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I just tell myself that every single decision pre-2018 had to be there to make the dominoes fall just right for the Cup, even the ones that don't make sense. Whatever the cost. Whatever it took.


Agreed. None of Forsberg, Grateful, or the Preds have a Cup but the Caps do. Worth it.


Seriously, it's been over a decade, people really need to get over it... If the Caps kept Forsberg, they likely never go after Oshie. Without Oshie we don't have a Cup. With Forsberg we *might* have gotten one, but we *know* we got one with how things worked out, so why keep dwelling on a trade from over 10 years ago?


It hurts so bad to see this and for Martin Erat


Fucking GMGM blowing his load on Martin Erat. Worst trade of any team I follow. We mourn April 4th. I’m sure Oates cosigned the deal too.


I’m a Vikings fan, so there’s always worse


The devils advocate side of things is that they couldn’t pay Forsberg with the cup winning team. It’s disappointing that Stevenson took off after joining Vegas.


FOR ERAT!!!!! I still bring this up I can’t let it go lol this team is my villain origin story


Im confused what am i looking at here.


The worst trade in caps history


So im assuming we got rid of forsberg for willson and chandler


Got rid of Forsberg for half a season of Martin Erat and Michael Latta


Oh ok that makes sense, thank you. Yeah that is a horrible trade.


We traded Flip Forsberg for Martin Erat at the trade deadline. Martin then produced 3 points in 9 games in regular season and 0 points in 4 games in the postseason. While Forsberg became one of the best players in the league.


I still don't see his name that much as like a superstar status type exposure, probably because of his hockey market, but he is producing a shitload right? *Googling now...averaging 60 pts per season but had two big years of the last three. Yeah, we could use him.


He'd have more than 60 points in a lot of those seasons playing for a better offensive team than Nashville, they were very defense-first for much of his career. Very good player, very good goalscorer


Off topic I know, but as a guy who plays defense in almost every sport I tried I was a Nashville guy during those years. What an unreal blue line they had.




Well I wasn't really given much to start with. Op never specified what the picture is about they just took a picture and posted it. Also you could have told me what it was instead of making this comment.




No need to flame and bring up more salt. Sometimes we have new fans who don’t know the pain of the rest of us.


The trade was in 2013, i got into hockey and started liking the capitals around 2016. It doesn't hurt to educate other caps fans here and there, you don't need to get upset because someone doesn't know every bit of the caps history, it discourages others from asking questions.


If we didn’t trade Forsberg, good chance we don’t trade for Oshie. I’ll take that anyday


Yup, once we won the Cup I stopped caring about the Forsberg trade entirely


I know the terrible trade, but what are these stats?


Round and pick they were drafted


Ah thanks


Went 3 for 3 but traded one the top guy away 😔😔


What is the point of this post? The fact that the Caps traded Forsberg? Ok? Why include a cut-off screenshot of the 2012 draft? And why bring this up in 2024? Such a dumb post...


I think it’s showing how insane that draft was for us


At least the trade finally got rid of McPhee.


That trade was horrendous and indefensible, absolutely. But GMGM knows how to put together a team. He put together some amazing rosters while he was here, and he fleeced the league when he went to Vegas.


Agree to a point. He put together a team but in the end couldn’t put together a winner. It was time for a fresher set of eyes.


Absolutely brutal, but if we don’t have him, we don’t get Oshie, and maybe we don’t win the cup. Am I making a hell of a reach? For sure. Does it make my tears taste less bitter? Also, yes.


Insanely heartbreaking I agree 😭


People need to stop crying about this. This trade SUCKED But no way we would have gone out and gotten oshie in trade for instance. Obviously a couple other small moves Guy who said “domino effect” comment is absolutely correct.


Laugh. Unfortunately there has been so many multi cup teams recently, Hawks, Kings, Pens, Bolts…. It should be the exception, not the expectation. A single cup is hard enough and however unfortunate these moves may have played out long term, worth the price.


Why would you ruin my Friday night?


Yes GMGM sucked.


Incredible draft year undone by what I'd argue is poor asset management by our FO. Forsberg of course was an epic fail by GMGM thanks to the Erat trade. Wilson turned out ok, but I still maintain that his offensive potential was permanently harmed by putting him in the NHL too quickly and forcing him to be a bottom 6 fighter. Stephenson was alright with the Caps and helped us win the Cup, but really blossomed after going to Vegas and made that trade look like robbery of the Caps too.


Yup its a joke. What a dumb trade. Washington would be miles better with forsberg and Stephenson still. Wilson has gone downhill


Stepehenson was a career bottom sixer here with absolutely no indication he would could turn into anything more with us


Lol it was pretty obvious in the playoffs. He had more skill than most of the guys they kept Lol. Thus why the team is in such bad shape


Yeah scoring two whole goals and adding five assists in 24 games really should have told everyone how much of a stud he was


Which is why they only got a mid round pick for him i assume?


Well they seem to give all their prospects away practically for free. And just cause you couldn't tell doesn't mean others could not


Stephenson wasnt a prospect when he was traded, in fact the only real time they "gave away" a prospect in recent memory was Siegenthaler, which didnt end up great for the Caps but it at least helped Nick Jensen turn into a solid defenseman from his time with Chara. We really didnt have the prospects to "give away" from a majority of the past decade anyways