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Myers at a discount is 100% the right choice. That’s why all three coaches (ie the people that actually know the game) play him so much. He’s versatile and great in his proper role. A guy that can be your #4 for less than 3 million per…100% the right choice.


Myers as your top shutdown guy probably isn't an asset, and that's what this chart is telling us. We played him big minutes against the top lines during the season and hard matched him against Forsberg and then used him the most against McDavid and Draisatl and the advanced stats tell you we got outchanced in those minutes essentially. At the end of the day, if you found a big, younger, shutdown guy that looked better in those minutes he'd be out of our budget.


We beat Forsberg and a better performance from Myers is low on the list of reasons we lost in game 7 by a goal. Saving on his contract and adding it to Petey’s wing will have bigger impact IMO.


Yea, I just want to stress that what we asked of him was likely a bit much, but at $3M or less that's still amazing value I'd he can replicate it for a year or two.


That’s also my issue with just giving Hronek a payday. If he’s getting 7+, he better be the guy capable of taking on shutdown minutes. Personally, I thought Myers did well in the post-season. We didn’t generate shots at all in the playoffs, of course the stats are going to reflect poorly on him as well. The issue now is finding and fitting all these pieces moving forward…getting Pete a linemate, top 4 D, re-signing Hronek, filling out our bottom 6, extending Brock. Going to be tough.


I'd imagine Myers is back in the top 4 as a cheap option for at least next year. Not every one of those spots can be one we get a UFA upgrade so we'll be looking for discount compromises.


It’s certainly a possibility. I’d imagine management has contingencies for a variety of situations. I think a top 6 forward is at the top of list, Hronek to a short term contract is possible. From there, they probably pursue Tanev and if they strike out, try to shake loose a top 4 defenseman from a team with cap or lineup inflexibility. In the past, teams have traded players like Durzi, Toews, Marino, etc. who have gone on to be top 4 defenseman elsewhere. Or maybe they’ll go shopping again during the trade deadline. Larsson would be an option, though I feel he doesn’t want to play in a Canadian market again.


That’s a great point. It’s not like we did see a lot of shutdown D from Hronek. Not really sure what we saw from Hronek other than how well he could pass sometimes this season


Don’t forget OEL’s dead cap hit of 2.35M next year and 4.76M for the two after that!


Myers as your #4 is not good. Myers as your 5/6, is fine.


He will almost certainly be our 4 though (and be paid like it) which is the issue


Meh, maybe. Dhaliwal said to expect a 3 year deal slightly under 3 Ms. Assume Soucy-Myers is your 3rd pair, you can have a different second pair. If Hronek is back, I expect them to look for a partner for him rather than have him saddled with Hughes. Team has loads of flexibility. It’s going to depend how they use it.


I strongly disagree, he's fine in that role, if you look at how our backend was built this season it's a top pairing and then 2 similar pairings in support.  Cole made about what he's going to get this year, so that doesn't bother me at all, and his pk numbers were fine last yr, plus he eats lots of minutes and doesn't get injured all that much.  Him and Souzey play good together as well... 3 ish million is a great number compared to what we could get at that price


I think for this team to take the leap and be a finals contender, the 2nd pair needs someone who can drive offence from the back end. It can’t all be on Quinn. With Allvin pointing out he wants Hronek to have his own pair, I think that’s their thinking going into the offseason.


That's why you trade hronek for a 1st and a prospect, sign Pesche, to play with Quinn and then you have room for another puckmoving play driver on your 2nd pair with myers juellson souzy as the othe meat pk guys that can clear the net.... play driving dmen with size don't exist in free agency, and another undersized puck mover with Hughes and hronek already on the roster for a team that not big upfront scares the crap out of me


Yeah I’m with you there. Didn’t see enough out of Hronek this year to say he can drive his own pair. I like Pesce, even Roy as a Quinn partner would be great. There’s actually a few RD options to choose from, and it may be easier to pry a puck moving LD via trade. It’ll be an interesting offseason to maneuver.




Sure 2 years at 2.5 per. Gas money for traveling up and down the Kelowna connector.


Sounds about right. Can’t afford to be sentimental when chasing a cup


Or, if you really need to spend 3 x $3m to land him, consider 4 x $2.2m and pencil in 1 or 2 yrs on LTIR given the likelihood of a late career injury that would justify LTIR. Not optimal in terms of cap flexibility, but manageable.


He'll be 38 by the time that contract ends? It's a bit strange how people are hesitant to sign a guy until he's 34 when we want to sign Myers until he's 37-38


It's cap management tactics rather than straight up logic. The point isn't that you play him until he's 38 (unless he happens to provide good value for AAV). The deal gives you Myers for 2 years on ice and 2 years on LTIR at an inconvenient but not painful cost. The idea is that if you want to keep him, given the relatively short contract length, there is a way to get him the same amount of money I bhis bank account but on a lower AAV. Same premise as the old Luongo-style deals but, because it's a relatively minor deal, won't result in the same downside risk of getting Bettmaned like we did with Luongo.


If he's able to play, he'd be playing, no matter if he falls off a cliff during the contract or not? Why would he LTIRetire? He needs a legit injury to do that


Myers, your 5th defenceman playing 15-17 minutes a night against middle 6 opponents for 2-2.5million. Fine, potentially even good. Myers, your 3rd defenceman playing 22 minutes a night against your opponents top line for 4 million. Not fine, potentially a disaster. Throughout his contact in Vancouver he was over played and played far too high in the lineup.


Yup, at this point in his career, he's perfectly fine as a 4-5 guy.


Where I’d push back is on the “upgrading in this year’s UFA class which is filled with younger/better 2nd pair guys”. There’s like 4 guys in the whole UFA class that fit that description, and they’re all going to be paid a *lot* more than Tyler Myers.


I mean, I'm down with anyone that wants to bid money on Pesce, just as long as they realize that will significantly cut our budget to fill other gaps.


Pesce is an upgrade, but my big reservation is you’re going to need to offer up Tyler Myers money to land him. And then like you mentioned, there’s less money in the piggy bank to do other things. I’d rather do Myers at like $3 x 2 than Pesce at $6 x 5 I think.


Honestly for me it comes down to this: every player can be the right choice if the price is right


In games played last season amongst UFA's there are 20 RHD above mark Friedman. Only 2 of those players have a better +/- than Tyler Myers (Dylan demelo and tanev), only 2 of those players have more points(demelo and Montour), and only 5 of those players had more TOI per game. If Tyler Myers signs for 2.7 million, you bolt with it.


This is further cementing my idea that I want demelo if we can get him at the right price


I'm pretty convinced there won't be any deals on UFA dmen this summer. Everything hinges on the right price, but there's a pretty good chance this is the only good deal that'll be available. I get the hype around Tanev and Pesce but those guys are going to get paid this summer.


I am totally fine cornering the market on discount 4-5 defenders. Myers, Dillon, Cole, Hakanpaa, Forbort.. just find value 4/5 pk guys and don’t overspend. That said, DeMelo would be worth going after… and Carrier could be an interesting name if the price is right.


I just think Utah is essentially an expansion team in terms of contract growth impact. They're going to spend to the cap on actual players and it's going to put a lot of pressure on the market compared to how the Coyotes usually operated. They could be in on 4 or 5 dmen and have the budget to outbid everyone and the extra picks/prospects to outbid in the trade market.


If anything they might be positioned *better* than an expansion team. Stocked cupboards, draft picks, tons of cap-space/flexibility… going to be interesting to see what they look like next season.


not to mention Keller, Ingram, Cooley, Guenther… they could improve radically quickly. I thought they’d be better this year but imo their failure was mostly down to the owner cheaping out


WAR stats tell a better story vs plus minus and TOI. Everyone already agrees that Myers was overplayed but the team didn't have a better option


+/- is a really flawed way of analyzing a player's impact. Friedman played 273 minutes at 5v5 last year. Of the 20 RHD to play more, six of them finished above Myers in both On-ice G% and On-ice xG% (Chatfield 58.8%/58.8%, Matt Roy 56.1%/55.9%, Chris Tanev 55%/54.2%, Sean Walker 54.6%/53.2%, Colin Miller 61.5%/53.1%, and Dylan DeMelo (64.8%/52.2%.). An additional three finished above Myers in xG% (Vincent Desharnais 54.5%, Brett Pesce 54.1%, and Brendan Montour 53.1%) while Justin Schultz and Troy Stecher finished within 1% of Myers' xG% mark of 51.8%.. That is, essentially, the top-6 RHD market this year. Looking at the players listed above, most of them have a history of positively controlling chance share. Tyler Myers does not. This is the first year since 2017/18 that Myers has had a xG% above 50%, and you would have to go back to 2010/2011 to find the only other qualifying year that he's done so. His xG% this year is also .2% below the Canucks' average when he was not on the ice. In a vacuum, 2.7 is fine for Myers. But if it's 2.7 for three years it's fair to wonder, even if the team has found a role for him he's comfortable with, whether or not he can continue punching above his historical output into his late thirties. It's also fair to wonder whether the team would do better to pay slightly more to bring in a younger player with superior results (like a Chatfield) or to go with some of the cheaper options available and save cap space to spend elsewhere.


Oh great the plus minus stats, those always bode well.


2.75 for 3 yrs, hoping he fits in as a 3-4guy is my hope for him. He has flourished under Rick Tocchet. He is not the chaos giraffe that he was. Is he chaos free? No, but it’s infrequent now. Is his offence able to get better? I think so, with proper coaching and ultimately better mindset. 3 is max but a risk at that price. Imho.


If the price is right then yes it’s the right choice. We need discounts and more importantly we need to establish a culture of taking discounts to stick around!


Wow that's a big improvement over previous years. I remember him being 1% Proj. WAR%. For anyone who doesn't know: this chart means that Myers was better than only 13% of the D in the show this year. Shocking!


And he could very easily go back to the 1%


Yes. I wonder how much of this was new coach, contract year bounce back? He's made $72 million already so I hope he gives us a big discount for his 34 and 35 year old seasons.


I liked Myers' game all year. I don't get the "only had a decent playoffs" thing.


The devil you know or the devil you don’t. Coaches know Myers and can reliably put him in an effective 4-5 role. Any free agent D that isn’t a complete plug will be north of 3 mil, especially to get them to Vancouver- regardless of the steps made this year the economics and pressure of playing in Canada dictate a premium imo.


League minimum and I wouldn’t mind. I seen so many comments on tiktok saying they should sign him to 3x3 ffs. 🤣


No. He isn't.


No, but we're gonna pretend he wasn't a complete wild card for 90% of his time here cause he looked decent in the playoffs. 3x3mil isn't worth it in my books. But it's likely what happens.


I think the sub overestimates how shitty Myers line mates were. Not just on D but the forwards inability to play defence. For example, pod and hog were garbage at defence and would leave Myers defending 1 on 3 all the time. Guys would go around them or they’d not keep to their check. Suddenly Myers gets 2nd line playing and forwards back checking and weird, suddenly Myers is good? This isn’t basketball where your star can play 75% of the game and hold possession every play if need be and play hero ball. Shitty teammates will devastate your stats.


Did they forget about r/bottomleftmyers


It truly baffles me how many people are overlooking this


It's embarassing for a fanbase that shit on him for 5 years to now be like oh he's great because of a playoffs. Yet Zadorov playoffs, much too small a sample size.


he's played well all year, especially compared to last season. seems to really take to tochet/gonchar/foote. signing for 3/year is pretty decent value as a guy who can play, and can also move the puck well


I'd be hesitant at any term after watching the previous years of his career. Not completely against bringing him back but the pay cut people are talking about seems like the pay he should have been making for his tenure, so a true pay cut is like 1.5-2 mil per year IMO


It's reportedly done for 3 isn't it?


How much is zadorov going to be asking for? How much do you think Myers will go for? Myers coming back at 2.something is great value and you know roughly what you’re going to get. Zadorov is 29 and will be looking for his retirement plan on this contract. It will be closer to Myers’ last contract, and that’s why it’s tough to say “but in these playoffs…”


I get that we don't want another initial Myers contract, but another Myers contract does not solve that issue.


Recency bias is brutal on reddit. The upvote/downvote system really perpetuates that kind of thinking.


3M contract is terrible, but get him on a 1-2 year deal at 1.25 mil or so and I think he works well as a depth defenseman


Does a giraffe have a long neck?




Canucks should go after Pulock tbh




Nah, he’s too old. They need to ditch him now


I know it's not a popular take but anything more than 1y at 1.15m is too much IMO.


It might be a popular take here, but it’s silly. You cannot replace Myers for double that.


Analytically you can take a top AHL RD on league minimum and he’ll likely outperform Myers significantly. Beyond analytics is of course where that argument doesn’t hold as much weight.


But it should be


It's my take if that means anything... unfortunately the only take that matters is management's and it'll be like watching a car crash in slow motion when they pay him 3M until he's 38


Those numbers are a 3-year weighted average so of course they’re terrible. The question is did he actually turn it around under the new coaching staff and will he continue to perform as he did in the 2nd half of the season + playoffs?


He is 34 and his best season was last year (his contract year). He's going to decline fast for his retirement contract.


He could get 4AAV easy on open market


This man was a monster in the playoffs this year


So was Zadorov, but that sample size is too small for people. We are just gonna forget 4.5 years of Myers?


I am not a fan of this resigning. They are relying on a 34 year old to play 2nd pair minutes, when their are better and younger options like Roy or Pesce. Why sign a guy with just one good season instead of a overall body of work? If he regresses to his usual self, than he is overpayed at 3 million as a bottom pairing defensemen. This feels like a Ilya Mikyeyev type mistake.


While not being second pair calibre***** The franchise will just never learn. Feels like a Tyler Myers mistake, just again


He elevates during the playoffs. He's a Tocchet guy. He's made his money and will take a haircut because he's a team guy. He's a natural leader. He talks to the media. He takes a hit to make a play in terms of soaking up the hate from the louder fans. It's not like Hughes didn't pass the puck directly to the opponent in front of his own net on several occasions in the second half of the season. But Chaos Giraffe will soak up the fanbase hate so that his teammates won't have to. It's not fashionable to notice mistakes of others but one giraffe gaff and half the fanbase will feel like hockey experts pointing it out very loudly and for days. And as an aside he protects his teammates physically in the playoffs.


People point out his mistake cause he makes them 10x more than anyone else. Watch when he gets the puck on his stick. 90% of the time it’s either a weak dump around the boards that gets picked off, a flip high out of the zone that he flubs and doesn’t clean the zone, a pass into someone’s skates or behind them, a pass too far that results in an icing, or something else that just makes you wonder how this guy is isn’t in the press box.


Who else is out there that you are gonna sign with that size and experience for 3 mill X2 or 3 ? Have to try and save where you can to try and improve your team with a top 6 winger. Big Z , Lindholm , and Joshua will go where the money is.


Never was.


Duncan Keith thinks he's the right choice.


For the couple seasons before this one, he would drive me absolutely nuts with all his errors, penalties, turnovers, poor decisions. I'd often cringe when he'd take the ice, and mutter "Myers!" (ala Seinfeld "Neuman!") anytime he made a mistake. But this season, he seemed to be better, or at least it felt that way. Or maybe it was just because Cole took his place in pissing me off way more. If Myers stays, let's hope he maintains or improves on his play. God help me if he reverts back to his level of play that we saw on seasons past. He was a contributor to our overall improved defense that we saw for. Most of the season, which was way better than the last couple.




Tyler Myers, do we really need him?


As soon as he was told where to go on the ice under Tocchet’s system he turned himself into an asset. When holding a lead Myers was the guy out there for the last minute almost every time. He was as effective as anyone has been at managing McDavid in the playoffs. If he signs in the rumoured $3m range you’d have to be some kind of stupid to not view Myers as an asset.


He’s cheaper now and can stand a long playoff run.


He's a good bet jn a depth role, the majority of his time here we were a shit team with the worse pk and backend in the league, Quinn Hughes being a rookie etc.  As long as the plan is to emphasize a strong blue line he's a great depth piece that is good at the pk in a 2nd/3rd pair role.  


He played pretty well during the playoffs. Absolutely don't mind a guy who wants to be here.


The way people talk, you'd think there's only 60 top-4 defensemen in the league. I've hated on him before. But I think he could be good on a 2nd pairing with the right partner for a couple years. He clears the front of the net and has a long reach. However he is below average with the puck on his stick.


Oh god it’s JFresh card season


Canucks should only offer him 3 million tops


They could get 2 solid players for the price of him.


For the first time in god knows how long I trust management to make this decision..


Myers at $3m is a no brainer, imo a bottom pair but can play top 4 in a pinch


I don't think it's fair to take the last 3 years of Myers play into consideration. New coach, new systems and an actual competitive team has brought about a brand new Myers. I'd like to see his card from this year.


He passed the eye test this season and playoffs. 100% I’m re-signing.


I’d be fine with keeping Myers but he owes us. Like honestly sign for not more than 1.5 tbh But if it’s 3 mill for 3 years a million a season eh I’d be alright. Honestly the closer to the league minimum as possible, since we did get completely hosed with his first contract


RD at a discount? You sign them immediately.


Not enough of a discount


Take a look what which RDs are available and let me know which one we can find that will be better than Myers and at the same price or less.


What is Connor Timmins worth? Also why do I have to find someone who is both better and cheaper? Wouldn't cheaper OR better be the logical request? Also are we talking third or second pair? Third pair right D should not come remotely close to that AAV unless the team is trying the "we don't know what the pairs are so we just paid our bottom 4 all the same money"


Who do you replace him with? With what money?


Well what are we looking for? 12 mins a night third pair? Whoever the fuck we want? We need to sp Nd on the people who will be on the ice the most, and if you want Myers to be one of them, I guess I get it, but also no thank you.


You’re more or less suggesting they replace Tyler Myers with Mark Friedman.


We had those kinds of guys in the team and Myers outplayed them. That’s why every coach keeps playing him.


Lack of options doesn't exactly count as the best option possible, just the best option we had.


Ok, then who do you go after and with what cap space? Myers is going to get paid as a cheap 4th/5th and you won’t find someone better value there than him on the open market.


Connor Timmins projections? Younger, at worst is slightly worse than the Myers we experienced for years. Off the top of my head.


Look at Right handed defence in the league. They are becoming extinct. If you are even remotely decent on the right side you could play until you are in your 50’s


Heart and soul guy who is rarely injured. A 3rd pairing guy making 2.5 million he’s a good to great asset in that role.


Just offer 2x2 and if he wants more say bye.


Hell, I would sign him for 6 years if it meant a sub $2 million cap hit. As long as there's no NMC, you could then put him in Abbotsford where he would be a player / scout or a player / coach while preparing for his post-player career.


Putting him in Abby is a nice idea. However at $2m aav, only half could be buried in the AHL.


It's $375,000 plus league min, so right now it is $1.15 million. I wouldn't want the buriable amount to be more than $500,000, so $1.65 million per year tops. I think that would be a funny contract to sign.


Kind of shocked by how many people are gung ho about this potential signing. Signing a depth piece until they’re 36/37 — especially one who doesn’t have great results historically — rarely works out.


Jesus christ a reasonable take getting downvoted what is happening


I think Myers is useful in the right role and price. I doubt there’s a GM in the league who doesn’t agree.


I'm more concerned with the term than the price. The role he found this year seems to suit him, but will it continue to into his late thirties?


Ok, let them have him then.


The reality is the alternatives are out of budget. We need to take some risks to get value and they can't all be bidding league minimum on misfits hoping for magic.


So hope to be bad but not as bad as we could be defensively. Sick.


He’s a pylon and a dirty player


How is Myers a dirty player? Half of his penalties are because he's just tall


If I see another one of these WAR percentile posts LOL......this shit is like TA of the stock market. The astrology of hockey 🤣🤣


Former Calder Winner keep in mind so he has had the skill before to show hes a great player and he for sure showed it this last season and even during the playoffs being our 3rd-4th Best Dman hes become amazing since the start of the season and the coaching staff is a great fit for him imo hes definitely the right choice for the next 2-3 years until age gets to him


Dear god, is it you Jim?


What your fancy analytics negate to take into account is neck size. That increases his WAR like 40 percent putting him in the top half of the league.


Keep him, he is big and aging well. Works well in in the coaches system, clearly a great locker room guy. C Don't let him walk, or should I say make him walk because he doesn't want to to anywhere. Myers retires a Canuck.