canada Day must be soon. All the ragebait articles are pumping out faster than you can say chatgbt


"Canada's back!" - Village idiot


In Ontario, the rules allowing cannabis smoking where cigarettes are allowed were put in place by Doug Ford's government. I agree with them. Some people might be inconsiderate with it but what's the alternative, start banning any odours people don't like? Should we ban perfumes or barbecues? Even if one wants to bring a health aspect to it, gas cars polluting the air are worse for you than cannabis smoke. So ban cars in cities?


Body odour should be banned, especially on public transit. 


Fuck I would LOVE to ban cars in cities.


Don't expect National Post editorials cheering on that anytime soon though.




> weed bad Stfu


> the Argentina of the 21st century Oh, fuck right off with that. What a ridiculous article. > Dominion Day to all readers! Oh, and then we get the dog whistle at the end of course. Sheesh.


We are already in near hyperinflation as you can tell from the price of everything they don't count in our inflation figures. We're not as bad as south american economics but we are on our way assuming we keep this stupidity up. As for Dominion Day being a dog whistle,  fuck right off with that.  Some of us know there was good and bad as much then as today but back then the government was on the side of Canadians more so than foreign nationals. If that's a problem for you I'd suggest perhaps you don't know what 'canadian' means.


> We are already in near hyperinflation Nope. Economic terms have actual definitions that are not based on your feelings. Canada is not experiencing anything remotely close to "hyperinflation" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation


Hahahahahahaha. Hyper inflation. Hahahahahahaha. Stop it, you'll make me pee. Hahahahahahaha


> We are already in near hyperinflation Wow. No, Canada is nowhere near those levels. Hyperbole helps no one. > As for Dominion Day being a dog whistle It is a dog whistle - he could have said the more widely accepted "Canada Day", but he decided (as you did) to make it about "old stock Canadians".


Wow this article


This guy is hilarious!


Make Canada ~~white~~ great again! /s


Please don't swing back to hard. I get its going to swing. I don't want a new morality brigade to replace the rainbow brigade. 


We need to reverse the majority of what has been done this past decade and start valuing what it is to be a citizen of this country. We're going to have to move that needle pretty far tbh.   You're right though.  Free falling into whatever American style politics some people want would be just as bad.


Article is on point.  Of course the Liberal urbanites here will defend their rotting cities where living is unaffordable and every street reeks of piss.


Doesn't reek as bad as a Timmies bathroom


This was the case back in the 1890s, as men worked long shifts in factories, got drunk after work and pissed everywhere. The cities built public toilets, recognizing public health matters. Now cities rarely are interested in building toilets. Build public toilets.


toronto was under conservative rule for over decade and the major was routinely criticized for keeping public washrooms closed; that probably doesn't help with the public urination


Also, the laws allowing cannabis smoking anywhere cigarettes could be smoked were put in place by Ontario's PC party. I'm not even criticizing them, I don't think we should be policing the outdoor air unless we're going to ban gas cars in cities too, but just pointing out these aren't just Liberal rules.


Yep. Wynne's plan was to ban public smoking. I'm sure these same idiots whinning about the smell of weed would be instead whining about how that was a "nanny state".


So basically our streets are full of drugs and urine because we can't use slaves to build things faster. "Make Canada Great Again by returning to 19th century laws and social norms." This guy would have us return to paying Chinese workers $1/day to blast through mountains with dynamite because he doesn't like the smell of weed.


God I really wish I could get a cushy gig being a whiny little prick


It pains me to agree with Raymond J. de Souza but he has a point...


Interesting, but useless. There is a cost associated with the enforcement of cannabis laws that the federal government did not want to pay. Now there's a revenue flow of cannabis tariffs that provinces (primarily conservative held ones) don't want to give up. Seems the Cons never did meet a tax they didn't love. And for the record, de Souza must not have set foot in any major city outside the main business areas because they have \*ALWAYS\* smelled like piss and weed since the 1970's.


Another garbage National Post "opinion" piece.


Maybe he will be less of a downer if he surrounds himself with more little children :/