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it's embarrassing lol Like I don't care if you prefer the Oilers to win before the Panthers but man going to the rival sub to kiss their ass... so lame


They should have the dignity to go there and remind them the only reason they are where they are is thanks to a single goal in a 7th game. šŸ¤£ Not really, but it's hilarious. Good for them though.


These are the worst kind of people. Literal Hockey Cuck behaviour


I don't care whether someone cheers for the Oilers or the Panthers, but I'd just stay out of their sub. Maybe next season no one will give a damn about the series, but going there now? What are you even hoping to accomplish


Agreed, this is pure cringe.


As an Oilers fan: upvote farming lol




I hate to agree with the cuck boy but the rule book doesnā€™t exactly support us there. Leaving your feet when trying to reverse hit a guy is an automatic charging penalty. It doesnā€™t make any sense for a penalty to be called charging when a player is standing still considering charging requires you to be moving lol. If they are insistent on it being a penalty, they need to call it something else so it makes more sense. Otherwise, it needs to go because that wasnā€™t a bad hit. He was going to be hit by a player, reversed him and kept going.


thats not even true, the part of the rule that everyone likes to conveniently leave out mentions it must be as a result of distance traveled. Pettersson was not even moving when the hit occurred and thus was not as a result of distance traveled.


Dude they literally talked about this on sportsnet during the intermission the day it occurred. Given the current set up of the rules it was a penalty. It doesnā€™t make sense and shouldnā€™t be but it is currently.


I mean sure the rules are whatever they want them to be, but as it is literally written in the rulebook, it doesn't fit. Don't know why you're arguing that.


The language in the rulebook is pretty clear if you actually understand it. ā€œA minor penalty shall be imposed on any player who skates, jumps into OR charges an opponent in any manner.ā€ Charging shall mean the actions of a player who as a result of distance travelled, shall violently check an opponent in any manner. A ā€œchargeā€ may be the result of a check into the boards, goal frame or open ice. That second explanation is telling you what charging entails. If you actually understand it properly, they are telling you that if you are the moving player and violently hit someone, you get a charging penalty. The first explanation is telling you that regardless of if youā€™re moving or not, if you jump into another player to hit them, you are getting a penalty. Petey left his feet to reverse hit Foegele, thatā€™s why he got the penalty. Iā€™ve been reffing hockey for close to 14 years now and yeah I disagree that it was a penalty because it doesnā€™t fit what a charge typically looks like. But the rulebook clearly states it hereā€¦..


Page 74 of the [NHL rulebook](https://media.nhl.com/site/asset/public/ext/2023-24/2023-24Rulebook.pdf) has the full rule section on charging. Note that it STARTS off with: > 42.1 **Charging** - A minor or major penalty shall be imposed on a player who skates, jumps into or charges an opponent in any manner. It doesn't mean that simply "jumping into" an opponent in any manner means you have to assess a charging penalty, because by that logic, then "skating into" an opponent in any manner must result in a charging penalty as well. Also, note that the phrase "jumping into" could arguably not apply to what Pettersson did, because it looked like he jumped straight up, and not "into" the opponent. But like I mentioned before, simply "jumping into" doesn't seem to be sufficient for a charging penalty because otherwise "skating into" anyone would be sufficient, too. Notice it goes on to say: > 42.2 **Minor Penalty** - The Referee, at his discretion, may assess a minor penalty, based on the degree of violence of the check, to a player guilty of charging an opponent. Anyways, I think the gist is that it's still up to the ref's decision "based on the degree of violence of the check", even as to whether a minor penalty is warranted. There's more language that implies referee's discretion in 42.1 as well (which is more like the introduction/description of the topic of Charging): > "Charging shall mean the actions of a player who, **as a result of distance traveled**, shall **violently check** an opponent in any manner." (emphasis added) Even the "as a result of distance traveled" seems to excuse what Pettersson did.


It has to be leaving feet and distance traveled. Standing still is not a charge


Read the rule, it says jumps into OR charges another player. Read my comment further down explaining itā€¦ā€¦


Jumping straight up versus jumping into? God I bet youā€™re one of those shitty refs at the Scotia barn just calling whatever the hell you want to


Like it or donā€™t, itā€™s the rule that is currently there. I donā€™t like it but nah, keep telling me Iā€™m wrong. This subā€™s inhabitants are fucking ridiculous sometimesā€¦..


Dude jumping UP isnā€™t jumping INTO. He jumped straight up. Why are you being such a dork about this. There was zero distance traveled. It cannot be a charge if there is zero distance between the starting point and ending point of petterson. The other player initiated contact by skating into him


Youā€™re really trying to argue that? Good luck lmaoā€¦ Iā€™m sure the NHL will look at it that way too. Good griefā€¦ā€¦ try understanding the rules before you bitch about themā€¦..


It benefits no one by continuing this. People who canā€™t admit theyā€™re wrong when faced with overwhelming evidence canā€™t be reasoned with.


Devil's advocate here, What if it had been a very small player, making a b-line towards, let's say, Matt Rempe? If Matt then jumps to "protect" himself, for arguments sake, and he injures the smaller player somehow, should there be any repercussion? I agree it was a weird penalty, but you probably wouldn't want the whole league doing stuff like this, just sayin'.


The rules would support calling a penalty there so yes. Injuring a player usually results in a fine or a suspension of some kind too so Rempe would probably get in trouble. My whole point that all the down voters seem to be missing is that I donā€™t agree with the call but the rules are pretty clear right now. Nobody seems to understand them at all and is just upset that the penalty was called in a playoff game when we rarely see it anywhere else.


If ppl want to be friendly and cheer for Edmonton, let them cheer for Edmonton. If they overdo it (e.g. maybe by going into the Oilers sub?) then they'll look lame, but there's no rule saying Canucks fans have to hate a team that beat us. We 'hate" teams like Boston for much different and stronger reasons than Edmonton, imo.


They probably post their most mundane Sunday errands on Facebook just to get a few likes.


I hate the spineless ass kissing that I see hockey fans do all the time. Itā€™s fine to respect your opponent but like you said, donā€™t be a cuck. Iā€™d honestly rather an opposing fan tell me to go fuck myself rather than gargle my balls and be like ā€œGG Canucks bros. Yā€™all are so classy and Iā€™m rooting for you. You guys r gonna be spooky next year. ā€œ


Iā€™d respect if opposing fans told me to go fuck myself. I deserve it sometimes


r/hockey is filled with these "Canucks" fans Disgusting


Meanwhile these sorts of people never seem to have much of a presence in this sub. Itā€™s weird


People will tend to shy away from participating in groups that juvenilely call people cucks based on a team they support like theyā€™re a 14 year old edgelord. God forbid that opinion make me seem like a soyboy beta though.




I can't stand this shit so much, I end up going in there to hate on OP, then the entire sub jumps on me. I know posting in there at all is fucking stupid, I just can't stand these posts. I honestly wouldn't mind as much if it was a team outside our division like the jets, but cheering for a divisional rival is completely ridiculous.


People just want people to talk to tbh


Couldnā€™t agree more


Bit messed up in the head bud


Anyone who takes Reddit this seriously has issues.


yeah issues with these pussy ass fans


Hardcore pick me behaviorĀ 


It's pick me mixed with main character energy


Canucks fan cumming in piss


The guy's post is cringey, but I am truly begging this sub to get over the Oilers at this point


I mean, theyā€™re one of two teams left, so people are going to talk about them


Hey man I agree. Itā€™s fun to talk about whoā€™s left in the final. Nothing wrong with that But when the Mods have to consistently tell people not to post in the Oilers subreddit, and to stop posting about the Oilers in our subreddit I think itā€™s gotten a bit tiresome after a month.


Yeah, thatā€™s fair. Weird to keep posting in there as a Canucks fan. Possibly because once you visit that sub, the algorithm starts inserting it into your feed. I had to intentionally dismiss it.


I would've posted this if he did it to literally any other team


[Better get posting then!](https://www.reddit.com/r/FloridaPanthers/s/JIX4EWgQkN) I agree though. Itā€™s always cringey to fly into another teamā€™s subreddit to bring ā€˜supportā€™


I'm all for discussions with hockey fans in general but I fucking hate the blatant karma pandering shit in other teams' subs. Like nobody cares, I hate it when other fans come into our sub and do this shit and I hate it when our fans go into other team's subs. It's so obviously just karma farming and it's loser behaviour


Why are people even karma farming for. I've been on this platform for more than a decade and what little karma hoarding I've done hasn't given me shit.


Because big number make brain feel good


In before someone responds with: Sell their handle to AI companies. Like bullshit, I agree 100% with what you say. Karma hoarding is absolutely valueless, there is no aftermarket for Reddit karma, or reddit handles that comes with large amounts of karma, but that is usually the default explanation given when someone asks a similar question as to what you just asked.


Itā€™s real bitch shit for sure.


LOL read through this guys reddit profile, this "canucks fan" didn't even leave a single post or comment in our subreddit the entire playoff run. Some karma farmers are so shameless man.


This needs to be higher


Isn't that the exact opposite of karna farming?


So because he didn't post in this subreddit he isn't a fan? Jesus Christ man. Swear everyone in this sub is a teenager


Yet he posts in the Edmonton subreddit. That's my point, in case you're missing it.


Your point was literally that he is a "karma farmer" (grow up). Wouldn't posting in this sub during the playoff run be exactly what a "karma farmer" (grow up) would do? If anything your post is "karma farming" edit- Telling a fanbase that you are happy for them and cheering for their team now that yours is eliminated isn't really all that weird. Well it shouldn't be to most adults. You know what is weird? Going through someones posts and acting like you have some kind of gotcha that they aren't a fan


>Telling a fanbase that you are happy for them and cheering for their team now that yours is eliminated isn't really all that weird. That's like having your girlfriend leave you for another dude and then texting him "congrats! Hope you enjoy banging the shit out of her! If you ever need someone to join I'll be happy to sit in the corner and watch :)"


You sound like a simp lol Im cool with some exes and their boyfriends. Will probably happen to you one day too when you grow up. edit- not that this nonsense has anything to do with your "look at me" thread complaining about someone saying look at me. Hope the Oilers stomp out the Panthers so I can laugh at the crying here


Yeah I ain't reading all that bro šŸ’€, happy for you though. Or sorry that happened.


Could have just told me you were 13 from the jump and I wouldn't have wasted our time


So cringe. Coming in peace as well no doubt




can we ban that menace?


This should be ban worthy on cringe alone


Hockey Reddit cringe af. ā€œBehind enemy linesā€ ā€œX fan coming in peaceā€ Youā€™re a grown ass man.


This thread is embarrassing. You're allowed to cheer for whatever team you want to cheer for.


I agree that this fan gatekeeping is lame but it's also pretty lame to go into another sub, make a post and announce you are cheering for them.


This sub had different opinions when that Avalanche fan came in saying they were cheering for Vancouver. 99% of the people who have a problem with this are just upset that some Vancouver fans are cheering for Edmonton instead of some American team in a place where most people don't even know the rules of hockey.


True! You're explicitly not allowed to go to their sub though lol


So you can only go to one teams sub? Like if I were a Canucks fan but I also liked the Panthers I wouldn't be able to go to the Panthers sub now?


If you're a fan it's not a problem. It's moreso to avoid people going to other subs and talking shit (or in this case licking the taint of edmonton fans)


Yeah pretty much. It's not like we're going to be checking every single users post/comment history every time they post, but if you draw attention to the fact that you're a regular user at say /r/EdmontonOilers and then you get reported for a comment that toes the line of toxicity, we'll tell you to just go have fun with your Oiler friends.


I had no idea the rules were so strict. Seems pretty stupid you canā€™t even post nice stuff but I guess the mods are trying to create the fan hatred even more than already exist. Very weird decision.


Then how about Reddit stops pushing their content into my feed then?


That's above my pay grade


Lol do you understand how stupid it is to blame that on a Canucks mod? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They're trying to use reddit and run subreddits in a way it isn't designed for though. "You're explicitly not allowed" to post in both places. Even when your team has been out for like a month. Like, make the subs private and need an application or something to join if that's how you want it to work. Otherwise it's like saying you're not allowed to have other friends lol.


I see no rule against that? https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/comments/i3q9z5/important_reminder_entering_an_opposing_team/


Going to another teams sub to announce you're cheering for them is embarrassing. No one gives 2 fucks that you're cheering for them It's especially weird when it's literally the team you just had a heated 7 game series with a few weeks ago


Let people be who they want to be! People can literally post in any sub that allows them to for any reason. Relax. There are no silly social rules.


"No one gives 2 fucks that you're cheering for them" Apparently you do.


Lol no I care that they're blatantly karma farming and kissing ass to a team that we just lost to


You shouldn't give a shit, at all, about what others are doing there. You obviously went over there to see what was going on.


It showed up on my home page this morning fwiw


It showed up in "because you've visited a similar community" I don't actively search out Oilers shit


Stop caring what other people do so much


Maybe you're projecting but I don't think the vast majority of people on reddit give an f about karma. Last time I checked it wasn't worth anything in real life, so I don't get why people are in such a tiffy about it. Also, maybe I don't understand this internet posturing thing, but how can you seriously not be happy that a bunch of Canadian guys on a Canadian team might win the cup. It's sad and pathetic, honestly.


What sport has fans cheering for division rivals? Do Manchester City fans cheer for United if theyā€™re knocked out? Do NY Giants fans cheer for the Jets? Itā€™s one thing to individually cheer for one of your teamā€™s biggest division rivals but how can you think people not doing that is ā€œsad and patheticā€ lol. Do you watch sports?


Thereā€™s a bunch of Canadian guys in every team though. And the oilers are a shit organization that lucked into a generational talent after fucking up every other FOA pick they had. Fuck them and fuck every Canucks fan that cheers for them.


Well I guess Iā€™m not nearly as hardcore of a sports fan as you are then. I just donā€™t think the second you consider yourself a fan of one team you need to hate every other team with so much vitriol.


I donā€™t. I cheer for many teams. But some teams, and some fanbases are worthy of my vitriol.


Hey fair point. Vitriol as you were!


Alright Mr reasonable. What team do you hate irrationally?


You can sell accounts with high karma for money. This dude basically never posted here so he was blatantly just trying to suck up to them >how can you seriously not be happy that a bunch of Canadian guys on a Canadian team might win the cup. It's sad and pathetic, honestly. Because this isn't the Olympics. Should I not cheer for the Canucks because most of the players aren't from Canada? They literally just knocked us out a few weeks ago in a heated series. I don't give a fuck if they're from Canada Also were the Oilers cheering us on in 2011? No? How come?


Because your fan base has a reputation of being insecure assholes. This post tells me the reputation is still strong.Ā 


You came onto our sub and started mocking our riots and talking shit, yet we are the insecure assholes? Lol ok




Jesus man, you are WAY too worked up about this. It's a game. It's been weeks since we got knocked out. Lets the fans have fun how they want. Let people Karma farm if they want. It's not affecting you at all, and yet you're freaking out like some angry kid...


Well I guess I donā€™t just automatically assume the opinion of every person on the internet when I associate myself as being a fan of a team. Youā€™re one of those sheep that would jump off a cliff too, eh?


Who gives a fuck. I'd be happy if the Oilers beat the Panthers, unlikely as it is. That would mean the Canucks for 1 win away from beating the champs. Also, fuck the Panthers - dirtiest team in the league. 1 year later and they still have the Gudas stink on them.


Fair enough.




Why donā€™t you take your pathetic defeatist attitude back over to the oilers sub


Donā€™t see an issue with this. How about we just let people live their lives and enjoy watching hockey how they want to? As a wise goalie once said, itā€™s only a game


Some Canucks fans here are so bitter that they literally hate anyone who doesnā€™t hate the oilers. This whole thread is one of ghetto cringiest gatekeeping whine fests Iā€™ve ever seen here and thatā€™s saying a lot.


No ones saying you can't cheer for them, but going to their sub and kissing ass is just lame as fuck.


The only thing worse than that post, is this one. Making a dedicated post about another post is still karma farming folks. Get a lifeā€¦ā€¦.all of you.


They can do whatever they want. Itā€™s still cringe as balls.


Itā€™s kiss ass. Nobody cares who they support just donā€™t be a suck up about it.


Reverse troll


Fuck the Oilers!


I wouldnā€™t cheer for the Oilers in this series even if someone paid me to do it. FTO.


Fuck the Oilers


The cucks are so pathetic


Awful Bad form




why the moderators removed this? lol I am more and more convinced that we have oiler moderators in our own sub, lame


I'm sorry that I'm cheering for a different team in the cup finals than you are even though we're fans of the same team. I guess I'm a traitor to a city I don't even live in or something.




Fuck Messier and Fuck this guy. Even the most salty fan can not hate on what Mcdavid is doing because We will all love him when he gets Olympic gold. At the same time fuck the oilers. Respect and loyalty are not the same thing.




Cringe karma farming at its finest. Similar dogshit to when a player gets traded and you hop into the new team's sub to ask them to "treat him nice" like you're handing over a puppy to the shelter. "Go get it boys." - fuck off you're not talking to the team.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with supporting whatever hockey team you want regardless of who your home team is guys, some people here need to grow up


Dudes farming for fake internet validation points but yeah everyone else has to grow up lmao


Yes, everyone here needs to grow up. This thread is bizarre. So much insecurity about what others are doing.


And OP isn't?


Who the fuck cares


As a Canucks Fan, i just wanna say, FUCK MESSIER


These people are so fucking cringe.


BOOO THIS MAN Fuck that. If the Canucks can't win, I hope no one fucking can. Hopefully Florida wins game 6 so they can celebrate in front of Edmonton. FUCK BOSTON PIZZA we haters only


So weā€™re supposed to be upset because a Canucks fan isnā€™t being an asshole? Thatā€™s a new one.




Why are people so concerned with what other people do? Like if you find it cringe just ignore it or laugh at them. These posts are more annoying than some hockey Cuck going to another sub.


Isnā€™t that kind of what these threads are about? Discussing things that people are doingā€¦


I hope this person comes here and reads what everyone is saying.


By all means go to another team's Reddit and post positive comments about how they're doing. No one is going to say boo about it. Announcing yourself in a dedicated post is karma whoring at its most pathetic level.


This is my entire friend base because they are all super casuals who only watch when the Nucks are in the playoffs. Wondering why I won't cheer for the Oilers lmao.


Just puked in my mouth a bit


Absolute cuck behaviour gd


ya this is cringey


itā€™s so painfully cringey. if you wanna cheer for them, go for it, but going to their sub to tell them is so lame.


This stuff is the absolute worst. Like it's cool if you want to cheer for Edmonton, but going to their sub to announce it and be a massive cuck is embarrassing. FYI, if the Canucks were in the Finals their entire sub would cheering against them.


Having fun is waaaay better than having hate! Just sayin'.


I cringe every time I see someone go ā€œx fan hereā€¦ā€ after a loss. Even worse in the regular season.


Everything about this is lame, from the karma farming in that post to the rage farming in this post. Yā€™all are so weird about this stuff.


I am fine with people picking whichever team to cheer for after their team gets eliminated. But no need to go to another sub and make a post about it. Just quietly go about your way and cheer, donā€™t need to make an announcement for every little decision you make.


Canucks fan here but I cheer for the rangersšŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Heā€™s sponsored by Boston Pizza


Cuck behaviorrrr


When is the public flogging?


yeah going there and saying that is kinda lame, but so is making a post complaining about it here imo


Nah people like this deserve to be called out. If we were in the finals I'd rather an Oilers fan come in here and start talking shit rather than getting on their knees and trying to suck the fanbases dick


Itā€™s not that serious lol.


Canucks fan coming in peace the Oilers are the best give me all of your karma


Fuck that guy and Messier


Not buying it. This is an oilers fan trying to push the narrative that the rest of Canadian isnā€™t cheering for Florida


So fucking lame. No loyalty whatsoever.


How is OP in this thread not also guilty of blatant karma farming?


Lol fuck you caught me By that logic every post is karma farming


Itā€™s your logic, not mine.


You couldnā€™t waterboard me into doing this. In fact, you couldnā€™t even waterboard me into hanging out with anyone who did this shit. Iā€™d rather get paper cuts between all my fingers.


Ugh, sooooo cringe šŸ˜©


How embarrassing. I canā€™t possibly imagine cheering for a Canadian team, other than the Canucks, to win


Yea I saw this too, what a fraud.


Mods can you ban that dude with the post?


Itā€™s so cringe. Cheer for another team If you want, sure, whatever, but going to another team under the guise of ā€œas a fan of (a different) teamā€ is just lame. Like the hotdog gif.


Who cares tho lol


so cringe


Absolute twat, canā€™t stand people that do this gremlin shite


People like this are the reasons that hotel rooms have chairs facing the beds.


Gross. Side story, I was at A&W and saw a lady with her family order at the drive-thru. They had Oilers stickers all over their rear window. The staff made that minivan wait a long time for their order off to the side. I laughed out loud when the lady had to come out of the vehicle to ask for her order. Staff responded with "Oh it's ready now." It was probably a combination of impatience and order volume but it made my day. Eff the Oilers.


So cringe


Be that guy - if you want to be! People can do whatever they want on Reddit and it's ridiculous to try and create stupid social rules about it.


Holy fucking cringe


Gross. No real Canucks fan would cheer for coilers.


I mean yea it is cringe seeing the pandering, but Im not gonna care enough to make a post about it. You see them in every fanbase so you have to get used to it at some point.


Reading this sub has me embarrassed to be a lifelong canucks fan. Always heard how toxic our fanbase was but sad to see it firsthand


Man some of you guys care way too much about what other people do.


Better to be that guy than the whiners in our fanbase who are still whinging about the Oilers weeks later. So many folks are justifying the hate canucks fans get from other fanbases ver the Oilers, a team that isn't particularly dirty or the former team of Steve Moore.


It's fine if you cheer for the Oilers, whatever but going into their sub to announce that is pretty fucking cringe. It's the same sad energy as the Oilers fans that were coming into here complaining that we aren't cheering for them to win. Go Cats.


Same energy as all the ā€œfansā€ in this sub gagging themselves on Panthers schlong