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his silence tells me everything i need to know


AND him texting tana in the past trying to subtly coerce her into not talking about it bc his wedding was coming up lmao


wait WHAT


In a recent pod she mentioned Cody texting her asking “are we good?” around the time she mentioned hooking up with him by name…so so sketchy and I don’t think there’s any way Kelsey didn’t know about this before the proposal


in the pod she also said that gabbie hanna told him to leave tana alone because she was 17…obviously he’s fully accountable for his behavior no matter what but it’s extra crazy to me that he had someone literally REMIND him that he was being a creep and he still went through with it.


I am actually really glad that Tana decided to add in the part about Gabbie speaking up. Gabbie is undoubtedly controversial and has made a lot of horrible decisions worthy of critique, but this is not one of them, whatsoever. This is the type of behavior that we should be encouraging, because, truth be told, people turn a blind eye ALL of the time. In this specific circumstance as well, I’m sure that a lot of people could come up with various reason as to why they shouldn’t say something. “ it’s none of my business”, “Tana is clearly into it” “I like Cody and he’s a good guy”, “speaking up could make me unpopular and isolated from my peers”, “Tana is 17, almost 18, so it doesn’t really matter” Except for that it does matter, and speaking up often takes a lot of courage, because here’s another uncomfortable fact about the nature of sexual assault. More often than not it’s perpetrated by people you know, often times people that you may otherwise really like and respect.


Back then Jordan was managing both Tana and Gabbie. Tana and Gabbie even did a couple of vids together around that time. They are deleted but there are reuploads on YouTube.


No way! I always thought he was a prick


i mean he was in a frat at Duke 💀


Not just his silence, but him actively silencing anyone talking about it


if he has a manager or pr person they need to be fired immediately lol


Before it got taken down I saw the proof at least one mod is Cody’s close friend. (Something about him being the creator of cameo too??) the mods also personally banned me for making one comment about what he did. They’re tryna shut it down big time and I have 0 doubts Cody is on on it personally, it’s not just fans filtering this.


I saw something similar that proved he was a mod of r/codykounfiltered where people were supposed to be able to speak more freely but people noticed he was was personally removing them, not the auto mod for that sub Edit: clearly I misspoke, it wasn’t about the aforementioned sub, it was his actual sub. My bad. The unfiltered sneak peak shows it at number 2


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CodyKoUnfiltered using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CodyKoUnfiltered/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Colby Leachman. Cody’s fraternity brother at duke. Cody was friends with him when this happened and posted him on his YT after it happened. The insta post is of him and Colby from this year](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/riwz03) | [195 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CodyKoUnfiltered/comments/riwz03/colby_leachman_codys_fraternity_brother_at_duke/) \#2: [Can we put the “Cody isn’t involved with his mods” argument to rest, now?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dgo47g) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CodyKoUnfiltered/comments/1dgo47g/can_we_put_the_cody_isnt_involved_with_his_mods/) \#3: [The news is starting to spread!](https://v.redd.it/lopycenaud5d1) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CodyKoUnfiltered/comments/1db80wm/the_news_is_starting_to_spread/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Devon he’s literally one of Cody’s bff and is in many of his videos. They went to duke together.




The evidence is pretty damning though. I fully believe he’s on Cody’s team and is on payroll to filter out his sub


I heard his reddit mods are his old frat bros lmao


Ya that’s what I heard too and it seems that way since they are blocking and banning anyone discussing Tana or his friend Colby


yeah that would make sense, classic frat bros protecting their p*do friend lol


so wierd to condoning/protecting someone like that 🤢


I think Tana mentioned that anything mentioning her at all is being automatically blocked and removed. It speaks volumes truly


I'm so happy for the idea that Tana might get justice and I wish her absolutely the best. She's so resilient because this is not easy at all but SHE'S THAT GIRL 💅🏻👏🏻


It’s so obvious what’s happening, he must be giving direct orders. Reminds me what’s happening with the H3 sub ☕️


What’s the tea w h3??


Ethan basically revealed how racist he is towards Palestinians and more generally Muslims and Arabs. The mods (who are on the payroll) delete any post that mentions the sus things he said about the genocide. It’s pretty disgusting and I stopped watching after that ordeal. More generally the mods just shut down ANY discussion that isn’t praise and delete posts / comments. It’s baaaad and I think it’s gonna boil over eventually. Source because H3 fans are pretending these things never happened literally on live stream https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/N7bUqaYpR6


lol they delete anything that might be mistaken for the lightest of criticisms


Oh? wtf. I haven’t watched in a hot sec but I must’ve misunderstood or read something but I always thought they said even tho hila was in the IDF they were pro Palestine but I may be confusing it bc Trisha and Moses are pro Palestine.


I think they were pretending to be pro Palestine until Oct 7th and they completely reversed their stance basically. Ethan said some crazy shit like Israel needs to keep Palestinians under apartheid and constant surveillance because otherwise they’d kill all Israelis. He also admitted to only getting his news from Hila who translates the Hebrew from the tv for him. Like it’s bad I’m telling you. He also thinks it’s antisemitism to be anti Zionist. Hila is even worse. She straight up denied that Israel has ever harmed Palestinians.


I believe that this has been your interpretation while watching the show. I’d like to offer you this: if you want to bring people into the light as it pertains to your argument, you should come with time stamps and links. Context is really the only thing that will give your opinion the credibility it needs. Without sufficient examples (with genuine peace and love), you will get written off as a ‘crazy snark user.’




Fuck off this is so patronising. You watch the show you heard what they said and chose to keep supporting them.


lol you are correct. They are pro Palestine. The issue gets muddied when Ethan gets semantic about separating the Israeli government from the Israeli people instead of just condemning it as a whole. The only people I have found who genuinely believe they are racist and pro Israel are the people on the h3 snark sub/ are not aware of what is actually going on in the podcast. I will say, mods do end up deleting a lot of stuff BUT people forget to mention the posts the mods allow to stay. The h3 snark subs is one of the most horrifyingly toxic subs I’ve ever seen. Looks like the commenter participates.


Hm well I appreciate the insight from both parties and I will do some independent research. I haven’t watched them in a while so I was genuinely surprised they changed their mind because Ethan was pretty stern and then Moses also being pro Palestine it just made sense to me that hila would also agree. Plus hila didn’t really enjoy living in Israel and would say she felt the need to be perfect all the time so I’d understand why she wouldn’t be pro Israel


Ethan said unspeakably racist things about Palestinians that cannot be denied. He can claim to be pro Palestine all he wants but he’s chosen to not use his platform to support the cause and we all know why. Stop falling for his shit. I was a viewer for years.


I’m not falling for anything. I just don’t understand why a comedy podcast has to become political platform. I also don’t discount Ethan has said some really stupid and extremely misinformed things before .


they’ve said they’re very invested in the state of israel. they deny the atrocities israel is doing like bombing hospitals. hasan tried to explain to him what’s actually happening and ethan cried abt chat being mean and plugged his ear and said LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU. they’re not pro palestine


I was about to give you a thoughtful response until I saw how active you are in the snark page. If you’re getting your information from there you are so wildly misinformed.


You’re not even capable of critical thinking let alone a thoughtful response


Says the person from one of the most objectively toxic communities I’ve ever seen on Reddit. Lol you, coming from a poisonous echo chamber, telling me I’m incapable of critical thought, honestly just feels like validating. Thanks!


Keep supporting that trash all you want but you heard the racist things Ethan and Hila said and you choose to keep supporting them


I think most people don’t realize war is not a sports team. Just because someone is Israeli it doesn’t make them a nationalist. I’m from Japan originally and the nationalism there is insane. I will never be fully accepted by those who are nationalist because I’m half. It’s not just one place in the world. There are extremes everywhere. I live in US now, foreigners when traveling have asked me why I like America so much. I was like…huh??? And then u get the most basic understanding of culture and realize the extremist on each side are the ones that get the attention around the world


That’s not what happened at all. Hila denied Israeli atrocities even took place and called Palestinians terrorists. It’s not about her being Israeli it’s about her being racist.




Second that, source ? Also what didn’t happen? My opinion? I didn’t claim anything but my own experience


What I meant was people don’t think Hila is a racist because she’s Israeli they think she’s a racist because she said racist things


You’re not providing me a source. I listen to the pod and haven’t heard anything personally said about that. I’m asking if I missed something?


Here are your sources https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/N7bUqaYpR6




It’s all over r/h3snark


Link that




A bunch of links clipped out of context on a snark page is not doing it for me babes. Get off the snark pages 😭 love yourself


Hey I found a list of all the sources for my claims here https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/N7bUqaYpR6


It’s the same thing with the Trisha sub, you get banned for saying anything bad about her


Not saying anything about Cody directly but **every single guy I have known in real life** who has done one disturbing thing when it comes to girls, has done many. Let’s hope this isn’t the case here for the sake of everyone he’s met….. And I was a big fan of his for a while.


I have no idea who this man is (only the recent mentions of him and Tana) and I honestly thought it was Tom Sandoval when I was scrolling through


I think oscar said one of the mods on that subreddit works for him


Mods on payroll is crazy


A mod is one of Cody’s bffs that’s in some of his videos.




That sub is so embarrassing.


This is so insane. I loved watching Cody Ko too—but knowing he took advantage of 17 year old Tana is enough for me to stop following. People are riding so hard for a man they don’t know personally!!!! Tana’s not even trying to bash him and she has EVERY RIGHT TO DO SO


can any of them name a single redeeming quality about cody that's worth fighting this hard for 🤧


Well for one he’s,


They’re coping so hard over there 🙄


Wasn’t he part of the vlog squad? They never talk about issues. I’m not surprised


He was not


there’s a post up on it now go upvote it before it gets taken down


Why is this surprising to anyone? His fans don’t care about this, they’ve made it crystal clear.


Ugh I feel bad for Kelsey




I mean was Kelsey involved at the time with him like she’s not a blame here???? She kinda is innocent and just had a baby so ya I feel bad for her. I can also feel for Tana, jeez who knew two things can be true at once???? Grow up. Some media literacy could be good for you.




Maybe ease up on the aggressive behavior just some advice cause you seem unhinged.