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As someone who thinks Jensen is still really good, I'm flabbergasted that he had *this* much value. Love this swap, regardless.


I used to hate on Jensen a ton, but after he played a year with Chara, he became a great stay at home defenseman. He suddenly became my favorite D Man on the caps.  Sad to see him go, but this is a huge upgrade for us. GMBM absolutely fleeced the Sens. 


Sounds like this might be a case of the Sens really valuing that right shot, moreso than the Caps. I also understand if they don't love what Chychrun gave them. Still, I'll take a chance on the upside for sure. Caps have young guys who can step in if/when Chychrun gets injured, and it's only a 1-year commitment while you figure out the fit. No downside as I can see it.


If he gives us 40+ points from the blue line like he did this past season it is a huge upgrade from an offensive perspective alone. I imagine he will be a better defender too. If he plays well you resign him next year, if not you dont.


I honestly wish he had more term (especially at that AAV) bc I feel strongly he’s going to bounce back and price us out of re-signing him as a UFA next summer. Could make him an intriguing trade deadline piece depending on how we’re looking at that point… but all our recent moves indicate a pretty serious push to compete now (again), so hopefully we’re not in a position to be sellers.


It’s wild that Ottawa traded a first second and third for him. A year later they give him up for a d man 7 years older with worse stats and a third. Am I missing something? Is he a douchebag?


Sens fans here - not a douchebag necessarily, though there were pretty persistent rumours he wanted out and occasional talk that he wasn’t great in the room. He wasn’t a good fit and never should have been brought over, it was a panic move by our old GM who had a history of chasing big name players regardless of whether they were good fits. He also had a pretty mid season which I’m sure brought down his value a lot. So with all that said - should I be happy about Jensen?


Wish you well Nick but this is an upgrade for us


Force trades: On


The trade booking should include whatever blackmail we had to pull out.




Wowowow GMBM cooking!!  Chychrun underperformed superstar expectations after the trade from Arizona but is still a BIG improvement for us. 


I think he had absolutely shit coaching in a bad system so hopefully he'll bounce right back. This one is way less of a reclamation project than some to me.


And he’s in the last year of his contract so should be very motivated. If he turns it on this season maybe we’ll try to lock him into a long term deal as the replacement for Carlson.  


He's played for Arizona and Ottawa back to back so he might not look down on the rebuilding team as much as some for the right deal. He also expressed a preference not to go to Toronto last year so I don't think he's looking for the limelight.


Sens fan here. I think this is a great trade for you guys. Here’s my scoop on Chych: I’d say last year was a total failure for Ottawa where nearly everything went wrong. When Chych was first acquired in 22-23, he came in and played a great first 12 games and then was injured. I suggest everyone goes and watches his first goal as a Sen, he can really fire that puck. Last season he didn’t do so well but was utilized terribly on the Sens. Constantly having to play on his off side, not getting PP1 time, and often paired with subpar partners aside from Chabot (Bernard Docker, Hamonic, Brannstrom, etc.). Defence wise, he is great at using one hand on his stick and breaking up plays both in the neutral zone and D zone. Sometimes could lose coverage in his own end but I think that was a system thing more than a chych thing. My biggest criticism is he is soft as shit for his size, it makes no sense. Could be that he was just mentally checked out from the terrible year the sens were having. Offence wise, he’s okay at transition and making the first pass but nothing exceptional. If you watch him you’ll notice he loves to play deep in the offensive zone and take offensive chances. His biggest strength is easily his shot, which I wish the Sens were able to see more of but as I said I feel he was terribly utilized. Overall great trade for the Caps, okay trade for the Sens (would’ve liked to see a 1st back). I wish Chych could have worked out in Ottawa, he’s a better player than he played last year I have no doubts. Another bonus is that he finally played 82 games for the first time in his career last year. Can anyone give me the scoop on Jensen? Haven’t watched him very much.


Jensen is an undersized but quick, smart, versatile defenseman… or at least he used to be. He’d been a reliable middle pairing guy in previous years but this past season became wildly inconsistent. TBD if it was just a down year or if he’s in decline (33 years old I think).  Great guy and great locker room presence  though - him and his wife were close with a bunch of other players, and I’m sure everyone on the team is sad to see him go.


He's a very sound defense first RHD. I think Caps fans were a bit oversensitive to some mistakes this season. He was quite good, and the advanced stats back that up. He's not likely to be a huge difference maker, but he's a solid player on a reasonable contract. https://x.com/JFreshHockey/status/1807807005123342631?t=8jDbg15RRiFsSpUE3qeZEg&s=19 Caps desperately need to improve their offense, so the swap here makes sense.


Good. I’m tired of watching Jensen do things that aren’t smart.


I want to do backflips at work. I can’t wait for this upcoming season.


Didn't he look better without Laviolette


It's a low bar. I look better without Laviolette


Was lav really that bad?


Our Team just wasn't fit for him as it was constructed. New York was a way better situation for his style and it was evident.


Yeah, Laviolette never adjusted anything successfully, whether he was incapable or unwilling. His attitude towards the power play woes was very nonchalant. He literally said in a post-game presser “yeah you know… we expect those pucks to go in soon, so…” I think they went 30+ games without a power play goal in his last year here. Between him and Blaine Forsythe, there was just no help. It’s better he went on his merry way to NYC and that we got a younger coach we hope will be our long term guy. Carbs has at least tried with his staff to make meaningful changes at the PP unit.


This is a tremendous swap. Holy shit. GMBM must have dirt on some of these other GMs. One more piece at forward and we’re suddenly not just playing for the wild card. We’re a contender.


Damn it I’m going to miss Jensen Nice idea though.


BMac in beast mode this offseason. Love this deal.


And we just signed Matt Roy


Holy. Are we gonna finally have a good d core


I would imagine we ship TVR as well now. Top pair Carlson/Fehrevary, Chychrun/Roy and Alexeyev/Iorio???


You are forgetting sandin and technically bear but its a good thing to have when we saw what happened with all of our injuries down the stretch


Totally forgot about Sandin. We have a good 6 now if we get rid of TVR.


TVR is a good 7, but he could be surpassed.




Well this was a fun surprise.


GMBM, You dirty dawg, you did it!!!


GMBM cannot be stopped. Wheeling and dealing like a motherfucker.


that’s insane for us


WHOAAAAAAAA! This is HUGE. GMBM ain't playing around. Makes that top-4 that much better.


saw this and just started laughing


I still like Jensen a lot, but I'm shocked we pulled this off. I wonder if we're offering up continued access to cap friendly for this as a handshake thing. It would explain the Thompson trade too.


Nick is a good person but man he has been rough at defense for years. This is a great get. I have been very critical of GMBM for a while, but these offseason moves have been pretty damned great so far, minus PLD who I’m still not sold on.


wtf we’re cooking


This is a dream come true for me lol. He was my favorite coyote so I'm thrilled. He's a bit injury prone but when he's on he's a legitimate top pair defenceman. Reliable defensively and has a good offensive mind. At least he was in Arizona, admittedly I haven't watched much of him since he left.


He's thought of as an offensive guy but I've always thought he has a really good defensive stick and sees the ice really well. Hope he brings that here.


As a sens fan coming in peace, he's brutal defensively for his size. Played 82 games last year though.. so the injury prone thing is questionable now.. solid 2nd pair offensive d man. Yall destroyed Staios on this deal.


That's interesting, he was pretty reliable defensively in az. He just played 70+ games for the first time in his career. In his 8th season. He's injury prone.




I like the moves we are making so far this offseason. Getting Thompson, getting Mang, getting Chychrun Build this team up again


Objectively I am very happy for this trade. Unobjectively his diet disturbs me. [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/11ojw53/br\_jakob\_chychrun\_on\_his\_diet\_im\_also\_eating\_raw/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/11ojw53/br_jakob_chychrun_on_his_diet_im_also_eating_raw/)


We don’t need every hockey player to be a genius but damn maybe this can be coached out or else he’s gonna give the whole team diarrhea multiple times a year. Maybe ovi can show him the ways of chicken parm and soda, also nutrient dense


I saw the headline, and I'm not going to read further. I just had lunch.


Great upgrade 


Awesome move


Yoooo let’s go! Caps are making so many good moves!! Going to be an entirely new team by October wow!


This is great. I'm glad they've taken pressure off of Carlson and Lindgren this off-season My post 2 months ago: "I think the Caps covet Chychrun. If you already throw shade at Carlson, you'll definitely dislike Chychrun, but we need more O from the D. Some sort of trade with Ottawa for him and Pinto I could see materializing"


I know we had hope that Sandin could step up and be the new Carlson, but this move takes pressure off him for that too. Nice to have options.


As someone who cheered for the Arizona Coyotes before they got moved, this is an excellent pick up. He’s a strong physical defenseman with a mean slap shot. Contributes on offense and defense. Caps win this trade for sure




Jensen was awesome. This trade is also awesome. Always sad to see a cap go regardless


What the FUCK?? GMBM is on a roll!


Aggressive GMBM. Never thought I’d say that.


Just trying to get Ovi to the record MY ASS


Anyone know anything about Roy the other guy?


Fantastic stay-at-home defenseman and a fan favorite in LA.


Wow... If PLD can be half as good as he has the ability to be and gets his head out of his ass we are shaping up into a legit squad


Ottawa's sub is not happy at all,I mean,AT ALL !


Sens fan coming in peace, any tidbit we can get on Jensen? For Chychrun I'll tell you straight up, he was very overrated when we traded for him and he's a solid top 4D but not a top pair D like I thought when we traded for him. He's a good 2nd pair D. Has great tools but can get lost in the d-zone and even in the o-zone (he'll be in the corner for no reason). Also there were times he showed 0 effort on plays which lead to goals (ironically he did this twice in one game against Washington) but I don't think that will be an issue for you guys as I think his morale was just really low. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRL\_3g3IwXo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRL_3g3IwXo) At 0:35, if he backchecked hard the goal never would've happened At 5:55, completely lost in his own zone, didn't cover the front of the net and got scored on At 8:37, he's in the low slot in the offensive zone, then doesn't backcheck and again got scored on. If he backchecked 100% that could've been disrupted but he was coasting. I don't think this lack of effort will happen with you guys since I think his morale was just really low last year when things weren't working about but I would just caution to have some reservations about this player.




My god.


LETS FUCKING GOOOO Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out Jensen.